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Chapt23 nonsense of Cantor, Godel, Cohen & religion misusing science #1135 Correcting Math 3rd ed

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Archimedes Plutonium

12 nov. 2011, 16:07:0512.11.2011
Chapter 23: Cantor's nonsense 
and its follow-up of the Continuum
and Godel nonsense

Now it is easy to summarize these three pieces of nonsense of Old Math
where no-one
in Old Math ever bothered to precision define what they mean by finite
versus infinite. They left open the concept of infinity, so that any
shmuck walking by could use their own personal notion of what infinity
was. To a Cantor or Godel, their infinity was some crass ugly
elongated infinity. They were not really mathematicians but more like
witchdoctors doing mathematics and burdening true math with their

Cohen and his Continuum hypothesis is the easiest to dismiss for it
involves absolute-continuity that between any two Reals exists a new
third Real, yet by the early 20th century, Physics proved that we
cannot ever have absolute continuity and Physics is
above mathematics as a science. We cannot have absolute-space, and
cannot have
absolute-time, yet the mathematician never listens to the wisdom of
Physics, nor does the mathematician understand Physics. Physics is
usually too tough and too
hard for the run of the mill and shoddy mathematician like Cantor,
Godel, and Cohen to ever understand and absorb.

The Calculus itself cannot exist in an environment that has absolute-
continuity. This book gives a proof of that.

So that throws away the Continuum Hypothesis, as another one of those
how many witches or angels can fit on the end of a needle, or whether
the fire breathing dragon has pink eyes or blue eyes.

As for Cantor, in the 1990s, we easily prove that any finite matrix
sequence can hold every number and thus no new number can be created
or fetched, so that the
diagonal process is a blatant error of logic. Cantor was no logician
and in his life
was medically and clinically insane and institutionalized. The only
reason that his fake mathematics continues today is mostly for a
religion publicity stunt. By the 20th and 21st century, some religions
are dregging up false and fake math and science by people who were of
their same religion to promote that religion as a advertisement
billboard, even though the math and science involved are false and
fake. Cantor is like Russia's Lysenko being taught, not because
Lysenko biology is
fake but because Lysenko was Russian. Likewise, the only reason Cantor
was dregged up was that Cantor gives a lot of Jewish propaganda
advertisement for the Jewish religion. If Cantor had been a gentile,
in the 20th century, the diagonal would have been exposed for the
fakery it is, and the entire Cantor transfinite nonsense would have
been thrown out of mathematics. But because the Jewish religion so
much uses scientists to promote the religion rather than to separate
true science from false science then we have this ugly circumstance of
fake science infesting so much of mathematics and the other sciences.
Another example is Brian Greene's
Fabric of the Cosmos series on PBS NOVA. If Greene had not been Jewish
we would not have him as host and we would not be hearing "Einstein,
Einstein" in every other paragraph.

It is nice when a religion recognizes that the truth of the world is
the sciences. But it is dreadful when a religion then corrupts and
uses science to promote the "religion" rather than promote the Truth.
In this manner the Catholic religion after Galileo has probably been
better towards science, since they have their "hands off of science"
but where the Jewish religion is now the worst religion when it comes
to science for they tend to smother science.

Because Cantor was Jewish, and I do not know if Goedel was Jewish, but
if Cantor had not been Jewish, the falsehoods and fakery of the
diagonal process and transfinites would have been exposed in the early
20th century and that by 2011,
we would only be reading about Cantor, and Godel as ancedotes of
mistaken and error filled mathematicians of the past.

So here is how Cantor diagonal is a fake.

We have two elements of 1, and 2 and we arrange them in all possible

1,1 1,2

2,1 2,2

So there is no way possible that there exists some new arrangement of
1, and 2
that is not already in that list. No diagonal can create a new number
so to speak.

Now we do the Reals as all possible digit arrangements and list them
and run a diagonal Cantor technique. However, it does not work because
it cannot produce a
new Real not already in the list since the list is all possible digit
arrangements in the first place.

What Cantor failed to recognize in the 19th century was that, you had
to precision define Infinity and Finiteness first, before you go
rambling on about whether a set is
finite or infinite. If Cantor had realized that a border exists
between finite and infinite and the border would be the crux of the
precision definition, then Cantor would have
contributed something true about mathematics, and not his massive pile
of nonsense.

Finally, Godel and how his work amounts to a pile of nonsense. Godel
never precision defined finite versus infinite. His work on
mathematical indeterminacy depends on Godel-numbers or Godel-
numbering. That concept depends on infinity being a foggy concept.
Once you inject the idea that finite is below 10^603 and infinity
starts at 10^603, then none of Godel's work is true but all of it is a
exercise. Now I do not know if Godel was Jewish, and he probably was,
and that
would easily explain why someone with nonsense and fakery in
mathematics would
be elevated to the extent that they are elevated.

Now recently in history we see a case in Economics and of course
economics is not what we would call a hard science like that of
physics or mathematics or chemistry but we can draw analogies and
similarities and we recently had the case of Bernie Madoff running a
Ponzi scheme. To those that invested stocks with Madoff before he was
caught would not have said one bad thing about him and would have
elevated him, just as Cantor and Godel were elevated. It makes the
Jewish religion look good. It makes the Jewish religion look good when
Brian Greene gets his own
four part series on NOVA PBS with blurting out Einstein in every other
paragraph and saying that Einstein was even right when wrong in his
Cosmological Constant
Blunder. Trouble is, we want NOVA to be strictly adhering to the
promotion of true science and not be pandering as a advertisement
billboard to the Jewish religion.

We do not want Cantor or Godel mathematics when it is blatantly false
mathematics, nor do we want a Greene using NOVA as a Jewish synagogue.

We do not want religion hijacking science, and making science as a
billboard poster for that religion.

The Nobel prizes in science is very much like the sporting games of
the Olympics. The Olympics awards those with "genius muscles". The
Nobel prize awards those with "genius brain muscle". Science itself
tells us that the Nobel prizes in science have been skewed for the
past century now. If we statistically examine the Olympic
prizes the number of Jewish awards is on par with the Jewish
population, 1 in a 100
are won by Jews. If we look at the Nobel prizes the number of Jewish
awards is
approaching 60 in a 100, yet the worldwide population is 1 percent or
less. What this science survey signifies is that the Nobel prizes in
sciences have been a highly prejudiced award to non deserving
awardees. The Nobel prizes in the sciences have
failed to recognize the true deserving accomplishments in science and
are been tilted in favor of those who are jewish scientists. For
example, this years physics Nobel for an "accelerating Cosmos" whereas
anyone trained in science knows that
the number of assumptions used to come to a conclusion of an
acceleration is down right pathetic.

The science communities need to ring the alarm that science is not to
be hijacked or bought by a religion, a religion that uses, and misuses
science for their own advertisement.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies

Archimedes Plutonium

12 nov. 2011, 17:07:3312.11.2011
On Nov 12, 3:07 pm, Archimedes Plutonium
Oh, look at that, I went to look it up and even Paul Cohen was Jewish.
The only real problem
with Bernie Madoff is that he went into finances rather than into
mathematics or physics
where Bernie would now be having a Nobel prize in physics rather than
a jail cell for
a Ponzi scheme.

About 1/2 of modern day physics and mathematics that is wrong and
needs to be thrown out of
physics and mathematics, still sits there in physics and mathematics
only because it was
Jewish originated. The Big Bang and Blackhole theories are Jewish
physics that are utterly
wrong and fakeries, just as Bernie Madoff was a economics fake. In
mathematics, the Cantor
infinities, Cohen Continuum and Godel Indeterminacy are there because
they are Jewish offerings
albeit fakeries of mathematics. When a Jew in science is elevated, it
usually means they are
elevated not because of their science content, but because they are
Jewish religion.

Geniuses of science transcend religions, meaning that geniuses trend
towards populations. If we get a blip in the number of awards in
physics that is slanted towards a human population that is less than
1 percent of all the human population is a strong indicator that those
awards were for "fake physics"
and not true physics. In the Olympics, Jews win about 1 percent or
less for their "genius muscles and coordination" and so for Jews to
win 60 percent of the physics Nobel means that most of those awards
were either stolen from others, from gentiles, or that the awards were
engineered to end up by a Jewish team leader such as Smoot, or were
awards for fake physics. Predominantly the Jewish awards of Nobel were
for fake physics.

Graham Cooper

12 nov. 2011, 17:51:1012.11.2011
On Nov 13, 7:07 am, Archimedes Plutonium
Right, a little indirection is required so that the 'missing real'
is ALWAYS calculable from ANY list.


for any 2 Infinite Lists that are not finite in some column for any
Many people are now starting to realise Godel's Proof was a fake.

If JOHN SMITH says "Godel proved this", just ask John


and he cannot answer if it is TRUE or FALSE!
(just like he claims a formal system cannot answer if a Godel
statement is true or false)

The proof has to be reworded every year to cover it's basic error

that it PROVES a statement is TRUE (without a proof).

To accept Godel Statements (which are just LIAR STATEMENTS)

"This sentence is not a member of the set of all true sentences"

it twists Set Theory into an unwieldy mess!

PROOF(X) -/-> X

Simple implication no longer holds under Godelian Logic where Godel
Statements are forced true!

even though the LHS and RHS have the SAME AXIOMS!

The Latest Rewording of Godel Nonsense is

"Godel Statements are UNPROVEN in the Theory and TRUE in the STANDARD

This is just the latest COPOUT to try and avoid naming the system in
which GS is PROVEN

It trivially fails too for this Godel Statement

"This statement has no proof in the standard model"

No logician will answer if the above is true or false!
Excellent Post! Personally I would replace

"Infinity is anything above 10^603"


"Infinity is any Non-Terminating process"

and I just call it the "Math's Establishment" which is at fault!

I will add a link to your post from


Archimedes Plutonium

13 nov. 2011, 00:01:0913.11.2011
Sorry and apologies to Godel, for I just now found out that he was not
or at least none of the records list him as Jewish.

I prize the "truth of science" above all else, not religion or a
rascist religion.

The reason I bring up religion in a book on mathematics is that
religion in the
20th and 21st century is severely damaging mathematics and the other

It is a new phenomenon to Sciences, unlike the past history where
religion has
been adversarial to science. By the 20th and 21st century, religion
has taken
a stance, especially the Jewish religion, where they use science as a
billboard for religion. Where they say "look at how many Jews won the
Nobel prize"
means that the Jewish religion is the superior religion.

This corrupts and corrodes science.

Science should be allied with only three things: experiment,
observation, and logic. Religion
should stay out of the picture. But due to the way that science
reporting occurred in the
20th century with gatekeepers to science journals and with gatekeepers
as to who gets what science
position at colleges and universities, what happened is that a huge
slant and bias occurred in science and math that allowed the Jewish
religion to corrupt and corrode science and math.

If Logic was the deciding force of whether a piece of mathematics is
true or false, then Cantor infinities and diagonal method would have
never been published in the 19th century and Cantor would have not
been known in math in the 20th century, for his work was fake math.

If Logic had ruled in science in the 20th century, we would now not
have the Big Bang theory nor
the fictions of Black Holes. But we have Big Bang and black holes
because we had Einstein and where
Einstein was not evaluated for his work as logical and sound, but was
judged because of his religion.

If Bose had been Jewish and a patent clerk or a street sweeper in
India, would have been published
by a Jewish journal just as easily as a Swiss patent clerk gaining
access to a science journal.

If Archimedes Plutonium had been Jewish, he would have been published
of the Atom Totality theory in
1994 in the The New York Times and published of a book of Atom
Totality, and won a Nobel Prize a few years later.

This is the trouble when a religion falls in love with science and
proceeds to smother and suffocate the sciences.

We see it on the NOVA series by Brian Greene where he idolizes
Einstein, never mentions how Dirac gave us a link between gravity and
quantum mechanics and how the Cosmos was formed.

So the problem of science in the early years of the 21st century is
that science is smothered by a religion that has fallen in love with
science and damaging to science.

Science cannot breathe when religion corrupts it. It is easy to see
that Madoff was a fake in economics and finance, but it is not easy to
see that Greene is pandering fake ideas of the Big Bang
and black-holes on NOVA tv series.

Cantor and Cohen and Godel should have been dismissed as fake math
early on in the 20th century, but because a religion has such a strong
influence and stranglehold on science and math, that those sciences
cannot cleanse themselves.

The Big Bang should have been trashcanned a long time ago since the
microwave radiation is blackbody
and the solid body rotation support the Atom Totality theory. But
since most of the judges of science are Jewish, that they impede the
cleansing of fake science out of physics and math. How many times does
Brian Greene mention Einstein? and how many times does Greene mention
the superior physicist of Dirac in that 4 part series? I did not watch
the last two programs for I could no longer stomach the slant, but I
would easily bet Greene never mentions Dirac.

So science and math by 2011 has a huge problem. A huge corruption and
corrosion problem, that the influences of the Jewish religion is so
deep in science, that it does not allow us to tell anymore
what is true science and what is science promotion because it is
Jewish originated.

Now some will immediately call me antisemitic. But that is alright
because a true scientist cares only about Truth, not anything else,
and a true scientist is never fearful of a backlash or hatred. A true
scientist should do his/her work in science but also tell of the
social environment in which that science work is done.

The reason that math cannot easily dispose of Cantor and Cohen
fakeries is because they have a Jewish connection, when the only
judgement should be the Logic. The reason so many physics Nobel prizes
to Jews occurs is not because they are deserving but because of the
way the system is promoting the work of scientists. The reason that
Big Bang theory and Black-Hole theory are not dead, gone and buried is
because the judges in physics these days are mostly Jew physicists who
have a religion interest in keeping the Big Bang and other nonsense

Now it may seem hard to believe that the above paragraphs lead me
directly into the next topic of discussion of chapter 24 why the
Poincare Conjecture is always false. Of course, Poincare was not
Jewish, but the topic of topology and the recent history of the
Poincare Conjecture is a study in the
dynamic of how the Jewish religion is corrosive and corrupting of
mathematics and science.

If anyone disbelieves what I am saying about how a religion is and can
be corrosive and corrupting of science, need look back in history
before the 1890s. Look back in history from 1890 on backwards. Ask
yourself how many Jews made famous in science and mathematics? I find
it hard to name even one. I can think of Spinoza only he was a
philosopher. Perhaps Sylvester is the only one I can think of. So
history tells us that before 1890, the Jewish religion had
not fallen in love with the sciences and was not actively corrupting
the sciences and that the discoveries and work done in the sciences
was basically following the population of a genetics of a genius born
in different cultures. And then we hit the 20th century when Jewish
religion starts to take over in science awards, and because they
deserve the awards, but because the system is set up to
exclude Logic as the judge of true and false and where rascism and
gatekeepers determine what is awarded.

As I said before, in the Olympics, the number of Jewish winners is
proportional to the Jewish population. The Olympics is a prize for
"genius muscle coordination". The prizes in science and math
should be to "genius brain muscle" and since Jews have about 1 percent
or less population, then the fact that Jewish Nobel physics prizes
approach that of 50 percent or more is a strong indication that
physics is corrupted and corroded.

That, hard to believe, is the introduction to the Poincare Conjecture
chapter of this book.

13 nov. 2011, 00:15:4313.11.2011
On Nov 13, 12:01 am, Archimedes Plutonium
<> wrote:
> If Archimedes Plutonium had been Jewish, he would have been published
> of the Atom Totality theory in
> 1994 in the The New York Times and published of a book of Atom
> Totality, and won a Nobel Prize a few years later.

It's never too late Archie. I'm sure Jews will be thrilled to have
such a great mathematician joining their ranks. Go for it, Archie and
Nobel Prize is in your pocket.


Don Stockbauer

13 nov. 2011, 02:47:1613.11.2011
> Excellent Post!  Personally I would replace
>   "Infinity is anything above 10^603"
> with
>   "Infinity is any Non-Terminating process"

so we agree:

1. potential

2. actual

Graham Cooper

13 nov. 2011, 04:35:3913.11.2011
You're all too stupid to handle actual infinity in any mathematical

Stick with ->oo like Isaac Newton!

ALL OF YOU! PLEASE! The below "Cantor's Proof" is embarrassing!


Let's define a new real...
... by selecting digits along the main diagonal


1 0. [2] 02021022012212
2 0.2 [1] 0012001212202
3 0.11 [1] 012210221121
4 0.111 [0] 11022011201
5 0.1011 [1] 0110201111
6 0.12201 [1] 001201220
7 0.111000 [0] 20021222
8 0.2221121 [0] 1112102
9 0.21221020 [0] 102102
10 0.221020210 [1] 21002

that isn't really there...
1 0. [2] 02021022012212
2 0.210 [0] 12001212202
3 0.11101221022112 [1]
4 0.1110110220112 [0] 1
5 0.1011 [1] 0110201111
6 0.122011001201 [2] 20
7 0.11100002002 [1] 222
8 0.22211 [2] 101112102
9 0.2 [1] 2210200102102
10 0.2210202101 [2] 1002


then conclude the assumption

ANTIDIAG[1] =/= LIST(1,1)
ANTIDIAG[2] =/= LIST(2,2)

then jump to Hyperspace
C(R) > C(N)

even though the technique to make a new digit sequence doesn't work

En, Arow < length(LIST)+1
LIST[row,1]=/=R[1] or LIST[row,2]=/=R[2] or ... or LIST[row,n]=/=R[n]

and all MATHEOLOGISTS go dumb when faced with 2 DIAGONALS from the
same set of reals!

Diagonal(L) = 0.0111000...
Diagonal(L')= 0.1111000...

saying ZFC proves once and for all that there is bigger than infinity
is like saying the Abacus proves the biggest number is 9999999999


13 nov. 2011, 07:14:2313.11.2011
On Nov 13, 7:15 am, "" <porky_pig...@my-
If he passes the "chop-chop the weewee" ceremony then I personally
will recommend my rabbi, who is a very devout atheist buddhist, to
accept him as a faithful jew.


13 nov. 2011, 22:53:0213.11.2011
atheist schmateist abi gesunt

Transfer Principle

14 nov. 2011, 01:58:3214.11.2011
On Nov 12, 1:07 pm, Archimedes Plutonium
<> wrote:
> As for Cantor, in the 1990s, we easily prove that any finite matrix
> sequence can hold every number and thus no new number can be created
> or fetched, so that the
> diagonal process is a blatant error of logic. Cantor was no logician
> and in his life
> was medically and clinically insane and institutionalized. The only
> reason that his fake mathematics continues today is mostly for a
> religion publicity stunt. By the 20th and 21st century, some religions
> are dregging up false and fake math and science by people who were of
> their same religion to promote that religion as a advertisement
> billboard, even though the math and science involved are false and
> fake.

This is one of two posts on sci.math based on religion in the past
48 hours, the other being a post in the 900+-post WM thread in which
crossposters Herc, Liarbaj/Loirbaj (spelling?), and Virgil added
alt.atheism and to the newsgroups header.

I've discussed the religious analogy in the past. I do believe that
mathematicians adhere to mathematical theories/philosophies, such
as classical logic, constructivism, finitism, etc., in the same way
that they adhere to religions.

But I _don't_ believe that these mathematical philosopies actually
correspond to real religions, such that someone of a certain
mathematical philosophy woud be more likely to be a member of a
particular faith. AP attempts to link mainstream math and science to
Judaism in this thread, while Herc tries to link them to atheism in
the other thread.

Thus I don't think that they correspond at all. There are atheists,
Christians, and Jews on both sides of the mathematical debate. And
so I remain religiously neutral on sci.math, except to dismiss a
few fringe religious theories, such as Adam-Herc and Atom Totality
(which is now a religious theory, since it was declared that the
Plutonium Atom is _God_).

Graham Cooper

14 nov. 2011, 03:10:5914.11.2011
On Nov 14, 4:58 pm, Transfer Principle <>
I've been using infinite knowledge from God to post in sci.math for 10

I don't care what what a bunch of monkeys think... because you can't

TP is about the closest to genuine human thought, the rest of you are
hedonist behavourist rudimentary muscle control only.

You're all thick as monkeys! Remove the text book verbatim from
sci.math and you're no different to alt.kooks alt.config
alt.silly.little.newsgroup alt.2600

not a brain cell among you!


You all spout RUBBISH NON STOP!

I'm the ONLY PERSON WHO SPEAKS THE TRUTH, and every true statement I
make gets puked on my ignoramus monkeys who think they are top of the
food chain mathematicians.

You're not! None of you! You're PRE ADAM AND EVE! Distant cousins
to human beings, Neanderthals at best!

The problem is you are all so incredibly thick, stubborn and you're
all so full of yourselves, despite your obvious inadequacies, none of
can comprehend the truth... you are monkeys without the cuteness, or

Just genetic waste all of you.


Archimedes Plutonium

14 nov. 2011, 04:06:1214.11.2011
On Nov 14, 12:58 am, Transfer Principle <>
Hi Transfer,

My recent outpouring was when I saw Brian Greene being a host of a
4 part miniseries on NOVA, and where he thinks nothing of it to
consider the Cosmos as a 2nd dimensional hologram. They would laugh at
Greene if he considered a turtle holding up the Cosmos on the turtle's
back and would laugh at him if he considered the Cosmos some onion.

But why take serious the Cosmos as a hologram and not take serious the
Cosmos as a Atom Totality.

If I were to make a miniseries in Physics, the starting place is not
Greene that praises and worships Einstein in every other paragraph.

But the only practical starting place for that type of miniseries is
to start
with the one ancient science theory that has survived, the Atom Theory

And, as the series progresses, have the Atomic theory come to its
conclusion-- if all things are made up of atoms, and the cosmos is a
then the Cosmos must also be an atom.

The history of science and the interface with religion has been mostly
that of
adversarial confrontation of the sciences and the Catholic church,
during Galileo. But from the 20th century on, a new interface with
science and
Judaism has arisen that is just as damaging to science as was
Christianity during
Galileo. In the 20th century a particular religion has taken a
smothering-loving stance
towards science and math. So that to be the best Jew possible is to be
a Einstein.

And what happens in this type of interface of religion with science
and math is that
both science and math get to be filled with fake science and fake
math. The number of
Nobel prizes in science that are Jewish winners is such a distortion
of worthy science
that many of those awards are fake science. Genius muscle coordination
wins Olympics medals.
The brain is a muscle and genius brains should win Nobel prizes. The
percent of Jewish Olympic
prizes is in line with the percent of Jews worldwide, about 1 percent.
The percent of
Nobel science prizes is approaching 50 percent. Science itself tells
us that the Nobel awards
have been wrongly given for the past 100 years because of this
overinflation of awards to Jewish
recipients. Environment of a mother insisting John do his science does
not make a genius, nor does
a nation that praises science produce geniuses of science. Geniuses of
science are rare and are
found spread evenly in all populations. Some of them do not emerge due
to environment, such as China.
But that means, also, that when a small population is receiving nearly
50 percent of Nobel science
awards means there is something terribly wrong in our society. And the
worst of that mistakes of
giving the prize to nondeserving recipients is that the Nobel prizes
then become an infection of
fake theories throughout the sciences.

One case example is the Prusiner prion theory, for which little logic
was ever given to that theory
and that a metal-catalysis theory is a better theory.

Another case example is the Smoot microwave radiation that was looking
for fluctuations, yet no logic was applied to the idea that Smoot
reached the end of precision of his measuring devices and had not
found fluctuations.

Another example is this years Physics Nobel of an accelerating Cosmos,
yet no logic was applied to the question of how many bad assumptions
were used to cobble together a conclusion of a acceleration?

The trouble with a religion having so much direct interference in the
prizes and awards in science, is that the geniuses of science are
ignored and run over by all these religion cranks of science who then
fill the science literature with fake theories of Big Bang, Black
Holes and other nonsense.

When you do not have the geniuses of science winning the prizes and
when you do not have the geniuses of science hosting the NOVA tv
shows, what happens is that true science gets hijacked.

In religion, you do not need logic, you do not need to think clearly
and correctly, for in religion,
you mostly say things to make others feel good. Science does not care
if anyone feels good, for science seeks the truth. And so, just as bad
as the Catholic church harrassing Galileo and stifling science for
much of the last 1000 years, the Jewish religion is now the largest
threat to science and science truth. The Jewish religion uses science
as a billboard ad that basically says "we win the physics Nobel
because Judaism is the best religion".

If you are a third rate physicist and Jewish, then you have a better
chance of winning prizes and hosting science shows than if you are a
top rated physicist but not Jewish.

The only reason we have obnoxious Cantor infinities and Big Bang and
black-holes is because of a religion that wants to use them as
adverstisement, even though they are fake science.

The Nobel science prizes now contain so much fake science that it will
take a century of energy, just
to dismiss that fakery, negative energy when instead we should be
forging ahead with new true discoveries.

If the Nobel prizes continue in this fakery vain, then the best
scientists of the future will refuse the award, for who wants to be on
a list that is trending toward science fiction rather than truth.

When I make the argument of how Cantor diagonal is illogical in 1994
and make it in 2011 in this book,
then the entire math community should dismiss Cantor and his fake
infinities. But because Cantor was
Jewish, no amount of logical reasoning dismisses Cantor. Organized
religion is a cancer on science.

We want religion to stay away from science, neither be adversarial nor
smother it in love. We do not want to see a miniseries that worships
Einstein in every other paragraph. We do not want to see
a pandering to a religion on NOVA.

Archimedes Plutonium

14 nov. 2011, 04:09:3414.11.2011

> Just genetic waste all of you.
> Herc

Tell me, you got any coal mines down there in Australia? Get yourself
into one of those
and then batten down the hatches

14 nov. 2011, 13:29:5514.11.2011
Skipping your medication again, Herc? Bad boy, bad boy.


Don Stockbauer

15 nov. 2011, 03:18:3515.11.2011
Your posting on this topic is a good real world approximation of
0 mesaje noi