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(rev 3.0) 'Neuroscience,' a "science" BY "well-adjusted" Sociopaths, FOR Sociopaths appease their VICTIMS (you) - {HRI 20110110-V3.0}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Feb 17, 2011, 5:47:44 AM2/17/11
'Neuroscience,' a "science" BY "well-adjusted" Sociopaths, FOR
Sociopaths appease their VICTIMS (you, that is)

10 January 2010

{HRI 20110110-V3.0}
{FPP 20110110-V3.0}

(Version 3.0
on 17 Feb 2011)

(suits foreign
language readers)

(View summary
by skipping
indented text)


You are PAYING 25 dollars for a book that makes you sick,
stupid, apathetic, a socially incapable misfit, and dying
eventually of "incurable" diseases and other suffering,

AND THEN you are spending hours or days reading that
book, which contains nothing but lies,

"pleasant lies" because it tells you how "right"
and "how good" you are for NOT facing "well-adjust-
ed" Sociopaths, and that "you can not perceive,
sense, know or think YOURSELVES," but "have to leave
it to your brain," and "to Neuroscientists" to do
your thinking FOR you, and, that you must teach THAT
to others, as well...


AND THEN you are complaining, that "you have no time" to
read that, what ACTUALLY is the matter with you!

Maybe it is time, to learn to laugh about yourself.




It is indeed out of THEIR INTENTIONAL malice, that THEY "teach"

their lies "about perception," **

their lies "about memory," **

their lies "about consciousness or awareness," ** and

their lies "about what you are" and "about what others are," and
most of all, their LIES "about themselves,"** what THEY are:


That body of insidious Evil, CORRECTLY characterized as

- DENYING Knowledge and

- PREVENTING Perception and

- BLOCKING Intelligence, which

has been named "science" by them - "Neuroscience," even.

They DELIGHT in that - in cleverly DENYING Knowledge and
in cleverly PREVENTING Perception and in cleverly BLOCKING

and in the pinnacle of their JOY of deceiving you:

They want you to call that "science," and, to deceive you
further, they call it "Neuroscience."



And they already managed to lay the foundation of their
- about you and about life - in early school education.


In other words: THEY have managed to make you AS STUPID,
as Blind, as lacking in Intelligence, and as Insane,

as THEY, the "well-adjusted" Sociopaths, want to have you.


So much so, that you can not even DETECT such teachers or
such academics, or "scientists"

who are ("well-adjusted") Sociopaths.

THAT strongly have they blunted you in - even the DESIRE
itself - to protect life.




Is it too much to ask of you, NOT to have (and NOT to pay) a
teacher or a professor or a medical researcher WHO IS A

Yes, that is too much to ask of you - THAT is how
destructively Stupid they have managed to make - and to
keep you.

The "well-adjusted" Sociopath Richard Dawkins, sells
10 million copies of his book in 31 languages, so we are

Dick Wasen, a local "well-adjusted" Sociopath in a small
country, sells 100,000 copies of his book in half a year,
according to his advertising. *(1)

That's people buying and reading THEIR anti-life,
opposing Life, "Neuroscientific" books, people being
taught barbaric lies which DESTROY Life and riddle
it with "incurable" diseases, and

with nothing BUT the most offensive lies about the
actual condition of any person, including about those
writers themselves.

Just look at the INTENSE JOY on their academic faces,
THEIR morbid elation or JOY, of managing to deceive you -
like ALL Sociopaths do - "with facts and proof:" by HIDING
and DENYING ninety percent of very applicable and very
truthful, even publicly available data,




But that is how DESTRUCTIVELY Insane 'Academia has been made,'


with "science," that however throws Life itself out of science,
to their great delight, and that of earlier "scientists" of
the same nature of being "well-adjusted" Sociopaths (they all
defend, hide and protect each other)

- subtracting Life out of Life, makes? Life minus Life,
makes? It makes destruction of Life, no Life, and that
IS the purpose of Sociopaths.

They, now calling themselves "Neuroscientists" - past-life**
phrenologists or craniologists ('skull-gazers'), past-life
Nazi-doctors,* and past-life racist mass-murderers, one could
assume with high probability, and investigate - they DELIGHT in
your stupidity,

and in making use of it, and deepening it for you,

much like the "well-adjusted" Sociopath Albert Einstein also
DELIGHTED in your Stupidity AND in his ability to appeal to

by coating his deliberate lies as "science," to MAKE you stupid
and to destroy the science of physics - which he did succeed in;

like his successor, the 'Royal Academy's most famous
Sociopath, 'Stephen Hawking,'** destroying astronomy

while YOU listen with gaping mouths open, at all the clever
lies of the 'academic' Sociopaths

- they even have destroyed your desire to DETECT them,

THAT what is the most important factor in science,

and he most important factor in looking at and in
understanding history, and at a host of other sciences
as well, and in literature, but also in politics, and
not less, in commerce, and in defense and diplomatic
services too, and in law enforcement,

the most important fact to determine is:

Is he or she a ("well-adjusted") Sociopath, or is
he or she a Destructive Coward,** or is he or she
a decent and caring person?



YOUR continuous or repeatedly aiding (or not
opposing but hypnotized contributing to)

(often and most effectively under a
motto of "scientific proof," and with
a motivating emotion,such as "saving
lives" or "restoring life,"

mottos they choose in order to deceive
you best, with their "science," into)

the destruction of life - done at times on a
as large a scale as letting Sociopaths build
up a World War, even -

BY refusing to detect Criminal Minds or "well-
adjusted" Sociopaths,

such a condition of yours, is nauseating, is
'plain and pure UGLY.'

Some people feel "elevated" above
others, when they can point out such
things in others,

I, on the other hand, only feel
degraded by your Stupidity, and by

having to do the dirty work - to clean
your diapers, so to speak -

I know of a thousand things that
are fun to do, without that
nauseating aspect;

and that, WHILE many of you claim to be

how about first TEACHING YOURSELF,

what life consists of, and what living
bodies and also living plants consist of

BASIC knowledge WHICH, obviously, mainstream schools and colleges
and universities, have very actively BLOTTED OUT, and KEEP OUT,
because Sociopaths DO NOT WANT ANY EVIDENCE

- yes, even the POSSIBILITY of investigating, let alone teaching
the subject or demanding that these most basic things be
understood, they have ALSO blotted out of education -

in fact, you are not teaching, BECAUSE
the "well-adjusted" Sociopaths DO NOT
WANT YOU TO TEACH (and you refuse to
recognize them).


You ARE in fact a 'social misfit,' BY
complying with THEM in your thinking and
in your acting,

BUT Criminal Minds want you and everyone
else to see everything in REVERSE,

so THEY claim, that when in fact YOU ARE
being a social misfit, "YOU are well-
adjusted, a socially adept and fitting,
harmonious individual,"

BY saying and teaching NOTHING,

or, in other words: being Blind, Stupid,
"Harmonious," Not-talking-back, and

wary of "what the society thinks," and
feeling or actually being, economically
dependent on that

- meaning, you are in fact, how the
"well-adjusted" Sociopaths want you and
others to think and act,

which IS however 'being a social
misfit' in actuality - it is, how the
Sociopaths want you to be and feel
"being normal,"

as contained in what THEY PROJECT - in
their Energies, from any distance - to
others, and to you,

by means of Energy PARTICLES - you
dopes - containing those thoughts
and feelings, and perceptions (or
scenes, situations as images) too,
that tell you - that make you
sense and feel and think -

"what the society or community thinks
about you, and about others." (What you
should FEEL, that "the society thinks
of you, and of others.")


Just notice the enormous change,
when a regular, normal child is
taken out of an environment where
he is being constantly pummeled
and pounded

as in school or college,
or in university,

maybe even in his family
already being constantly hit

with Energies, ideas and feelings,

that OPPOSE and DENY him to know
and feel or sense who he is, and

that DENY that, EVEN when he DOES
or did know or feel it:

feeling his own, actual nature,

AND feeling or sensing - being
also ALLOWED to sense and investi-
gate - who are the "well-adjusted"
(also the academic) Sociopaths,
and to investigate the nature of

those whom you refuse to recognize
and who rail secretly, and by
means of their malicious "science"
openly, camouflaged as "science,"
currently the most "effective"
way to install and enforce LIES
about Life and people, and calling


railing secretly AGAINST the most
decent, against the most caring
and against ACTUALLY Intelligent

they, with their "Neuroscience,"
rail AGAINST whom you like to call
or feel as indeed being 'emotion-
ally Intelligent' and actually
caring people.



So here is another piece of basic knowledge about them. And to be
aware of that - and of anything, including knowledge - you need
Life Energy, (PARTICLES, you dopes - Life Energy PARTICLES that
connect to, and thus bring about Awareness of, something or someone)

YOUR Life Energy that THEY however - the "Neuroscientists" in
this case - do constantly smash and pull away,

away from being connected to your Consciousness, smashed
and sucked away

- not from your brain, you dopes, neither from your
left nor from your right nor from the remaining
part of your brain,

and it has NOTHING to do with photons or with the
Sociopaths who celebrate photons,

like the "well-adjusted" Sociopaths Albert
Einstein or Stephen Hawking or Richard Dawkins
(all Sociopaths defend each other, if it suits
their purpose to hide each other), but -

they smash Awareness Energies from connection to your

in order to defend their position of DENYING ACTUAL knowledge
and ACTUAL science,

and in order to be able unhindered (and even while receiving
admiration from the very academic and Stupid, like from you),
to keep spouting their - highly destructive - Evil, into the

without that you have the Energy to be even aware
of the intentions of their "neuroscientific" Lies,

(and it is Evil, because it results in corresponding
actions and lack of actions, by you or by others)

resulting in INTENSE Medical Evil for instance,

and in HIGHLY Destructive "education," and in the
retardation or stultifying of science in particular, and

in a TREMENDOUS WASTE of money and efforts (as exemplary
in the UN, the United Nations Organization, and)

in almost all areas of our life.


So here is some more BASIC knowledge about them.





The basic piece of knowledge about also "well-adjusted" and academic


A. THEY DO NOT WANT EVIDENCE - they want to hide or to deny or to
have evidence misinterpreted.

So, submitting evidence to them IS A PATHETIC ACTION - much like
petitioning Hu Jintao to be decent - IT DOES NOT WORK.

EXPOSED as being the Malicious Quacks that they are.

So, you will have to stop them yourselves, pull all money they
receive from the community, from government or educational
institutions, and

you will have to attack their being funded by the Sociopath in
Drug Companies, and from Medical Institutes or Associations, and

you will have to push them out of any Medical Research or other
Medical activity.

Again: Because - also "well-adjusted" and academic -
Sociopaths DO NOT STOP their activities

EVEN when exposed,


meaning their soul - which they indeed often
claim "does not exist" - their soul CAN

THEREFORE you will have to stop THEM,

you will have to stop their grants and their
public admiration, and start COUNTERING their
most destructive lies about life and about
themselves "being normal" and normal people, you,
"being abnormal,"

because IF you admire and fund their "research"

- which "research" and their "science"
OPPOSES the very definition of
Intelligence* and thus of science itself -

you are only destroying the society, and you
are indirectly making people NOT ONLY more and more
stupid, but more and sick, more and more drugged,
and less and less able to pursue happiness and enjoy
life and the joyful company of people,

and by consequence, by supporting their "sciences,"
and NOT ACTUAL Science and actual Intelligence,

you know, that which DOES NOT DISCARD
NINETY PERCENT of available, valuable and
extremely applicable data,

you are creating a soaring national "health" budget,

So I am going to hold you personally responsible
for that, for very DESTRUCTIVELY violating ARTICLES
TWO and THREE of the First Correct Declaration of
Human Rights.


'Neuroscience' is a "science" BY "well-adjusted" Sociopaths, FOR
Sociopaths appease their VICTIMS (you, that is),

constantly MADE very stupid, sick and unhappy by them,

(unless you are a Sociopaths, who enjoys everything
be hidden and seen as 'its reverse')

a statement most easily qualified and proven:


1. They intentionally HIDE and DENY what you are ...and what
THEY are.

2. They intentionally HIDE and DENY who you are ...and who THEY

3. They intentionally HIDE and DENY what perception is, how
perception works ...and, how you actually can perceive THEM,
their nature.

4. They intentionally HIDE and DENY what memory is and how
memory works ...and, how to remember, to not forget or to
remember again, the distant past ALSO ABOUT THEM. **

5. They intentionally HIDE and DENY what BRINGS ABOUT awareness,
or on the other hand, they HIDE, what BLOCKS awareness

...and, they intentionally hide and deny, how to hold on to,
or how to regain, your being aware of THEM.



This is very easily understood, if you think of them as
possessing an entirely, but "well-adjusted" Criminal nature. **

And it makes them very predictable, and makes it immediately
understood, that (and WHY) they do not want to be corrected,

and WHY they DO NOT WANT TO hear or read any evidence against
them, but reject even the most obvious evidence,

rejecting it often violently and vulgarly, and sometimes
with very 'studied' "arguments."

Some are dedicating their whole life to it, and are
"professors, in 'Neuroscience' or such,"

and, they have their very own community pay them a
good salary, FOR the Intense Evil they inflict ON
their community, and on the society at large.

It was NOT DIFFERENT in the genocidal society of Germany, only one
life time ago. *

Some even write books with very telling titles,
like "You Are Your Brain" - or with similar, very
"Neuroscientific" statements, **

- INTENDING effectively, BY claiming the
opposite (by claiming to help cure), and
BY claiming to to be a "science," they
relevant and necessary data, maliciously -

to destroy your personal life, to destroy
your happiness, to destroy your health,

AND to destroy your social interaction or that of
others to you, to undermine it very thoroughly:

exactly as (also "well-adjusted") Sociopaths
enjoy it best,

to inflict on you. **

(see 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
(ODE) **)



Though they, and the "science" writers or "medical" journalists
who are relaying the inconceivably malicious disinformation
diligently and persistently created by 'Neuroscientists,'

are the laughing stock of any sane people

- humor being an effective way of getting free of
socially enforced Insanity - **

the matter can nevertheless be extremely serious,

not only for people suffering from a multitude of - often
debilitating or life-crippling - discomforts, pains and

due entirely to the infliction of Harmful Life
Energy BY the (and thus also by "well-adjusted")
Sociopaths **

- all Sociopaths ARE vampires on your Life
Energy too,

on your very own Life Energy that you
need to stay aware and to keep your body
healthy, and to perceive and remember,

to be connected to the tremendous Joy
that Life is, for which you chose to be
alive in the first place -

so the matter is extremely serious,

extremely serious for Mankind as a whole (extremely serious also
through infected United Nations Organizations): **


'Neuroscience' played a dominant role and was a crucial tool, in the
genocide that was supported, perpetrated or applauded,

by the majority of Nazi Medical Doctors. *


The fact, that 'Neuroscience' does rear its ugly 'bandworm-head'
AGAIN, is then serving rather as proof to suggest the truth, that
ALSO Nazi doctors do re-incarnate. *




BECAUSE 'Neuroscience' (or 'Neurobiology,' as some call it) is an
entirely FAKE and also intentionally MALICIOUS "science," which

- being INTENTIONALLY malicious -


- DENYING and HIDING practically all HIGHLY RELEVANT, and ALSO
KNOWN data -

(the Trinity of Science is obviously lost on and OPPOSED
by them, in their despicable fraud, their Life-denying
"science" called 'Neuroscience') while

all the "explanations" given by 'Neuroscience' serve merely to worsen
all the conditions that it PRETENDS to have "competence" in,

it is bringing VERY bad conditions about, already by DENYING and
HIDING the most necessary knowledge:

about bad conditions inflicted on you, that "are incurable"

- so THEY (the "well-adjusted," Sociopath "scientists")
say, of course, to stay in business -

but, intending to show the society, that "you need
THEM(!) to examine any life-crippling and incurable

"that can be 'treated,' on the basis of their 'Neuroscience',"

like of course ANY suffering and ANY disability

- that you do not understand, or that you are made
FALSELY to "understand," nevertheless -

can be "treated" with anything,

no matter how wrong and malicious and deadly,

suffering "treated" as "diseases" - by 'Neuroscience,' by
THEIR "science" of ('of' meaning 'characterized by') incurable
malice - "diseases" that are then indeed "incurable"

bad conditions and suffering, that are also a (financial)
'dream come true' for the Medical Industry, **

"treating you," keeping you (or your loved ones) - as a
"service to you" - barely alive, as ideal victims to suck

- not only of your money (WHILE demanding and securing
your unquestioning reverence for and belief in them),
but they are

also sucking you dry, or letting you be sucked dry, of
your very own Life Energy ...that you need in order to
recover, in the first place. **


You rather prefer to assume and to think, that "such magnitude of Evil
'can not be possible',"

and so, you do not stop it, but instead, you provide it with
your (or someone else's) money....



Me being wholly their opposite, in all respects, I DO explain to you,
how all these things - most vital for you - are actually working, in
Fine Particle Physics {FPP}.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'The whole world
sought audience with Solomon
to hear the wisdom
God had put in his heart.'


(*) 'Hitler's Doctors' - Quote: 'Hitler's "Sweeping Reform of the
Medical System" was officially "to keep the German population
'healthy, and fit to work'," but unofficially, "to cleanse the

It was "SCIENTIFICALLY" commanding genocide, due to its
INTENTIONAL denial of who and what people are

- as does 'Neuroscience' INTENTIONALLY and MALICIOUSLY and
FRAUDULENTLY DENY actual science, too.

(Discovery Channel - ZDF - Gruppe 5 Filmproduktion Cologne, 2003)

(**) See under References

(1) ' 'Neuroscience,' een kwaadaardige 'Nazi' "wetenschap," die
je leven en de samenleving (weer) vernietigt'
{HRI 20110110-V2.1-A-NL-V1.0}
(10 January 2011 - Addition NL V1.0 on 26 Jan 2011)



'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

'Sources of your Psychopathy - Hippocrates: "Spirits (you)
'do not exist'," "Only your brain thinks and feels," etc.
{FPP note 20101212-V1.0.1}
(12 December 2010)

' 'Sum Corpus' Syndrome - The Highly Destructive and Fiercely
Contagious Mental Illness, of Forcing Others to Believe, that
"They Are a Body Only" '
{HRI note 20100905-V1.1}
(5 September 2010 - Version 1.1 on 8 Sept 2010)

'Long Summary of 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force
Undermining World Health and also Undermining the United Nations
Organizations ...' (incl. Real-life definitions of
'Living Organism' (your body), 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V3.1}
(4 March 2010 - Version 6.1 on 7 Apr 2010
- Summary V3.1 on 5 Jul 2010)

'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase' (DPFI)
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)

'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
{HRI 20040108-V2.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 2.1 on 13 Jul 2009)

' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' ' (IDCM)
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

'Criminal Minds Hide From You, That They ENJOY LYING, AND That
THEY Know Very Well They Intentionally Lie To You' [CMHJL]
- (incl. Textnote (d.) on 'Criminal Minds want Admiration
in order to feel good')
{HRI 20050527-V3.7.1}
(27 May 2005 - Version 3.7.1 on 7 June 2007)

'In "Science," Sociopaths Will Determine "Who is a Sociopath,"
and "Who is Not a Sociopath"'
{HRI 20090901-V2.0}
(1 September 2009 - Version 2.0 at 3 Sept 2009)

'Saving nine-tenth of National Health Care Budget, and 99 percent
of Health Care Research Budgets' (SHC)
{HRI 20100913}
(13 September 2010)

'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
{HRI 20030205-V2.4}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.4 on 1 July 2008)

Issue Note:

Parts were posted by me under my pseudonym 'Leonardo Been'
as comments, and 'buzzed,' on 20110110:

'Hippocrates exposed as source of also present medical evil:

'Sources of your Psychopathy - Hippocrates: "Spirits (you) 'do
not exist'," "Only your brain thinks and feels," etc.
see FPP note 20101212-V1.0.1

'You are not a brain, you utter dopes, but you are a spirit,
who acts ON the brain in your cranium. Got it?'

"Neuro'science'" is a "science" by sociopaths, FOR sociopaths
and to appease the victims of sociopaths.

'They are the laughing stock of any sane people.'


Copyright 2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

Feb 17, 2011, 10:17:32 AM2/17/11



Saul Levy

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