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The Philippines is in!

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Benjamin Tan

Mar 28, 1994, 1:03:58 PM3/28/94
Good day everyone!

To all those who had been following the PhilNet developments, I have one more
thing to say :

As of March 29,1994 at 1:15 am Philippine time, unfortunately 2 days late due
to slight technical difficulties, the Philippines was FINALLY connected to the
Internet via SprintLink. The Philippine router, a Cisco 7000 router was
attached via the services of PLDT and Sprint communications to SprintLink's
router at Stockton Ca. The gateway to the world for the Philippines will be via
NASA Ames Research Center. For now, a 64K serial link is the information
highway to the rest of the Internet world.

As to domestic connections, the following institutions will be the initial
points of regional presence within the archepelago :

Ateneo de Manila University
Advanced Science and Technology Institute
De La Salle University
UP Diliman
UP Los Banos
UP Manila
University of San Carlos, Cebu
University of Sto. Tomas
St. Louis University, Baguio
Xavier University, Cagayan

As of the moment, we are still waiting for the official autonomous system
number and domain name, PhilNet.Net, for the Philippines. Upon receipt of that
information, the Cisco 7000 router will be fully configured so that full
look-up services can be done locally. This process should not be much longer.

For all those who had provided encouragement and kind words of support,
maraming salamat sa inyong lahat.

Hangang sa ating muling pag-kikita,

Benjie Tan
Computer Network Systems Corp. Philippines

Paco Sandejas

Mar 28, 1994, 3:08:59 PM3/28/94
Congratulations to Benjie Tan and all the other people involved
in getting the Philippines linked up to the Internet!

As much as I hate to admit my ignorance, I would like to request
someone - maybe Benjie, Aimee, or whoever else - to write a short
review of the definitive status of the network connectivity of the
Philippines. In my experience in the BGN and in STAC-San Francisco,
there seems to be a lack of awareness of what is going on
in these efforts. Who are the players? What type of connections
are really available and what other projects are going on.
We can use the BGN to help out by getting other networking
and communications experts. Maybe even financiers. Who knows?

So any one going to work on this report. WE can get it
printed in the STAC reports, Phil News and also Manila



Mar 28, 1994, 8:22:04 PM3/28/94
In article <2n766e$> (Benjamin Tan) writes:

>Good day everyone!
>To all those who had been following the PhilNet developments, I have one more
>thing to say :
>As of March 29,1994 at 1:15 am Philippine time, unfortunately 2 days late due
>to slight technical difficulties, the Philippines was FINALLY connected to the
>Internet via SprintLink. The Philippine router, a Cisco 7000 router was
>attached via the services of PLDT and Sprint communications to SprintLink's
>router at Stockton Ca. The gateway to the world for the Philippines will be via
>NASA Ames Research Center. For now, a 64K serial link is the information
>highway to the rest of the Internet world.


My darling Filifins, I just can't wait to see more of you here!

O tignan niyo. O eh di lumiit na nang lumiit ang mundo, ano? I'll keep this
short since busy ako. Pero my point is ....I'd like to echo Paco's congrats.
Welcome welcome welcome! Don't let language be a barrier .... kung gusto
niyong mag-Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilokano, Panggalatok, Ivatan, etc JUST DO IT.

Filifins: Bongga ka 'day! Electronic kafa ngayon! Vavoo and tchuss ...Mhike

Mike Collinson

Mar 31, 1994, 7:16:12 AM3/31/94

[Also posted to STACnet PSG]

I have just returned from the Electronic Mail Conference (March 27th-29th)
at University Of San Carlos, Talamban campus, Cebu during which PhilNet,
the Philippine backbone Internet, went internationally "live" with a
successful telnet login into MIT from that site.

A summary from my notes follows. Any typos or minor factual errors
are mine:

The central hub router based at PLDT in Ortegas is connected to a 64 kbps
international leased line and is active. From the central hub 64kbps leased
lines will go to (currently) 9 sites ("Primary nodes") in a star
pattern :
De La Salle University - active
Ateneo - active
Univ. of San Carlos, Cebu - active
Univ. of Philippines, Diliman - some line problems at present,
was due up March 28th
Univ. of Philippines, Los Banos - ?
San Louis University, Baguio - ?
Univ. of San Tomas - 15th April
St. Xavier - May 9th
Department of Science and Technology - ?

The so called primary nodes will be able to provide accounts for their own
organisations but also have a contractual obligation to provide dial-up
or leased line access to so called "secondary nodes". Secondary nodes
may be individuals, commercial, government or academic organisations.
The indicative pricing for individuals is 300 Pesos/month.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the originator of the
project and has provided funding for at least one year's operation. The
actual organisation charged with starting up the project is the
Industrial Research Foundation, a private body dedicated to closer links
between industry, government and academe. This has put together a
non-profit foundation, Philnet, Inc. which will be responsible for overall
administration and capital investment in the backbone. The Project
Administrator of Philnet is Dr. Rodolfo Villerica, who could be considered
as a major candidate for "Father of the Philippine Internet". The whole
project is ahead of schedule and a tribute to the hard work of a number
of individuals and to a very high degree of co-operation between the various
bodies and universities.

Mike Collinson
Assistant Manager, Product Engineering Dept., UX Software Development Div.,
NEC Corporation, Daito Tamachi Building, 14-22 Shibaura 4-Chome,
Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, JAPAN
Email: Fax:+81-3-3456-6675

Mar 28, 2012, 10:27:14 PM3/28/12
Hi Ben,

Greetings from the future!

It's 2012 and the internet in the Philippines is definitely going strong. With the exception of some connectivity problems here and there.

There's this thing called Facebook (long story, Google it --another long story), which is supposed to be one of the most popular destinations on the world wide web. Filipinos are actually the 3rd(?) largest population on it.

Big surprise: E-mail is passé, at least among the younger generation.

Tips: Buy stock in Apple -- right now! Lot's of it. Don't buy any kind of stock in fax or pager related businesses. Dump em if you have em.

By the way, there's going to be a crash in 2000 but your Apple stock will make you gazillions by 2012. Trust me.

If you're a betting man, don't believe Michael Jordan has retired, he's coming back and the Bulls will enjoy another three-peat from 95-98.

George Lucas will finally do Episode 1-3 of Star Wars. You'll hate the first one but you'll get to see Yoda move like a ninja and kick butt in 2 & 3.

there's more but i really don't want to spoil the surprise.

When you strike it rich (between the Apple stock and betting on the Bulls), look me up if you'd like to thank me financially. I'm on twitter as @jayfajardo

Jay Fajardo

Mar 29, 2012, 6:57:35 AM3/29/12
EPIC reply mo Sir Jay.

It's nice to see old conversation then future people talking about the future (but not really).

Mar 29, 2012, 12:02:38 PM3/29/12
Let's trend this one!

Mar 29, 2012, 12:05:37 PM3/29/12

Apr 1, 2012, 12:57:31 AM4/1/12
Hi Benjie,

it was great meeting you in person & meet the very person who connected the whole Philippines to the Internet EXACTLY 18 years after it was done - finally, 18 years, you get to celebrate it with Magoo's Pizza with all the other Philippine Internet "fathers" :) here's something from Jim Ayson's Google+ post:

I just posted this on the PH-Cyberview mailing list:
An update on the events of #PHNET 18: The 18th anniversary of the Net in the Philippines.

As I wrote here, a small get-together was organized to try to bring together the original PhilNet technical team for a reunion on the occasion of the anniversary of the first connection that took place on March 29, 1994. I was lucky to get in touch with the original guys like Dr. Villarica, Kelsey Hartigan Go, Arnie Del Rosario, Bombim Cadiz, and Benjie Tan (who was a good sport visiting Smart though he currently works in Globe's technical group!) Other guys include the iPhil founders JR Contreras and Migs Paraz, Al Villarica who helped out Arnie with the original dialup architecture, and few other methuselahs of the local net scene!

We needed a venue so I was able to convince Mon Isberto of Smart Public Affairs to sponsor the facilities and the food. They did a great job and even set up an old PC running a Netscape Navigator simulation just for kicks and photo ops. (yes NCSA Mosaic would have been more hardcore).

It turned out to be a very touching reunion for all involved as they reminisced about the events leading up that day of the connection. Remember this was back when no one knew much about routers and there was no Google to search for info. All anyone had was dialup store and forward email.

Carlo Ople of the New Media Philippines blog was there and documented the event:

I liked that he emphasized the "initimacy" and lack of flash for the event which is just how I wanted it. No big hoopla, just getting the people back together,

Much to my surprise the "#PHnet18" hashtag that Migs Paraz had cooked up went viral and trended on the Philippine Twitter trend list that evenung, hitting #4, thanks to an impromptu campaign whipped up which generated much nostalgia for local netizens:

There were "next steps" discussed - the road to the 20th anniversary in 2014. Some possibilities discussed: a documentary, an exhibit of artifacts and memorabalia, a multimedia e-book, a paper book ... who knows, a national holiday, or even a stamp!

And that's how #PHNet18 came and went.


Paul Pajo.
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Nov 10, 2015, 8:28:15 AM11/10/15
I'm a bit teary eyed reading Jim Ayson's blog about the groundbreaking moment. RIP Mr Ayson.

Internet in the Philippines had gone a long way, but there are still a lot of things to come.

- Alfred, a proud Pinoy
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