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Avi Bryant

da leggere,
14 nov 2006, 02:57:2914/11/06
a Smalltalk.rb
I've taken a first crack at a simple Ruby/Smalltalk source code pairing
to act as a starter test case for any translators and runtime
implementations. It's simple enough to be quickly doable on both
sides, but it has enough meat to be worth discussing, I think. Here's
the code, with line numbers added to the Smalltalk to aid in

class Person
attr_accessor :first, :last

def full_name
if(first && last)
first + " " + last
"John Doe"


"1" Ruby classNamed: 'Person' asRubySymbol do:
"2" [:class |
"3" class attr_accessor: 'first' asRubySymbol with: 'last'
"4" class compileSmalltalkMethod: '
"5" full_name
"6" ^
"7" (self first notFalseOrNil and: [self last notFalseOrNil])
"8" ifTrue: [self first + '' '' asRubyString + self last]
"9" ifFalse: [''John Doe'' asRubyString]'


Line 1. Ruby classes/globals should be in a separate namespace from
Smalltalk classes. We'll need a single global in the Smalltalk
namespace from which to access them; by analogy with the "Smalltalk"
global, I think "Ruby" makes sense.

The #classNamed:do: method is intended to mimic the scoping inside Ruby
class definitions: within the block passed as the second parameter, the
:class variable will be bound to the current open class.

Note that we have to convert Smalltalk string literals to Ruby symbols
(#asRubySymbol) and strings (#asRubyString), since we want these to be
distinct classes from Smalltalk's Symbol and String, and because
Smalltalk's literal semantics (only one instance, usually immutable,
ever created per method, at compile time) don't work for Ruby.

Line 3. The advantage of representing the source this way (as a single
sequence of Smalltalk stamements) instead of in Smalltalk's chunk
format is that we can do the usual Ruby stuff with invoking class
methods inside a class definition in a natural way. I'm suggesting the
addition of "with:" keywords to method names for parameters beyond the
first one, which is as close to idiomatic Smalltalk as we're likely to
get. Another option would be to always pass an array of arguments, but
all of that array creation is going to incur a performance penalty. In
cases like this, where the method implementation actually takes a
variable number of arguments, we can generate stub methods that
delegate to a varargs version:

attr_accessor: aSymbol
^ self attr_accessorWithArgs: (Array with: aSymbol)

attr_accessor: aSymbol with: otherSymbol
^ self attr_accessorWithArgs: (Array with: aSymbol with: otherSymbol)

attr_accessorWithArgs: anArray
"the actual method"

Line 4. The actual method definition carries none of the enclosing
scope, so it doesn't make sense to make it a block or anything - we
just want to give the class some Smalltalk source code for the method,
to compile as usual.

Line 5. There's no possibility of being passed parameters, and no use
of "yield" inside the method, so we can do a unary method here.

Line 6. Unlike Ruby, Smalltalk doesn't implicitly return the value of
the last expression in the method, so we need to explicitly add a
return here.

Line 7. In Ruby, nil is treated the same as false in conditionals.
Smalltalk's optimized control methods expect only true or false, so we
have to do something like #notFalseOrNil to normalize.

Line 8. Note the doubling of the single quotes to escape them - we're
inside a string literal being passed to the compiler.

Topher Cyll

da leggere,
14 nov 2006, 12:42:1014/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com
> "1" Ruby classNamed: 'Person' asRubySymbol do:
> "2" [:class |
> "3" class attr_accessor: 'first' asRubySymbol with: 'last'
> asRubySymbol.
> "4" class compileSmalltalkMethod: '
> "5" full_name
> "6" ^
> "7" (self first notFalseOrNil and: [self last notFalseOrNil])
> "8" ifTrue: [self first + '' '' asRubyString + self last]
> "9" ifFalse: [''John Doe'' asRubyString]'

We shouldn't forget about the superclass, either. Maybe have a
classNamed:subClassOf:do: method instead?

Ruby classNamed: 'Person' asRubySymbol subClassOf: 'Object' asRubySymbol do:

This would mimic Ruby behavior pretty well because it gives the
runtime a chance to freak out if you do this...

class Foo < Baz
class Foo < Grr

Also, given what you've written Avi, might classes defined inside
modules or other classes look something like this? I'm going to use
the version without subClassOf below since it's shorter. ;-)

module M
class C

(Ruby at: 'M' asRubySymbol) classNamed: 'C' asRubySymbol do: ...

Which begs the question, I suppose, is Ruby an instance of RubyModule
or does it simply support a similar interface?


Charles Oliver Nutter

da leggere,
14 nov 2006, 12:44:1214/11/06
a Smalltalk.rb
Avi Bryant wrote:
> I've taken a first crack at a simple Ruby/Smalltalk source code pairing
> to act as a starter test case for any translators and runtime
> implementations. It's simple enough to be quickly doable on both
> sides, but it has enough meat to be worth discussing, I think. Here's
> the code, with line numbers added to the Smalltalk to aid in
> dissection.

I might suggest you look at two more difficult areas of Ruby before
exploring straight-up translation. Translation of boring old normal
Ruby won't be difficult in any language, and as you see it's pretty
simple in Smalltalk. However Ruby's eval logic and scoping rules are
going to be a challenge to exactly duplicate. We're trying to iron out
the last bugs in JRuby related to these areas and running into many
weird and wonderful edge cases that don't make much sense. Tackling
these areas first would be very valuable in the long term, so you don't
paint yourself into a corner with a too-simple translation early on.

- Charlie

Avi Bryant

da leggere,
14 nov 2006, 13:11:3314/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com
On 11/14/06, Topher Cyll <christo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > "1" Ruby classNamed: 'Person' asRubySymbol do:
> > "2" [:class |
> > "3" class attr_accessor: 'first' asRubySymbol with: 'last'
> > asRubySymbol.
> > "4" class compileSmalltalkMethod: '
> > "5" full_name
> > "6" ^
> > "7" (self first notFalseOrNil and: [self last notFalseOrNil])
> > "8" ifTrue: [self first + '' '' asRubyString + self last]
> > "9" ifFalse: [''John Doe'' asRubyString]'
> We shouldn't forget about the superclass, either. Maybe have a
> classNamed:subClassOf:do: method instead?
> Ruby classNamed: 'Person' asRubySymbol subClassOf: 'Object' asRubySymbol do:

Yep, except that the subclass is an expression, not a symbol - so that should be

Ruby classNamed: 'Person' asRubySymbol subclassOf: (Ruby at: 'Object') do:

> Also, given what you've written Avi, might classes defined inside
> modules or other classes look something like this? I'm going to use
> the version without subClassOf below since it's shorter. ;-)
> module M
> class C
> end
> end
> (Ruby at: 'M' asRubySymbol) classNamed: 'C' asRubySymbol do: ...

Yup, looks right.

> Which begs the question, I suppose, is Ruby an instance of RubyModule
> or does it simply support a similar interface?

Dunno, that belongs in the Implementation thread :)

Avi Bryant

da leggere,
14 nov 2006, 13:14:4814/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com

That's good advice. My personal interest is in seeing a proof of
concept that gets things 80% right which people can use to do some
benchmarking, and see if there's interest at that point to do it "for
real", so I'm not too worried if we get the true edge cases wrong at
first. But others may feel differently.

Topher Cyll

da leggere,
14 nov 2006, 16:44:3914/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com
> > Ruby classNamed: 'Person' asRubySymbol subClassOf: 'Object' asRubySymbol do:
> Yep, except that the subclass is an expression, not a symbol - so that should be

Oh, good call.

> Ruby classNamed: 'Person' asRubySymbol subclassOf: (Ruby at: 'Object') do:

With an asRubySymbol tossed in, too (this stuff's tricky to do by
hand, good thing we've got machines to do it for us ;-).

It occurs to me though, that there will probably need to be two
variants of the this classNamed:* method, since if a class was created
with a supertype, it's legal to reopen it with the same supertype or
no specified supertype. But attempting use Object or some other
supertype of the supertype won't work. So not specifying a supertype
is different than having an invisible < Object, I guess.

# Superclass
class One

# Subclass
class Two < One

# Reopens fine
class Two < One

# Reopens fine
class Two

# Blows up
class Two < Object

Anyways, just peanuts, but thought we might as well have it documented on list.

Avi Bryant

da leggere,
14 nov 2006, 17:47:5814/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com
On 11/14/06, Topher Cyll <christo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It occurs to me though, that there will probably need to be two
> variants of the this classNamed:* method, since if a class was created
> with a supertype, it's legal to reopen it with the same supertype or
> no specified supertype. But attempting use Object or some other
> supertype of the supertype won't work. So not specifying a supertype
> is different than having an invisible < Object, I guess.

It's different in implementation, but not in interface (you can't tell
looking at a given .rb file whether that's going to be the case or
not). So basically #classNamed: is going to have to create a new
class in some cases and not in others, and #classNamed:subclassOf:
would have to error out if the class already existed. Maybe the
former should be #ensureClassNamed:.


da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 02:15:0715/11/06
a Smalltalk.rb
> "1" Ruby classNamed: 'Person' asRubySymbol do:
> "2" [:class |
> "3" class attr_accessor: 'first' asRubySymbol with: 'last'
> asRubySymbol.
> "4" class compileSmalltalkMethod: '
> "5" full_name
> "6" ^
> "7" (self first notFalseOrNil and: [self last notFalseOrNil])
> "8" ifTrue: [self first + '' '' asRubyString + self last]
> "9" ifFalse: [''John Doe'' asRubyString]'

Have you given any thought to debugging? It would be a pitty to be in a
smalltalk image and not have that ability. Perhaps some debugger pragma
could go into the generated code to cross reference it to the original

Avi Bryant

da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 03:10:0415/11/06
a Smalltalk.rb
Here's a new revision of the specification for discussion, which
incorporates some of the things we've been discussing (like
subclassing, instance variables, and calling conventions) and adds a
couple of new twists. Things to note:
- How do we translate method names like "empty?" and "name="? I'm
proposing "emptyQuestion" and "nameEquals" but there are other
possiblities... for example "pEmpty" and "setName" to be lispish. Any
of these are potentially in conflict with real Ruby methods of the same
name but I'm not sure how to avoid this (short of adding a lot of
underscores or something to make it even less probable).
- We're implementing #set_childrenWithArgs: but sending
#set_children:with:. That's implying automatic stub creation to make
that work (see my discussion with Glenn V.).
- I've tried to mimic Ruby's odd scoping for block parameters. It's
kinda tempting to use proper block scoping, but that would break
- How do people feel about this specification being a real-ish model
rather than just stuff like "class A < B"? It may get awkward to come
up with plausible method names for the various things we want to test,
but I also like grounding things in semi-realistic examples.

class Person < Thing
attr_accessor :first, :last

def full_name
if(first && last)
first + " " + last
"John Doe"

class Person
def set_children(*kids)
@children = kids

def each_child
@children.each{|k| yield k}

x = Person.new
x.first = "John"
x.last = "Smith"
puts x.full_name
x.set_children("Alice", "Bob")
x.each_child{|k| puts k}



classNamed: 'Person' asRubySymbol
subclassing: (Ruby classNamed: 'Thing' asRubySymbol)
do: [:class |

class attr_accessor: 'first' asRubySymbol with: 'last' asRubySymbol.

class compileSmalltalkMethod: '

(self first notFalseOrNil and: [self last notFalseOrNil])

ifTrue: [self first + '' '' asRubyString + self last]

ifFalse: [''John Doe'' asRubyString]'].

classNamed: 'Person' asRubySymbol
do: [:class |
compileSmalltalkMethod: '
set_childrenWithArgs: kids
children := kids'
instVarNames: #(children).
compileSmalltalkMethod: '
each_childWithBlock: yieldBlock
children each: [:k | yieldBlock value: k]'
instVarNames: #(children)].

x := (Ruby classNamed: 'Person') new.
x firstEquals: 'John' asRubyString.
x lastEquals: 'Smith' asRubyString.
RubyMain puts: x full_name.
x set_children: 'Alice' asRubyString with: 'Bob' asRubyString.
x each_childWithBlock: [:k | RubyMain puts: k]

Dane Jensen

da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 04:39:2915/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com

On Nov 15, 2006, at 12:10 AM, Avi Bryant wrote:

> Here's a new revision of the specification for discussion, which
> incorporates some of the things we've been discussing (like
> subclassing, instance variables, and calling conventions) and adds a
> couple of new twists. Things to note:
> - How do we translate method names like "empty?" and "name="? I'm
> proposing "emptyQuestion" and "nameEquals" but there are other
> possiblities... for example "pEmpty" and "setName" to be lispish. Any
> of these are potentially in conflict with real Ruby methods of the
> same
> name but I'm not sure how to avoid this (short of adding a lot of
> underscores or something to make it even less probable).
> - We're implementing #set_childrenWithArgs: but sending
> #set_children:with:. That's implying automatic stub creation to make
> that work (see my discussion with Glenn V.).
> - I've tried to mimic Ruby's odd scoping for block parameters. It's
> kinda tempting to use proper block scoping, but that would break
> things.
> - How do people feel about this specification being a real-ish model
> rather than just stuff like "class A < B"? It may get awkward to come
> up with plausible method names for the various things we want to test,
> but I also like grounding things in semi-realistic examples.

It'd be helpful to think about the Ruby in terms of the AST that it's
parsed into, because those are the symbols get get for input to the
translator. Below are the ParseTree sexpressions corresponding to to
the various bits (any errors in brackets or commas are my own from
breaking up the expression into chunks)

One interesting observation is that Ruby seems to treat arguments
passed to a method as an array from the outset, pulling off from the
front in the order they appear in the method definition, and then
tossing the rest into any catchall at the end if applicable. Looking
at the output of RubyNode on the same methods is similarly
interesting, but for another night.

> ----
> Ruby
> ----
> class Person < Thing

[:class, :Person,[:const, :Thing],

> attr_accessor :first, :last
[:fcall, :attr_accessor, [:array, [:lit, :first], [:lit, :last]]],

> def full_name
> if(first && last)
> first + " " + last
> else
> "John Doe"
> end
> end

[:defn, :full_name,
[:and, [:vcall, :first], [:vcall, :last]],
[:call,[:call, [:vcall, :first], :+, [:array, [:str, " "]]], :
+,[:array, [:vcall, :last]]],
[:str, "John Doe"]]]]]]]],

> end
] (erm, or something, I may be missing a bracket or comma, wasn't
really counting)

> class Person
[:class, :Person, nil,

> def set_children(*kids)
> @children = kids
> end

[:defn, :set_children,
[:scope,[:block, [:args, :"*kids"],
[:iasgn, :@children, [:lvar, :kids]]]]],

> def each_child
> @children.each{|k| yield k}
> end
> end

[:call, [:ivar, :@children], :each],
[:dasgn_curr, :k],
[:yield, [:dvar, :k]]]]]]]]],

> x = Person.new
[:lasgn, :x, [:call, [:const, :Person], :new]],

> x.first = "John"
[:attrasgn, [:lvar, :x], :first=, [:array, [:str, "John"]]],

> x.last = "Smith"
[:attrasgn, [:lvar, :x], :last=, [:array, [:str, "Smith"]]],

> puts x.full_name
[:fcall, :puts, [:array, [:call, [:lvar, :x], :full_name]]],

> x.set_children("Alice", "Bob")

[:call, [:lvar, :x], :set_children, [:array, [:str, "Alice"], [:str,

> x.each_child{|k| puts k}
[:call, [:lvar, :x], :each_child],
[:dasgn_curr, :k],
[:fcall, :puts, [:array, [:dvar, :k]]]]

Avi Bryant

da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 05:04:3915/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com
On 11/15/06, Dane Jensen <ca...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> It'd be helpful to think about the Ruby in terms of the AST that it's
> parsed into, because those are the symbols get get for input to the
> translator. Below are the ParseTree sexpressions corresponding to to
> the various bits (any errors in brackets or commas are my own from
> breaking up the expression into chunks)

Hm, if we're gonna be looking at these sexprs a lot, can we write them
in real sexpr notation rather than Ruby's much more verbose array
literal format? So, eg,

(attrasgn (lvar x) last= (array (str "Smith")))

> One interesting observation is that Ruby seems to treat arguments
> passed to a method as an array from the outset, pulling off from the
> front in the order they appear in the method definition, and then
> tossing the rest into any catchall at the end if applicable.

Not sure I follow, can you point to an example?


Topher Cyll

da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 09:49:5115/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com
> Hm, if we're gonna be looking at these sexprs a lot, can we write them
> in real sexpr notation rather than Ruby's much more verbose array
> literal format? So, eg,
> (attrasgn (lvar x) last= (array (str "Smith")))

If we'd like to go that route on the mailing list, I have a Rubygem
named 'sexp' on Rubyforge that can do this. It's a little frustrating
to get working because ParseTree also provides a 'sexp.rb' in the root
directory of their gem that conflicts.

But here's an example of how to get them working together well enough
to do what we need (uses a manual require_gem)

require 'rubygems'
require_gem 'sexp'
require 'parse_tree'

class Foo

p = ParseTree.new
puts p.parse_tree(Foo).to_sexp


da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 11:12:0115/11/06
a Smalltalk.rb
Avi Bryant wrote:
> On 11/15/06, Dane Jensen <ca...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> > One interesting observation is that Ruby seems to treat arguments
> > passed to a method as an array from the outset, pulling off from the
> > front in the order they appear in the method definition, and then
> > tossing the rest into any catchall at the end if applicable.
> Not sure I follow, can you point to an example?

Using "real" MRI (as it appears ParseTree is doing), all methods that
take arguments actually receive just 1 argument: an array. The contents
of that array are then mapped to the declared method arguments at
runtime. (Yarv also waits until the last second to do this mapping). An
example is provided below, using Dane's sexp util.

Before the example, here are some strongtalk bytecodes to keep in mind:

bytecode id#: desc
80: interpreted send, 0 args
81: interpreted send, 1 args
82: interpreted send, 2 args
83: interpreted send, n args
90-93: polymorphic send bytecodes (0, 1, 2, and n args)
A0-A3: compiled send bytecodes (0, 1, 2, and n args)
(B0-B3 are not relevant)
C0-C3: megamorphic sends

In strongtalk, the method inlining optimizations stem in part from the
deep understanding of the implications of smalltalk's method call
semantics. If you want to benefit, you will likely have to change the
ruby message send semantics to match smalltalk's whenever possible.

=== some example method calls w/ generated sexp follow ===

require 'rubygems'
require_gem 'sexp'
require 'parse_tree'

class Foo
def add_it_up(a, b, *manyargs)
answer = a + b
manyargs.each { |argn| answer += argn }
def add_it_up_plenty
add_it_up(5, 5, 5, 5, 5)
def add_it_up_just_enough
add_it_up(2, 2)
def add_it_up_not_enough

p = ParseTree.new
p p.parse_tree(Foo).to_sexp

Generated and abridged sexp:
(defn add_it_up_plenty (scope (block (args)
(fcall add_it_up (array (lit 5) (lit 5) (lit 5) (lit 5) (lit 5))))))
(defn add_it_up_not_enough (scope (block (args)
(fcall add_it_up (array (lit 1))))))
(defn add_it_up_just_enough (scope (block (args)
(fcall add_it_up (array (lit 2) (lit 2))))))

Note that in all cases, the call to :add_it_up is sending an array.

Avi Bryant

da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 12:37:0615/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com
On 11/15/06, swerling <swerl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> (defn add_it_up_plenty (scope (block (args)
> (fcall add_it_up (array (lit 5) (lit 5) (lit 5) (lit 5) (lit 5))))))
> ...
> (defn add_it_up_not_enough (scope (block (args)
> (fcall add_it_up (array (lit 1))))))
> ...
> (defn add_it_up_just_enough (scope (block (args)
> (fcall add_it_up (array (lit 2) (lit 2))))))
> Note that in all cases, the call to :add_it_up is sending an array.

Ah, ok. We definitely don't want to actually build an array for every
method call. I'm sure we can get the same calling semantics without


Ben Matasar

da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 12:47:4615/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com
> - How do we translate method names like "empty?" and "name="? I'm
> proposing "emptyQuestion" and "nameEquals" but there are other
> possiblities... for example "pEmpty" and "setName" to be lispish. Any
> of these are potentially in conflict with real Ruby methods of the same
> name but I'm not sure how to avoid this (short of adding a lot of
> underscores or something to make it even less probable).

We could use 'name' rather than 'nameEquals,' but that may be throwing away
the equal sign.

We may also be able to take advantage of things that are not legal names in
ruby but are in smalltalk. For example, we could compile things to use
a dummy keyword parameter, like so:

rubyObject name: name equals: nil.

where 'name:equals' is not a legal symbol in ruby.

That is not particularly pretty, but it would avoid collisions with
ruby names. This also makes me wonder what we will do for multiple
arguments. I would propose appending with:; with:with: however many
times. That would probably cover most of our calls. For example

def diabolocial_method(a,b)
return a + b

Would look like:

diabolical_methodWith: a with: b

I notice that Avi is doing a similar thing with *args in his proposed spec.


Ben Matasar

da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 12:51:0815/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com
Following up on myself:

> where 'name:equals' is not a legal symbol in ruby.

This is unfortunately not true in the sense that "name:equals".to_sym
does give you something, but the runtime rejects setting an instance
variable to that value.


Steven Swerling

da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 14:24:4115/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com

> Ah, ok. We definitely don't want to actually build an array for every
> method call. I'm sure we can get the same calling semantics without
> that...
Yep. However, my guess is that will be nontrivial. Consider the
following pathological case. First, the use generates this simple class:

class LikesToAdd
def add_or_mult(a, b)

answer = a + b


class Foo < LikesToAdd
def go
def goMore

p Foo.new.go() # ==> 7
#p Foo.new.goMore() # ==> Would give wrong number of args error

Now, imagine the user comes along a couple days later, fires up the
image, and writes the LikesToMult module below:

module LikesToMult
def add_or_mult(a, b, *manyargs)
answer = a * b
manyargs.each { |argn| answer *= argn }

#The user also changes Foo to include the new module
class Foo < LikesToAdd
include LikesToMult

p Foo.new.go() # ==> 12
p Foo.new.goMore() # ==> 60

In this pathalogical example, Foo now includes a new def of
"add_or_mult" that overrides the one in LikesToAdd. Now, add_or_mult
likes to multiply, and furthermore, its now takes a splat. If you're not
*very* careful, the old optimization you did when originally compiling
add_or_mult (which used to take 2 parms) will still call super's "self
addOrMult: arg1 with: arg2" instead of self's "self addOrMult:
argArray". Using the messageNotUnderstood trick will not bail you out on
this one, because the message will be understood, just the wrong one.

So if you can't catch it at runtime, how to handle this at code
generation time? If you want to optimize the ruby by changing the call
semantics to look like smalltalk at compile time, then *any* later
changes to a class will require a deoptimization/reoptimization scan on
previously translated methods to make sure their optimization is still
valid (and in all subclass methods too). If you change a module, you
will have to scan all classes that include the module (and their
subclasses). If you create a singleton at runtime that overrides a
method, all of the methods in the class it was derived from might now
fail to hit the reimplemented method (if it changed the method signature).

Perhaps you're better off following ruby's call semantics (always an
array, unpack the array at the start of the method) and pay the
performance price. Later, once everything else is working, some
ruby-friendly send bytecodes can be added to the vm (rubysend,
rubysend2arg, rubysendNargs,....). To the smalltalk send bytecodes, all
ruby method calls would appear monomorphic, with 1 argument of type
Array, thus breaking PIC logic. You would have to change the PIC logic
in the rubysend bytecode to generate type info and make inlining
choices based the contents of the Array instead of from the method

Avi Bryant

da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 14:42:4015/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com
On 11/15/06, Steven Swerling <swerl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In this pathalogical example, Foo now includes a new def of
> "add_or_mult" that overrides the one in LikesToAdd. Now, add_or_mult
> likes to multiply, and furthermore, its now takes a splat. If you're not
> *very* careful, the old optimization you did when originally compiling
> add_or_mult (which used to take 2 parms) will still call super's "self
> addOrMult: arg1 with: arg2" instead of self's "self addOrMult:
> argArray". Using the messageNotUnderstood trick will not bail you out on
> this one, because the message will be understood, just the wrong one.

Very good point. So I think the best solution is just not to use the
lazy DNU trick but to actually eagerly generate all the possible
variations whenever you implement or override a method. Thus, at the
LikesToMult level, #addOrMult:with: would be redefined to dispatch to

Then we just set a limit on how many args we want to use the optimized
version for. I'd say that we go up to method:with:with: and beyond
that (so 4 args or more), we do just collect them into an array and
use #methodWithArgs:. If we have variants with and without a block
param, we end up with 7 stubs and one implementation for each method,
which is probably fine.


Steven Swerling

da leggere,
15 nov 2006, 18:31:4815/11/06
a smallta...@googlegroups.com
That would work. Although if you try to call a method with too *few*
args, it will fail to fail. Eg. If you call add_or_mult(1), it will
succeed after all cases of add_or_mult are rerouted to "self
addOrMultWithArgs: args", even though the programmer never explicitly
created a method to handle that.

It is clear that this too can be worked out. And that it will be tricky.

Anyway, this is all screaming "unit test", so one is attached. It tests
the "failure to fail on not enough args" scenario just mentioned, as
well as a bunch of other override behaviors that should happen before
and after a module is mixed in.

Still can't help wondering if we should just stick to ruby's call scheme
(always use array) and implement a new bytecode later.

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