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не прочитано,
24 июн. 2009 г., 22:58:1824.06.2009
(I decided this deserves a separate post. I also added to it...)


A separately funded project, with hundreds of billions of dollars as
necessary, to develop a spacecraft that will:


(You reach 1 million mph in about 14 - 15 hours at one G.)

With sufficient research into nuclear and possibly even antimatter
propulsoin, this can be done.

We are never going to see humans go further across the Solar System
than Mars without it!

The Worlds of Jupiter and Saturn and beyond BECKON US!

We don't want to go?

ADDENDUM: The Orion Project (Acceleration by repeated nuclear
explosions) would be one way. Seems too "contraptionistic" to me, but
if there were no other way...

Many ideas are out there about new propulsion techniques, nuclear and
others. Please excuse the following:

Hitler ordered that the V2 would carry 1 ton of explosives. Nixon
ordered that the space shuttle would have solid rocket boosters.
Please ignore politics and other horrible things, here; my point is:

Pres. or Congress MANDATES 1G, 1 Millon MPH. Funds it! Then it is

Сообщение удалено


не прочитано,
25 июн. 2009 г., 01:31:5125.06.2009
On Jun 24, 7:58 pm, giveitawhirl2008 <>

Interesting, but where's the nuclear rocket expertise of William Mook?

~ BG

Alan Erskine

не прочитано,
25 июн. 2009 г., 01:47:1625.06.2009
"giveitawhirl2008" <> wrote in message

> (You reach 1 million mph in about 14 - 15 hours at one G.)

It's not the speeding-up that's the problem; it's the slowing down at the
end of the trip.

Father Haskell

не прочитано,
25 июн. 2009 г., 04:07:1925.06.2009
On Jun 25, 1:47 am, "Alan Erskine" <> wrote:
> "giveitawhirl2008" <> wrote in message

Rotate 180 and fire the engines.

Alan Erskine

не прочитано,
25 июн. 2009 г., 06:46:5525.06.2009
"Father Haskell" <> wrote in message

For the second-half of the trip.


не прочитано,
26 июн. 2009 г., 15:16:4526.06.2009
On Jun 24, 10:47 pm, "Alan Erskine" <> wrote:
> "giveitawhirl2008" <> wrote in message

But our absent and usually bipolar wizard of fly-by-rocket physics,
William Mook can do both, with U235 energy to spare. Too bad that
he's too mindset and otherwise cranky for these Usenet/newsgroups.

~ BG


не прочитано,
26 июн. 2009 г., 15:17:5226.06.2009

Correct, because there's no shortage of U235.

~ BG


не прочитано,
26 июн. 2009 г., 15:22:2326.06.2009
On Jun 25, 3:46 am, "Alan Erskine" <> wrote:
> "Father Haskell" <> wrote in message

Depends on how many gees you can survive. In a solid block of ice,
the fully liquid saturated and frozen human body should withstand 100

If you don't like having your DNA frozen in ice, make it frozen beer.

~ BG


не прочитано,
26 июн. 2009 г., 17:34:0626.06.2009

Hi! Thanks for those responses that were serious! Obviously, it has to
be able to accelerate at 1g to cruising speed, decelerate at 1 g to
"zero," and then do that again for the return trip. I would suppose
that a decent safety margin would be to have it be able to do a full
accel/decel 6 times, or maybe 8.

I might be fission powered, fusion powered, antimatter powered, or
maybe even something else. (Or maybe a hybrid.) They keep working on
propulsion proposals so I wouldn't bet on one particular approach too
early on. Maybe Congress would even have to mandate that research go
into more than one promising propulsion technology at the same time
until NASA can extablish the best one to go forward with.


не прочитано,
26 июн. 2009 г., 17:38:0626.06.2009
On Jun 26, 5:34 pm, giveitawhirl2008 <>
> until NASA can extablish the best one to go forward with.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I meant to "IT" might be fission powered, etc.....*I* am fart-powered!


не прочитано,
26 июн. 2009 г., 21:56:5426.06.2009
On Jun 26, 2:38 pm, giveitawhirl2008 <>

Look up related topics and/or replies authored by William Mook, aka
Williamknowsbest, willie.moo, Willie.Moo, William.M, tomcat,
william.m, wmook or I like to call him the energy wizard of Oz, and so
forth. (aka "Mök Energy" is his home port)

He's gone kind of crazy youtube on us, so it might be hard to ever get
him back into plain old text format. However, there's supposedly
nothing he doesn't know or can't find out about about past, present
day and future fission powered rockets, and much of his expertise was
posted within Usenet/newsgroups, unless he had it removed.

How much more efficient would Nuclear Fission rockets be?

Nuclear rockets

Mining the Moons of Mars

And there's a few dozen others to pick from. William Mook isn't
always right or properly motivated for the greater good of humanity,
but neither was Einstein.

~ BG

Pat Flannery

не прочитано,
27 июн. 2009 г., 04:06:3827.06.2009

giveitawhirl2008 wrote:
> I might be fission powered, fusion powered, antimatter powered, or
> maybe even something else.

I hereby nominate my idea- The "Vegetative Starship": a truly wonderful
device that puts starflight within our reach even today- as any good
medieval herbalist knows, each species of plant has a affinity for a
certain star, whose influence draws it's sprout forth from the soil
after it germinates... this is a small, but very real, force - which
like an ion engine can generate a great deal of velocity over a period
of time - the Vegetative Starship resembles one of the greenhouse domes
off of the "Valley Forge" of "Silent Running" fame. It is assembled in
GEO, and its crew of carefully selected award-winning
gardener/scientists put onboard... then the planting of the correct type
of plant for the target star ensues - the domed top section of the ship
is aimed toward the destination, and the seeds begin to feel the
influence of the distant target sun - but as they try to draw themselves
toward it with their sprouting, their roots are locked squarely into a
artificial soil matrix screen, and they begin to slowly pull the whole
ship along with themselves as they are drawn starward. Bit-by-bit the
speed increases as the plants continue to grow (if in a somewhat stunted
state, due to the acceleration of their garden environment) and after
two or three generations have been planted, the ship is moving at a good
fraction of lightspeed - now the plants are harvested for the last time,
and another species sown, which has an affinity toward a star at the
antipodes of the celestial sphere, thereby braking the starship's
velocity and allowing it to enter orbit around it's destination... other
species of plants can be planted in small amounts to serve as a
maneuvering system for the ship, changing it's attitude and modifying
its trajectory as they are moved around in its interior and are
attracted to their kindred stars.
But one of the real advantages of this type of starship is that it's
self homing; pick the correct species of plant, kick back, and let
mother nature do all the fuss, no muss.... and no annoying,
almost weekly, imminent breach of the matter/antimatter containment
field! ...and, with a little forethought and careful choice of
destination stars, edible species of plant can be used, and sustain the
crew with their harvesting and oxygen producing ability. "Ad Astra Per
Asparagus" may well be the motto of these harvesters of the heavens;
these gardeners of the galaxies; these sower's to the stars!
But we must ask there anything wrong with this idea? Is
it perhaps unworkable? I need only point out one staggering argument in
its favor- I mean of course- that Great Enigma; That Mysterious
An entire book of star charts, written in a language no one has ever
been able to decipher, with loads of pictures of plants no one has ever
seen on Earth.....and, as a special bonus, and incentive to make you
look at the site above...PICTURES OF NAKED LADIES ALSO!
Naked Ladies that were probably being lusted after by some priaptic
aliens in a Vegetative Starship when they dropped by our Solar System
round about 1400 or so, sick and tired of having eaten Sunflower Seeds
for twenty odd years (One of the few plants that IS recognizable in the
manuscript is the Sunflower; now revealed to be a Triffid-like
contaminant upon our blessed Earth, and most aptly named; for this was
the fuel that brought these adventurous Botonauts to our planet - you
will note that there is no mention of the Sunflower plant in the
Holy-Bible-Book, sure proof that it didn't exist on Earth until it was
brought here!)- they got drunk, got laid, and lost one of their tech
manuals, as they puked their hung over way back into the sky....
ready to eat grass for the next twenty years, on their way to the star Taurus the Bull.


* Use of "slowly Building FRENZY" writing style is licensed by "The
Flanco School Of CRAZED WRITING!!!", and unauthorized use is forbidden,
under penalty Of Violent Dismemberment BY NONCORPOREAL BEINGS!!!!


не прочитано,
28 июн. 2009 г., 13:04:1128.06.2009

> An entire book of star charts, written in a language no one has ever
> been able to decipher, with loads of pictures of plants no one has ever
> seen on Earth.....and, as a special bonus, and incentive to make you
> look at the site above...PICTURES OF NAKED LADIES ALSO!
> Naked Ladies that were probably being lusted after by some priaptic
> aliens in a Vegetative Starship when they dropped by our Solar System
> round about 1400 or so, sick and tired of having eaten Sunflower Seeds
> for twenty odd years (One of the few plants that IS recognizable in the
> manuscript is the Sunflower; now revealed to be a Triffid-like
> contaminant upon our blessed Earth, and most aptly named; for this was
> the fuel that brought these adventurous Botonauts to our planet - you
> will note that there is no mention of the Sunflower plant in the
> Holy-Bible-Book, sure proof that it didn't exist on Earth until it was
> brought here!)- they got drunk, got laid, and lost one of their tech
> manuals, as they puked their hung over way back into the sky....
> ready to eat grass for the next twenty years, on their way to the star
> Taurus the Bull.
> Pat
> * Use of "slowly Building  FRENZY" writing style is licensed by "The
> Flanco School Of CRAZED WRITING!!!", and  unauthorized use is forbidden,
> under penalty Of Violent Dismemberment BY NONCORPOREAL BEINGS!!!!

Go back to spewing those silly infomercials for all of your DARPA and
NASA friends. Even our bipolar William Mook would be of more positive/
constructive use than yourself in this topic.

~ BG


не прочитано,
28 июн. 2009 г., 19:38:1928.06.2009
> Nuclear rockets

> Mining the Moons of Mars

> And there's a few dozen others to pick from.  William Mook isn't
> always right or properly motivated for the greater good of humanity,
> but neither was Einstein.
>  ~ BG- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Thanks for your response. In scanning the two Mook discussions about
nuclear rockets that you link to, I see he apparently knows quite a
bit. But, wait! Before I finish responding to your post, I first
decided to condescend to respond to "PP:"

>What, the good folk over in AUK didn't give you enough attention? Gosh,
maybe you're just a run-of-the-mill kook...

Actually, buying and selling H-bombs is a hobby. Space exploration is
a CAREER. :-) re:

BTW: I read "Project Orion: The True Story of the Atomic
Spaceship/dp/0805059857....; the nuclear-bomb powered craft is
"infinitely(?)" up-scalable. In other words, while Dyson & Co. were
mainly thinking of fission bombs, fusion bombs could be used. You
could not only have a very high speed craft but you could essentially
propel the Queen Mary to Saturn with the technique. Making for a very
comfortable ride and allowing many passengers!

In fact, I wonder if H-bombs could be used to propel a
"Worldship:" (for interstellar travel)

But to me, worldships are unbearably slow and cruel, requiring
generations of people to be born and die within their confines for
centuries until one finally reaches some nearby star. In the
meantime, some high-speed craft zips on by to beat you to the star
while its crew waves and laughs....But I'm getting way off topic! This
is about interPLANETARY travel, and potentially relatively near term!

Back to BradGuth:

Well, my grounding is much based on a neat 1980s book, "The Starflight
Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel.:"
I also read.

While that is about interstellar primarily, its discussion of various
propulsion proposals is relevant to the Million MPH Spacecraft. Two
wild proposals include "metastable atoms" and "free radicals." I have
scanned internet sources on newer propulsion proposals; these include
the compression of nuclear fuel pellets, for example, as discussed by

If Congress mandated a perliminary research effort to slim down the
possiblities to several of the best, that would save research dollars
from being diluted into too many different paths. NASA has already
conducted much conceptual research which would be the starting point.

What I am proposing is mostly a sales job to the public and to
Congress. If people could get the "Apollo Mood" back - not only about
the upcoming Moon and Mars efforts but about THE FAR REACHES OF THE
SOLAR SYSTEM - then the U.S. might develop the political will to "put
boots on the ground" on Titan! (Etc. !) !!!


не прочитано,
28 июн. 2009 г., 19:45:2728.06.2009
On Jun 28, 7:38 pm, giveitawhirl2008 <>
> a CAREER. :-) re:

> BTW: I read "Project Orion: The True Story of the Atomic
> Spaceship."...
> Spaceship/dp/0805059857....; the nuclear-bomb powered craft is
> "infinitely(?)" up-scalable. In other words, while Dyson & Co. were
> mainly thinking of fission bombs, fusion bombs could be used. You
> could not only have a very high speed craft but you could essentially
> propel the Queen Mary to Saturn with the technique. Making for a very
> comfortable ride and allowing many passengers!
> In fact, I wonder if H-bombs could be used to propel a
> "Worldship:" (for interstellar travel)

> But to me, worldships are unbearably slow and cruel, requiring
> generations of people to be born and die within their confines for
> centuries until one finally reaches some nearby star. In the
> meantime, some high-speed craft zips on by to beat you to the star
> while its crew waves and laughs....But I'm getting way off topic! This
> is about interPLANETARY travel, and potentially relatively near term!
> Back to BradGuth:
> Well, my grounding is much based on a neat 1980s book, "The Starflight
> Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel.:"

> I also read.
> While that is about interstellar primarily, its discussion of various
> propulsion proposals is relevant to the Million MPH Spacecraft. Two
> wild proposals include "metastable atoms" and "free radicals." I have
> scanned internet sources on newer propulsion proposals; these include
> the compression of nuclear fuel pellets, for example, as discussed by
> Mook.
> If Congress mandated a perliminary research effort to slim down the
> possiblities to several of the best, that would save research dollars
> from being diluted into too many different paths. NASA has already
> conducted much conceptual research which would be the starting point.
> Ex.:
> What I am proposing is mostly a sales job to the public and to
> Congress. If people could get the "Apollo Mood" back - not only about
> the upcoming Moon and Mars efforts but about THE FAR REACHES OF THE
> SOLAR SYSTEM - then the U.S. might develop the political will to "put
> boots on the ground" on Titan! (Etc. !)  !!!- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

My Amazon Orion Project link is not workable, so here is:


не прочитано,
28 июн. 2009 г., 19:48:5128.06.2009
On Jun 28, 7:45 pm, giveitawhirl2008 <>
> Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Ok, that one didn't quite work, either. If I were paranoid, I would
think Google or SOMEBODY is trying to make it not quite so easy to
find out about tbe Orion Project, at least in the context of my
discussions. Well, anybody can look up the Orion Project for


не прочитано,
28 июн. 2009 г., 22:11:0528.06.2009
On Jun 28, 4:38 pm, giveitawhirl2008 <>
> a CAREER. :-) re:

> BTW: I read "Project Orion: The True Story of the Atomic
> Spaceship."...
> Spaceship/dp/0805059857....; the nuclear-bomb powered craft is
> "infinitely(?)" up-scalable. In other words, while Dyson & Co. were
> mainly thinking of fission bombs, fusion bombs could be used. You
> could not only have a very high speed craft but you could essentially
> propel the Queen Mary to Saturn with the technique. Making for a very
> comfortable ride and allowing many passengers!
> In fact, I wonder if H-bombs could be used to propel a
> "Worldship:" (for interstellar travel)

> But to me, worldships are unbearably slow and cruel, requiring
> generations of people to be born and die within their confines for
> centuries until one finally reaches some nearby star. In the
> meantime, some high-speed craft zips on by to beat you to the star
> while its crew waves and laughs....But I'm getting way off topic! This
> is about interPLANETARY travel, and potentially relatively near term!
> Back to BradGuth:
> Well, my grounding is much based on a neat 1980s book, "The Starflight
> Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel.:"

> I also read.
> While that is about interstellar primarily, its discussion of various
> propulsion proposals is relevant to the Million MPH Spacecraft. Two
> wild proposals include "metastable atoms" and "free radicals." I have
> scanned internet sources on newer propulsion proposals; these include
> the compression of nuclear fuel pellets, for example, as discussed by
> Mook.

Whatever Mook doesn't know, he alone can out-think-tank everyone else
combined. However, it'll have to be 100% his way, or else.

> If Congress mandated a perliminary research effort to slim down the
> possiblities to several of the best, that would save research dollars
> from being diluted into too many different paths. NASA has already
> conducted much conceptual research which would be the starting point.
> Ex.:
> What I am proposing is mostly a sales job to the public and to
> Congress. If people could get the "Apollo Mood" back - not only about
> the upcoming Moon and Mars efforts but about THE FAR REACHES OF THE
> SOLAR SYSTEM - then the U.S. might develop the political will to "put
> boots on the ground" on Titan! (Etc. !)  !!!

Then perhaps what we need is another mutually perpetrated cold-war,
and the spendier the better, because that's what ultimately gave NASA
the means, motive and opportunity in order to afford our gang of x-
Zionist Nazis within DARPA to accomplish their as-built stuff of fly-
by-rockets in the first place. However, too bad they couldn't come up
with any viable fly-by-rocket lander.

~ BG


не прочитано,
28 июн. 2009 г., 22:15:2528.06.2009
On Jun 28, 4:48 pm, giveitawhirl2008 <>
> > quoted text -

> > - Show quoted text -
> Ok, that one didn't quite work, either. If I were paranoid, I would
> think Google or SOMEBODY is trying to make it not quite so easy to
> find out about tbe Orion Project, at least in the context of my
> discussions. Well, anybody can look up the Orion Project for
> themselves!

Much of public funded physics, science and technology is being pulled
from the internet or watered down, mostly because of folks like
yourself that can still put 2 and 2 together, or otherwise deductively
connect a few dots.

~ BG


не прочитано,
28 июн. 2009 г., 22:20:5728.06.2009

I admit that military expenditures are what normally get the big
bucks; survival tops all other priorities. But at this moment,
throwing around trillions of dollars for purely civilian/economic
purposes is all the rage. And the space program has real benefits on
EARTH: jobs created and technological advances. The Apollo program
employed 400,000 engineers, techicians, etc. And gave us the
microchip, etc. I know you know all this; I'm hoping that these
concepts can be expressed to the public in an effective way.


не прочитано,
28 июн. 2009 г., 22:30:3128.06.2009
> > > text -

> > > - Show quoted text -
> > Ok, that one didn't quite work, either. If I were paranoid, I would
> > think Google or SOMEBODY is trying to make it not quite so easy to
> > find out about tbe Orion Project, at least in the context of my
> > discussions. Well, anybody can look up the Orion Project for
> > themselves!
> Much of public funded physics, science and technology is being pulled
> from the internet or watered down, mostly because of folks like
> yourself that can still put 2 and 2 together, or otherwise deductively
> connect a few dots.
>  ~ BG- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

And your point is? I find it best not to even implicitly oversell my
own knowledge. That tends to come back to bite you. You may have
experienced this effect. If not, your time is coming.


не прочитано,
29 июн. 2009 г., 10:58:4429.06.2009
On Jun 28, 7:20 pm, giveitawhirl2008 <>

We can, just not here within this infowar saturated Usenet/newsgroup
that has every intention of keeping the mainstream media confused and/
or entirely banished. These spooks and moles as mainstream brown-
nosed clowns claim Atheism, but their actions are clearly 100%
Zionism, as well as pro big government and very much in support of Big
Energy which needs a wartime economy in order to continually expand
and inflate most everything on a global scale

There are simply too many lies and deceptions that we get to pay for.
~ BG


не прочитано,
29 июн. 2009 г., 11:19:4229.06.2009
On Jun 28, 7:30 pm, giveitawhirl2008 <>

My point is that the house always takes its cut, and essentially the
house always wins. Folks like yourself that can deductively and
independently think for yourself are a clear threat to those of our
mainstream status quo.

You and others of our independent kind are being kept on a need-to-
know basis with most of whatever we're trying to sell, meaning others
that know the kinds of stuff that would be highly beneficial to our
arguments are not coming forth, and never will. Instead we'll each
will be systematically lied to, water-boarded and eventually driven
out of this public format of sharing or publishing our honest thoughts
and intentions.

You see, they clearly do not police their own kind, and if anything
these typically Zionist as pretend-Atheists encourage this kind of
topic/author banishment and/or stalking and bashing for all it's
worth, and it only takes a few of them to make these public Usenet/
newsgroups a living hell.

~ BG


не прочитано,
30 июн. 2009 г., 18:12:2630.06.2009

NASA acts as 1/2 of the disinformation front for anything
having to do with interstellar transportation - the other
1/2 of the 'truth' gets all but overshadowed by projects
at home, even though there's been chock full technology
practally at the fingertips of entrepreneurial types.

NASA cares more about being a military front organization
than technological civil servant, as evidenced by the
likes of Air Force Space Research, Civil Air Patrol,
and the U.S. Space Command.

Yet I can see the reason why some of this technology
should be kept under wraps, especially if it were to
get into the hands of a madman or the like.

It's also the reason why companies like Scaled Composites,
Virgin Galactic, and Spaceship Company (merger of both)
have become the preferred status-quo version of

One wonders if there was a way to keep advanced pro-
pulsion types of technology at a "secured orbital status"
indefinitely, at least to keep potential intercontinental
warfare at bay for centuries to come.

Many of the ideas espoused by potential entrepreneurs
and the like should at least be given the opportunity to
RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT can at least be looked at
intelligently, for expanding these markets throughout
the known galaxy.

- This is why I liked Mook's design of the nuke-pulsed
Orion - He was talking thousands of tons of material
being lofted into orbit - almost a full blown move
out west - except we're talking in realms of being
galactically intensive - especially with the deployment
of some kinds of advanced technology modules being
assembled in orbit.

A new gold rush involving spaceborne SAR technology
could provide the impetus for the rush into orbit - with
just a few wealthy eccentric types bringing back chunks
of solid platinum or gold ore from the asteroids, major
news outlets would go beserk - orbital companies would
spring up like wild grass on the plains - and a new
frontier would become the latest rage to leave planet
earth, perhaps forever!



не прочитано,
1 июл. 2009 г., 18:02:2901.07.2009

Leaving Earth in our star trekking dust, so to speak, is not a viable
option for quite some time.

If lord Mook and his personal team of brown-nosed minions were in
charge, we'd be going interstellar via those nuclear rockets by now,
and/or dead from starvation, suffering from a multitude of local and
panspermia plagues, badly dealing with pollution and ocean dead zones
like never before, continued wars (mostly false flagged), lack of
affordable local energy, still not half enough national power grid,
plus total government with special interest insiders and faith-based
cabal corruption, and because of their 24 hour stature of limitations
(whatever makes it past the first day is good forever) making it
essentially impossible to revise or nip anything that's bad in the
bud, so to speak.

On the other hand, we do need to get the best of existing technology,
talents and multiple resources plugged back in and turned loose, and
for that to happen we may need to include the forward thinking likes
of William Mook that never has to bother with remorse, because the
past never matters (especially of anything and/or of anyone that's

~ BG


не прочитано,
2 июл. 2009 г., 13:15:1702.07.2009

The faces on denominations now act as screens for
the lies projected by subversive elements within the
society. The origin of the lies being perpetrated
by the system are attempting to force the object of
mass control on the ability for individuals to
intuitively grasp their own interrelationships
that act between the subjectivities of others -
subjectivities that are again, connected by the
completely artificial timelines of the mass-program-
med and artificially projected goals of the mass-
programmed, state-run media complex.

Most of these goals exist as agendas to maintain
the status-quo at all costs, for the simple reason
to preserve the likes of organizations like
Goldman-Sachs, and the U.S. Banana Republic et al,
that support it.

In Greek mythology, now one of the models of western
civilization, the entrepreneurs of Daedalus and Icarus
become trapped in the workshop of the god Minos, but
escape when Daedalus designs artificial wings for both
he and his son, Icarus. Yet even today a class of "pri-
soner-wannabes" of the politically blinded type, who
believe with all of their adolescent heart, become, by
their virtue of being spies who work in some way,
shape or form, for the VAMPIRE SQUID, relegating
themselves ultimately to energy bean counting, because
they feel safe in joining the licensing of any come-
pletely ideologued slepian mode of hyperon interchange!


Although scalar/soliton waves are considered less than
quasiparticle, the creation of them can be induced by
a rotating/counterrotating conducting ring system
surrounding a polarized crystallographic/ionic lattice,
to resonate the aether flow through the neutral center.

By increasing (or decreasing) the aether flow through
the centroid, an ultra-fast rotational velocity around
the perimeter of the mass (phonon wave) causes the
mass to potentiate at a different energy level, whose
now differently occupied electron shells must pulsively
recompress to the new space-time scalar/soliton wave
being delivered to it through the rotating/counter-
rotating conducting ring.

We can represent each state of the scalar/soliton
waves as those systems of spacetime near (proton,
for the A.I accessory of programmed V.R. memory,
and far-field electron, for the etheric or subjective
viewpoint in delta wavetime, for solidifying an imagined
and programmed history of perceptual weights for
reasonably objective observations).

Consciousness requires modification/biochemical
recognition in the sense that more proton bunching
requires increased levels of hyperon/pion exchange,
balanced with increased rotation of the electron cloud
under NMR with the Bi-IV crystallographic
nuclear magneton. The proton bunching consists
of both real and imaginary complimentary visions,
which helps to unilaterally make sense of the physical
realm, just like the density of the electron cloud helps
to differentiate between group association and group
division (red/blue attributes) subjectively between
a beginning and an endpoint, in delta wave-time.



не прочитано,
7 авг. 2009 г., 16:42:3807.08.2009
On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 19:58:18 -0700 (PDT), giveitawhirl2008
<> wrote:

>(I decided this deserves a separate post. I also added to it...)
>A separately funded project, with hundreds of billions of dollars as
>necessary, to develop a spacecraft that will:

>(You reach 1 million mph in about 14 - 15 hours at one G.)

>With sufficient research into nuclear and possibly even antimatter
>propulsoin, this can be done.

Nuclear propulsion was deemed a boondoggle by the US
department of defense a long time back, and correctly so. Consider
also that since the human body is limited in terms of the amount of
acceleration it can handle, the "full" power of nukes couldn't be
used, and further their full power isn't all that impressive in space,
where there is no atmosphere for them to achieve full power.
As far as anti-matter goes, that's a pipe dream. I've read
conflicting reports on it too.
In a Scientific American article that I read, it was noted
that a matter/anti-matter "annihilation" releases MASSIVE amounts of
radiation. In the Dan Brown book "The Da Vinci Code", Brown said it is
"fact" that an anti-matter annihilation produces NO radiation at all.
I don't know which is true, but I don't want to be the guy in the lab
who finds out.

>We are never going to see humans go further across the Solar System
>than Mars without it!
>The Worlds of Jupiter and Saturn and beyond BECKON US!
>We don't want to go?
>ADDENDUM: The Orion Project (Acceleration by repeated nuclear
>explosions) would be one way. Seems too "contraptionistic" to me, but
>if there were no other way...
>Many ideas are out there about new propulsion techniques, nuclear and
>others. Please excuse the following:

Ion propulsion is promising, at least in the long term. It
provides the potential for a far greater distance to be travelled than
conventional chemical rocket fuels, although not at the speeds
necessary to get people to and from in a reasonable time frame.
Speaking of speed, by the way, do you recall the
half-basketball sized dent that was put into one of the wing roots of
one of the space shuttles by a nearly microscopic fleck of paint from
a Russian satellite? What do you suppose would happen due to running
into even a grain of dust at "1 million miles per hour"?


не прочитано,
8 авг. 2009 г., 19:37:3008.08.2009

Stuff runs into our naked moon at 100,000 mph all the time, and it
vaporizes itself as well as an equal or greater portion of the moon
upon impact. Craters are usually generated at 10 to 100 times larger
in radii to that of the impactor, and the secondary debris field can
easily exceed a thousand fold radii, along with smaller chunks of
debris and dust going entirely into lunar orbit and raining down at
2.5 km/s for days afterwords.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

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