Rails based content management.

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Dan Olsson

2007/04/05 4:44:532007/04/05
To: rubyonra...@googlegroups.com

I need to setup a content management solution for a client. We have
built a rails
CRUD app but now he would like a CMS and we also need to integrate the
CMS with CRUD app (well same themes, login etc..)

I have found some rails based CMS listed here and tried most of them...
(That are in active development)


Seems like this is the most comprehensive list? correct? no? Are there
more...? Any experience/advice you can provide?


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.


2007/04/06 11:16:242007/04/06
To: Ruby on Rails: Talk
I will be very interested to hear which one you choose. I've tried out
Goldberg and Beast and both seem cool, but they also seem DEAD?
It's hard to jump on a CMS product that shows no signs of life. I'm
not complaining about the guys that built these, I know they've got to
follow the MONEY, but it's hard to build your dreamhouse on a
questionable foundation.
I've got some interesting ideas in this area, if you'd like to talk

On Apr 5, 3:44 am, Dan Olsson <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>

> Hi:
> I need to setup a content management solution for a client. We have
> built a rails
> CRUD app but now he would like a CMS and we also need to integrate the
> CMS with CRUD app (well same themes, login etc..)
> I have found some rails based CMS listed here and tried most of them...
> (That are in active development)

> http://www.rubyonrailsblog.com/articles/2006/08/28/top-20-ruby-on-rai...

Luciano Ramalho

2007/04/06 17:18:272007/04/06
To: rubyonra...@googlegroups.com
Radiant is used by ruby-lang.org, so it is not likely do die anytime
soon. Also, it's design is very Ruby-like: simple yet powerful and




2007/04/06 19:56:232007/04/06
To: Ruby on Rails: Talk
FYI, Goldberg is not dead. version 0.2 was release on April 1st or
2nd. Dave is always on the forums answering questions (http://
www.forum.goldberg.240gl.org/). Version 0.2 also has some advancement
in the CMS. I'm not familiar with them because I don't need anything
fancy for my content pages, just text.

> > Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


2007/04/06 20:44:262007/04/06
To: Ruby on Rails: Talk
Hi BraveDave,

> I will be very interested to hear which one you choose. I've tried out
> Goldberg and Beast and both seem cool, but they also seem DEAD?
> It's hard to jump on a CMS product that shows no signs of life. I'm

Goldberg 0.2 was released 7 days ago. Goldberg is undergoing active
development. If you look at the Rubyforge project you will see that
Goldberg has regular bi-monthly releases.

> not complaining about the guys that built these, I know they've got to
> follow the MONEY, but it's hard to build your dreamhouse on a
> questionable foundation.

Goldberg is a not-for-profit venture. It is Free (freedom) software.
There is no non-free/commercial version of Goldberg, neither is one
planned. It's produced by a team of software professionals who share
an interest in producing an enterprise-grade application deployment
environment for Rails, but apart from our interest in Goldberg we
don't share any other affiliation.

If anyone is interested in finding out more about Goldberg come visit
the website at http://goldberg.240gl.org or the forum at

Dave Nelson

Thomas Mango

2007/04/07 14:01:142007/04/07
To: Ruby on Rails: Talk
I develop a simple, open source, CMS solution called Seymore. I just
released some new features (page slugs and drag and drop page
reordering) but haven't updated the screen casts yet.

project page: http://www.slicedsoftware.com/software/seymore
change log: http://seymore.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/CHANGELOG
(everything after the screencasts)

On Apr 5, 4:44 am, Dan Olsson <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>

> Hi:
> I need to setup a content management solution for a client. We have
> built a rails
> CRUD app but now he would like a CMS and we also need to integrate the
> CMS with CRUD app (well same themes, login etc..)
> I have found some rails based CMS listed here and tried most of them...
> (That are in active development)

> http://www.rubyonrailsblog.com/articles/2006/08/28/top-20-ruby-on-rai...

Dan Olsson

2007/04/10 4:14:412007/04/10
To: rubyonra...@googlegroups.com

Thanks a lot for the reply. I have now tested bunch of CMS and my
conclusion (based on my needs) are as follows:

Simplelog - Doesn't introduce yet another markup language (i.e. Liquid,
Haml) etc. Easy to customize/rip but probably difficult to stay in sync
with code base. Cos simplelog doesn't have any "plugin" system so you
can't extend it based on your needs -- without fooling around with core

mephistoblog - Has plugin system but use markup like liquid (which lacks
documentation so newbies will have a hard time getting into). Has a
healthy community .. seems like its moving forward but seems to be some
"future concern" about it -- read mephistoblog.com. One can extended
mephisto using ERB, HAML but its not as solid as Liquid if you know
liquid then its your best bet.

Radiant - Yet another markup langauge or template system .. has a good
base of users .. not so much activity in trac.. last update was 2 months
ago.. powers ruby-lang site. Probably very good CMS .. you can extend it
using so called "behaviours"

Typo - The big giant but so far i have seen folks hates it or loves it
:0 and it was completely dead for a long time prior to.. before 4.0 but
seems like there are lot of activity now.. I would love to hear folks
using it for CMS and extending it while staying current.. This is the
one tool I haven't actually installed and tried yet.

All other CMS that I looked into seems like came out of "a project" and
it depends how much "a project" is simillar to your project.

I am leaning towards mephisto (maybe typo) unless someone here had a
real bad experience with it. Please let me know.. even though liquid is
new to me I like the fact that I can upgrade things without pain i.e.
have all my modifications as plugins. There are alos lot of plugins so
cooking plugin is not difficult.

Any other input from real world CMS case is always welcome .. I like to
know as much as I can before deciding a route..

Rick Olson

2007/04/10 10:28:162007/04/10
To: rubyonra...@googlegroups.com
If you want to integrate your CMS, you can look at Comatose:

Personally, I like keeping it completely separate. All you need is a
global CSS stylesheet to "integrate". I can update the blog or the
app without disturbing the other. I can also run multiple project
sites off one Mephisto instance. Keep your app focused on kicking ass
at what it does, and let your CMS tool kick ass at managing your
static content :)

Same logins are tricky, though for now I think OpenID is the best
solution. You can do weird session/database hacks, or you can use a
standard protocol that's starting to catch on. It depends on who your
audience is though. I think OpenID is a bit too new for the "general
web public".

Rick Olson


2007/04/10 13:21:172007/04/10
To: Ruby on Rails: Talk
One of the things I like about Goldberg is how they maintain
independence between your application and the plugin. You get support
for users, authentication, and permissions to access specific pages
and controller/actions, without having to change your app. If I
understand correctly, as powerful as Goldberg is, that reduces your
risk should you decide to fall back to acts_as_authenticated or some
other plugin(s) in the future. http://goldberg.240gl.org/internals


2007/04/11 3:20:542007/04/11
To: Ruby on Rails: Talk
Hi Dan,

A couple of things could be said for Goldberg. Based on your original
description of your needs, it might be a very good fit. Goldberg
gives you a simple CMS where you can create content pages and put them
into your site's menu. It also allows you to add your own Rails apps
and add their actions to the menu too.

There's an almost-zero learning curve with Goldberg: you code your
apps as normal using Rails and just drop them in. You don't have to
learn any custom tagging systems or anything. Configuring your apps
so they're secure and putting their actions in the menu is done
through the web interface.

As linoj noted, you can back out of Goldberg later if you decide it
doesn't suit you.

A fresh install of Goldberg bootstraps with some sample data and
layouts, so it only takes a few minutes to set it up and give it a go.

But the #1 argument (I think) for Goldberg is that it offers one of
the most powerful and flexible security systems of any Rails
framework. For controller security, it has a role-based security
system that's integrated with navigation: users can only see actions
in the menu to which they have permissions. And you can use
information about the currently logged-in user and their credentials
to implement model and view security.

If you want a blog or something then sure, there are lots of better
alternatives out there. But if you want to deploy an enterprise
application on the web using Rails, I think (and I'm completely biased
of course) Goldberg is the premier choice.


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