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China freer than USA? :-)

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Aug 12, 2007, 12:36:09 PM8/12/07
Freedom in the American sense means business freedom of
course. And USA used to have it. But not anymore. I
know it and you know it. But have things become even
better in China?


"khodAyA, roshde elmi va aghliye marA az
fazilate _ta'assob_ va _ehsAs_ va
_eshrAgh_ mahrum nasAz."

- Ali Shari'ati

Rock Brentwood

Aug 12, 2007, 7:09:14 PM8/12/07
On Aug 12, 11:36 am, BioFreak <> wrote:
> Freedom in the American sense means business freedom of
> course. And USA used to have it. But not anymore. I
> know it and you know it. But have things become even
> better in China?

You've never actually lived in a totalitarian society, clearly, or
otherwise you'd know the difference.

Objective ratings has been provided for the past 30 years by the FHA
ratings, which are and have long been a standard in Political Science.
These are published annually by the Freedom House Organization.

Last I checked, China is around 6 (on a scale of 1-7), and the US at
1. Britain was at 2 until recently, before rising to 1. Tibet is at 7.
Most places at 7 have been there most or all the time that nations hae
been rated. This includes North Korea, Cuba, Libya (yes, Libya too),
Saudi Arabia. Burma's been at 6 for a while (no surprise, therefore,
Rambo 4 is set there). Turkmenistan I think is there too. I don't know
who's presently at 7. Russia's dropped like a rock in recent years, I
think they're down to 5.

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 13, 2007, 8:28:06 AM8/13/07
Rock My America has been taken over by the Mafia They own the utility
companies(Severn Trent). Oil,and the republican party. Garbage
pickup(waste management) and banking NASA shuttle is Mafia. Severn
Trent is above all laws(they make the laws. They control voting.(how
votes are counted.) Bush won first election by vote fraud in Florida.
Second election was done with fraud in Ohio. The Severn Trent Mafia
and the republican party are two sides to the same coin. FBI informed
me Severn Trent controls 107 billion dollars. A high
government official in Florida told me this. "If not the Mafia it would
be Arab money owning America". Go figure bert


Aug 13, 2007, 1:51:50 PM8/13/07
"G=EMC^2 Glazier" <> who projected
in his
his fantasies of raping a 5 year old Jewish child proclaims now
in his usual hate filled mentality of his bigotry and racism that
"G=EMC^2 Glazier" <> wrote in message
.... ahahahaha.... But Herbie, all you do here is expressing
regrets and shedding unkosher crocodile tears about the fact
that the heydays of Jewish in fluence in the USA are gone...
.... Hebie, all good things to come to an end, even to Jews
like you whose only participation in the game was to read
about it in the newspapers...
Thanks for the laughs, Herb... ahahahaha.... ahahahanson


Aug 13, 2007, 4:10:27 PM8/13/07
In Texas now riot police is present where young people hang out on

The riot police wears black, black riot helmets and their job is to
stand and
await government military orders. They are not allowed to speak with
the public.

Texas now displays a force of intolerance in regards to the same
things China
banned their citizens from in Tianenmen Square. Big brother is big
regardless of the system, they all want the same: military power and
unbreakable system. They all want Hitler. Hitler too banned nudity on
Texas, New Mexico forces the coverup of tits on paintings, EVEN ON
ART EXHIBITIONS. Hitler is their idol. Big military, world power.

Rock Brentwood

Aug 13, 2007, 7:10:22 PM8/13/07
On Aug 13, 7:28 am, (G=EMC^2 Glazier) wrote:
> Rock My America has been taken over by the Mafia

When you come up with a better and more comprehensive standard than
the Freedom House, let us all know and publish it. Until then,
opinions are irrelevant.

Tom Potter

Aug 13, 2007, 10:50:20 PM8/13/07

"Rock Brentwood" <> wrote in message

"Rock Brentwood" makes a good point when he points out
that in China and some nations, people do not have the freedom to
corrupt and screw up society with pornography, gambling,
the instigation of conflict, loud boom boxes, obscene behavior,
"Jimmy Cartering" and "Mel Gibsoning" folks,

running all kinds of legal scams to steal money from vulnerable folks,
manipulating markets, suing doctors, hospitals
and companies for millions for dollars for honest mistakes,
and running up the cost of health care.
organizing unions to extort money from
stockholders and consumers, using a government
office to enrich self, family and associates,
to impose ones agenda upon the larger society by
boycotts and hassling companies, etc.

Yes, some nations do make a serious effort to
get the riff raff, counter-productive, selfish, criminal,
and sociopathic elements under control.

Unlike America, where the main business of law enforcement
is to set up speed traps to get more of the people's work product,
the cops in China don't carry guns, and they treat people with
respect, except for the occasional sociopath who tries to use his "freedom"
to make the lives of his fellow man miserable.

I dare say that the vast majority of folks In Iraq
would prefer some of that "Old Time Oppression"
to the "freedom" that Bush and Company brought them.

Greedy, immoral people, who want to take advantage of
ordinary folks, go into a culture that is happy and peaceful,

and they begin a campaign to remove the constraints on the
folks in the culture, so they will have the "freedom" to work their
scams, and abuses on the innocent folks.

"Freedom" is a word that greedy, immoral people use
to instigate conflict and division that they can capitalize on.

Note that the idea of "freedom" IMPLIES
that someone is constraining you,
and who is best qualified to design the constraints on a society,
hundreds of years of cultural evolution,
of some greedy, immoral person with a loudspeaker,
a printing press, a transmitter, etc??

Tom Potter

*** Time Magazine Person of the Year 2006 ***
*** May 2007 Anti-Bigot Award ***

Posted via a free Usenet account from

Tom Potter

Aug 14, 2007, 11:15:39 AM8/14/07
"Rock Brentwood" <> wrote in message

"Rock Brentwood" makes a good point when he points out


Aug 14, 2007, 2:07:13 PM8/14/07
On Aug 12, 5:36 pm, BioFreak <> wrote:
> Freedom in the American sense means business freedom of
> course. And USA used to have it. But not anymore. I
> know it and you know it. But have things become even
> better in China?

> --
> "khodAyA, roshde elmi va aghliye marA az
> fazilate _ta'assob_ va _ehsAs_ va
> _eshrAgh_ mahrum nasAz."
> - Ali Shari'ati

At least Qbit posts content with physics in it.


Aug 14, 2007, 2:12:01 PM8/14/07

"blackhead" <> wrote in message

Yep. These wogs always were pests.


Aug 14, 2007, 7:58:25 PM8/14/07
"gb6726" <> wrote in message
Listen, you poor dreidel, get your bearings & judgment straight.
(1) Look who is in charge of Homeland Security in these US of A:
It's Michael Chertoff, the son of a rabbi!.... ahahaha... Now...
(2) look who conjured up Hitler and his Nazis:
It's exPM Ariel Sharon, General of the Army of Light, orders:
::Sharon:: We might use nuclear arms. We are **Judeo-Nazis**.
::Sharon:: .... we might go wild and burn all the oil fields in the
::Sharon:: Middle East! We might start World War Three.
::Sharon:: I am disgrace to humanity, I don't mind, on the contrary.
::Sharon:: ** I will do all I can to increase Anti-Semitism **, and be
::Sharon:: prepared to absorb the Yids I will force to flee to this
::Sharon:: country and teach them to be a light unto the gentiles.
See, how you are barking up the wrong tree, dreidel.
What do you think now why Bush installed Chertoff, who
had virtually no eperience in security matters?... ahahaha...
Ever heard of the word "scape goat"?.... AHAHAHAHA....

To your worries over "see no titties"...listen, neither Adolf
nor Ariel did prohibit nudity, aux contraire, the brown shirts
promoted it big time, just like Israel today which is heavy
into women sex-slavery and into the porn industry...

The banning of nudity you so worry about comes from
the religious fanatics, the Evangelicals and the Muslims.
.... ahahahaha... ahahanson

Felix D.

Aug 14, 2007, 10:20:34 PM8/14/07

"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

Maybe you should go live in China where they don't have as much freedom and
you won't be quite so offended. Of course, over there if you open your yap
they just might have you shot, but what the heck: you don't want to upset
anyone, do you?

D. Staples

Aug 15, 2007, 12:31:05 AM8/15/07
Where did this cross posting ass hole come from?

Tom Potter

Aug 15, 2007, 10:36:48 AM8/15/07

"D. Staples" <> wrote in message

> Where did this cross posting ass hole come from?
> "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
> news:46c10c6c$0$28429$

I am pleased to see that "D. Staples"
has taken it on herself to be the net policeman,
and I will be looking forward to seeing her
go after all these "cross posting ass holes".

Keep up the good work D.

Your Pal,

Tom Potter

Aug 15, 2007, 10:32:31 AM8/15/07

"Felix D." <> wrote in message

It is obvious that "Felix D." has been brainwashed by the
Government and the media, and that he is ignorant
of what the world is like outside of his trailer park.

I have lived in China several years,
and find that I have more freedom,
and am safer than I was in America.

Unlike America where fat, aggressive, heavily armed police
in sun glasses operate speed traps
to get more money for their salaries and retirement funds,
the Chinese police are unarmed, and treat folks with respect,
and serve the public rather than the "Brotherhood".

The quality of life in China is superior to that in America,
and the vast majority of the Chinese prefer
their culture, stability, and safety, more than they
prefer to have outsiders come in like Americans
did in Iraq and set their society and nation ablaze.

Evolution, is to be preferred over revolution,
just as "using the right tool for the job",
is to be preferred over "Using a bigger hammer".

Cultures are the result of numerous experimentations
by billions of people over thousands of years in specific environments,
and outsiders to a culture are much like germs that invade a host,
and weaken or kill it.

If "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"
is to be optimized, a host, nation, religion, culture,
must make the decisions about what "foreign bodies"
are allowed into the entity.

One only has to look at Iraq to see one of the numerious
historical examples of how "foreign bodies" penetrate a host
and create a battle field where the host organizes defenses
to repel the "foreign bodies".

If "Felix D." is of the
"Grab them by their balls
and their hearts and minds will follow" school,
then even if China was oppressive,
he would approve of their position.

It appears to me that his position is that it is okay
for "outsiders"to grab balls, but not for "insiders".

In other words,
is it best for change to be controlled from within,
or forced from without?

No doubt some unhappy, unsuccessful, and brainwashed people,
like "Felix D.", want outsiders to come in and lead them around by the
balls, and there are always immoral outsiders willing to do so,
but this is not a good policy.


Aug 15, 2007, 10:53:44 AM8/15/07
ahahaha... Felix, your patriotism is noted.... ahahaha... BUT
you should also notice that Tom Potter IS in China, married
to a Chinese movie actress and has lived there for many,
many years...
Rock/Mark Hopinks:... Do note that BioFreak aka Mehram
Maleki, the irate Iranian, is living in a "totalitarian society"
and he is proud of it....
Fredom is a fickle thing, its definition is an emotional issue
in the mind/eye of the beholder who may ask: "freedom
from what or for what"... ahahahaha... The plain & obvious
fact is that in any collective the top strata of society is always
"free" to suppress the bottom layer which wishes to be "free".
ahahahaha... and then when they "free" themselves, they get
to the top and the "freedom" cycle continues... ahahahaha..

"Felix D." <> wrote in message
> "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
> news:46c10c6c$0$28429$

>>> On Aug 12, 11:36 am, BioFreak <> wrote:

>>>> Freedom in the American sense means business freedom of
>>>> course. And USA used to have it. But not anymore. I
>>>> know it and you know it. But have things become even
>>>> better in
>>>> China?
>> "Rock Brentwood" <> wrote in message
>>> You've never actually lived in a totalitarian society, clearly, or
>>> otherwise you'd know the difference.
>>> Objective ratings has been provided for the past 30 years by the FHA
>>> ratings, which are and have long been a standard in Political Science.
>>> These are published annually by the Freedom House Organization.
>>> Last I checked, China is around 6 (on a scale of 1-7), and the US at
>>> 1. Britain was at 2 until recently, before rising to 1. Tibet is at 7.
>>> Most places at 7 have been there most or all the time that nations hae
>>> been rated. This includes North Korea, Cuba, Libya (yes, Libya too),
>>> Saudi Arabia. Burma's been at 6 for a while (no surprise, therefore,
>>> Rambo 4 is set there). Turkmenistan I think is there too. I don't know
>>> who's presently at 7. Russia's dropped like a rock in recent years, I
>>> think they're down to 5.


>> "Rock Brentwood" makes a good point when he points out
>> that in China and some nations, people do not have the freedom to
>> corrupt and screw up society with pornography, gambling,
>> the instigation of conflict, loud boom boxes, obscene behavior,
>> "Jimmy Cartering" and "Mel Gibsoning" folks,


Aug 15, 2007, 3:52:45 PM8/15/07
On Aug 15, 7:32 am, "Tom Potter" <> wrote:
> "Felix D." <> wrote in message
> > "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
> >news:46c10c6c$0$28429$
> >> "Rock Brentwood" <> wrote in message

Then go. Leave. You dislike it here so much, why torment yourself?

Aug 15, 2007, 3:53:36 PM8/15/07
On Aug 15, 7:53 am, "hanson" <> wrote:
> ahahaha... Felix, your patriotism is noted.... ahahaha... BUT
> you should also notice that Tom Potter IS in China, married
> to a Chinese movie actress and has lived there for many,
> many years...

That explains Tom Potter.

Kill-filing this hypocrite now.


Felix D.

Aug 15, 2007, 8:17:26 PM8/15/07

"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

> "Felix D." <> wrote in message

>> Maybe you should go live in China where they don't have as much freedom

>> and you won't be quite so offended. Of course, over there if you open
>> your
>> yap they just might have you shot, but what the heck: you don't want to
>> upset anyone, do you?
> It is obvious that "Felix D." has been brainwashed by the
> Government and the media, and that he is ignorant
> of what the world is like outside of his trailer park.
> I have lived in China several years,
> and find that I have more freedom,
> and am safer than I was in America.

Hey, and bully for you!

I guess your slash at me is the usual indication that you have no rational
response, eh, moonbat? I love the way you guys think anyone who disagrees
with you has been brainwashed, and this is especially funny coming from a
guy living in Red China!

See you at church come Christmas, right?


Felix D.

Aug 15, 2007, 8:19:58 PM8/15/07

"hanson" <> wrote in message

> ahahaha... Felix, your patriotism is noted.... ahahaha... BUT
> you should also notice that Tom Potter IS in China, married
> to a Chinese movie actress and has lived there for many,
> many years...

Noted, and Tommy Pee is married to a movie star?

> ... The plain & obvious
> fact is that in any collective the top strata of society is always
> "free" to suppress the bottom layer which wishes to be "free".

> ... and then when they "free" themselves, they get
> to the top and the "freedom" cycle continues...

True enough.


Aug 15, 2007, 9:59:35 PM8/15/07
a clown, aka aklon <> wrote in message


"hanson" <> wrote:
>> ahahaha... Felix, your patriotism is noted.... ahahaha... BUT
>> you should also notice that Tom Potter IS in China, married
>> to a Chinese movie actress and has lived there for many,
>> many years...

[aklon of a clown]

> That explains Tom Potter.
> Kill-filing this hypocrite now.
> Thanks.

ahahahaha... Potter must have cranked you, didn't he, mate!...
You lost an argument with him, didn't you. He fucked you!
AHAHAHA... Kill-file Potter?... ahahahaha... **** Why? ****
Don't be such a clown. It is good to hear from people whose
opinions differ greatly from ours. "Keep your friends close but
your enemies closer" .. or so the saying goes. But you, clown,
advocating that others should kill file folks you've lost arguments
with, well.... that is clownish, ... ahahahaha...
You are not alone though. Most Jews, Evangelicals, Einstein
Dingleberries and Green shits do want others silenced, while
vigorously advocating free speech.... as long as it's their own.

But, thanks for the laughs, Bürger Aklon ... ahaha... ahahanson
>> Rock/Mark Hopkins:... Do note that BioFreak aka Mehram

>> Maleki, the irate Iranian, is living in a "totalitarian society"
>> and he is proud of it....

>> Freedom is a fickle thing, its definition is an emotional issue

Tom Potter

Aug 16, 2007, 12:03:12 AM8/16/07
On Aug 16, 3:53 am, wrote:
> On Aug 15, 7:53 am, "hanson" <> wrote:
> > ahahaha... Felix, your patriotism is noted.... ahahaha... BUT
> > you should also notice thatTom PotterIS in China, married

> > to a Chinese movie actress and has lived there for many,
> > many years...
> That explainsTom Potter.

> Kill-filing this hypocrite now.
> Thanks.

"A person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold"

As can be seen by my numerous posts to the Internet
over many years, I have always held and professed
the same beliefs and opinions, truth, justice, life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness for all people.

People, like Felix, who hide their heads in the sand,
believe what the media, their religions and the
government tells them to believe,
are the real hypocrites.

They are like straws in the wind.

Their "opinions" are constantly going in and out of phase
with their set of moral standards, because
their moral standards are modulated
by political, religious and media winds.

They are hypocrites on one principle today, and another principle

Don Stockbauer

Aug 16, 2007, 12:54:40 AM8/16/07

China freer than USA? :-)


This is true if you consider making cheap fucking crap for Americans
at 10 cents a day wages to be freedom.

Tom Potter

Aug 16, 2007, 10:47:15 AM8/16/07

"Don Stockbauer" <> wrote in message

Don, some of my entrepreneur friends in China,
and some American managers I know,
would like to know where they can get some of those
10 cents a day workers you know about.

As can be seen from the following news report,
McDonald is in trouble for paying some of their workers
half of China's minimum wage of about $1.00 per hour.

I will be looking forward to hearing from "Don Stockbauer"
where to get some of those 10 cents a day employees,
and hearing how to avoid being put in jail for using them.

Maybe Don is thinking about Mexican migrant workers
working in America???

Tom Potter


Aug 16, 2007, 1:03:18 PM8/16/07
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

> "Don Stockbauer" <> wrote in message
>> China freer than USA? :-)
>> *****************
>> This is true if you consider making cheap fucking crap for Americans
>> at 10 cents a day wages to be freedom.

> Don, some of my entrepreneur friends in China,
> and some American managers I know,
> would like to know where they can get some of those
> 10 cents a day workers you know about.
> As can be seen from the following news report,
> McDonald is in trouble for paying some of their workers
> half of China's minimum wage of about $1.00 per hour.
> I will be looking forward to hearing from "Don Stockbauer"
> where to get some of those 10 cents a day employees,
> and hearing how to avoid being put in jail for using them.
> Maybe Don is thinking about Mexican migrant workers
> working in America???
> --
> Tom Potter
ahahahaha... Tom, Tom! ... While it seems reasonable
and possible to "buy" what you say in your pitch about
China you negated your "sale" with overkill in your last
You, Tom the US expatriate, will not get too many points
by praising your local yokels while beating on your ex-natives.
Be smooth like a banker, Tom. I bet your pappy told you so.
BTW: How many distinctly different ethnic groups are there
in China? Gimme an account of that in comparison with
the USA. Tell me how China handles "discrimination".

G=EMC^2 Glazier

Aug 16, 2007, 1:17:36 PM8/16/07
That is the big advantage in the UK. With a rating of 28% no Bush can
stay in office as Prime minister in the UK. We in the USA don't like
Bush but have no way of getting rid of him other than impeachment(like
Nixon) bert


Aug 16, 2007, 2:28:56 PM8/16/07

"G=EMC^2 Glazier" <> wrote in message
ahahaha.. Listen Herbie, you hateful, bigoted and two faced olde
kacker whose 1st loyalty goes to Israel instead of your native USA,
I heard you sing a different tune when it suited you that Bush went
after Hussein for the benefit of your Israel...
wherein it says:
::B:: "I stuck up for Israel"
::B:: "We do need the help of Israel to help us"
::B:: "Being Jewish I know this is so very true" -- Bert.
You and your ilk are knee deep in the shit you are Bush
accusing of now, you phony bastard:
and ...
which details the why, how and when... ahahaha...
Thanks for the laughs, schmuck, ahahaha... ahahahanson

Aug 16, 2007, 3:21:05 PM8/16/07
On Aug 15, 6:59 pm, "hanson" <> wrote:
> a clown, aka aklon <> wrote in
> >> to the top and the "freedom" cycle continues... ahahahaha..-

You I'm kill filing for being an idiot.



Aug 16, 2007, 4:51:12 PM8/16/07
... ahahahaha... Bürger Aklon, the clown, cranked himself!...
a clown, aka aklon <> wrote in his messages

[aklon, the self crankeing clown]

Tom Potter

Aug 16, 2007, 11:04:20 AM8/16/07

<> wrote in message

I like it everywhere I go,
and I am happy wherever I go.

All places have their pluses and minuses.

The issue is,
someone posted some of the typical nonsense
that the media, religious groups, unions, politicians,
and other special interest groups put out,
trying to create disorder they can profit from,
and I tried to point out that rational, intelligent folks
shouldn't allow media, politicians, religions, etc
brainwash and manipulate them.

Back when the American Auto Unions were
demanding a 30 hour week, 30 and out retirement,
free medical and dental, four weeks vacations,
making lousy cars and sabotaging automation equipment,
and in short screwing the American consumers,
the UAW and other American unions tried to make
Japan out to be a villain, and now the people who want
free ride are trying to make China and Mexico the villains.

Also note that the Israeli Lobby tries to demonize Muslims
and Muslims nations, and they got America to veto
every effort to get Israel to obey International Law,
at the expense of 911 and the Iraqi War,
and they are trying to con American Blacks, Latinos,
and Rednecks into waging war on the Iranian people.

I suggest that people shouldn't allow themselves to be
so easily brainwashed.

Tom Potter

Aug 16, 2007, 10:48:21 AM8/16/07

"Felix D." <> wrote in message

It is interesting to see that "Felix D."
is completely ignorant of "Red China".

Here are some facts about China that "Felix D."
needs to learn about.

1. "Red China" is more laissez-faire than America.
The Chinese government promotes the motto:
"It is glorious to be rich."

and most Chinese want to have their own businesses,
and most seem to be operating some kind of business on the side.
(Guys with cars use them as Gypsies taxi after work, etc.)

2. The health care system in China is much better overall
than the American system. It is not held hostage by
a Doctor's Union (AMA), and people are not allowed
to collect on phony medical claims against doctors and hospitals.

If a doctor or hospital is involved in a serious error or omission,
they are demoted, fired, jailed or hanged as the case demands.
And if a government medical employee violates their trust
they are jail or hanged, not pardoned by the "Maximum Leader".

3. Unlike almost all government employees in America,
who are motivated by security, income, vacation time and retirement,
China's government employees are dedicated to serve the people.

4. The cops in China are unarmed, do not wear dark sunglasses
and do not spend most of their time operating speed traps.

It is interesting to see that there are about 40,000 policemen
in New York and about 800 in Beijing,.

Detroit, a dying city due to the abuses of government employees,
has about 5000 cops patrolling a city with a population of
about 800,000 and an area of about 100 square miles.
(Fifty cops per square mile, and one cop for about
every 40 families.)

I saw a news article that there are only about 10 Detroit cops
on duty during high crime times, as a large percentage of the cops
are on vacation or sick leave, or are working the day shift
(Operating speed traps).

5. The stores in China are filled with Christmas music and
Santa Clauses and Nativity scenes during Christmas time,
and Chinese Children love Christmas, and many Chinese
do go to Western churches on Christmas. In fact, although I
didn't go, my wife who is Buddhist, went to a service last Christmas
and came home with a very beautiful bible that someone gave here.
(Apparently many Chinese like the idea of going to heaven,
better than being born again as a snake or bug.)

I suggest that "Felix D." get outside of his trailer park more often,
and not believe everything he reads in the paper,
sees on TV or hears from some religious leader or politician.

Tom Potter

Aug 16, 2007, 11:11:45 AM8/16/07

<> wrote in message

It is interesting to see that <>
acknowledges that he is ignorant of the facts about China,
and intends to remain ignorant.

No doubt some people are emotionally unequipped
to handle facts that run counter to their
racial, religious, national, brainwashing,
and it is best that they be de-programmed a little at a time.

I suggest that <>
and other people who have been brainwashed
by the media, religions, nations, politicians, etc.
try to be cool, research the facts, and not to
allow themselves to be manipulated.

Tom Potter

Aug 17, 2007, 8:40:38 AM8/17/07

"hanson" <> wrote in message

I understand that there are 56 ethnic groups in china,
and that the policy of the Chinese government
is to maintain a "mosaic" society,
rather than a "melting pot" society.

From my experience in traveling all over china,
and seeing the widely differing dress and customs,
it appears to me that they are succeeding.

In other words, the Chinese government tries to allow
cultural pockets to operate freely,
and I have seen no INTERNAL conflict that arises
because of this policy, although I have seen some
outside efforts to instigate conflict between different ethnic groups.

For example, Tibet has been isolated,
and China is makingan effort to establish closer communications with Tibet,
and to improve their standard of living,

by improving communications (Cell phones, etc.),
transportation (Roads, airports, and trains),
and it appears to me that the vast majority of Tibetans
like having cell phones, movies, DVDs, being able to travel,
buy Chinese and Western goods, etc.

The same is true for the ethnic groups in Mongolia, Manchuria,
and the tiny ethnic groups consisting of only a few thousand people.
The small ethnic groups capitalize upon their unique dress, culture,
songs, sports, dances, and customs and exploit them to attract tourists.

The only "discrimination" that I have seen in China
has to do with city and country people.

Many country folks can't read and are not citified,
(Spitting, loud talking, moving to the back of the bus, gawking, etc.)
and although the city folks tolerate this,
they don't seem to like it.

The government is trying to educate country folks
and to integrate them into the industrial technology.
It seems to me that Shenzhen, which is a new booming,
modern, electronics city near Hong Kong,
filled with hundreds of 30 story high rise buildings,
was largely populated by country folks.

A few years ago the people were not sophisticated
and citified, but during my last visit, they seem to be
approaching the folks in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai
in adapting to city life in dress and actions.

I have seen no negative "discrimination".
between the various ethnic groups.

The Chinese are great travelers, and
they are always zipping about China and the world
eyeing and enjoying folks who have different customs.

The bottom line is,
that whereas many in America try to enforce the "Melting Pot"
with a Mixmaster
the Chinese seem to love and exploit diversity.

Aug 17, 2007, 2:08:45 PM8/17/07
On Aug 16, 8:11 am, "Tom Potter" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > On Aug 15, 7:53 am, "hanson" <> wrote:
> >> ahahaha... Felix, your patriotism is noted.... ahahaha... BUT
> >> you should also notice that Tom Potter IS in China, married
> >> to a Chinese movie actress and has lived there for many,
> >> many years...
> > That explains Tom Potter.
> > Kill-filing this hypocrite now.
> It is interesting to see that <>
> acknowledges that he is ignorant of the facts about China,
> and intends to remain ignorant.

For your information, "aklon" happens to be a scholar of Soviet and
Chinese communism.

But, I'll ask him to pull his dick out of your ear, if you want.


Aug 18, 2007, 9:25:37 AM8/18/07
On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:07:13 -0700, blackhead wrote:

> On Aug 12, 5:36 pm, BioFreak <> wrote:
>> Freedom in the American sense means business freedom of
>> course. And USA used to have it. But not anymore. I
>> know it and you know it. But have things become even
>> better in China?

>> --
>> "khodAyA, roshde elmi va aghliye marA az
>> fazilate _ta'assob_ va _ehsAs_ va
>> _eshrAgh_ mahrum nasAz."
>> - Ali Shari'ati
> At least Qbit posts content with physics in it.

Actually that was my point: No. A post that has nothing
to do with physics is hangout talk and it's ok. A post,
on the other hand, that pretends to be physics or
outright deceives the reader on what physics is about
is worse than waste of time for obvious reasons.

You have a head, don't you. Don't wait until an Iranian
feels the need to teach your fatty heap about things of
this nature. Ok?


"goft khuneye ghAzi arusiyeh, goft be to cheh! goft
mano ham da'vat kardan, goft be man cheh!"

Tom Potter

Aug 18, 2007, 11:43:46 AM8/18/07

<> wrote in message

I am pleased to see that
"aklon" who pretends to be a scholar of Soviet and Chinese communism,
expose his ignorance of China and Chinese Communism
on the Internet.

I suggest that "aklon" get out of his trailer park,
take a writing course and learn to write without using vulgarity,
and condition himself not to hide his head in the sand
when he is exposed to FACTS that run counter to his conditioning,
and expose his IGNORANCE.

And he should buy a good dictionary
and look up the word "hypocrite".

A person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold.

As can be seen by my numerous posts over many years,
I HOLD and PROFESS the same set of "beliefs and opinions",
and that is I place truth, justice, equity, and life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness for ALL peoples,
above pretense, lies, selfishness, and con jobs.


Aug 19, 2007, 12:50:25 AM8/19/07
----------- Priceless! ... ahahaha... AHAHAHA.... ------

"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

<> wrote in message
"Tom Potter" <> wrote:

"hanson" <> wrote:
ahahaha... Felix, your patriotism is noted.... ahahaha... BUT
you should also notice that Tom Potter IS in China, married
> to a Chinese movie actress and has lived there for many,
many years...
>>> wrote in message

That explains Tom Potter.
Kill-filing this hypocrite now.

It is interesting to see that <>
acknowledges that he is ignorant of the facts about China,
and intends to remain ignorant.

For your information, "aklon" happens to be a scholar of
Soviet and Chinese communism.
But, I'll ask him to pull his dick out of your ear, if you want.

I am pleased to see that "aklon" who pretends to be a scholar
of Soviet and Chinese communism, expose his ignorance
of China and Chinese Communism on the Internet.
I suggest that "aklon" get out of his trailer park,
take a writing course and learn to write without using vulgarity,
and condition himself not to hide his head in the sand
when he is exposed to FACTS that run counter to his conditioning,
and expose his IGNORANCE.
> Tom Potter
ahahaha... AHAHA... Tom, perhaps you should go into business
with **aklon3 at** aka **clawdia.maklon at**.
Check whether he does biz in China & Russia along the lines he
posted about here apparently as :
You ought to go on commission for him, since the volume of his
spamming indicates that his biz ain't doing too well.... ahaha...
Thanks for the laughs, guys... AHAHAHAHAHA... ahahahanson

Tom Potter

Aug 19, 2007, 10:21:10 AM8/19/07

<> wrote in message

"aklon" who pretends to be a scholar of Soviet and Chinese communism,
exposes his ignorance of China and Chinese Communism
on the Internet.

I suggest that "aklon" get out of his trailer park,
take a writing course and learn to write without using vulgarity,
and condition himself not to hide his head in the sand
when he is exposed to FACTS that run counter to his conditioning,
and expose his IGNORANCE.

And he should buy a good dictionary

and look up the word "hypocrite".

A person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold.

As can be seen by my numerous posts over many years,
I HOLD and PROFESS the same set of "beliefs and opinions",
and that is I place truth, justice, equity, and life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness for ALL peoples,
above pretense, lies, selfishness, and con jobs.



Aug 19, 2007, 10:59:37 AM8/19/07
On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 23:31:05 -0500, D. Staples wrote:

> Where did this cross posting ass hole come from?

> "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

> news:46c10c6c$0$28429$

Ms Staples, you've got to have better things to do than
spending your time (that's "gold" for you) in usenet.
Does the superintendent know this is what you do when
you're at work? :)


"za'farun ke ziyAd shod be khorde khar midan"

Tom Potter

Aug 19, 2007, 10:21:26 AM8/19/07

"Gray Ghost" <> wrote in message
> Buck Mulligan <> wrote in
>> In talk.politics.guns "Tom Potter" <> wrote:
>>>If anyone wants to know about me,
>>>they can visit my web sites, and see the thousands of
>>>posts I have made in the newsgroups for many years.
>> McDonald's has sold billions of hamburgers, too.
>> I'm looking forward to your posted proof that Bejing has only 800
>> unarmed cops. But I'm not going to hold my breath waiting.
> Well that doesn't include the 3 armored divisions outside the city ready
> to
> reeducate anyone who disagrees with government policy.
> Maybe Tom Pothead can tell us how a government that ran over unarmed
> dissidents with tanks less than 20 years ago is so freakin' free.

"Gray Ghost" makes a good point when he points out that
all governments make mistakes,
and perhaps "Gray Ghost" will be so kind as to tell me
which mistake is worse,

trying to maintain domestic tranquility
and killing a number of citizens

or unilaterally invading a sovereign nation
which was under control and was not a serious threat,
and killing hundreds of thousands of that nation's citizens,
and thousands of the invading nation's soldiers,
and maiming tens of thousands more?

China had a bad experience
with what is called the "Cultural Revolution"
where the young people got out of control
and destroyed much property, historical artifacts,
and ruined the economy and caused millions to starve,
and no doubt they didn't want to see a similar thing happen.

I might point out that the government and the military
felt very bad about this, and that for days,
no one in military uniform walked the streets,
and the usual armed guards at military posts,
had to maintain their posts without arms.

I might also point out that the American government
killed over a million Americans
in order to enforce policy during the Civil War.

Tom Potter

Aug 19, 2007, 10:21:38 AM8/19/07

"Buck Mulligan" <> wrote in message

> In talk.politics.guns "Tom Potter" <> wrote:
>>If anyone wants to know about me,
>>they can visit my web sites, and see the thousands of
>>posts I have made in the newsgroups for many years.
> McDonald's has sold billions of hamburgers, too.
> I'm looking forward to your posted proof that Bejing has only 800
> unarmed cops. But I'm not going to hold my breath waiting.

Actually there are less than 800 cops in Beijing,
and when I find a reference, I will post the actual numbers.

And all of the cops you see on the street
are dressed in a non-threatening uniform, and don't carry guns and clubs.

I have seen several arrests made on TV and in person,
and I have never seen any strong-arming of the suspect.
The cops talk to the suspects, let their emotions settle down,
and lead them to the police car.

Although I have seen no firearms,
the cops must have access to firearms in their cars
or from backup units.

"Buck Mulligan" did make a good point
when he pointed out that if you want to know
what a McDonald's hamburger is like, eat one,
and if you want to know what I am like,
read some of the many posts I have made to the Internet.

As my Pappy used to say:
"You get better information from the horse's mouth,
than you do from a horse's ass."

Tom Potter

Aug 19, 2007, 10:22:05 AM8/19/07

"Gray Ghost" <> wrote in message
> "Tom Potter" <> wrote in news:46c70906$0$10114$88260bb3
>><> wrote in message
>>> What a load of bullshit!
>>> Some years ago, right after the fall of the USSR, I had the
>>> opportunity to work with three recent Russian immigrants. Two were
>>> able to adjust to our freedoms and accept the concept of INDIVIDUAL
>>> RESPONSIBILITY. The third, although a brilliant man, with a PhD and a
>>> specialty in artificial intelligence, was unable to do so. He ended up
>>> leaving the country, in search of a nanny state. For all I know, he
>>> may have ended up in China.
>>> You remind be very much of that third Russian. He couldn't take
>>> responsibility for himself either.

>> As my Pappy used to say:
>> "You get better information from the horse's mouth,
>> than you do from a horse's ass.
>> If anyone wants to know about me,
>> they can visit my web sites, and see the thousands of
>> posts I have made in the newsgroups for many years.
>> On the other hand, if anyone likes what
>> comes out of the south end of a north bound horse,
>><> is your man.
>> I might point out that I was a long time entrepreneur,
>> who supported the Republican Party for many years,
>> who was invited to the White House by Reagan and Bush the Elder,
>> and like most Chinese, I believe in laissez faire capitalism
>> far more than <>, George Bush,
>> and the new war mongering, tax and spend Republicans.
>> Note that <> has been conditioned to think
>> that China is a welfare state, when the fact of the matter is
>> that China is perhaps the most free market oriented nation
>> on the planet.
>> The Chinese government has a motto:
>> "It is glorious to be rich.",
>> and most Chinese are in business or trying to
>> get into business.
>><> reminds me of a
>> government or union employee,
>> who thinks that he is entitled to
>> a soft, cushy job, with great benefits,
>> an early, cushy retirement, and no responsibility
>> for producing in a competitive and free market.
>> I will be looking forward to seeing <>
>> post references to personal information about himself
>> and his family, as I do and have for many years.
>> I suspect that <> is on the
>> taxpayer dole or in a union and that
>> "He <fears taking> responsibility for himself",
>> and that he will NOT show the readers who and what he is.
> Yeah those forced abortions for more than one child. What freedom!! What
> glory!!
> They're always jailing dissidents. What freedom!! What glory!!
> They are censoring the internet. What freedom!! What glory!!
> All that tainted food, unsafe toys, wow how laissez-faire si that???
> Methinks you have yer head up yer ass.
> Yeah we have problems here, but it's the ruling class not the system as
> origibally established. In China I would say that the corruption is
> institutionalized to the nth degree.
> Also you apprently aren't aware that China has a fuedal history of strong
> men governance. Communism in China looks to me more like a modern face on
> an old evil. Funny how you missed that in all your glorious observations.
> Oh yeah and good luck when they finally start a war with us. Your ass will
> be gone in a heartbeat as a spy. And if you aren't then don't come back
> here after it's over.
> Frank

As can be seen,
Frank doesn't get out of his trailer park too often,
so his perception of the world
comes from what the media and the politicians tell him.

I might point out that I have been in China for
about ten years, and have eaten food in cities
all over China, and I have never gotten sick
at all, whereas, I used to get sick from eating food in America
every two or three months.

Note that Frank does not comprehend that the
American government and American business,
and American Unions are trying to smear China
just as they tried to smear Japan when Japan was
taking business away from the American
auto, electronics, and TV manufacturers.

Frank does make a good point when he points out
that if America punished the media and religious lobbies
that instigate conflict and war, that America would
be a safer, happier place, and that the money spent
on the military and police could be spent on
health care and education.

Note for example, that the same gang
that instigated and profited from the Class Wars of the 1900's,
are instigating and profiting from the Religious Wars of the 2000's.

No doubt the Chinese leaders and the Chinese people
don't allow the gang that instigates conflict and war
for profit and power to instigate conflict in China.

Frank also makes a good point when he points out
that the Chinese try to keep their children
from being exposed to pornography and depravity
on the Internet, although from my observation of the kids
who frequent the Internet Cafes,
where there is a will, there is a way.

Tom Potter

Aug 19, 2007, 10:21:54 AM8/19/07

<> wrote in message
> On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 23:43:11 +0800, "Tom Potter" <>

> wrote:
>><> wrote in message
>>> On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 22:48:21 +0800, "Tom Potter" <>
>>> wrote:
>>> What a load of bullshit!
>>> Some years ago, right after the fall of the USSR, I had the
>>> opportunity to work with three recent Russian immigrants. Two were
>>> able to adjust to our freedoms and accept the concept of INDIVIDUAL
>>> RESPONSIBILITY. The third, although a brilliant man, with a PhD and a
>>> specialty in artificial intelligence, was unable to do so. He ended up
>>> leaving the country, in search of a nanny state. For all I know, he
>>> may have ended up in China.
>>> You remind be very much of that third Russian. He couldn't take
>>> responsibility for himself either.
>>As my Pappy used to say:
>>"You get better information from the horse's mouth,
>>than you do from a horse's ass.
>>If anyone wants to know about me,
>>they can visit my web sites, and see the thousands of
>>posts I have made in the newsgroups for many years.
>>On the other hand, if anyone likes what
>>comes out of the south end of a north bound horse,
>><> is your man.
> It's always interesting how you trash have a huge set of cyberballs --
> when you are hiding behind a keyboard. It's too bad that they shrink
> up in the real world.

>>I might point out that I was a long time entrepreneur,
>>who supported the Republican Party for many years,
>>who was invited to the White House by Reagan and Bush the Elder,
> Sure you were, loser.

>>and like most Chinese, I believe in laissez faire capitalism
>>far more than <>, George Bush,
>>and the new war mongering, tax and spend Republicans.
>>Note that <> has been conditioned to think
>>that China is a welfare state, when the fact of the matter is
>>that China is perhaps the most free market oriented nation
>>on the planet.
> You must have studied Goebbels as a youngster -- when you tell a lie,
> make it a whopper and keep repeating it. Eventually, you will find a
> fool who believes it.
> I'm not that fool, lying scum.

>>The Chinese government has a motto:
>>"It is glorious to be rich.",
>>and most Chinese are in business or trying to
>>get into business.
>><> reminds me of a
>> government or union employee,
>>who thinks that he is entitled to
>>a soft, cushy job, with great benefits,
>>an early, cushy retirement, and no responsibility
>>for producing in a competitive and free market.
>>I will be looking forward to seeing <>
>>post references to personal information about himself
>>and his family, as I do and have for many years.
> Why should I sink to your level of lies, trash? You don't really think
> that anyone believes your BS, do you?

>>I suspect that <> is on the
>>taxpayer dole or in a union and that
>>"He <fears taking> responsibility for himself",
>>and that he will NOT show the readers who and what he is.
>>Tom Potter
> And you expect us to buy into your fantasies about yourself, oh
> deluded one? I prefer not to insult other's intelligence by feeding
> them a pack of lies like you do.

It is interesting to see that <>
is too cowardly to use his real name, and to post
pictures and personal information about himself and his family
as I have been doing for many years on CompuServe,
Delphi, Genie, The Source, FidoNet, Prodigy, AOL,
and the Internet,

and note that he tries to make an excuse for not posting
personal information and pictures, by asserting that
I have been posting "fantasies" and "lies" for the many
years I have been posting.

<> did make a good point when he pointed out
that annonymous posters who don't post pictures and personal information
are "losers" and
"have a huge set of cyberballs when <they> are hiding behind a keyboard."

I will be looking forward to seeing <>

use his real name, and post pictures and personal information

about himself and his family,

so folks can see what a "huge set of cyberballs" he has.

Tom Potter

Aug 21, 2007, 8:43:03 AM8/21/07

<> wrote in message
> On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 22:21:54 +0800, "Tom Potter" <>
> Scum, how stupid do you think that people are?

Hopefully they are not as stupid and vulgar as <>.

I am still waiting to see <>

use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
about himself and his family,

so folks can see what a "huge set of cyberballs" <> has,
and see what his trailer park is like.


Aug 21, 2007, 10:20:15 AM8/21/07
Tom Potter wrote:

...and what the bleedin' bugger's this got to do with math, chemistry,
howard stern, basketball, physics or astronomy?!?!?

Barney G.
-what's the point of having a government if there is nothing for that
government to govern but an expanding moneysack? A national state is
pointless if it's sole purpose is to earn money!

John "C"

Aug 21, 2007, 10:24:05 AM8/21/07

"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

> I am still waiting to see <>

> use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
> about himself and his family,


Tom Potter

Aug 22, 2007, 5:20:33 AM8/22/07

"John "C"" <> wrote in message

Thanks for cluing me in on <>

As can be seen from his web page,
he is a lot smarter than he appears to be
from reading his posts,

and he is not the anonymous coward that
I thought he was, as he does feature himself on his web site.

It was interesting to see that his best friend is Art Deco.

John "C"

Aug 22, 2007, 9:44:35 AM8/22/07

"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

> "John "C"" <> wrote in message
> >
> > "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> I am still waiting to see <>
> >> use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
> >> about himself and his family,
> >
> >
> >
> > HJ
> Thanks for cluing me in on <>
> As can be seen from his web page,
> he is a lot smarter than he appears to be
> from reading his posts,
> and he is not the anonymous coward that
> I thought he was, as he does feature himself on his web site.
> It was interesting to see that his best friend is Art Deco.

Art Deco "coming out" to his parents:

Right after the snappy song they threw him out of the house.


Art Deco

Aug 22, 2007, 10:08:07 PM8/22/07
Tom Potter <> wrote:

>>>Tom Potter
>> Scum, how stupid do you think that people are?
>Hopefully they are not as stupid and vulgar as <>.
>I am still waiting to see <>
>use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
>about himself and his family,
>so folks can see what a "huge set of cyberballs" <> has,
>and see what his trailer park is like.

What for? So you can go RL on him, ko0k?

Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Wee Davie Tholen is a grade-school lamer
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"

"I am claiming that you believe ah's family name is "ah",
Deco, and I substantiated that claim."
--David Tholen

"Quite a kook-out, Deco. You've been frothing even more
ever since I demonstrated how you believe that ah's family
name is "ah"."
--David Tholen

Art Deco

Aug 22, 2007, 10:09:10 PM8/22/07
Tom Potter <> wrote:

>"John "C"" <> wrote in message
>> "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
>>> I am still waiting to see <>
>>> use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
>>> about himself and his family,


>> HJ
>Thanks for cluing me in on <>
>As can be seen from his web page,
>he is a lot smarter than he appears to be
>from reading his posts,
>and he is not the anonymous coward that
>I thought he was, as he does feature himself on his web site.
>It was interesting to see that his best friend is Art Deco.

Good boy, you haven't forgotten your training.

Sit up!

John "C"

Aug 23, 2007, 1:25:31 AM8/23/07

"Art Deco" <> wrote in message

> Tom Potter <> wrote:
> >"John "C"" <> wrote in message
> >
> >>
> >> "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> I am still waiting to see <>
> >>> use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
> >>> about himself and his family,
> >>
> >>

> >>
> >> HJ
> >
> >Thanks for cluing me in on <>
> >
> >As can be seen from his web page,
> >he is a lot smarter than he appears to be
> >from reading his posts,
> >
> >and he is not the anonymous coward that
> >I thought he was, as he does feature himself on his web site.
> >
> >It was interesting to see that his best friend is Art Deco.
> Good boy, give me my "treat" now.

"Special treat" for Art Deco:


John Griffin

Aug 23, 2007, 6:07:14 PM8/23/07
Chickenshit "John \"C\"" <>
wrote in essence:

> [ I am terminally chickenshit and criminally stupid ]

How many times do you think you need to prove that?

John "C"

Aug 23, 2007, 6:57:02 PM8/23/07

Fag"John Griffin" <> wrote in message

> [ I am terminally chickenshit and criminally stupid ]

We know!

Gwiffin and Deco together:


John Griffin

Aug 24, 2007, 3:17:14 PM8/24/07
"John \"C\"" <> wrote:

> Fag"John Griffin" <> wrote in message
>> [ I am terminally chickenshit and criminally stupid ]

Heh! I slapped the simpleton into altering quotes again. Just
how fuckin' manipulable is this primitive creature?!

> We know!
> Gwiffin and Deco together:

Hah! I slapped the simpleton into eructing baby talk again.
Damn, how fuckin' lame can this miserable little punk be?

The mindless turd will shit himself when he finds out that
there's no "alt.tastless.jokes" newsgroup. <snicker>

John "C"

Aug 24, 2007, 5:30:56 PM8/24/07

"John Griffin" <> wrote in message

> Hah! <BitchSlap>

Your "Butt-Buddy" Deco will like your new Video Business, Gay Tube:


Tom Potter

Aug 23, 2007, 7:47:05 AM8/23/07

"Art Deco" <> wrote in message

> Tom Potter <> wrote:
>>>>Tom Potter
>>> Scum, how stupid do you think that people are?
>>Hopefully they are not as stupid and vulgar as <>.
>>I am still waiting to see <>
>>use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
>>about himself and his family,
>>so folks can see what a "huge set of cyberballs" <> has,
>>and see what his trailer park is like.
> What for? So you can go RL on him, ko0k?

For the folks who do not know who Art Deco is,
he is a full time, PROFESSIONAL bigot
who works the Internet newsgroups
and tries to silence or discredit the folks
his handlers want to silence
by "Jimmy Cartering" and "Mel Gibsoning" them.

The definition of "bigot" is:
"A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his

As Art has been assigned my case,
he stays close on my heels like a trained dog,
and uses boilerplate phrases,
and cute phrases that appeal to young and
not too bright people in his effort to
do whatever he is trying to do.

Here is a video of Art in his normal environment.

And here is a web site that explains how Art's handlers operate.


Tom Potter

Aug 23, 2007, 7:54:15 AM8/23/07

"Art Deco" <> wrote in message

> Tom Potter <> wrote:
>>"John "C"" <> wrote in message
>>> "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
>>>> I am still waiting to see <>
>>>> use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
>>>> about himself and his family,
>>> HJ
>>Thanks for cluing me in on <>
>>As can be seen from his web page,
>>he is a lot smarter than he appears to be
>>from reading his posts,
>>and he is not the anonymous coward that
>>I thought he was, as he does feature himself on his web site.
>>It was interesting to see that his best friend is Art Deco.
> Good boy, you haven't forgotten your training.

I am flattered to see that handlers of Art Deco,
are so worried about my posts on the Internet
that they have assigned Art to my case,
and he follows me around like a trained dog.

For those who aren't familiar with Art,
he is a full time, PROFESSIONAL bigot,
who works the Internet newsgroups,
trying to silence and discredit the folks his
handlers sic him on.

The definition of "bigot" is:
"A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his

Here is a video of Art in action.

Tom Potter

Aug 25, 2007, 8:55:43 AM8/25/07

"Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> Tom Potter <> wrote:
>>"John "C"" <> wrote in message
>>> "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
>>>> I am still waiting to see <>
>>>> use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
>>>> about himself and his family,
>>> HJ
>>Thanks for cluing me in on <>
>>As can be seen from his web page,
>>he is a lot smarter than he appears to be
>>from reading his posts,
>>and he is not the anonymous coward that
>>I thought he was, as he does feature himself on his web site.
>>It was interesting to see that his best friend is Art Deco.
> Good boy, you haven't forgotten your training.

I am flattered to see that handlers of Art Deco,

are so worried about my posts on the Internet
that they have assigned Art to my case,
and he follows me around like a trained dog.

For those who aren't familiar with Art,
he is a full time, PROFESSIONAL bigot,
who works the Internet newsgroups,
trying to silence and discredit the folks his
handlers sic him on.

The definition of "bigot" is:
"A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his

Here is a video of Art in action.


Tom Potter

Aug 25, 2007, 8:55:24 AM8/25/07

"Art Deco" <> wrote in message

> Tom Potter <> wrote:
>>>>Tom Potter
>>> Scum, how stupid do you think that people are?
>>Hopefully they are not as stupid and vulgar as <>.
>>I am still waiting to see <>
>>use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
>>about himself and his family,
>>so folks can see what a "huge set of cyberballs" <> has,
>>and see what his trailer park is like.
> What for? So you can go RL on him, ko0k?

For the folks who do not know who Art Deco is,

he is a full time, PROFESSIONAL bigot
who works the Internet newsgroups
and tries to silence or discredit the folks
his handlers want to silence
by "Jimmy Cartering" and "Mel Gibsoning" them.

The definition of "bigot" is:

"A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his

As Art has been assigned my case,

he stays close on my heels like a trained dog,
and uses boilerplate phrases,
and cute phrases that appeal to young and
not too bright people in his effort to
do whatever he is trying to do.

Here is a video of Art in his normal environment.

And here is a web site that explains how Art's handlers operate.



John Griffin

Aug 25, 2007, 11:38:47 AM8/25/07
Idiotic Chickenshit "John \"C\"" <>

> "John Griffin" <> wrote in message
>> Hah! <BitchSlap>

You are astonishingly weak. Never a word that hasn't been waved
around by hundreds of cretins before you. You aren't even very
good at parroting, as you know. What you might not know is the
reason: Almost all cretins are head and shoulders above you.

> Your "Butt-Buddy" Deco will like your new Video Business, Gay
> Tube:

Good grief. Fuckin' infant. If I had a dog as dumb as you,
that sucker would be defenestrated before he knew what hit him.
No, I'm not saying there could be a dog that dumb, imbecile.

I hope this slaps you into some more quote altering, stupid
pussy. It's always funny to see someone do that to himself.

John "C"

Aug 25, 2007, 11:54:18 AM8/25/07

"Gay John Griffin" <> wrote in message:

> I love being slapped around because I'm a stupid pussy.

That's old news Gwiffie!

John Griffin

Aug 25, 2007, 12:16:03 PM8/25/07
Preternaturally lame chickenshit "John \"C\""
<> baby-talked:

> "Gay John Griffin" <> wrote

>> I love being slapped around because I'm a stupid pussy.
> That's old news Gwiffie!

<snicker> I made the little puke alter quotes and spew baby talk

The funny thing is that this fucking brain-deprived protohuman
can't grasp the idea that anyone who reads his chickenshit posts
has already seen what his tormentors wrote that made him cry and
slapped him into doing that.

Publicizing the obvious fact that you have nothing to say except
that you're a weakling is amusing, mental dwarf. I hope you can
remember to do it again.

John "C"

Aug 25, 2007, 12:30:26 PM8/25/07

"John Griffin" <> wrote in message

> The funny thing is that I like to dress-up in my dead mother's cloths and
turn some tricks.

You're a sick fuck, Gwiffie!


Aug 25, 2007, 1:47:09 PM8/25/07
On Aug 25, 5:55 am, "Tom Potter" <> wrote:
> "Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> *** May 2007 Anti-Bigot Award ***

> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from

Say Tom, why is it that all your posts seem to be apprearing twice
now? Is this your new two fisted approach? Is it a "double-your
pleasure, double-your-fun thing? Or is it your way of giving people
both barrels?


John Griffin

Aug 25, 2007, 2:12:14 PM8/25/07
Cowardly imbecile"John \"C(hickenshit)\""
<>, apparently intent on proving that
he's a cowardly imbecile, swished, flounced and gushed:

Thanks, brain-damaged twat... I was afraid you had forgotten your
natural baby talk after you left it out once. It goes so well
with your chickenshittedness.


Aug 25, 2007, 3:14:02 PM8/25/07

"John Griffin" <> wrote in message

Griffuck thinks twats have a brain. That's a hoot.

John Griffin

Aug 25, 2007, 3:21:11 PM8/25/07
"Notroll2007" <> wrote:

Thanks for the reminder that the shit between your ears is
something other than a brain, stupid manipulable twat.


Aug 25, 2007, 4:08:03 PM8/25/07

"John Griffin" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for the reminder that the shit between your ears is
> something other than a brain, stupid manipulable twat.

Since you've never seen a twat, I guess it's understandable that you might
believe twats have brains.


Aug 25, 2007, 6:01:06 PM8/25/07
On Aug 23, 1:25 am, "John \"C\"" <> wrote:
> "Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> > Tom Potter <> wrote:
> > >"John "C"" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > >> "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

> > >>> I am still waiting to see <>
> > >>> use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
> > >>> about himself and his family,
> > >>
> > >> HJ
> > >Thanks for cluing me in on <>
> > >As can be seen from his web page,
> > >he is a lot smarter than he appears to be
> > >from reading his posts,
> > >and he is not the anonymous coward that
> > >I thought he was, as he does feature himself on his web site.
> > >It was interesting to see that his best friend is Art Deco.
> > Good boy, give me my "treat" now.
> "Special treat" for Art Deco:
> HJ- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Tom Potter

Aug 26, 2007, 11:10:01 AM8/26/07

"Double-A" <> wrote in message

Periodically my posts via Teranews do not show up,
so I copy those posts to a temporary directory,
and when they don't show up, I repost them.

It appears that Teranews sometimes ques posts
and dumps them later, and if I resend a batch of posts
two copies sometimes end up being posted.

I apologize for wasting your time,
and the times of others.

I'll try to be more patient,
and wait about three days to see if my posts appear
before I repost them.

Tom Potter

*** Time Magazine Person of the Year 2006 ***


Aug 26, 2007, 11:49:26 AM8/26/07
On Aug 26, 8:10 am, "Tom Potter" <> wrote:
> "Double-A" <> wrote in message
> >> ***

> >> --
> >> Posted via a free Usenet account from
> > Say Tom, why is it that all your posts seem to be apprearing twice
> > now? Is this your new two fisted approach? Is it a "double-your
> > pleasure, double-your-fun thing? Or is it your way of giving people
> > both barrels?
> > Double-A
> Periodically my posts via Teranews do not show up,
> so I copy those posts to a temporary directory,
> and when they don't show up, I repost them.
> It appears that Teranews sometimes ques posts
> and dumps them later, and if I resend a batch of posts
> two copies sometimes end up being posted.
> I apologize for wasting your time,
> and the times of others.
> I'll try to be more patient,
> and wait about three days to see if my posts appear
> before I repost them.
> --
> Tom Potter

No problem, Tom. Google does the same thing sometimes.


Message has been deleted

Felix D.

Aug 27, 2007, 7:43:57 PM8/27/07

"Bob Officer" <bobof...@> wrote in message

> On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 19:54:15 +0800, in alt.astronomy, "Tom Potter"
> <> wrote:

>>I am flattered to see that handlers of Art Deco,
>>are so worried about my posts on the Internet
>>that they have assigned Art to my case,
>>and he follows me around like a trained dog.

> Paranoia fits you well, Tom Potter.

Tom's socks are yellow because that dog is always pissing on him.

Tom Potter

Aug 27, 2007, 12:24:12 PM8/27/07

"Bob Officer" <bobof...@> wrote in message
> On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 19:54:15 +0800, in alt.astronomy, "Tom Potter"
> <> wrote:
> Paranoia fits you well, Tom Potter.

"Bob Officer" makes a good point
when he points out that he and Art Deco
appear to be paranoiac,

as they do not use their real names,
do not post personal information and pictures
featuring themselves and their families.

It is also interesting to see that about twenty paranoids
hang out in newsgroups like alt.kook,
use high sounding handles like
"The highest, most supreme, most powerful, potentate of the universe.",
and use these groups as vehicles from
where to strike out at the people and things they fear.

Bobby, if you are making a list of paranoids and sociopaths
visit alt.usenet.kooks.

Tom Potter

Aug 27, 2007, 10:26:36 PM8/27/07

"Felix D." <> wrote in message

"Felix D." brings up a good point
when he suggests that rational, intelligent people
should differentiate between the pisser and the pissed on.

As can be seen by studying history,
a small gang institutionalized bigotry
and use it as a weapon to impose their
greedy agenda upon the larger society.

The definition of "bigot" is:
"A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his

Here is a Web site that writes about some of the
good people who have systematically "pissed on" by bigoted Jews
for simply speaking the truth.


Watching a video on YouTube of a pack of lions
attacking a baby Cape Buffalo, and
seeing the reactions of the adult buffalo,
who wanted to save the baby,
but were intimidated by the snarls of the lions,

made me think of how effectively Jews have been
in using institutionalized bigotry to prevent folks
from coming to the aid of individuals being
"Jimmy Cartered" and "Mel Gibsoned" by Jews,

and even folks like the Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iraqis,
who are being "eaten alive' by Jews
before our very eyes.

It is interesting to see that the Cape Buffalos of the world
(Including the Bushes, Clintons, Gullianas, Thompsons, McCains,
and most of politicians at the national level.)
are intimidated by the snarls of a tiny pack of lions.

Where are the Cape buffalo who can save those babies?

Richard Herring

Aug 29, 2007, 9:00:34 AM8/29/07
[alt groups stripped by stupid server]

In message <>, Art Deco
<> writes

>Tom Potter <> wrote:
>>>>Tom Potter
>>> Scum, how stupid do you think that people are?
>>Hopefully they are not as stupid and vulgar as <>.

>>I am still waiting to see <>
>>use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
>>about himself and his family,

>>so folks can see what a "huge set of cyberballs" <> has,
>>and see what his trailer park is like.
>What for? So you can go RL on him, ko0k?

It's amazing that lying plagiarist Potter's family don't slap some kind
of restraining order on him to stop him spreading their "pictures and
personal information" all over his websites. (Apart from the privacy
aspect, it might even be libellous - what sane person of good character
would want their relationship with TP to be made public? ;-)

Richard Herring

Tom Potter

Aug 29, 2007, 11:59:52 AM8/29/07

"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message

As can be seen by his personal attacks on my family,
Richard Herring a racist bigot.

The definition of "bigot" is:
"A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his

Richard Herring is all bent out of shape because I posted:

"Jews have come into conflict with all of their neighbors
throughout history because of their propensity to:

a. Migrate to the richest nation.
b. Buy, con, or intimidate that nation's leaders
to promote their self-serving agenda.
c. After they rape and destroy the vitality of their host nation,
and corrupt its' culture with pornography, crime, and prostitution,
the native citizens demand new leaders, and rejection of the gang.
d. The War-for-profit gang migrates to the new most powerful
nation, and the cycle starts all over again."

As can be seen by their "Jimmy Cartering" and "Mel Gibsoning"
of actors, posters, politicians,
and plain, old, ordinary citizens like me, .

who express an opinion differing from theirs, etc.,
with lies, distortions, vulgar insults, attacks on family members,
Jews have instititutionalized bigotry.

Here is a Web site that tells the stories of the
good people who have systematically attacked by
racist bigots like Richard Herring and Art Deco

for simply speaking the truth.

I urge all folks interested in truth and justice
to take a look at the web page,
and think about how institutionalized bigotry by
bigots like Richard Herring and Art Deco
will affect their children and grandchildren.


Richard Herring

Aug 30, 2007, 5:40:30 AM8/30/07
[malicious crossposts trimmed]

In message <46d58c95$0$16334$>, Tom Potter
<> writes

>"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message
>> [alt groups stripped by stupid server]
>> In message <>, Art Deco
>> <> writes
>>>Tom Potter <> wrote:
>>>>>>Tom Potter
>>>>> Scum, how stupid do you think that people are?
>>>>Hopefully they are not as stupid and vulgar as <>.
>>>>I am still waiting to see <>
>>>>use his real name, and post pictures and personal information
>>>>about himself and his family,
>>>>so folks can see what a "huge set of cyberballs" <> has,
>>>>and see what his trailer park is like.
>>>What for? So you can go RL on him, ko0k?
>> It's amazing that lying plagiarist Potter's family don't slap some kind of
>> restraining order on him to stop him spreading their "pictures and
>> personal information" all over his websites. (Apart from the privacy
>> aspect, it might even be libellous - what sane person of good character
>> would want their relationship with TP to be made public? ;-)

>As can be seen by his personal attacks on my family,

And once again lying plagiarist Potter demonstrates his inability to
comprehend even the simplest of postings.

*What* "personal attacks on [his] family" ?

[snip remaining antisemitic rant]

Richard Herring

Tom Potter

Aug 31, 2007, 12:49:16 AM8/31/07

"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message

As can be seen by their "Jimmy Cartering" and "Mel Gibsoning"

of actors, posters, politicians,
and plain, old, ordinary citizens like me, .

who express an opinion differing from theirs, etc.,
with lies, distortions, vulgar insults, attacks on family members,

Jews have instititutionalized bigotry,

and as can be seen,

racist bigots like Richard Herring and Art Deco

have learned the trade well.

The definition of "bigot" is:
"A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his

Note Richard Herring's statement:

"what sane person of good character
would want their relationship with TP to be made public?"

asserts that anyone who

"would want their relationship with TP to be made public"

is not a "sane person of good character".

As can be seen by numerous historical statements
made by many folks over many centuries,
Jews have institutionalized bigotry,
and bigots like Richard Herring and Art Deco
use it (Bigotry) to slander folks,
and to slander their families, and anyone associated with them.

Moral folks address messages in a rational, intelligent way,
whereas immoral, dishonest people like Richard Herring and Art Deco
attack messengers, and try to prevent folks from defending their victims,
by either attacking them directly, or making stupid, immoral, dishonest
inferences as Richard Herring does in his post.

I urge all folks to take a look at the following web site
to see how racist bigots like Richard Herring and Art Deco operate.

Richard Herring

Aug 31, 2007, 6:40:59 AM8/31/07
[malicious crossposts trimmed]

In message <46d791f8$0$16365$>, Tom Potter

<> writes
>"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message


>> In message <46d58c95$0$16334$>, Tom Potter
>> <> writes
>>>"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message


>>>> It's amazing that lying plagiarist Potter's family don't slap some kind
>>>> of
>>>> restraining order on him to stop him spreading their "pictures and
>>>> personal information" all over his websites. (Apart from the privacy
>>>> aspect, it might even be libellous - what sane person of good character
>>>> would want their relationship with TP to be made public? ;-)
>>>As can be seen by his personal attacks on my family,
>> And once again lying plagiarist Potter demonstrates his inability to
>> comprehend even the simplest of postings.
>> *What* "personal attacks on [his] family" ?

[snip Potter boiler plate]

>Note Richard Herring's statement:
>"what sane person of good character
>would want their relationship with TP to be made public?"
>asserts that anyone who
>"would want their relationship with TP to be made public"
>is not a "sane person of good character".

Correct. (nearly - it doesn't "assert", it implies.)

Potter appears to be trying to construct a syllogism: the missing
premise (which I neither assert nor imply) is that the people referred
to would in fact want their relationship with TP made public.

So by asserting that premise, it appears to be *Potter* who is making
personal attacks on his own family. Draw your own conclusions.

[snip remaining potterplate]

Richard Herring


Aug 31, 2007, 1:49:39 PM8/31/07
ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA... Yo, Richie... you said:
>>asserts that anyone who
>>"would want their relationship with TP to be made public"
>>is not a "sane person of good character".
> Correct. (nearly - it doesn't "assert", it implies.)
ahahaha.. But, Richie, by your correspondence here with Tom
you imply that YOU are not a "sane person of good character".
.... ahahahaha... Tell me, what was it exactly that so cranked
you about Potter. What's that plagiarizing all about?
BTW, Tom's multiple websites with pix about his folks is
Potter's Jewish way of self aggrandizing and self-promotion.
It's one of the few things that Tom found to be good about
the Jews and useful for him... hahaha... ahahahahanson

"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message

Tom Potter

Sep 1, 2007, 10:24:12 AM9/1/07

"hanson" <> wrote in message news:TwYBi.29$eD5.1@trnddc07...

> ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA... Yo, Richie... you said:
>>>asserts that anyone who
>>>"would want their relationship with TP to be made public"
>>>is not a "sane person of good character".
>> Correct. (nearly - it doesn't "assert", it implies.)
> [hanson]
> ahahaha.. But, Richie, by your correspondence here with Tom
> you imply that YOU are not a "sane person of good character".
> .... ahahahaha... Tell me, what was it exactly that so cranked
> you about Potter. What's that plagiarizing all about?
> BTW, Tom's multiple websites with pix about his folks is
> Potter's Jewish way of self aggrandizing and self-promotion.
> It's one of the few things that Tom found to be good about
> the Jews and useful for him... hahaha... ahahahahanson

Actually my web sites serve two purposes:

1. They let friends and family know what I am up to.

2. Experienced posters to newsgroups
soon learn that when one wants to make a point
that runs counter to the agenda of Jews

(Relativity, the plight of the Palestinians,
the cause of the war against the Iraqi people,
and for that matter the root causes of WWI, WWII,
the Cold War and many wars, the bribing of politicians,
race based greed, the "Jimmy Cartering" and "Mel Gibsoning"
of good folks, the "Holocaust Industry", the flaws in the
three major religions, Americans putting the interest of
Israel and Judaism above the interest of America,
the root causes of 911, dual citizenship, etc.)

that they are gangbanged by Jews
who try to intimidate and discredit the poster,
in order to obscure issues of real concern to the people.

So, I make an effort to expose my background,
and I TRY to force the bigoted Jews to expose
their background, so that we can eliminate personal backgrounds
and get down to addressing the issue in play,
rather than trying to make the messenger the issue.

Frankly, I prefer to keep my private life private,
but over the years as many bigoted Jews have tried to conjure up
all kinds of nasty fictions about me and my friends and family,
I found it necessary to provide a little background on myself,
and as noted, I challenge the Jews who try to create a fictional
background about me to provide the real background,
compare it to mine, and then get down to
address the issues that are of vital concern to mankind.

As I pointed out,
although Cape Buffalo are much stronger than lions
and can handle them when they stick together,
lions intimidate Cape Buffalo with their snarls
and prevent them from protecting their babies.

Jews use the same tactic,
by using institutionalized bigotry just as
Richard Herring and Art Deco do,
in order to intimidate and discredit their victims,
and to prevent folks from forcing an examination of the issues
for fear of having themselves and their family and friends
"Jimmy Cartered".

It is sad that Americans,
who pretend to be brave and to value democracy
and "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"

are basically cowards

who can be easily intimidated and driven away
and have their government, culture, and work product
stolen from them by a small, greedy gang of bigots,
who have institutionalized bigotry.

It amazes me to see American Cape Buffalo
stand by and watch year after year,
as a small gang of lions devour the weak among them.

It took centuries for farmers to learn how to protect
themselves from marauding "hunting and gatherers",
who would waltz in, kill the farmers, and take their work product,
and no doubt it will take centuries for democratic, fair, free market
people to learn how to protect themselves from marauding Jews.

I suggest that protecting society from today's marauders
could be accomplished by doing two things:

1. Selecting Representatives by random lot,
and by selling seats in the Senate to the highest bidder,

and having the people who head the various government departments
to be screened by the Senate and selected by the Representatives,

and to have the "buck stopper" selected from the department heads
by the department heads, and to serve one year, extendible terms.

2. To make the bribery of a government official
punishable by death, as it was when Rome was
at its' heights, and to make laws to control one-on-one bigotry,
and to make institutional bigotry a felony.

Tom Potter

Sep 1, 2007, 10:25:23 AM9/1/07

"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message

I suggest that anyone who associates with Richard Herring,
or has a supportive family or business relationship with Richard Herring,
is a NOT a "sane person of good character",

because as can be seen by many of his posts,
Richard Herring is a bigoted racist and a dishonest person.

It's amazing that lying, bigoted, racist Richard Herring's family
doesn't slap some kind of restraining order on him to stop him
from disgracing his family,

and if Richard Herring is employed,
it's amazing that lying, bigoted, racist Richard Herring's employer
doesn't slap some kind of restraining order on him to stop him
from disgracing his employer.

As can be seen,
by displaying his racist bigotry and dishonesty on the Internet
it appears to be *Richard Herring* who is making
a statement about his own family, his own race, and his own religion.

Of course it may be that Richard Herring
is a victim of his religion, and has been brainwashed to
"Jimmy Carter" and "Mel Gibson" folks
who express views that his religion has brainwashed him suppress.

I urge all folks to take a look at the following web site
to see how racist bigots like Richard Herring and Art Deco operate.


Draw your own conclusions.

Art Deco

Sep 2, 2007, 5:28:30 PM9/2/07
Tom Potter <> wrote:


Good to see you are still trained, TommY.

Will do.

"Bolo Bullis Foam Duck"

"The spoonerism for "dumb fuck", for those who've lost more marbles
than a Chinese Checker factory will ever make."

Yep, that sounds like Crackpotter, so nominated.


"Busted Urinal Award"

"The reward for the Lamest of the Lame on Usenet. One who clogs and
stinks up the joint like a busted urinal, you could say."

Oh yes, that is Crackpotter, too.


"Tony Sidaway "Drama Queen" Award"

"For those logically consistent persons who leave Usenet for ever,
rather more often than the Cabal's rules require. It isn't necessary to
leave Usenet for ever three times in a single week to win this award,
but it helps. Operatic flouncing of other kinds, including unprovoked
meltdowns and ridiculous ranting may also lead to a nomination for this
award. Named after Drama Empress Tony Sidaway."

Note the "ridiculous ranting" part -- no one rants like Crackpotter.


"Joseph Bartlo "Pathetic Anal Pineapple" Award"

"The "Jojo Pineapple" is awarded every month to the Usenet poster who
best establishes a pattern of stupidity, idiocy, moronism, silliness,
cretinism and general kookery in a way exemplified by the eponymous
founder of this award, Joseph "Foamboi" Bartlo."

Anyone who points out TommY's nonsense is automatically a "lying,
bigoted, racist", "brainwashed", "needs a restraining order", etc.


[,, talk.politics.guns,
alt.politics.bush, alt.politics.clinton, snecked]

I see that alt.astronomy has gotten better and better since I've been
on sabbatical.

Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Wee Davie Tholen is a grade-school lamer
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"

"Why are you now discussing Art Deco,,
the coward using a fake name who avoids answering questions
and doesn't try to discuss music with anyone?"
--David Tholen

"Quite a kook-out, Deco. You've been frothing even more
ever since I demonstrated how you believe that ah's family
name is "ah"."
--David Tholen

Richard Herring

Sep 3, 2007, 5:07:32 AM9/3/07
In message <46d96a76$0$16337$>, Tom Potter
<> writes

> as can be seen by many of his posts,

Where? Feel free to cite the message-ID, lying plagiarist.

Richard Herring

Tom Potter

Sep 4, 2007, 11:06:29 AM9/4/07
On Sep 3, 5:28 am, Art Deco <> wrote:

> Tom Potter <> wrote:
> >"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message
> >news:7TFERHJ7A$
> >> [malicious crossposts trimmed]
> >> In message <46d791f8$0$16365$>, Tom Potter
> >> <> writes

> >>>"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message
> >>>
> >>>> In message <46d58c95$0$16334$>, Tom Potter
> >>>> <> writes
> >I suggest that anyone who associates withRichard Herring,
> >or has a supportive family or business relationship withRichard Herring,

> >is a NOT a "sane person of good character",
> >because as can be seen by many of his posts,
> >Richard Herringis a bigoted racist and a dishonest person.

> >It's amazing that lying, bigoted, racistRichard Herring'sfamily
> >doesn't slap some kind of restraining order on him to stop him
> >from disgracing his family,
> >and ifRichard Herringis employed,

> >it's amazing that lying, bigoted, racistRichard Herring'semployer
> >doesn't slap some kind of restraining order on him to stop him
> >from disgracing his employer.
> >As can be seen,
> >by displaying his racist bigotry and dishonesty on the Internet
> >it appears to be *Richard Herring* who is making
> >a statement about his own family, his own race, and his own religion.
> >Of course it may be thatRichard Herring

> >is a victim of his religion, and has been brainwashed to
> >"Jimmy Carter" and "Mel Gibson" folks
> >who express views that his religion has brainwashed him suppress.
> >I urge all folks to take a look at the following web site
> >to see how racist bigots likeRichard Herringand Art Deco operate.

Art Deco raises a good point!

Anyone who points out
that Art Deco is a full time, professional, bigoted racist

is deserving of the following "awards":
"kook of the month"
"Bolo Bullis Foam Duck"
"Busted Urinal Award"

"Tony Sidaway "Drama Queen" Award"

"Joseph Bartlo "Pathetic Anal Pineapple" Award"

"some kind of trained dog award that Art brags about"
and various "anti science awards".

Here is a video of Art Deco in action:

and here is a web site that lists some of the victims
of Art Deco's handlers:

Tom Potter

Sep 4, 2007, 11:09:35 AM9/4/07
On Sep 3, 5:07 pm, Richard Herring <junk@[]> wrote:
> In message <46d96a76$0$16337$>, TomPotter
> <> writes

> > as can be seen by many of his posts,
> Where? Feel free to cite the message-ID, lying plagiarist.
> --Richard Herring

I suggest that if anyone want to know where Richard Herring is coming
they should read his posts in the February 2003 thread

"MANKIND VS BUSH: 1million in London, 1 million in Rome, 1 million in
Madrid, 1 million in Barcelona"

As can be seen,
I, and a few others, were trying to call attention to the
fact that an attack on the Iraqi people would be a grave mistake,
whereas, many Jews during those days, like Richard Herring and Mati
were stirring the post, and trying to con American Blacks, Rednecks
and Latinos
into sacrificing their lives, limbs, liberties and fortunes to wage
war on Muslims.

Note that Richard Herring used (And uses)
the standard Jewish boilerplate tactic
of making short, contentless. smart ass remarks,
intended to appear cute and clever,
and to inhibit or discredit the messenger.

In response a post challenging me equating the
instigators of the Religious Wars of the 2000's,
to the instigators of the Class Wars of the 1900's,

"Do they still make Bolsheviks?"

Richard Herring made one of his typical smart ass remarks:
"Make them? I bet Potter can't even define them."
Richard Herring

and Mati Meron's response to:
>Valencia: 1 million population; 700.000 demostrants. It was the most =
>massive demo of a long long time!
made the typical short, snart ass remark:
"Yep, some places have higher concentrations of idiots."

As can be seen by reading the history of the Class Wars of the 1900's
Jews were active in instigating and profiting from them,

and as can be seen from reading the news media and the New groups,
Jews were active in instigating the Religious Wars of the 2000's.

One of my posts that made Richard Herring crawl out from under the
wood work
is posted below. I suggest that if anyone wants to see what was
during the run up to the preemptive and insane attack on Iraqi
the thread note is a good place to start.

Newsgroups:, alt.atheism,, rec.arts.comics.marvel.universe,
From: "Tom Potter" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 21:25:53 +0800
Local: Sun, Feb 16 2003 9:25 pm
Subject: Re: MANKIND VS BUSH: 1million in London, 1 million in Rome, 1
million in Madrid, 1 million in Barcelona

"Silverlock" <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 15 Feb 2003 18:46:31 -0000, "Danny H." <>
> wrote:

> >> Half a Million in Germany
> >> Half a Million in France
> >> Millions and millions across 600 cities in the World!

> >> We're all French today, we're all english, we're all German, and
> >> Italian and Spanish. Today - We're all for peace!

> >> Thank you all that participated!

> >well lets see. Thats 1 million total in france(otherwise known as i cant
> >win a war by myself to save my ass) and gemany(who has no fucking right
> >have a spot in the security council anyway as they started the last world
> >war). And lets be generous and say 20 million were demonstrating
> >elsewhere.

> Germany started World War 2 because it was punished with severe
> reparations after world war 1. It created a sense of hopelessness in
> its people much like exists in many of the poorer nations of the world
> right now.

Quote Feb, 2003 post
equating the unnecessary war against the German people
with the unnecessary war against the Iraqi people,
and showing who was stirring the pot.

Hitler, like many other leaders in those times,
was franchised by the people, to rid them of the
Bolshevik terrorists, who were instigating class warfare
for power and profit, and ruining their countries.

The German people are perhaps the most intelligent and moral
people on the Earth, and no doubt,
after the Bolshevik terrorists had been eliminated,
they would have turned to moderate leaders.

If FDR had joined with Germany, Spain, Japan, and other nations,
in going after the Bolshevik terrorists, rather than backing them,
WWII would has lasted two months, and there would have been
no millions of deaths, no Cold War, no Korea, no Vietnam ,
no nuclear weapons, and no instigation of global religious war.

Marx and Engel introduced the concept of Communism in the 1800's.
Shortly thereafter, Bolshevik terrorists used these concepts as an
excuse to
instigate class warfare all over the world.

Because of the power vacuum in Russia,
the Bolshevik terrorists managed to grab power there,
and they used Russia as a base of operations
from which to instigate class warfare everywhere.
They were aided in many nations by people who
expected to profit in terms of power and wealth,
as their fellow Bolsheviks had in Russia.

Most of the intelligent, rational folks in the advanced nations,
recognized the threat by the Bolshevik terrorists to society,
and most nations either resisted them, or moved to the left to
them. (Minimize the violence and disruptions they were instigating.)

Germany, Italy and Japan took a strong stand against the Bolshevik
terrorists and their economies boomed. America, England and France
tried to accommodate them, and their economies floundered for years.

As the Bolshevik terrorists managed to destabilize several nations,
and it created a threat to the interests of other nations
(Much as the destabilization of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
creates threats to other nations today.), several nations "attacked"
other small nations in an effort to restore stability in those
and to eliminate them as sanctuaries for the Bolshevik terrorists.

In 1936 the Bolshevik terrorists instigated the Spanish Civil War,
which they eventually lost, although the native Spanish people
and the Spanish infrastructure and economy, were severely harmed.

Also in 1936, Germany and Japan signed a treaty agreeing to
help each other fight the Bolshevik terrorists. (Anti-Comintern Pact)

In 1937, Italy joined the Anti-Comintern group to fight the Bolshevik
terrorists,and left League of Nations with the other nations
that felt that it was catering to the terrorists.
(Much as America is ignoring the United Nations ,
who Bush and his advisers think is catering to terrorists.)

In 1937, as China had been destabilized,
and the Chinese Nationalist government was floundering,
the Japanese moved into some areas.

In 1939 Franco, who had won the war against the
Bolshevik terrorists in Spain, signed the Anti-Comintern Pact.

The situation that existed in 1939 was this.
Germany, Italy, Turkey, Hungary, Japan, Spain, and perhaps a
few other nations had taken strong stands against
the Bolshevik terrorists. America and England were
catering to the Bolsheviks by moving politically to the left,
perhaps because their leaderships leaned to the left,
or because of the powerful political presence,
and media control, of Bolshevik supporters in those nations.

In any case, America and England sided with the Bolsheviks,
and began to apply extreme political and economic pressure
against the so-call "axis".

Japan, like Germany, was concerned about the effects of
destabilized nations in their midst, and the fact that the
Bolshevik terrorists were using these nations as bases
of operation, much as Afghanistan was used, and like
Germany, they moved to root out the terrorists, and to
stabilize the nations within their sphere of influence.

So America and England got in bed with the Bolsheviks
At some point, the leaderships in Japan and Germany
saw the handwriting on the wall, and in Japan's case,
they chose to hit before they got hit, as FDR, like Bush,
was sword rattling, trying to get America into war
on the side of the Bolsheviks,
and was building up the American fleet in the Pacific.

As it turns out, after FDR died American politicians,
who had previously been intimidated by the
American Bolshevik supporters, and by FDR's machine,
did an about face, and began to put the heat
on the Bolsheviks in America and the world.
The leaders in this campaign
(Nixon, McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover )
were, and still are, much maligned
(By the Bolshevik supporters)

And if Bush had gone after the Bolshevik instigators,
rather than getting in bed with them and Sharon,
there would have been no 9/11, no movement of America
toward a police and military state,
no loss of freedoms to Americans,
no loss of respect for America all over the world,
no danger to American's at home and abroad,
no collapse of the economy,
no shattering of the national budget,
no impending war with the Iraqi people,
with its' attendant cost, depletion of
non-renewable resources, environmental damage, etc,
no loss of trust by most nations of the world,
no hatred of America by hundreds of millions of Muslims,
no raid on Social Security,
no freeze of Civil Service employees pay,
no bankruptcy of major airlines,
no weakening of NATO and the United nations, etc.

Tom Potter

End quote.

I suggest that all honest, moral, loyal Americans
should review the history of the run up to the war on the Iraqi
and see who was stirring the pot,
and trying to discredit and silence the people who
opposed the war,

and to do the same about the war against the German people,
whose biggest sin was taking a stand against the terrorists
and instigators who were instigating the Class Wars of the 1900's.

Richard Herring

Sep 4, 2007, 11:57:51 AM9/4/07
In message <>, Tom
Potter <> writes

>On Sep 3, 5:07 pm, Richard Herring <junk@[]> wrote:
>> In message <46d96a76$0$16337$>, TomPotter
>> <> writes
>> > as can be seen by many of his posts,
>> Where? Feel free to cite the message-ID, lying plagiarist.
>> --Richard Herring
>I suggest that if anyone want to know where Richard Herring is coming
>they should read his posts in the February 2003 thread

As usual, lying plagiarist Potter can't put up or shut up any more than
he can enumerate his "13 hacks of GR" when challenged.

>"MANKIND VS BUSH: 1million in London, 1 million in Rome, 1 million in
>Madrid, 1 million in Barcelona"
>As can be seen,
>I, and a few others, were trying to call attention to the
>fact that an attack on the Iraqi people would be a grave mistake,
>whereas, many Jews during those days, like Richard Herring

Potter appears to be claiming to know more about my ethnic background
than I do myself. Wrongly, as usual.

[snip potterplate]

Richard Herring


Sep 4, 2007, 2:15:46 PM9/4/07
"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message
Potter <> writes

I, and a few others, were trying to call attention to the fact
that an attack on the Iraqi people would be a grave mistake,
whereas, many Jews during those days, like Richard Herring

Potter appears to be claiming to know more about my ethnic
background than I do myself. Wrongly, as usual.
[snip potterplate]
> --
Richard Herring
But, Richie, you must make concessions for Potter.
See, note and try to understand, Richie, that
*** "Nobody is born Anti-Semitic. But Jews are
great and the only good teachers for it" ****
### Potter is a **VICTIM** of that process ####
[hanson to Potter]
Hey Potter, what is this latest news that military
Chinese hackers have hacked into the German
defense- and into the Pentagon computer net
works for months now?. Do you hear any local
(Chinese) news about that? If so, post it.
Thanks for the laughs guys... ahahaha... ahahanson

Message has been deleted

Art Deco

Sep 4, 2007, 9:15:11 PM9/4/07
Tom Potter <> wrote:


>and here is a web site that lists some of the victims
>of Art Deco's handlers:


Get some new rants, Crackpotter, these are getting quite worn.

Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Wee Davie Tholen is a grade-school lamer
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"Classic erroneous presupposition. Others developed websites
so that they could have the Last Word, Deco. In the newsgroups,
I could counter their lies."
--David Tholen


Sep 4, 2007, 10:37:47 PM9/4/07
On Aug 12, 10:36 am, BioFreak <> wrote:
> Freedom in the American sense means business freedom of
> course. And USA used to have it. But not anymore. I
> know it and you know it. But have things become even
> better in China?

So you have business freedom in China, then? What about
other sorts of freedom? Why where the Chinese shooting
Tibetans (then again we (America) have been shooting Iraqis,
so I guess we're no better.)? I don't think China is all that
much better than America.

> --
> "khodAyA, roshde elmi va aghliye marA az
> fazilate _ta'assob_ va _ehsAs_ va
> _eshrAgh_ mahrum nasAz."
> - Ali Shari'ati

What's this signature? Gibberish? A cipher?


Sep 4, 2007, 10:49:28 PM9/4/07
On Aug 13, 8:50 pm, "Tom Potter" <> wrote:
> "Rock Brentwood" <> wrote in message
> I dare say that the vast majority of folks In Iraq
> would prefer some of that "Old Time Oppression"
> to the "freedom" that Bush and Company brought them.

I'm sure they would.

> Greedy, immoral people, who want to take advantage of
> ordinary folks, go into a culture that is happy and peaceful,
> and they begin a campaign to remove the constraints on the
> folks in the culture, so they will have the "freedom" to work their
> scams, and abuses on the innocent folks.

I'm curious: Can you criticize the Chinese government? Why
is searches for "Tibet" blocked on the Internet? Could China
represent what the USA is turning into, a ruthless totalitarian

> "Freedom" is a word that greedy, immoral people use
> to instigate conflict and division that they can capitalize on.

But what about GOOD freedom -- freedom like that to critique
your government, freedom like that to expose greed and
corruption, that type of freedom? Can you do that in China?
I don't know how much can be done in America, as this
country seems so twisted anyway, but can you do it in

> Note that the idea of "freedom" IMPLIES
> that someone is constraining you,
> and who is best qualified to design the constraints on a society,
> hundreds of years of cultural evolution,
> of some greedy, immoral person with a loudspeaker,
> a printing press, a transmitter, etc??

Both can produce decrepit and miserable societies.

China is far from a perfect society as is America.
The whole world has much to overcome.

I'm curious: Do you believe _all_ racism is bad,
as I do? No race -- be it White people, Black people,
Asian people -- NONE of them deserve any sort
of racist treatment, as then there is no unity,
and humanity is one family.

> --
> Tom Potter
> *** Time Magazine Person of the Year 2006 ***

> *** May 2007 Anti-Bigot Award ***

Tom Potter

Sep 5, 2007, 9:26:06 AM9/5/07

"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message

I was pleased to see that the only complaint
that Richard Herring had about my post,

was that he denied being a Jew,

even though during the run up to the Iraq War
he frequently joined with George Bush,
many Jews, and the Jewish NeoCons,

who were lying and conning American

Blacks, Rednecks and Latinos into sacrificing their lives,

limbs, liberties and fortunes to wage war on the Iraqi people.

I suggest that honest, moral folks should go back
and read some of my posts, and read some of Richard Herring's posts
during the run up to the war on the Iraqi people,

and to see who had the interests of American Blacks, Rednecks, Latinos,
the American taxpayers, and the Iraqi people, at heart,
wanted to see America at war with Iraq.

I suggest that a good place to evaluate Richard Herring's
loyalty to America and his wisdom and judgment
is to start with the February 2003 thread:

"MANKIND VS BUSH: 1million in London, 1 million in Rome, 1 million in
Madrid, 1 million in Barcelona"

Tom Potter

Tom Potter

Sep 5, 2007, 9:26:38 AM9/5/07

"mike3" <> wrote in message

We're on the same team Buddy.

No social system is perfect,
but at this point in time,
China is more optimum than America,
and it is moving in the right direction
(To improve the quality of life for its' people
and the peoples it interacts with.)

whereas America took a wrong turn with
Bush the Elder, Clinton, and Bush the Chimp,
and is heading in the wrong direction.

No doubt, Americans are wising up,
but it will take decades to repair the harm
that this unholy trio did to America.

Tom Potter

*** Time Magazine Person of the Year 2006 ***

Richard Herring

Sep 5, 2007, 11:11:32 AM9/5/07
In message <46dea2ab$0$16311$>, Tom Potter
<> writes

>"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message
>> [snip potterplate]
>I was pleased to see that the only complaint
>that Richard Herring had about my post,

Lying plagiarist Potter is wrong, as usual.

[snip potterplate because it's a mixture of lies, libel, repetitious
ranting and incoherent kookfroth, and we've seen it too many times

Is that any clearer?

Richard Herring

Tom Potter

Sep 6, 2007, 8:11:11 AM9/6/07

"hanson" <> wrote in message

[Potter to hanson]

Although all of the neighbors of Jews throughout history
were Anti-Semitic, and most of the folks on the planet today
are Anti-Semitic, I am no Anti-Semitic.

I am the best friend that Jews have,
as I am trying to get them to come to their senses.

I am anti a number of things,
including institutionalized bigotry, phonies,
the instigation of conflict and war for profit,
the parroting of dogma, greed, con jobs, etc,
but I am not Anti-Semitic.

We get the same news on TV and the press,
and the Chinese Web Sites as you get.

No doubt all major nations are trying to hack
classified information from potential enemies,

and as Bush has set America up to be the enemy
of most of the people on the planet,

no doubt many of Bush's enemies
are looking for ways to learn what their enemy is up to.

Speaking of Bush,
one has to wonder why NO ONE in the media
tells it like it is about Bush.

They parrot they he was after weapons of mass destruction,
wanted to dispose a tyrant,
is fighting a war against terrorism,
is working to spread democracy, etc.

when the obvious facts are:

1. He was trying to bully the world and steal Iraq's oil.
2. It became clear that he was a War Criminal,
and that he could not bully the world.
3. Everything he says and does
is designed to save his ass from being tried
as a War Criminal after he is out of office.

That said, as the man is greedy, insane, lying bully,
and he might even nuclear bomb Iran before he has to leave office
as a desperate attempt to get WWIII started
in an effort to take the heat off of himself.

I wouldn't be surprised if the recent incident
involving flying the nuclear weapons over America,

was an uncover effort by loyal Americans in the Military,
to call attentions to nuclear weapons
and to get public opinion focused on the issue,

so they will be able to stage a coup
(With the approval of most Americans.)
and take Bush out if he orders them to bomb Iran.

Note that many rats are deserting the ship
because they want no party to any more of Bush's
irrational actions, and certainly they don't want to
be on the bloody end of a coup.

Tom Potter


Tom Potter

Sep 6, 2007, 8:56:48 AM9/6/07
"Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message

I suggest that Richard Herring makes it VERY CLEAR
that he is trying to hide something,
by deleting my posts, and attacking me personally,

just as he did when I posted what the Magna Carta
said about Jews,

and what Richard Herring was saying during the run up to
the preemptive attack on the Iraqi people.

If anyone wants to see what has Richard Herring
all bent out of shape, read the posts in the February 2003 thread:


Sep 6, 2007, 11:21:48 AM9/6/07
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

> "hanson" <> wrote in message
>> "Richard Herring" <junk@[]> wrote in message
[Potter to Richie]

>> I, and a few others, were trying to call attention to the fact
>> that an attack on the Iraqi people would be a grave mistake,
>> whereas, many Jews during those days, like Richard Herring
>> [Richie to Potter]

>> Potter appears to be claiming to know more about my ethnic
>> background than I do myself. Wrongly, as usual.
>> [snip potterplate]
>> [hanson]
>> But, Richie, you must make concessions for Potter.
>> See, note and try to understand, Richie, that
>> *** "Nobody is born Anti-Semitic. But Jews are
>> great and the only good teachers for it" ****
>> ### Potter is a **VICTIM** of that process ####
>> Thanks for the laughs guys... ahahaha... ahahanson
[Potter to hanson]
> Although all of the neighbors of Jews throughout history
> were Anti-Semitic, and most of the folks on the planet
> today are Anti-Semitic, I am no Anti-Semitic.
Right, and/but you are the VICTIM of that, Tom. Relish it.
Undoubtedly Art Decco, the Homo, will nominate you for
something over this in order to shut you up and he will try
to recruit voting members for his stereotypical, hate driven
bigoted **Fart Gecko and his Syphilitic Homo Band**.
You should point out to all voting members that they do fall
suspect of being US resident JerUSAlem cockroaches,
called Neocons, whose 1st loyalty belongs to Israel instead
of the USA, and who, a soon as they go over there behave
just like their kin-in-ilk, as exampled here by Art Decco in
his natural environment:
[Potter to hanson]

> I am the best friend that Jews have,
... yeah, yeah, ... but you must do a much better sales job
on that, Tom, because as is they will only say: "oye-weh,
oye-weh, what a dreidel"... ahahaha....

> I am the best friend that Jews have,
> as I am trying to get them to come to their senses.
ahahaha... Play a little bit of German "Real-Politik"
here and do realize that the Jews feel the same way
about you, especially "Fart Gecko and his Syphilitic
Homo Band"... ahahahaha...

> I am anti a number of things,
> including institutionalized bigotry, phonies,
> the instigation of conflict and war for profit,
> the parroting of dogma, greed, con jobs, etc,
> but I am not Anti-Semitic.
.... ahahahaha... AHAHAHA.. your "etc" is undoubtedly
as large as is your "not" small... ahahaha... Don't you
understand, Tom, that the greatest favor you can do
for Jews is for **you to be Anti-Semitic". A.S is GOOD!
The ex-PM of Israel Ariel Sharon himself said:
::Sharon:: .... we might go wild and burn all the oil fields in the
::Sharon:: Middle East! We might start World War Three.
::Sharon:: We might use nuclear arms. We are **Judeo-Nazis**.
::Sharon:: I am disgrace to humanity, I don't mind, on the contrary.
::Sharon:: ** I will do all I can to increase Anti-Semitism **, and be
::Sharon:: prepared to absorb the Yids I will force to flee to this
::Sharon:: country and teach them to be a light unto the gentiles.
[hanson to Potter --- on CHINA ---]

>> Hey Potter, what is this latest news that military
>> Chinese hackers have hacked into the German
>> defense- and into the Pentagon computer net
>> works for months now?. Do you hear any local
>> (Chinese) news about that? If so, post it.

> We get the same news on TV and the press,
> and the Chinese Web Sites as you get.
> No doubt all major nations are trying to hack
> classified information from potential enemies,
> and as Bush has set America up to be the enemy
> of most of the people on the planet,
> no doubt many of Bush's enemies
> are looking for ways to learn what their enemy is up to.
Bush or no Bush... I can see your pov here. But what
I wanted to hear from you is what the **local** Chinese
Press and TV laments over/on this hacking issue.
Stuff, POVs and opinion we don't get to hear over here.

> Speaking of Bush, one has to wonder why NO ONE
> in the media tells it like it is about Bush.
> They parrot they he was after weapons of mass destruction,
> wanted to dispose a tyrant,
> is fighting a war against terrorism,
> is working to spread democracy, etc.
> when the obvious facts are:
> 1. He was trying to bully the world and steal Iraq's oil.
> 2. It became clear that he was a War Criminal,
> and that he could not bully the world.
> 3. Everything he says and does
> is designed to save his ass from being tried
> as a War Criminal after he is out of office.
> That said, as the man is greedy, insane, lying bully, and he
> might even nuclear bomb Iran before he has to leave office
> as a desperate attempt to get WWIII started
> in an effort to take the heat off of himself.
AHAHAHAHA... ahahaha...yeah, yeah, the obvious facts
are even more that you just have a hardon for Bush, in
a sanctimonious way, because YOU, Tom voted for him.
Guilt ridding/absolving measures do take on strange forms,
"as can be seen" by your example above.... ahaha... Listen
Bush was just behaving "democratic" when the Neocons
and "Fart Gecko and his Syphilitic Homo Band" goaded
Bush to go into Iraq:
Bush democratic

Neocon white wash and excuses

CNN Christiane Amanpour


> I wouldn't be surprised if the recent incident
> involving flying the nuclear weapons over America,
> was an uncover effort by loyal Americans in the Military,
> to call attentions to nuclear weapons
> and to get public opinion focused on the issue,
> so they will be able to stage a coup
> (With the approval of most Americans.)
> and take Bush out if he orders them to bomb Iran.
> Note that many rats are deserting the ship
> because they want no party to any more of Bush's
> irrational actions, and certainly they don't want to
> be on the bloody end of a coup.

... ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHA... Potter's Prognostication!
ahaha.. Put that into one of your blogs, Tom! This is a First.
** Potter says:
US Military attempts thermo-"nukilar" coup to oust Bush **
... ahahaha... AHAHAHA... Tom, listen. You've been in the
military. You ought to know that fuck-ups like that are the
order of the day in the military. Just like your friend Rumsfeld,
who wanted to make war on the cheap, and who was singing
daily on TV about the "dead-enders"... of which it turns out
that there was only one... He, Rumsfeld himself... ahahaha..
Don't get so paranoid now, Tom, or people will really think
that you are Anti-Semitic.... ahahaha... AHAHAHA..
Thanks for the laughs, Tom... ahahaha....
> --

[Tom Potter's rabbinical way of self-aggrandizing himself]

Tom Potter

Sep 7, 2007, 7:13:08 AM9/7/07

"hanson" <> wrote in message

Here are a couple of my old prognostications:

Subject: Re: Will Bush push the nuke button?
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 13:07:17 +0800
From: "Tom Potter" <>

It is interesting to see that the fall of the Roman Empire
can be traced to one incident, the defeat to Emperor Julian
who was killed, and his huge army defeated, when Julian
tried to extend the Roman Empire.

Rome was at its' peak
and Julian was a popular leader,
who had secured Rome's European frontiers,
and apparently, he got ambitious and wanted to
be the king of the whole world, and all he got
for his efforts was death, the destruction of his huge army,
and the fall of the Roman Empire.

After Julian's defeat, the other nations' and people's
lost respect for, and fear of Rome, and it began to come apart.

Bush, like Julian, had very little to gain,
and very much to lose,
by attacking Persia/Iraq.

Tom Potter


From: "Tom Potter" <>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.bush
Subject: Spooks spook Bush
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 13:32:40 +0800

Here is a post that I made on 2003-06-17,
asserting that the
"intelligence" community will not let themselves
be a patsy for Bush and Rumfeld."

As can be seen, they are beginning to turn up the heat
on Bush, and it is just a matter of time before they
expose him for the greedy, evil, untrustworthy incompetent, that he is.

Old post follows:
I suggest that the "pre-war intelligence" was accurate
and that Bush and Rumfeld "cooked the books' (LIED),
in order to con Congress and the American people into waging
a war on the Iraqi people. (For oil profits for themselves,
their families, their friends and associates.)

I assert that the "intelligence" community will not let themselves
be a patsy for Bush and Rumfeld, and that they will leak many
incriminating bits of information, that will show that
Bush and Rumfeld lied, and are criminals under American law,
and are war criminals under international law.

You can bet that the"spooks" will not let Bush and Rumfeld
blame them for the mess that got America and the world into.
There are many proud, honest, loyal Americans
in the intelligence community, and they will put America and truth
ahead of loyalty to a temporary "maximum leader".

End of old post.

Tom Potter


Note that the CIA set up Bush
by sending Joseph C. Wilson,
the husband of Valerie_Plame, one of their agents,

to check out the yellow cake story,
that they knew to be a lie,

knowing that he and his wife would be "Swiftboated",

and they could make the case that
"Outing a CIA agent" is a serious matter,
and would cause the deaths of many of
the agents contacts.

As I indicated in my 2003 post, "Spooks spook Bush",
the CIA would not allow Bush to make them the "Fall Guys"
for his lies and "Cooking the books".

I dare say that loyal, rational, Americans in the Military,
like loyal, rational, Americans in the CIA,
will try to prevent Bush from setting events in motion
that brings great harm to them, their families,
Americans and the world.

As can be seen, many of Bush's former gang members
are bailing out, as they know that Bush is nuts,
and they don't want to be a party to his continuing madness,
nor to be on the bloody end of a coup.

Tom Potter

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