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The looney Rajan Narayan

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Rajan P. Parrikar

14 paź 2005, 17:31:4914.10.2005
>Konknni versus Konkani: the cover story of Goan Observer.
>Quote: Whether we like it or not, the stage is set for
>another language war. This time, not between the Marathiwadis
>and the Konkaniwadis, but between the Romi Konkaniwadis and
>the Devanagari Konkaniwadis. A war which will be used by
>politicians to divide Goans along communal lines. A war which
>will, in the long run, only benefit the fanatics and lunatics
>of the RSS and BJP. The former chief minister Manohar
>Parrikar very insidiously exploited the disappointment and
>the frustration and the anger of the minority community over
>the 'stepmotherly' treatment given to Romi Konkani. (Rajan
>Narayan in GO).

The looney urchin Rajan Narayan should consider visiting
his proctologist. All that debris accumulated in his sphincter
needs a good flushing. Manohar Parrikar seems to have
completely wrecked the poor bastard's happiness.

Warm regards,


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