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Who pays these guys for turning internet (including this group) into a gutter?

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Sep 25, 2007, 3:23:29 AM9/25/07
They obviously are professional dirt throwers. Their profiles reveal
that some of them write tens of thousands of messages almost without
They are ignorant in matters they write. Their writing mainly contains
personal insults and general statements.
They are members of a larger organization. They "hunt" and sabotage
constructive discussion in packs. When they sabotage a message a whole
pack of them is spitting and biting like a pack of wolves.
They are always wearing masks, while their behavior resembles these
"frogs that come out of the mouth of the dragon" about which
prophesizes the Book of Revelation, 16:13-14.
They all use the same style of writing and spitting - as if they are
clones or robots which use the same program.
They are well trained, because they do their spitting, sabotages, and
personal attacks very skillfully. They are good psychologists who aim
at negative emotions. They always impose their dominance over a given
discussion and then dictate their tone to all.
They have all information at their fingertips. They can state who,
where, and when at any their wish. This means they must have access to
extremely powerful databases.
But simultaneously they do NOT know human culture. Their writing is
full of errors and deviates from normal standards used in a given area
they pretend to know.
They are consistently negative in their opinions, and if they enter a
discussion their motivation is to harm the author, to scare the
passers by, and to sabotage the constructive discussion.
They attack mainly progressive and moral ideas. Simultaneously they
leave uncommented everything that splashes dirt over someone or
The groups that they sabotage are "by coincident" flooded also with
other filth, porno, indecency, spam, etc.
They act on practically every group and on every forum - so they
represent some powerful force or organization which is interested in
turning the Internet into a gutter.
They seem to be above law, as many statements they make balance on
borders of offenses, but they do NOT seem to be afraid anyone or
Someone must pay them, because they do their spitting as a full time
job and as their main occupation.
In turn their sabotaging efforts are increasingly well visible on this
group - one would need to be blind to NOT notice their evil efforts.

Who are these guys? What kind of force stands behind them? Who pays
them? In whose interest lies that because of their action Internet
gains the reputation of the gutter which collects the biggest dirt of
Perhaps we should look more carefully at their hands to find out what
they are up to and what evil power they represent.
There is a good opportunity for looking closer at them, because they
also sabotage the constructive discussion on this group.

We are seeking far to spot terrorists. But here we are, just under our
noses some well camouflaged evil force is terrorizing the information
artery of humanity scaring out from it all moral and progressive
It will NOT take very long and these internet terrorists are going to
scare and to terrorize everyone so much, that soon no person will be
courageous enough to write about any progressive or moral idea.

With totaliztic salute, Jan Pajak (Prof. Dr Eng.)


Sep 25, 2007, 3:55:52 AM9/25/07

Do you mean I can get PAID for this?


Sep 25, 2007, 5:42:12 AM9/25/07
Is this a confession?


Sep 25, 2007, 5:53:40 AM9/25/07
On Sep 25, 9:55 am, "Jeckyl" <> wrote:
> Do you mean I can get PAID for this?

here is one of the psychopth crooks
shit human beings
Jekyle and mr Hide is a good example

yet they dont take in acount
that they can't cheat everyone forever
and those who pay them are waisting their money
on the long run .

Don Stockbauer

Sep 25, 2007, 6:59:14 AM9/25/07

Who pays these guys for turning internet (including this group) into a


Someone has to take on the job of trying to keep usenet from devolving
into endless character assassination and convert it into a useful
forum for the endless, wasteful interchange of simplistic, worthless
memes.....oh, I'm sorry - too late.

Have a nice Tuesday, especially the afternoon part.

(Tuesday afternoon, I'm just beginning to see......)


Sep 25, 2007, 7:17:18 AM9/25/07
Free speech -- ain't it a bitch?

Robert Carnegie

Sep 25, 2007, 7:26:30 AM9/25/07
Does the complaint apply particularly to this newsgroup, or to all
groups? And is it a hit-and-run?

Rodjk #613

Sep 25, 2007, 7:28:06 AM9/25/07

You mean this Jan Pajak? and:

The guy is a kook.

Rodjk #613


Sep 25, 2007, 8:35:31 AM9/25/07
On Sep 25, 9:23 am, wrote:
> They obviously are professional dirt throwers. Their profiles reveal
> that some of them write tens of thousands of messages almost without
> breaks.
> With totaliztic salute, Jan Pajak (Prof. Dr Eng.)
The conspiracy theorist party pays them to discredit you. I Dr (Lit)
Prof. Dr (Phil) Prof Errol am the accountant, so I know

Bret Cahill

Sep 25, 2007, 10:06:55 AM9/25/07
> Free speech -- ain't it a bitch?

Even DeTocqueville wrote that he didn't support freedom of the press
because he thought it was sugar and spice and everything nice.

He supported it for the evils it prevented.

Bret Cahill


Sep 25, 2007, 10:37:13 AM9/25/07
On Sep 25, 2:23 am, wrote:

> They have all information at their fingertips.

dangerous shit that, eh?


Sep 25, 2007, 2:55:05 PM9/25/07
On Sep 25, 12:23 am, janpa...@

> They attack mainly progressive and moral ideas. Simultaneously they
> leave uncommented everything that splashes dirt over someone or
> something.
> The groups that they sabotage are "by coincident" flooded also with
> other filth, porno, indecency, spam, etc.

So by sabotaging filth, porn, etc., they are attacking progressive and
moral ideas.


Sep 25, 2007, 5:18:45 PM9/25/07

HUH? What the fuck??....

Sep 25, 2007, 6:34:33 PM9/25/07
On Sep 25, 7:23 pm, wrote:
[snip paranoia]

Why would anyone pay to turn Usenet into a gutter? It'd be like paying
a pig to get dirty.

I'm reminded of:

You cannot hope to bribe or twist
(thank God!) the British journalist,
But seeing what the man will do
unbribed there's no occasion to.

Sep 25, 2007, 10:46:33 PM9/25/07
On Sep 25, 3:34 pm, ""
<> wrote:

> Why would anyone pay to turn Usenet into a gutter? It'd be like paying
> a pig to get dirty.

I am NOT concerned about the Usenet, or any group in specific, but
about the Internet as a whole. The point is, that right now - in our
presence, the Internet is creating a specific reputation and tradition
for itself. This reputation and tradition is going to stick to it for
several next centuries. If this reputation and tradition turns out to
be of the type that various gutter newspapers enjoy already or that
surround UFO research, then the Internet is lost for many generations
as a forum for free speech and the place for exchange of serious
ideas. In addition, making such a reputation and tradition is going to
open doors for various attempts to limit the human freedom. After all,
any dictator of the future can use a gutter reputation of the Internet
as an excuse for imposing various restrictions on people who use it.
So soon we may be witnesses of attempts that e.g. if someone wish to
have a web page in Internet, he or she will be forced to register
himself or herself in the court of law, supply the project of this web
page, and seek the official governmental permission to be allowed to
have this web page. ("Little birds" are saying that already the Polish
government started to work towards such a direction - fortunately for
the Internet this government is busy now with making itself elected
again, so temporary suspended actions in that matter.) Similar
permissions may be required to be able to enter Internet discussions
groups - like this here now. To summarize the above, this secret
organization that I am talking about, together with the evidence of
its action that are visible even on this thread, is looking quite far
into the future and it knows exactly what it attempts to accomplish.

>From my profile you may notice that I am participating in discussions
of several groups. On all these groups I try to defend morality, good
name of science, constructive discussion, indicate to the attention of
people the evidence for the existence of God, afterworld, soul, etc.
As it turns out, practically every of these groups is plagued with
characters that I described in my entry message. Although these
characters NOT everywhere call themselves "Jekyll" or "Hyde", and NOT
everywhere have 189225 messages in their profiles, still their
pseudonyms are very meaningful (e.g. "Boruta - the field devil") while
the amount of dirt they throw at the Internet as a whole and at people
who promote constructive discussion or moral ideas in specific,
certifies that they do it as their "full-time jobs". So someone must
pay them - how otherwise such a secret professional organization of
"dirt throwers" could exist.

In addition to this, if someone seeks e.g. a free web page host, then
it turns out that Internet is overflowing with hosts who wish to host
all types of immoral web pages. So if someone wishes to place in
Internet e.g. a web page of the gay or lesbian content, porno,
pedophilia, prostitution, etc., (see,,, etc.), then has NO difficulty in finding a host for
it. In turn, if someone wishes to present moral and constructive
subjects, for example the philosophy of totalizm (spelled with "z") -
see web page
or the formal scientific proof for the existence of God prepared with
methods of mathematical logic - see item #B3 on the web page
then such someone has a great difficulty with finding a free web
providers willing to host his web page (not mentioning, that the
organization that I described in the initial message, is later
sabotaging such web pages intensely).

To be worse, people who speak publicly about morality, evidence for
the existence of God, etc., are later subjected to various threats and
attacks by members of this secret organization. For example, I wonder
whether you already noticed a message (quite a clever and
that was published below my original message - see the wording, quote:
"Have a nice Tuesday, especially the afternoon part." Problem with
this type of statements is, that only the message giver and myself we
know what he really meant. For all other people, and for courts of
law, this is just a polite wish of "having a good afternoon". A
camouflaged threat, or rather a warning, was also published by the
same organization a few messages before this my message - e.g. see the
message from the address:
So it is extremely dangerous and threatening to be moral these days,
as one may finish the same way as finished famous Professor John E.
Mack, MD - i.e. "accidentally hit by a car".

I should also report here that this strange "anti-god" and "anti-
moral" organization has very long tentacles, which reach to every
country in the world. A few months ago I published on my web page two
photographs of the sculpture of female (naked) devil - to document
illustratively, that the same anatomic features of devils are known in
practically every nation and culture of the world, including such
nations and cultures like the New Zealand Maoris. (This cross-cultural
uniformity of features of devils' anatomy provide strong evidence that
"devils do exist" and that they are operating on the entire globe.) To
my surprise, around three months after publishing this photographs a
group of extremely strange individuals, who looked to me like
angsters, arrived at the scene - when God just make me to be there,
and completely without reasons or justification organized the removal
of this sculpture. I documented all these events on photographs, and
the readers who wish to see them with their own eyes can visit my web
page named "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm" (i.e. Saint Andrea Bobola) at
following addresses, where these events are reported on photographs
from Figure #4abc (notice that the web page "sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm"
is just in the process of translation into English, but descriptions
of these Figures #4abc, and also Figures #5abc - which show the same
devils portrayed by Maori culture from New Zealand, is already
translated into English; notice also that some of the web pages listed
below can already be sabotaged by the organization that I am reporting
here, thus may not work temporary or permanently):


Sep 25, 2007, 10:52:24 PM9/25/07

Well many people that have come in in recent years may have found
other avenues for expressing their beliefs and other parts of the
internet are absorbing some. Maybe it is a sign that newsgroups are
shrinking and all that is left is the bullies that got a kick out of
nipping at the heals of the crowd. But here in philosophy groups we
base our approach theoretically on logic and the style of
argumentation itself. Maybe there should be a referal system that
sends them in here since only a few can survive sustained debate for
long. Find them and crosspost them here and we'll take care of them.
Maybe the fall term is just getting ready to kick in and we will be
flooded as usual with students looking for cheat sheets and essay
ideas. That traditionally has kept the bullies very busy and unable to
keep up.

On your own you can use the weapons of logic to point out over and
over again how the conversation cannot proceed till these fallacies
are not committed.

Learn how to use all these fallacies and responses to them and you can
bully back without appearing to get out of line once. Esle send these
bullies to alt.philosophy for some real bullying, we are ready, though
few this term.

Sep 26, 2007, 2:54:40 AM9/26/07

They are Americans mostly.
When there was huge power outage last year on th eastern part of the
United States they were gone.
So its somewhere on the eastern seaboard.

Yeah it was bliss during the outage.

But you know Rome is falling, they are running out of money, and they
won't be able to afford to sabotage indefinitely.
Bush spent 6 trillion each term and spent the 6 trillion surplus on
top of that.
America's debt is already untenable, and they are hanging by a thread.
If they don't attack Iran, they will go broke.
If they do attack Iran, they will get bombed. And all it takes for a
bully to go crying home, is to get hit once.
And if any American city was ever bombed, it would totally collapse
the entire country because in truth they all hate each other.
So they won't band together, they will loot and pillage and shoot each
other in a mass panic.
And then finally people will be able to enjoy the Internet in peace.

Sep 26, 2007, 3:25:48 AM9/26/07
> So its somewhere on the eastern seaboard.

> Yeah it was bliss during the outage.
> But you know Rome is falling, they are running out of money, and they
> won't be able to afford to sabotage indefinitely.
> Bush spent 6 trillion each term and spent the 6 trillion surplus on
> top of that.
> America's debt is already untenable, and they are hanging by a thread.
> If they don't attack Iran, they will go broke.
> If they do attack Iran, they will get bombed. And all it takes for a
> bully to go crying home, is to get hit once.
> And if any American city was ever bombed, it would totally collapse
> the entire country because in truth they all hate each other.
> So they won't band together, they will loot and pillage and shoot each
> other in a mass panic.
> And then finally people will be able to enjoy the Internet in peace.

America wants to attack Iran, to steal their wealth, to support the
financial needs of their own country. Like they attacked Iraq after
disarming it using the U.N.

UN inspectors went over Iraq with a fine tooth comb, and made them
destroy all their weapons.

Then the Americans and the British merely made false claims against
them that they had weapons of mass destruction and so they attacked
them and took over their country. Bombed the crap out of them while
defenseless and murdered over a million people.

So if you were Iran, would you be making nuclear bombs?

I would be making them as fast a s humanly possible. And I would also
infiltrate the US in case of attack.
And I would use germ warfare or any and all weaponry at my disposal.
Because if you don't, you will get killed.
Your country and your wealth will get stolen. These are evil people.
You need to protect yourself from them. They invade countries and the
kill women and children by the millions.
They bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed millions of innocent men
women and children and they do that without conscience. They are
masters at propaganda. And they have wealth and power to do what they
want and take what they want if you cannot defend yourself. They
believe might is right. And that is all they believe.

"Ortega said that the United States, as "the only country in the world
to have dropped nuclear bombs on innocent people," had no right to
question the right of Iran and North Korea to pursue nuclear
technology for "peaceful purposes."

"And even if they want nuclear power for purposes that are not
peaceful, with what right does (the U.S.) question it?" he told the
world leaders."

Sep 26, 2007, 3:32:46 AM9/26/07

America is going down, and we will live to see it.
You know how I know it?
Because the good guys always win.

Rodjk #613

Sep 26, 2007, 4:41:12 AM9/26/07
> You mean this Jan Pajak?

> The guy is a kook.
> Rodjk #613

Oops. My bad.
It seems you are Jan Pajak...
You are a kook.
Sorry about the misunderstanding.

Rodjk #613


Sep 26, 2007, 5:44:12 AM9/26/07

Like those who hate 300 million people?

Sep 26, 2007, 5:59:59 AM9/26/07

I don't hate Americans. I love Americans.
You are all just victims of your own elite 1%.
What sort of freedom do you really have? Spied on all the time,
computers hacked, fed propaganda to the degree that your scientific
beliefs are totally insane. You believe that Mesopotamia is the root
of civilization while there are 4 mile long rock art statues in Peru
as a for instance, and a sunken city off Cuba 2,100 feet under the
Brainwashed by TV, I really feel sorry for the people because they
feel helpless, like their vote doesn't count because it doesn't.
They live in fear of all the endless acronyms, whose job is to what?
Deal cocaine in contra scandals, and assassinate presidents, bomb
trade centers in order to rally support for an oil stealing raid on a
foreign country after trumping up charges, and wage war on small
banana republics and all the rest.

I mean so far America has been lucky.

But you have this false sense of security. As I say, it is not just a
bomb you have to fear. You know that if you attack Iran, they might
send you a bomb from anywhere in the world, attached to a plane or
boat or cargo.

Who checks every coconut?

You see you are lucky that the rest of the world is not evil like the
powers in America. If they were, you would all be dead from poison
long ago.

But if you attack a sovereign nation that is not defenseless, like
Iran, and does not have a stooge puppet in power like Saddam, they
might fight back.
And you are sitting ducks really aren't you.
You don't have the manpower to watch everything from everywhere that
comes into your country.
You even anthraxed yourselves to force a lock down.
Your leaders would sacrifice you by the millions to save themselves
without batting an eye.
Poor bastards that you are to live in such a terrible state of


Sep 26, 2007, 7:06:45 AM9/26/07
On 26 Set, 11:59, wrote:
> > > > > And if any American city was ever bombed, it would totally collapse
> > > > > the entire country because in truth they all hate each other.
> > > > > So they won't band together, they will loot and pillage and shoot each
> > > > > other in a mass panic.
> > > > > And then finally people will be able to enjoy the Internet in peace.

> > > > Your country and your wealth will get stolen. These are evil people.

> > > > You need to protect yourself from them. They invade countries and the
> > > > kill women and children by the millions.
> > > > They bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed millions of innocent men
> > > > women and children and they do that without conscience. They are
> > > > masters at propaganda. And they have wealth and power to do what they
> > > > want and take what they want if you cannot defend yourself. They
> > > > believe might is right. And that is all they believe.

> I don't hate Americans. I love Americans.

You seem to have an odd way of displaying your love.

> You are all just victims of your own elite 1%.

I'm not American.

> What sort of freedom do you really have? Spied on all the time,
> computers hacked, fed propaganda to the degree that your scientific
> beliefs are totally insane. You believe that Mesopotamia is the root
> of civilization while there are 4 mile long rock art statues in Peru
> as a for instance, and a sunken city off Cuba 2,100 feet under the
> water.


> Brainwashed by TV, I really feel sorry for the people because they
> feel helpless, like their vote doesn't count because it doesn't.
> They live in fear of all the endless acronyms, whose job is to what?
> Deal cocaine in contra scandals, and assassinate presidents, bomb
> trade centers in order to rally support for an oil stealing raid on a
> foreign country after trumping up charges, and wage war on small
> banana republics and all the rest.

I don't understand Are presidents part of the cospiracy or not?

> I mean so far America has been lucky.
> But you have this false sense of security. As I say, it is not just a
> bomb you have to fear. You know that if you attack Iran, they might
> send you a bomb from anywhere in the world, attached to a plane or
> boat or cargo.

It seems that Iran has no nuclear bombs, yet.

> Who checks every coconut?
> You see you are lucky that the rest of the world is not evil like the
> powers in America. If they were, you would all be dead from poison
> long ago.

Is that true?

> But if you attack a sovereign nation that is not defenseless, like
> Iran, and does not have a stooge puppet in power like Saddam, they
> might fight back.
> And you are sitting ducks really aren't you.
> You don't have the manpower to watch everything from everywhere that
> comes into your country.
> You even anthraxed yourselves to force a lock down.
> Your leaders would sacrifice you by the millions to save themselves
> without batting an eye.

Well, that's true.


Sep 26, 2007, 10:31:30 AM9/26/07
On Sep 26, 11:59 am, wrote:
> But if you attack a sovereign nation that is not defenseless, like
> Iran, and does not have a stooge puppet in power like Saddam, they
> might fight back.
> And you are sitting ducks really aren't you.
> You don't have the manpower to watch everything from everywhere that
> comes into your country.
> You even anthraxed yourselves to force a lock down.
> Your leaders would sacrifice you by the millions to save themselves
> without batting an eye.
> Poor bastards that you are to live in such a terrible state of
> affairs.- Hide quoted text -
Since when was Saddam a stooge puppet?? During the mid 1980s i would
agree that he was in cohoots with the US but barely a stooge puppet.
Please also remember that Ahmenibad (or however it's spelled) has
suggested that the Arab world should wipe Israel from the face of the
earth, and that the world would be better off if the USA were totally
destroyed. Again, not an ideal base from which to initiate diplomatic
relations, thus he is a stooge puppet of the Islamic worlds interests
(the more fanatical bunch)

The problem is that the cabal feeding GW Bush, info, are so saturated
in the juices of their own agendas, that it's difficult who to decide
should be propped up against the proverbial wall and shot.

Sep 26, 2007, 3:46:17 PM9/26/07

Well keep in mind that your government lives in fear of the acronyms
and the pentagon.
The pentagon attacked the senate with anthrax to shut them up

Sep 26, 2007, 5:33:04 PM9/26/07

Yes thats right. I forgot about that one. They could just use a pay
phone and phone in bomb threats and ground your flights.

Sep 26, 2007, 5:45:56 PM9/26/07

Yeah thats pretty funny. Disrupting our little harbor airline, Scare
B.C. that shuttles people from Vancouver to the inner harbor.
My little empire.

But you know our politicians don't use that float plane service, they
use the helijet.
The float planes are too slow, they take an extra 10 minutes and well
our politicians like to ride in style.

So who uses Scare B.C. from Vancouver to Victoria?

Oh salesmen, and the odd tourist, maybe the odd business type. Really
an international target for terrorism.

Especially when we have so many enemies all over the world as we go
around invading countries and whatever it is we do. Give them bacon or

Sep 26, 2007, 9:49:20 PM9/26/07
Hey, gentleman - we are talking about proofs, science, and the
terrorizing of our civilization here, not about politics. Let us leave
politics to politicians. Actually, who are these "internet terrorists"
that we are talking here about, is very clear. It is explained quite
comprehensively on the web page "evil.htm" - the addresses of which
are provided below. I am also going to explain here who is the evil
force behind these internet terrorism, why these evil terrorists
attacks internet (supposedly attacking even places where we would
least expect them to attack - for details see the message
), where they come from, etc. However, to explain all these here, I
need to prepare you by providing a lot of introductory information.
Therefore here I will do it later. In the meantime, if someone is
impatient and wishes to know immediately, these information is already
explained comprehensively at the internet web site named "evil.htm" -
available under following addresses (if these "internet terrorists"
have NOT sabotaged these web sites as yet):

Please notice that the key to understanding who these "internet
terrorists" are, is the understanding of principles of a space vehicle
named the "magnocraft", and principles of the engine for this space
vehicle - means device called the "oscillatory chamber". These
principles are explained on separate web pages named "magnocraft.htm",
"oscillatory_chamber.htm", and "propulsion.htm" - which you should be
able to view, if names of these web pages are exchanged with the name
"evil.htm" in any address listed above.

With totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak (Prof. Dr Eng.)

P.S. Because many people seeks my discussion threads for the
informative values, novelty, honesty, morality peacefulness, and truth
- from now on, to allow find these threads easier, I am adding the
symbol (PDE JP) at the end of their title.

Sep 27, 2007, 7:57:58 PM9/27/07
On Sep 27, 1:49 pm, wrote:
> Hey, gentleman - we are talking about proofs, science, and the
> terrorizing of our civilization here, not about politics. Let us leave
> politics to politicians. Actually, who are these "internet terrorists"
> that we are talking here about, is very clear. It is explained quite
> comprehensively on the web page "evil.htm" - the addresses of which
> are provided below. I am also going to explain here who is the evil
> force behind these internet terrorism, why these evil terrorists
> attacks internet (supposedly attacking even places where we would
> least expect them to attack - for details see the message

> ), where they come from, etc. However, to explain all these here, I
> need to prepare you by providing a lot of introductory information.
> Therefore here I will do it later. In the meantime, if someone is
> impatient and wishes to know immediately, these information is already
> explained comprehensively at the internet web site named "evil.htm" -
> available under following addresses (if these "internet terrorists"
> have NOT sabotaged these web sites as yet):

> Please notice that the key to understanding who these "internet
> terrorists" are, is the understanding of principles of a space vehicle
> named the "magnocraft", and principles of the engine for this space
> vehicle - means device called the "oscillatory chamber". These
> principles are explained on separate web pages named "magnocraft.htm",
> "oscillatory_chamber.htm", and "propulsion.htm" - which you should be
> able to view, if names of these web pages are exchanged with the name
> "evil.htm" in any address listed above.

Wow. Just wow.

Infinite energy capacity. Flies through rock. Invisible (but only at

My 11-year-old draws spaceships that are more realistic than this.

0 new messages