Should 'nose' be in Sage?

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Dr. David Kirkby

غير مقروءة،
17‏/07‏/2010، 8:11:15 ص17‏/7‏/2010
'nose' aids testing of python packages. Metesh Patel suggested I used it
yesterday, to resolve a problem. But one has to download it, since it is not a
standard package in Sage.

If one looks as the spkg-check


we can see it does absolutely nothing, as it has in it:

# Run the unittests. The tests now require nose.
#cd src
#python test/

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "There was a problem during the SQLAlchemy unit tests"
exit 1

In other words, spkg-check does not useful at all, since nose is not in Sage and
all the tests are commented out.

I've personally next to no experience with this, so have no idea how good/bad it
is. But what I downloaded did not take long.


Robert Bradshaw

غير مقروءة،
18‏/07‏/2010، 5:22:26 ص18‏/7‏/2010

I think we should just let the test fail, and make a note that nose is
require for a clean SPKG_CHECK build (if we can hope to get a clean
one anyways). We shouldn't have to ship/package nose ourselves, as it
should be sufficiently easy to just install.

- Robert

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