Bandar coup?

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Aug 9, 2009, 7:01:17 AM8/9/09

From Webster Tarpley:

Behind the Bandar disppearance - was Bandar trying to use Russia to balance US domination, escaping from the US protectorate with the help of an opening to Russia?

Here is my dicsussion of the situation with Alex Jones on Infowars radio today.

prince Bandar coup d'état failed after turning in favor of Putin's Russia

It seems there is coup epidemic sweeping through the whole world. Latest we heard from was  Honduras. And now in Saudi Arabia?

From Press TV:

Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the kingdom’s former ambassador to the United States, is reportedly under house arrest over a conspiracy against the monarch.

Saad al-Faqih, head of the opposition group Islamic Reform Movement, told Arab-language TV al-Alam that Prince Bandar has been disappeared and the media has published no word from the ex-diplomat’s whereabouts since nearly three months ago.

According to al-Faqih, the prince first disappeared in Britain but he returned to the kingdom shortly afterwards.

He added that after Saudi officials discovered that he had provoked 200 agents working for the Saudi security service to stage a coup against King Abdullah, he was put under house arrest.

Al-Faqih said people close to the king had disclosed Bandar’s plots and foiled them.

He said Saudi sources believe that intelligence provided by some Arab countries help the Saudi monarch foil Prince Bandar’s conspiracy.

Power struggle between members of the Saudi royal family has been common as power is shared among some 200 princes out of the estimated 7000 family members.

Known as Bandar Bush because of his close relations with former US President George W Bush, the prince is son of Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz.

August 03, 2009

Bandar coup?

This would be excellent, if true (Bandar Bush is the biggest Zionist around, which is why the mainstream media hasn't mentioned the story despite it being important news):
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