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missionary scum want to return to Afghanistan

2 பார்வைகள்
படிக்கப்படாத முதல் மெசேஜுக்குச் செல்


9 டிச., 2001, 10:16:36 PM9/12/01
> > "maria" <> wrote in message
> > news:9uvl2o$o4j$
> > > The missionary scum who were released by the Taliban are now planning to
> > > return to Afghanistan in order to spread fundamentalist Christianity and
> > > cause more sectarian problems in the country. I do hope that the Afghans
> > > will discourage them. It should be an offence for people to set out to try
> > > to convert people of another religion, I hope Afghanist will still retain
> > > that law.
> > >
> > >

Dear ignorant muslim slave "maria" <>

Do you know one thing about Christ ? Have you ever openned the New

Can you quote Jesus Christ, like I can quote your satanic Koranic
scriptures uttered by satans desciple Mohammad ?

I think Not! You See, Jesus was God who showed himself to us. So you
cannot quote him in a negative way, the way one can quote your
Psychotic, demonically posessed child mollester mohammed.

Humor me and quote Jesus for all to hear

Here are some Koran, Hadith/Sharia Quotes to remind you of who you
really are.
nothing but ignorant property and a terrorist's slave.


[al-Baqarah 2:191] And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them
out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse
than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of
Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you
(there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.

[Al-Imran 3:85] And whoso seeketh as religion other than the Surrender
(to Allah) it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in
the Hereafter.

[Al-Imran 3:118] O ye who believe! Take not for intimates others than
your own folk, who would spare no pains to ruin you; they love to
hamper you. Hatred is revealed by (the utterance of) their mouths, but
that which their breasts hide is greater. We have made plain for you
the revelations if ye will understand.

[Al-Imran 3:119] Lo! ye are those who love them though they love you
not, and ye believe in all the Scripture. When they fall in with you
they say: We believe; but when they go apart they bite their
finger-tips at you, for rage. Say: Perish in your rage! Lo! Allah is
Aware of what is hidden in (your) breasts.

[al-Ma'idah 5:33] The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and
His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that
they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on
alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such
will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs
will be an awful doom;

[al-Ma'idah 5:35] O ye who believe! Be mindful of your duty to Allah,
and seek the way of approach unto Him, and strive in His way in order
that ye may succeed.

[al-Ma'idah 5:38] As for the thief, both male and female, cut off
their hands. It is the reward of their own deeds, an exemplary
punishment from Allah. Allah is Mighty, Wise.

[al-Ma'idah 5:51] O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the
Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you
who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not
wrongdoing folk.

[at-Taubah 9:5] Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the
idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege
them, and prepare for them eac ambush. But if they repent and
establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo!
Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[at-Taubah 9:29] Fight against such of those who have been given the
Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not
that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger,and follow not the
Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought

[at-Taubah 9:41] Go forth, light-armed and heavy-armed, and strive
with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah! That is best for
you if ye but knew.

[at-Taubah 9:73] O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the
hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a
hapless journey's end.

[at-Taubah 9:113] It is not for the Prophet, and those who believe,
to pray for the forgiveness of idolaters even though they may be near
of kin (to them) after it hath become clear that they are people of

[at-Tahrim 66:9] O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the
hypocrites, and be stern with them. Hell will be their home, a hapless
journey's end.

[4.56] (As for) those who disbelieve in Our communications, We shall
make them enter fire; so oft as their skins are thoroughly burned, We
will change them for other skins, that they may taste the
surely Allah is Mighty, Wise."

[22:19-22] But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire
will be cut out for them, boiling fluid will be poured down their
heads. Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too,
will be melted; And for them are hooked rods of iron. Whenever, in
their anguish, they would go forth from thence they are driven back
therein and (it is said unto them): Taste the doom of burning.

[8.12] When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore
make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of
who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every
fingertip of them.

[58:5] Those who resist Allah and His Messenger will be crumbled
to dust, as were those before them: for we have already sent down
Clear Signs and the Unbelievers will have a humiliating Penalty

Sahih Muslim
Book 019, Number 4366:
It has been narrated by 'Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the
of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and
Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but

Sahih Muslim
The Book of Faith (Kitab Al-Iman)
Book 001, Number 0033:
It has been narrated on the authority of Abdullah b. 'Umar that the
Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people
till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the
messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer, and pay Zakat and if
do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf
except when justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah.

[9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day,
nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor
follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the
until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are
a state of subjection.

[9.123] O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near
to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with
those who guard (against evil).

[4.74] Therefore let those fight in the way of Allah, who sell this
world's life for the hereafter; and whoever fights in the way of
then be he slain or be he victorious, We shall grant him a mighty

[9:5] But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the
Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie
wait for them in every stratagem

[5.51] O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for
friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes
them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does
guide the unjust people.

Volume 1, Book 9, Number 490:
Narrated 'Aisha:
The things which annul the prayers were mentioned before me. They
"Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman (if they pass in
front of the praying people)." I said, "You have made us (i.e. women)
dogs. I saw the Prophet praying while I used to lie in my bed between
him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I would slip
away. for I disliked to face him."

Abu Dawud
Book 11, Number 2155:
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If one of you marries a woman or
buys a slave, he should say: "O Allah, I ask Thee for the good in her,
and in the disposition Thou hast given her; I take refuge in Thee from
the evil in her, and in the disposition Thou hast given her." When he
buys a camel, he should take hold of the top of its hump and say the
same kind of thing.

---Women are stupid.

Sahih Bukhari
Volume 3, Book 48, Number 826:
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:
The Prophet said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that
of a man?" The women said, "Yes." He said, "This is because of the
deficiency of a woman's mind."

Sahih Bukhari
Volume 2, Book 24, Number 541
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri
" Then he went towards the women and said. "O women! Give alms, for I
have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire were you
(women)." The women asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is the reason for
it?" He replied, "O women! You curse frequently, and are ungrateful to
your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence
and religion than you..

---Women are irredeemably corrupt.

Sahih Bukhari
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 30:
Narrated Abdullah bin 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle said, "Evil omen is in the women, the house and the

Sahih Muslim
Book 008, Number 3467:
Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported: Woman has been
created from a rib and will in no way be straightened for you; so if
you wish to benefit by her, benefit by her while crookedness remains
her. And if you attempt to straighten her, you will break her, and
breaking her is divorcing her.

Sahih Bukhari
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 33:
Narrated Usama bin Zaid:
The Prophet said, "After me I have not left any affliction more
to men than women."

---Women are NOT to be married for their love, character or

Sahih Bukhari
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 27:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "A woman is married for four things, i.e., her
wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion. So you should
marry the religious woman (otherwise) you will be a losers.

---Women are sexual toys.

Sahih Bukhari
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 17:
Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah:
When I got married, Allah's Apostle said to me, "What type of lady
you married?" I replied, "I have married a matron' He said, "Why,
you have a liking for the virgins and for fondling them?" Jabir also
said: Allah's Apostle said, "Why didn't you marry a young girl so that
you might play with her and she with you?'

---Women are spiritually corrupted.

Sahih Bukhari
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 126:
Narrated Imran:
The Prophet said, "I looked at Paradise and saw that the majority of
its residents were the poor; and I looked at the (Hell) Fire and saw
that the majority of its residents were women."

---The very considerate Mohammed tells the Muslim men that if
---they beat their women like they do their slaves, then give them a
---break on the sex.

Sahih Bukhari
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 132:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin Zam'a:
The Prophet said, "None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a
and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the

---If a woman participates in Jihad, she will not receive a share of
---booty like a man. She may get some token prize.

Sahih Muslim
Book 019, Number 4458:
It has been narrated on the authority of Yazid b. Hurmuz who said:
'Amir al-Haruri wrote to Ibn Abbas asking him about the slave and the
as to whether they would get a share from the booty (it they
participated in
Jihad) ; about the killing of (enemy) children (in war) ; about the
as to when his orphanhood comes to an end; about kinsmen (of the Holy
Prophet) as to who they are. He said to Yazid: Write to him. (If he
likely to fall into folly, I would not have written to him.) Write:
written asking about the woman and the slave whether they would get a
share of the booty if they participated in Jihad. (You should know
there is nothing of the sort for them except that they will be given a

---Saying the correct invocation before sex can protect baby boys from
---Satan, but not baby girls.

Sahih Muslim
Book 008, Number 3361:
Ibn" Abbas (Allah be pleased with thern) reported that Allah's
(may peace be upon him) said: If anyone amongst you intends to go to
wife he should say: In the name of Allah,0 Allah protect us against
and keep away the Satan from the one that you have bestowed upon us,
and if He has ordained a male child for them, Satan will never be able
to do any harm to him.

---Allah and the angels always seem to take the side of the men.

Sahih Muslim
Book 008, Number 3366:
Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Apostle
(may peace be upon him) said: When a woman spends the night away from
the bed of her husband, the angels curse her until morning. This
has been narrated through the same chain of transmitters (with a
variation):" He said: Until she comes back."

---One of the many pieces of evidence sanctifying the rape of slave

Sahih Muslim
Book 008, Number 3383:
Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported that a man came to Allah's
Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: I have a slave-girl who is
our servant and she carries water for us and I have intercourse with
her, but I do not want her to conceive. He said: Practise 'azl, if you
so like, but what is decreed for her will come to her. The person
stayed back (for some time) and then came and said: The girl has
become pregnant, whereupon he said: I told you what was decreed for
her would come to her.

---Evidence that slave girls could be raped even if they were married.

Sahih Muslim
Book 008, Number 3432:
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (Allah her pleased with him) reported that at the
Battle of Hanain Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) sent an
to Autas and encountered the enemy and fought with them. Having
overcome them and taken them captives, the Companions of Allah's
Messenger (may peace be upon him) seemed to refrain from having
intercourse with captive women because of their husbands being
polytheists. Then Allah, Most High, sent down regarding that:" And
women already married, except those whom your right hands possess
(iv. 24)" (i. e. they were lawful for them when their 'Idda period
came to an end).

---Evidence showing that Mohammed's polygamy was a strain on his

Sahih Muslim
Book 008, Number 3450:
Anas (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Apostle (may
peace be
upon him) had ninewives. So when he divided (his stay) with them, the
of the first wife did not come but on the ninth (day). They (all the
used to gather every night in the house of one where he had to come
stay that night). It was (the night when he had to stay) in the house
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her), when Zainab came there. He (the
Prophet) stretched his hand towards her (Zainab), whereupon she
said: It is Zainab. Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) withdrew
hand. There was an altercation between the two until their voices
loud (and it was at that time) when Iqama was pronounced for prayer.
happened to come Abu Bakr and he heard their voices and said:
of Allah, (kindly) come for prayer, and throw dust in their moths. So
Prophet (may peace be upon him) went out. 'A'isha said: When Allah's
(may peace be upon him) would finish his prayer there would also come
Bakr and he would do as he does (on such occasions, i. e.
When Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) had finished his prayer,
came to her Abu Bakr. and spoke to her ('A'isha) in stern words and
said: Do
you behave like this?

Sahih Muslim
Book 008, Number 3453:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: I felt jealous of the
who offered themselves to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him)
said: Then when Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, revealed this:" You
defer any one of them you wish, and take to yourself any you wish; and
you desire any you have set aside (no sin is chargeable to you)"
51), I ('A'isha.) said: It seems to me that your Lord hastens to
your desire.

---Evidence that Mohammed wanted his men to use their women as baby
---machines so that his power would increase.

Abu Dawud
Book 11, Number 2045:
Narrated Ma'qil ibn Yasar:
A man came to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and said: I have found a
of rank and beauty, but she does not give birth to children. Should I
her? He said: No. He came again to him, but he prohibited him. He came
him third time, and he (the Prophet) said: Marry women who are loving
very prolific, for I shall outnumber the peoples by you.

---A man can beat his wife for any reason he likes.

Abu Dawud
Book 11, Number 2142:
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: A man will not be asked as to
beat his wife.

---All of these hadith can be found at:

Here are some of the Quranic verses which belittle women.

---Women are polluted during menstruation.

[2:222] They ask thee concerning women's courses. Say: They are a hurt
and a
pollution: So keep away from women in their courses, and do not
them until they are clean. But when they have purified themselves, ye
approach them in any manner , time, or place ordained for you by God.
God loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep
themselves pure and clean.

---Permission for sex is not required from you wife. Take her however
---whenever you like.

[2.223] Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you
and do good beforehand for yourselves, and be careful (of your duty)
Allah, and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the

---The evidence of a woman is worth half that of a man.

[2.282] O you who believe! when you deal with each other in
debt for a fixed time, then write it down; and let a scribe write it
between you with fairness; and the scribe should not refuse to write
Allah has taught him, so he should write; and let him who owes the
dictate, and he should be careful of (his duty to) Allah, his Lord,
diminish anything from it; but if he who owes the debt is unsound in
understanding, or weak, or (if) he is not able to dictate himself, let
guardian dictate with fairness; and call in to witness from among your
two witnesses; but if there are not two men, then one man and two
among those whom you choose to be witnesses, so that if one of the two
the second of the two may remind the other; and the witnesses should
refuse when they are summoned; and be not averse to writing it
is) small or large, with the time of its falling due; .

---The much discussed verse giving men permission to beat their wives.

[4:34] Men are the managers of the affairs of women for that God has
preferred in bounty one of them over another, and for that they have
expended of their property. Righteous women are therefore obedient,
guarding the secret for God's guarding. And those you fear may be
rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and beat them. If
then obey you, look not for any way against them; God is All-high,

---Permission to marry up to four wives. Except that Mohammed could
---have as many as he wanted.

[4:3] If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the
Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that
shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a
that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent
>from doing injustice.

---Men inherit twice as much as women.

[4:11] God (thus) directs you as regards your Children's
the male, a portion equal to that of two females: if only daughters,
more, their share is two-thirds of the inheritance; if only one, her
is a half. For parents, a sixth share of the inheritance to each, if
deceased left children; if no children, and the parents are the (only)
heirs, the mother has a third; if the deceased Left brothers (or
the mother has a sixth. (The distribution in all cases ('s) after the
payment of legacies and debts. Ye know not whether your parents or
children are nearest to you in benefit. These are settled portions
by God; and God is All-knowing, Al- wise.

---The kinds of sexual behavior seen in men is severely punished in

[4:15] If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence
four (Reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they
testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them, or God
them some (other) way.

---Permission to marry a slave woman is given by the owner, not the

[4:25] If any of you have not the means wherewith to wed free
women, they may wed believing girls from among those whom your right
possess: And God hath full knowledge about your faith. Ye are one from
another: Wed them with the leave of their owners, and give them their
dowers, according to what is reasonable: They should be chaste, not
nor taking paramours: when they are taken in wedlock, if they fall
shame, their punishment is half that for free women. This (permis
for those among you who fear sin; but it is better for you that ye
self-restraint. And God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

---When Mohammed had a little trouble with his wives. Also a
---of what Muslims consider to be a good wife.

[66.5] Maybe, his Lord, if he divorce you, will give him in your place
better than you, submissive, faithful, obedient, penitent, adorers,
widows and virgins.

---Quranic permission to rape slave girls.

[70:29] And those who guard their chastity,
[70:30] Except with their wives and the (captives) whom their right
possess,- for (then) they are not to be blamed,

: )

10 டிச., 2001, 7:47:53 AM10/12/01

"isus" <> wrote in message

> > > "maria" <> wrote in message
> > > news:9uvl2o$o4j$
> Dear ignorant muslim slave "maria" <>
> Do you know one thing about Christ ? Have you ever openned the New
> Testament?
> Can you quote Jesus Christ, like I can quote your satanic Koranic
> scriptures uttered by satans desciple Mohammad ?
> I think Not! You See, Jesus was God who showed himself to us. So you
> cannot quote him in a negative way, the way one can quote your
> Psychotic, demonically posessed child mollester mohammed.
> Humor me and quote Jesus for all to hear


And Jesus (PBUH) said:
"Why do you call me good? I tell you there is none good but Yahweh God

That a clear enough quote for you? Here's another.

"Many have said things in my name. I know them not."

Peace be upon you all,

Salaam, Shalom, Peace, Pax,

Shia bin Fatima Al-Mahdi


10 டிச., 2001, 1:02:26 PM10/12/01
Nothing like bending the meaning of text to your way of thinking, igmo.

The way you pulled text out of the NT is like the man who,(wanting to get a
message from the bible) closes his eyes, opens the NT and points to a verse.
He opens his eyes and looks down to what he pointed to and reads "and, he
therefore went out and hung himself." (this is the verse about Judas's
reaction to his realization that he had betrayed Jesus instead of forcing
Jesus into a position of using his powers to go against the rulers). The
man then closes his eyes and points to another text, opens his eyes and
reads "Go, ye likewise and do the same."

": )" <> wrote in message

: )

10 டிச., 2001, 1:43:17 PM10/12/01
"Andy" <some...@somewhere.usa> wrote in message

> Nothing like bending the meaning of text to your way of thinking, igmo.


And I know this, he is sickened by what Christians have done with his words
and meanings over the course of that last 2000 years.

And here is his words directly from him to you.


Peace be upon ALL The Children Of The Book.


10 டிச., 2001, 2:23:27 PM10/12/01
Firstly the New Testament is largely re-written rubbish, only the actual
words of Jesus in Matthew and john are genuine. Secondly the Koran, Old
Testament and the Torah are largely the revelation of the 'devil'
As to the scumbag Christian fundamentalists they should stay at home and mot
go sowing discord and sectarianism abroad. Missionaries of any religion are
the lowest form of life above paediophiles.

"isus" <> wrote in message

10 டிச., 2001, 2:37:34 PM10/12/01
I agree with you wholeheartedly! Missionaries are like politicians and PR
people, they give a completely fake image of themselves and never reveal the
darker side of their persona and beliefs. I for one am totally opposed to
agressive, zealous missionary activity. I think the best thing is to create a
climate of freedom and education where any individual who so wishes can search
or find his own answers, without controversy, regardless of whether the rest of
the community agrees or not. After all, this is a private matter, not a race for
the number of souls we can convert to a particular faith in a given amount of


10 டிச., 2001, 3:59:35 PM10/12/01
Beware of pretending to speak for God/Christ, fool. You may have to answer
for that one day. Ouch, I wouldn't want to have to do it.

": )" <> wrote in message


: )

10 டிச., 2001, 4:31:38 PM10/12/01

"Andy" <some...@somewhere.usa> wrote in message

> Beware of pretending to speak for God/Christ, fool. You may have to
> for that one day. Ouch, I wouldn't want to have to do it.

My point exactly. Physician, heal thyself.

Shia bin Fatima Al-Mahdi


10 டிச., 2001, 7:55:07 PM10/12/01
"maria" <> wrote in message news:<9v328a$pp8$>...

> Firstly the New Testament is largely re-written rubbish, only the actual
> words of Jesus in Matthew and john are genuine. Secondly the Koran, Old
> Testament and the Torah are largely the revelation of the 'devil'
> As to the scumbag Christian fundamentalists they should stay at home and mot
> go sowing discord and sectarianism abroad. Missionaries of any religion are
> the lowest form of life above paediophiles.
> "isus" <> wrote in message

Ahhh.. Just as I thought an Ignorant one who believes that there is
indeed such a thing as Evil and an Evil Lord(devil), but believes
there there is no Good or no Good Lord such as Jesus. If you do not
believe in God, lady you'd better find a place in your silly secular
biology book that explains Evil, before you start knocking at God.
Remember Good and Evil have no place in Biology they are purely
religious concepts.

If you do not believe one exists you cannot affirm the other.

You want proof look at extreme liberalism they do not believe in these
concepts and using warped logic can rationalize anything. If you ever
attended the Harvard School of Law, or most of the liberal schools,
you would know what I am talking about.

It's this kind of thinking that has allowed Evil to flourish in the
world. Mslims especially have been misled so badly that they are the
Kings and Queens of Rationalization.

Wow, you must live in a turbulent world full of confusion and fog.
Sorry I didn't mean to shake your tree so bad, and make all your
nebulous concepts of human exstence tumble to the ground with a few



10 டிச., 2001, 7:59:23 PM10/12/01
பெறுநர் (isus) wrote in message news:<>...

> Dear ignorant muslim slave "maria"

Good Lord.. She is NOT a muslim.

: )

10 டிச., 2001, 8:11:40 PM10/12/01
LOL, fight nice kids.

; )


"Sandar" <> wrote in message

Michael W. Lancaster

10 டிச., 2001, 8:18:54 PM10/12/01
> maria wrote:
> Firstly the New Testament is largely re-written
> rubbish, only the actual words of Jesus in
> Matthew and john are genuine.

You'll find find that 'Matthew' is a plagiarism
job of mark which itself was written several
decades after 'Jesus' had croaked.

> As to the scumbag Christian fundamentalists
> they should stay at home and mot go sowing
> discord and sectarianism abroad. Missionaries
> of any religion are the lowest form of life
> above paediophiles.

Well said.


Reply-To: (replace --at-- with @)

Any direct mailing without my explicit prior approval to that effect
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Michael W. Lancaster

10 டிச., 2001, 8:21:49 PM10/12/01
> isus wrote:
>> "maria" <>

> I think Not! You See, Jesus was God who showed
> himself to us.


First prove that this 'Jesus' ever existed, then
that he said what 'he' is alleged to have said,
then that 'he' wasn't some religious crackpot,
and we'll take it from there.

> So you cannot quote him in a negative way, the

One cannot qoute 'him' with any degree of
certainty that one is actually qouting 'him'.

Michael W. Lancaster

10 டிச., 2001, 8:24:12 PM10/12/01
> isus wrote:
> Sorry I didn't mean to shake your tree so bad,
> and make all your nebulous concepts of human
> exstence tumble to the ground with a few
> words.

No problem; your fantastic (as in fictitious)
drooling over some make-believe sky-fairy and
its slap-bitch 'son' (wink-wink) did no such

William Barwell

10 டிச., 2001, 9:25:29 PM10/12/01
In article <>,

isus <> wrote:
>> > "maria" <> wrote in message
>> > news:9uvl2o$o4j$
>> > > The missionary scum who were released by the Taliban are now planning to
>> > > return to Afghanistan in order to spread fundamentalist Christianity and
>> > > cause more sectarian problems in the country. I do hope that the Afghans
>> > > will discourage them. It should be an offence for people to set out to try
>> > > to convert people of another religion, I hope Afghanist will still retain
>> > > that law.
>> > >
>> > >
>Dear ignorant muslim slave "maria" <>
>Do you know one thing about Christ ? Have you ever openned the New
>Can you quote Jesus Christ, like I can quote your satanic Koranic
>scriptures uttered by satans desciple Mohammad ?
>I think Not! You See, Jesus was God who showed himself to us. So you
>cannot quote him in a negative way, the way one can quote your
>Psychotic, demonically posessed child mollester mohammed.

Bull doo doo. Christ, Mohammed, its all balderdash.

But then, ditzy Christian fundies do beat insane,
genocidal, murderous, illiterate Moslem fundie fanatics.

Pope Charles
SubGenius Pope of Houston


11 டிச., 2001, 12:06:44 AM11/12/01
You're the one pretending that you're on God's right hand.

": )" <> wrote in message


M. Ranjit Mathews

11 டிச., 2001, 12:28:04 AM11/12/01
> maria wrote:
> > Firstly the New Testament is largely re-written rubbish, only the actual
> > words of Jesus in Matthew and john are genuine. Secondly the Koran, Old
> > Testament and the Torah are largely the revelation of the 'devil'
> > As to the scumbag Christian fundamentalists they should stay at home and mot
> > go sowing discord and sectarianism abroad.

> > Missionaries of any religion are
> > the lowest form of life above paediophiles.

Necessarily/ always the lowest form of life?

Father Damien

On April 15, 1889, a leper patient died in the Moloka'i settlement
with a smile on his face - "like a child going to sleep" as one
onlooker described him. He was Father Damien de Veuster, S.S.C.C., the
Hero of Moloka'i, and his memory has not dimmed but has spread to
every continent in the world. What keeps the image of this man so
alive and so startling for each new generation of mankind? Gavan Daws,
a historian, perhaps explains it best. "Father Damien," he said, "was
an ordinary man who made the most extraordinary moral choices again
and again and again.

Ordained In Hawal'i
Damien came to Hawal'i as a young deacon, replacing his brother,
Pamphile, who had fallen ill after being assigned to the islands. He
was ordained & priest in May, 1864, in the Cathedral of Our Lady of
Peace in Honolulu and was assigned to the island of Hawai'i, where he
worked in the Puna district for many years. When Bishop Louis Maigret
asked for a volunteer to go to Moloka'i to care for the patients in
the leper settlement at Kalaupapa, Damien requested to be the one
chosen. Bishop Maigret meant to keep him there only a few months, but
Damien knew he belonged there for the rest of his life.

Work at Kalaupapa
Much is known about Damien's work in the settlement. He built as many
as 2,000 coffins by hand in which to bury lepers. Coming among the
lepers he found chaos and suffering and the slow, demoralizing death
in sickness and isolation. Going among them, Damien began his work by
cleansing their sores and bandaging their wounds. He gathered up the
young children he found as well, and eventually he built homes for
them so that they could live in peace. Slowly order was restored and
the lives of the patients changed forever, Always he continued to
build and to arrange new ways to restore the dignity of the patients.

First Signs of Disease
And then, in 1876, Father Damien noticed in himself the first signs of
the disease which had claimed so many before him. He had spent three
years on Moloka'i, having arrived there on May 10, 1873, and he knew
what would happen to him as the disease Progressed, and yet he showed
no reluctance or fear. Only a few knew that he was experiencing the
first difficulties, until June 1895, when Damien announced to his
patients and to the world that the disease had claimed him. He lived
four more years and continued to work. Someone visiting the settlement
in 1888 was stunned to find Father Damien on the roof of the new
church, worldng with the masons and carpenters. His people, the
patients of the settlement, were at his side, restoring the land,
building homes and offices, and living once again as human beings with

Ultimate Sacrifice

He died in 1889, and the story of his life and his death was flashed
around the world. With the story came the words which have startled
and awed generations since that time. Damien, knowing that he had made
the ultimate sacrifice for his own, said: "Blessed be the Good God! I
would not be cured If the price of the cure was that I must leave the
island and give up my work. I am perfectly
resigned to my lot. Do not feel sorry for me."

11 டிச., 2001, 10:39:16 AM11/12/01
God has a hand?


11 டிச., 2001, 1:43:12 PM11/12/01

<> wrote in message
> God has a hand?

You know what the meaning of the phrase is, AND you know it wasn't meant
literally, so what's your post all about?


11 டிச., 2001, 5:12:03 PM11/12/01

"Sandar" <> wrote in message

She is part Muslim, part Hindu, part Sikh, part Jew...she is all of these
things and none.


11 டிச., 2001, 8:39:37 PM11/12/01

The influential Rome daily, La Repubblica, reports that in Italy there
are some 70,000 converts to Islam. This is an astonishing statistic.
Since September 11, there has been an increase in interest in Islam, a
boost in sales of books on Islam. Why is this happening?

Are Americans converting to Islam?

Once Christian, now Muslim

Small wave of Latinos feel draw of Islam


(CNN)Fast-growing Islam winning converts in Western world

Muslim in America: With some 6 million U.S. followers, Islam is one of
the nation's fastest-growing faiths

United States: Islam Growing, But Subject To Misperceptions
Islam Luring More Latinos

By Chris L. Jenkins
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, January 7, 2001;

The New York Times
October 22, 2001
Islam Attracts Converts by the Thousands, Drawn ((Before)) and
BALLWIN, Mo., Oct. 20 &#8212; Since she became a Muslim six months
Angela Davis has given up many things. She stopped listening to music,
started sleeping on the floor, put away her 100 Disney videos and
traded her porcelain doll collection for velvet posters with verses
from the Koran.
Now, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Ms. Davis may
have to give up her children.
After her photograph, in full veil, appeared in the local newspaper on
Sept. 30, Ms. Davis's soon-to-be-ex- husband refused to return their
children, 5 and 2, from a weekend visit. She has not seen them since.
"It's a test that is given to me from Allah to see if my faith is
strong enough," said Ms. Davis, 27, who discovered Islam in an
Internet chat room this spring and now teaches pre-kindergarten at the
Al-Salam Day School in this St. Louis suburb. "I'm asked to give up my
religion for my kids, but I won't do it. On Judgment Day, as much as I
love my kids, they won't be there with me."
Though her situation is extreme, Ms. Davis is one of thousands of new
Muslim converts struggling with their identities amid anti-Muslim
fervor and declarations of an Islamic holy war being broadcast on
television. Already estranged from relatives and friends, some of whom
accuse them of joining a cult, these new Muslims face catcalls and
fresh challenges to their faith.
Many say the events of Sept. 11 only confirmed their commitment.
Shannon Staloch is not sure why, but upon hearing of the hijackings,
she immediately grabbed a book from her backpack and recited the
Arabic declaration of belief; she made the conversion official 12 days
"You know how the world changed when that happened and everyone was
shaky?" Ms. Staloch said. "I wanted something steady."
With some 6 million adherents in the United States, Islam is said to
be the nation's fastest-growing religion, fueled by immigration, high
birth rates and widespread conversion. One expert estimates that
25,000 people a year become Muslims in this country; some clerics say
they have seen conversion rates quadruple since Sept. 11.
Experts say Islam is attractive because of its universal message
&#8212; the
faithful believe that everyone is born Muslim and thus call the
transformation reversion, not conversion &#8212; and because its
incorporate other traditions, honoring Jesus Christ, the Jewish
patriarch Abraham and other Biblical figures as prophets. Though
missionary work is rare in Islam, spreading the message is demanded by
the Koran. Conversion is as simple as reciting one sentence &#8212; "I
witness that there is no deity except Allah and that Muhammad is his
messenger" &#8212; in front of witnesses, a ceremony known as
"There's no class," said Khalid Yahya Blankinship, chairman of the
religion department at Temple University. "There isn't really a
formalized requirement, you don't have to be tested." Mr. Blankinship,
who converted to Islam in 1973 and has since witnessed 100 Shahadahs,
added: "It's very important that Islam should spread. The idea is that
one should want other souls to be saved."
The vast majority of converts are African-Americans, who make up about
a third of Muslims in the United States. Thousands find Allah while in
jail or in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. Less familiar are
the lapsed Catholics and lost Jews, often highly educated
professionals, who come to the mosque.
Many convert because they want to marry a Muslim who demands it, a
common reason for conversions in any religion.
"I would never have changed if it wasn't for Rania," David Nerviani, a
St. Louis police officer, said of his Egyptian-born wife, a bartender
he met on patrol. "It's probably not that deep for me."
Others find Islam through friendships on college campuses, research
papers on world religions or trolling the Internet.
Some just feel called. Abdullah Reda of Reston, Va., said the news of
Susan Smith, the South Carolina woman who drowned her two sons,
brought him to Islam. A 13-year-old California girl had an epiphany
during a sunset drive through the red rocks of Arizona. Katie Mathews,
a graduate student at Washington University in St. Louis, who plans to
make her Shahadah on her 23rd birthday in November, prayed for a sign
and soon saw a license plate, "4 ALLAH."
Nine years ago, Jim Hacking was in training to be a Jesuit priest.
Now, he is an admiralty lawyer in St. Louis who has spent much of the
last month explaining Islam at interfaith gatherings. Mr. Hacking's
search began in the 12-step program Overeaters Anonymous and
intensified when he befriended an Egyptian-born woman, Amany Ragab, at
the law review at St. Louis University. He made the Shahadah on June
6, 1998, and proposed marriage to her the next day. This summer, the
couple traveled to Mecca.
"The thing I've always latched to is that there's one God, he doesn't
have equals, he doesn't need a son to come do his work," Mr. Hacking,
31, said. "Giving up the pork and the alcohol was the easy part
&#8212; I
never drank much, but I did like bacon. The hard part, and the part I
still struggle with every day, is being a good person, and living a
good clean life."
To help with the social transition, the All Dulles Area Muslim Society
in Sterling, Va., pairs converts with mentors. Other mosques offer
seminars in the basics of Arabic prayer. Web sites like and provide
glossaries to common Muslim expressions, step-by-step guides to ritual
washing, interactive games to teach Arabic, and profiles of fellow
converts, organized alphabetically, by county of origin and by former
Perhaps the greatest challenge is maintaining family relationships, as
parents often view conversion as a betrayal. One Web site offers a
how- to guide for telling relatives. "Do not allow them to drag you
into a conflict regarding religion at all," it lectures.
Ms. Stolach, who teaches middle- school literacy, said her mother had
helped her shop for hijab, the traditional Muslim head covering, but
Ms. Mathews says the main reason she has delayed her Shahadah is that
she is living with her parents.
"My mom, she's Christian and she's very upset," Ms Mathews said. "I
told her about my signs. She said, how do I know it's not the Devil?"
"The Koran says you have to obey your parents, heaven is at the foot
of your mother," she added. "I have to obey God before I obey my
On Sept. 11, Ms. Davis's mother exhorted her to remove the hijab,
saying it would endanger her grandchildren. (Ms. Davis's divorce
lawyer, and her husband, did not return telephone calls.) Ms. Davis,
who wears a shoulder-to-ankle robe over her clothes, also faces
resistance from her older two daughters, from a previous marriage,
whom she enrolled in an Islamic school this fall, but who have lately
said they would prefer to live with their father.
As the afternoon call to prayer sounded from the mosque above Ms.
Davis's classroom, the girls, white scarves around their heads,
scrambled up to the women's balcony, where they bowed and knelt like
old pros. They murmured "bismillah" ("in the name of Allah") before
starting a game, "astaghfirullah" ("I beg Allah for forgiveness")
after a misstep. But they say their father says their mother worships
"I got one person saying they want me to be Muslim and then I got my
dad saying no Muslim," said Krashanna Agers, 9. "I don't know, I'm not
grown up yet."

Why British Women Are Turning To Islam
Lucy Berrington finds the Muslim Faith is winning Western admirers
despite hostile media coverage
The Times (London) - Tuesday, 9th November 1993

Unprecedented numbers of British people, nearly all of them women, are
converting to Islam at a time of deep divisions within the Anglican
and Catholic churches.

The rate of conversions has prompted predictions that Islam will
rapidly become an important religious force in this country. "Within
the next 20 years the number of British converts will equal or
overtake the immigrant Muslim community that brought the faith here",
says Rose Kendrick, a religious education teacher at a Hull
comprehensive and the author of a textbook guide to the Koran. She
says: "Islam is as much a world faith as is Roman Catholicism. No one
nationality claims it as its own". Islam is also spreading fast on the
continent and in America.

The surge in conversions to Islam has taken place despite the negative
image of the faith in the Western press. Indeed, the pace of
conversions has accelerated since publicity over the Salman Rushdie
affair, the Gulf War and the plight of the Muslims in Bosnia. It is
even more ironic that most British converts should be women, given the
widespread view in the west that Islam treats women poorly. In the
United States, women converts outnumber men by four to one, and in
Britain make up the bulk of the estimated 10, 000 to 20, 000 converts,
forming part of a Muslim community of 1 to 1.5 million. Many of
Britain's "New Muslims" are from middle-class backgrounds. They
include Matthew Wilkinson, a former head boy of Eton who went on to
Cambridge, and a son and daughter of Lord Justice Scott, the judge
heading the arms-to-Iraq enquiry.

A small-scale survey by the Islamic Foundation in Leicester suggests
that most converts are aged 30 to 50. Younger Muslims point to many
conversions among students and highlight the intellectual thrust of
Islam. "Muhammad" said, "The light of Islam will rise in the West" and
I think that is what is happening in our day" says Aliya Haeri, an
American-born psychologist who converted 15 years ago. She is a
consultant to the Zahra Trust, a charity publishing spiritual
literature and is one of Britain's prominent Islamic speakers. She
adds: "Western converts are coming to Islam with fresh eyes, without
all the habits of the East, avoiding much of what is culturally wrong.
The purest tradition is finding itself strongest in the West."

Some say the conversions are prompted by the rise of comparative
religious education. The British media, offering what Muslims describe
as a relentless bad press on all things Islamic, is also said to have
helped. Westerners despairing of their own society - rising in crime,
family breakdown, drugs and alcoholism - have come to admire the
discipline and security of Islam. Many converts are former Christians
disillusioned by the uncertainty of the church and unhappy with the
concept of the Trinity and deification of Jesus.
Quest of the Convert - Why Change?

Other converts describe a search for a religious identity. Many had
previously been practising Christians but found intellectual
satisfaction in Islam. "I was a theology student and it was the
academic argument that led to my conversion." Rose Kendrick, a
religious education teacher and author, said she objected to the
concept of the original sin: "Under Islam, the sins of the fathers
aren't visited on the sons. The idea that God is not always forgiving
is blasphemous to Muslims."

Maimuna, 39, was raised as a High Anglican and confirmed at 15 at the
peak of her religious devotion. "I was entranced by the ritual of the
High Church and thought about taking the veil." Her crisis came when a
prayer was not answered. She slammed the door on visiting vicars but
travelled to convents for discussions with nuns. "My belief came back
stronger, but not for the Church, the institution or the dogma." She
researched every Christian denomination, plus Judaism, Buddhism and
Krishna Consciousness, before turning to Islam.

Many converts from Christianity reject the ecclesiastical hierarchy
emphasising Muslims' direct relationship with God. They sense a lack
of leadership in the Church of England and are suspicious of its
apparent flexibility. "Muslims don't keep shifting their goal-posts,"
says Huda Khattab, 28, author of The Muslim Woman's Handbook,
published this year by Ta-Ha. She converted ten years ago while
studying Arabic at university. "Christianity changes, like the way
some have said pre-marital sex is okay if its with the person you're
going to marry. It seems so wishy-washy. Islam was constant about sex,
about praying five times a day. The prayer makes you conscious of God
all the time. You're continually touching base."

A Woman on a Mission

Sidra Khan reports on Aisha Bhutta's bid to convert the world to Islam
The Guardian (London)

Aisha Bhutta, nee Debbie Rogers, is serene. She sits on the sofa in
big front room of her tenement flat in Cowcaddens, Glasgow. The walls
are hung with quotations from the Koran, a special clock to remind the
family of prayer times and posters of the Holy City of Mecca. Aisha's
piercing blue eyes sparkle with evangelical zeal, she smiles with a
radiance only true believers possess. Her face is that of a strong
Scots lass - no nonsense, good-humoured - but it is carefully covered
with a hijab.

For a good Christian girl to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim is
extraordinary enough. But more than that, she has also converted her
parents, most of the rest of her family and at least 30 friends and

Her family were austere Christians with whom Rogers regularly attended
Salvation Army meetings. When all the other teenagers in Britain were
kissing their George Michael posters goodnight, Rogers had pictures of
Jesus up on her wall. And yet she found that Christianity was not
enough; there were too many unanswered questions and she felt
dissatisfied with the lack of disciplined structure for her beliefs.
"There had to be more for me to obey than just doing prayers when I
felt like it."

Aisha had first seen her future husband, Mohammad Bhutta, when she was
10 and regular customer at the shop, run by his family. She would see
him in the back, praying. "There was contentment and peace in what he
was doing. He said he was a Muslim. I said: "What's a Muslim?".

Later with his help she began looking deeper into Islam. By the age of
17, she had read the entire Koran in Arabic. "Everything I read", she
says, "was making sense."

She made the decision to convert at 16. "When I said the words, it was
like a big burden I had been carrying on my shoulders had been thrown
off. I felt like a new-born baby."

Despite her conversion however, Mohammed's parents were against their
marrying. They saw her as a Western woman who would lead their eldest
son astray and give the family a bad name; she was, Mohammed's father
believed, "the biggest enemy."

Nevertheless, the couple married in the local mosque. Aisha wore a
dress hand-sewn by Mohammed's mother and sisters who sneaked into the
ceremony against the wishes of his father who refused to attend.

It was his elderly grandmother who paved the way for a bond between
the women. She arrived from Pakistan where mixed-race marriages were
even more taboo, and insisted on meeting Aisha. She was so impressed
by the fact that she had learned the Koran and Punjabi that she
convinced the others; slowly, Aisha, now 32, became one of the family.
Aisha's parents, Michael and Marjory Rogers, though did attend the
wedding, were more concerned with the clothes their daughter was now
wearing (the traditional shalwaar kameez) and what the neighbours
would think.

Six years later, Aisha embarked on a mission to convert them and the
rest of her family, bar her sister ("I'm still working on her). "My
husband and I worked on my mum and dad, telling them about Islam and
they saw the changes in me, like I stopped answering back!"

Aisha's father proved a more difficult recruit, so she enlisted the
help of her newly converted mother (who has since died of cancer). "My
mum and I used to talk to my father about Islam and we were sitting in
the sofa in the kitchen one day and he said: "What are the words you
say when you become a Muslim?" "Me and my mum just jumped on top of

Three years later, Aisha's brother converted "over the telephone -
thanks to BT [British Telecom]", then his wife and children followed,
followed by her sister's son. It didn't stop there. Her family
converted, Aisha turned her attention to Cowcaddens, with its tightly
packed rows of crumbling, grey tenement flats.

Every Monday for the past 13 years, Aisha has held classes in Islam
for Scottish women. So far she has helped to convert over 30. The
women come from a bewildering array of backgrounds. Trudy, a lecturer
at the University of Glasgow and a former Catholic, attended Aisha's
classes purely because she was commissioned to carry out some
research. But after six months of classes she converted, deciding that
Christianity was riddled with "logical inconsistencies". Unlike Aisha,
Trudy has chosen not to wear the hijab, believing it to be a masculine
interpretation of the Koran. Her family don't know that she has

"I could tell she was beginning to be affected by the talks", Aisha
says. How could she tell? "I don't know, it was just a feeling." The
classes include Muslim girls tempted by Western ideals and needing
salvation, practising Muslim women who want an open forum for
discussion denied them at the local male-dominated mosque, and those
simply interested in Islam. Aisha welcomes questions. "We cannot
expect people blindly to believe."

Her husband, Mohammad Bhutta, now 41, does not seem so driven to
convert Scottish lads to Muslim brothers. He occasionally helps out in
the family restaurant, but his main aim in life is to ensure the
couple's five children grow up as Muslims. The eldest, Safia, "nearly
14, alhumdulillah (Praise be to God!)", is not averse to a spot of
recruiting herself. One day she met a woman in the street and carried
her shopping, the woman attended Aisha's classes and is now a Muslim.

"I can honestly say I have never regretted it", Aisha says of her
conversion to Islam. "Every marriage has its ups and downs and
sometimes you need something to pull you out of any hardship. But the
Prophet Peace by upon him, said: 'Every hardship has an ease.' So when
you're going through a difficult stage, you work for that ease to
come." Mohammed is more romantic: "I feel we have known each other for
centuries and must never part from one another. According to Islam,
you are not just partners for life, you can be partners in heaven as
well, for ever. Its a beautiful thing, you know."


12 டிச., 2001, 6:20:00 PM12/12/01
"isus" wrote in message <>...

>Ahhh.. Just as I thought an Ignorant one who believes that there is
>indeed such a thing as Evil and an Evil Lord(devil), but believes
>there there is no Good or no Good Lord such as Jesus. If you do not
>believe in God, lady you'd better find a place in your silly secular
>biology book that explains Evil, before you start knocking at God.
>Remember Good and Evil have no place in Biology they are purely
>religious concepts.

Good and Evil have no place in science. Science is about knowledge,
religion is about superstition. I believe in a God that created the
universe, but he has nothing to do with the cults of Christianity,
Islam, Judaism, or any other cult that professes to speak for him.
If you want to find God, look to science. God lies somewhere in
the realm of quantum physics, embedded into the very fabric of the

Back to the subject of this thread...the one good thing the Taliban
did was to arrest those "aid" workers. Christian aid always comes
with a price, conversion and control of one's mind.


12 டிச., 2001, 7:26:51 PM12/12/01
The figure of 70,000 later turned out to be the increase in refugees,
economic migrants and their numerous offspring.

"Islamisgrowing" <> wrote in message


12 டிச., 2001, 8:33:57 PM12/12/01
பெறுநர் (Islamisgrowing) wrote in message news:<>...

> The influential Rome daily, La Repubblica, reports that in Italy there
> are some 70,000 converts to Islam. This is an astonishing statistic.
> Since September 11, there has been an increase in interest in Islam, a
> boost in sales of books on Islam. Why is this happening?

Its easy, in Italy they have this thing about Pearl Skinned boys like
Arabs and other muslims do. Don't be impressed once all the pedophiles
are converted the conversion rate will slow down. :)

Koran 52:24
Round about them will serve, to them, boys (handsome) as pearls
Koran 56:17
Round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness.
Koran 76:19
And round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness: if thou
seest them, thou wouldst think them
scattered pearls.

As mentioned in my previous article, famous poets in Arabia glorified
homosexuality. As an example I
am including a poem in 'Perfumed Garden' by Abu Nuwas:

O the joy of sodomy!
So now be sodomites, you Arabs.
Turn not away from it--
therein is wondrous pleasure.
Take some coy lad with kiss-curls
twisting on his temple
and ride as he stands like some gazelle
standing to her mate.
A lad whom all can see girt with sword
and belt not like your whore who has
to go veiled.
Make for smooth-faced boys and do your
very best to mount them, for women are
the mounts of the devils


12 டிச., 2001, 9:43:31 PM12/12/01

maria wrote:

> The figure of 70,000 later turned out to be the increase in refugees,
> economic migrants and their numerous offspring.

Yes, and of course Islamic offspring better be faithful to Islam or
ooops...there go their heads!

> "Islamisgrowing" <> wrote in message
> >
> > The influential Rome daily, La Repubblica, reports that in Italy there
> > are some 70,000 converts to Islam. This is an astonishing statistic.
> > Since September 11, there has been an increase in interest in Islam, a
> > boost in sales of books on Islam. Why is this happening?
> >
> >

snipped the endless conversion fairy tale...

13 டிச., 2001, 1:13:27 AM13/12/01
Interesting that you respond to this thread which is about "missionary scum". Welcome home.

13 டிச., 2001, 1:14:22 AM13/12/01
As is always the case. Islam's "growth" is always the case of over population and the increase in migration of people from traditionally Islamic countries.

Islam is growing

13 டிச., 2001, 7:42:06 PM13/12/01
Custer wrote
>snipped the endless conversion fairy tale...

Crusader Wabbit

14 டிச., 2001, 7:04:16 AM14/12/01
> Firstly the New Testament is largely re-written rubbish, only the actual
> words of Jesus in Matthew and john are genuine.

Boy, did you miss the point !

maria <> wrote in message


0 புதிய மெசேஜ்கள்