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13. sep. 2004, 15:17:1813.09.2004
Bachynsky still remains incarcerated at the Miami Detention Center
after exhausting all attempts and appeals for bond/release. Another of
the four initially arrested remains there also. He has been allowed a
bond, he just can't make it.

The other two have now made a plea agreement with the government and
have pled guilty. They will not be sentenced until December, after
Bachynsky's trial, which is to begin on November 1 in Miami. Part of
their agreement is they will testify at trial if called upon. I think
there's a 100% chance they will be called upon.

One of these two was their salesman who could sell anything to anyone
whether they needed/wanted it or not. The other knows where all the
money is (or went).

The one still in jail has previously cooperated with authorities in
South Florida and therefore argues he should be released from the
current charges. The government disagrees. They continue to hash that
out before the court.

If Bachynsky ever walks outside a razor-topped fence again it will be
amazing, except during his trial, that is. It is very apparent that
the two pleaders will testify against Bachynsky. The other one is
attempting to also.

There are a few people willing to stand up for Bachynsky though. They
have given affidavits and depositions, but the government does not
want to allow lay people as witnesses as to the efficacy of DNP or the
ICHT treatment itself since they are not experts.

Bachynsky and the other guy want the judge to rule that the government
cannot bring up their past criminal history at trial.

Frank de Groot

13. sep. 2004, 16:05:5913.09.2004
"WoodTick" <> wrote in message

> The other two have now made a plea agreement with the government and
> have pled guilty.

Would you care to enlighten us as to what he is accused of?


13. sep. 2004, 18:22:1313.09.2004
>From: "Frank de Groot"
>Date: 9/13/2004 4:05 PM Eastern

>Would you care to enlighten us as to what he is accused of?

He called Bush a criminal.


13. sep. 2004, 21:08:0313.09.2004
>Bachynsky still remains incarcerated at the Miami Detention Center
>after exhausting all attempts and appeals for bond/release. Another of
>the four initially arrested remains there also. He has been allowed a
>bond, he just can't make it.

Thank you for this update.. nice to see he's finally begun to get what he


14. sep. 2004, 00:30:4914.09.2004
> >Would you care to enlighten us as to what he is accused of?

About 40 various counts of fraud -- mail fraud, wire fraud, securities
fraud, etc. It mostly involved conniving people to invest in their
pharmaceutical company that had supposedly discovered a cure for
cancer. People eventually complained, a lawsuit evolved, a federal
investigation 3 of the 4 sit in federal custody
awaiting their fate. 2 of the 4 have already agreed to cooperate and a
3rd is trying to. None of these 3 is Bachynsky, however.

The Securities & Exchange Commission is after them too, but have
agreed to hold off until the criminal trial is over.

Frank de Groot

14. sep. 2004, 06:13:0214.09.2004
"WoodTick" <> wrote in message

> About 40 various counts of fraud -- mail fraud, wire fraud, securities

> fraud, etc. It mostly involved conniving people to invest in their
> pharmaceutical company that had supposedly discovered a cure for
> cancer.

Have complainers/authorities demonstrated that his cure for cancer doesn't
As I hared, his hyperthermia DOES work and this is why he was able to get

Was there any conviction of medical liability of any kind?

Any shred of evidence his medical claims were untrue or his medical
treatment unsound?

Was he convicted for anything relating MEDICAL issues?

It is easy to understand that a person who invents a cheap & harmless cure
for cancer will immediately be set up for "fraud", but what I'm interested
in is the MEDICAL aspect of the charges.

Nobody cares whether a person who can and will cure one's lethal disease has
any convictions for financial fraud, even when it's not a setup.

People eventually complained, a lawsuit evolved, a federal
> investigation 3 of the 4 sit in federal custody
> awaiting their fate. 2 of the 4 have already agreed to cooperate and a
> 3rd is trying to. None of these 3 is Bachynsky, however.

So, there has not even BEEN a conviction?

> The Securities & Exchange Commission is after them too, but have
> agreed to hold off until the criminal trial is over.

So, people are "after" them but no allegation whatsoever?
No convictions whatsovever?

Basically, a medical doctor who was curing people of Lyme and cancer has
been locked up on ALLEGATIONS of "fraud" and no trial, no conviction,
nothing about the medical aspect?

Allow me to think that this whole business stinks to high heaven.
And I don't mean Bachynsky's business.


14. sep. 2004, 15:43:4114.09.2004
Where have you been Frank? The arrest of Bachynsky occured back at the
end of April. He has been charged, 40 counts related to fraud, as I
stated. Nothing medical at this point, at least from our government.
When our government is done with him, however, the Italian government
has an arrest warrant out for him for murder. They state 4 patients
died at his hands in Italy. They said it not me.

Our government sought to have him detained, pending trial, as a flight
risk and a threat to society. The judge did not feel he was
necessarily a threat to society, but decided he was a flight risk.
That is why he is still incarcerated in Miami. His trial will start
November 1.

The SEC is not merely "after him." They have filed suit against him
too for securities fraud. They have agreed to hold their case until
the outcome of the criminal trial.

At this point, the government is uninterested in the value of his
treatment. They are interested in the people he defrauded. You may
claim people invested in his company because he had a cure, but all
they knew was what he and his cohorts told them. They had phone
brochures, etc. made up full of misleading information. None of the
investors were aware that at least 2 of these guys were excons with
extensive criminal histories including fraud.

0 nye meldinger