switches for silent installation of rubyinstaller-1.8.6-p398.exe

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Jun 29, 2010, 10:07:18 AM6/29/10
to RubyInstaller

I was performing a silent installation of Ruby installer
(rubyinstaller-1.8.6-p398.exe) using /silent switch

It went on well but after performing the install, the interpreter was
succesfully installed but on cheking the PATH variable in command
console, entries for ruby installation was not available nor "ruby -v"
displayed any version for the interpreter installed.
1. Why is it so?
2. Do I need to add some switches along with "/silent" to add to the
PATh variable? if so what all are the available switches which can be
used along with this installer?

Thanks .


Jun 29, 2010, 10:15:01 AM6/29/10
to rubyin...@googlegroups.com

Hi and welcome!

Does this entry in the FAQ help?




Jun 29, 2010, 10:18:39 AM6/29/10
to RubyInstaller
I had infact looked at the link before and tried the options but
unfortunately it did not help. The switches mentioned there do not
work :-(
any other workarounds?



Jun 29, 2010, 10:30:34 AM6/29/10
to rubyin...@googlegroups.com
> Hi
> I had infact looked at the link before and tried the options but
> unfortunately it did not help. The switches mentioned there do not
> work :-(
> any other workarounds?

Something like the following should install to "C:\Ruby191-test", associate .rb and .rbw files to that ruby, and update the PATH

c:\>rubyinstaller-186-p398.exe /silent /dir="C:\Ruby191-test" /tasks="assocfiles,modpath"

After you've run the above, close the Command Prompt from where you ran the above command, open up a *new* Command Prompt and type "ruby --version" or "gem env"

Everything working?

If things still aren't working, please provide details of the system (OS, user or admin account, attempted install dir, etc) and consider creating a quick screencast using something like http://screenr.com/



Jun 29, 2010, 11:04:05 AM6/29/10
to RubyInstaller
wow..it worked ..but only after a restart of my machine. may be since
I havent restarted the machine for weeks.
it now displays entries in PATH and displays the ruby version.

I could see that this version does not have a scite editor in the
package. Can I still download it seperately and still use it with this
version of ruby?
will that work?


Jun 29, 2010, 11:17:18 AM6/29/10
to rubyin...@googlegroups.com
> wow..it worked ..but only after a restart of my machine. may be since
> I havent restarted the machine for weeks.
> it now displays entries in PATH and displays the ruby version.
> Thanks!

Glad it worked. The real "secret" was most likely that you didn't open up a new Command Prompt to type in "ruby --version" after you did the install in order for the new PATH and PATHEXT environment variables to be picked up. I'll make this more clear in the FAQ entry...thanks for bringing up the issue.

> I could see that this version does not have a scite editor in the
> package. Can I still download it seperately and still use it with this
> version of ruby?
> will that work?

One of the main goals of the RubyInstaller project is to keep focused on providing the best Ruby for Windows baseline environment that you can then configure and enhance to your specific needs. That's why we do not try to bundle in a "best" editor or attempt to guess the "perfect" set of RubyGems to bundle into the installer. These decisions are best left to you rather than us :)

That said, you should absolutely be able to use scite or any other editor you're comfortable with. I know others use it. I use GVim as my main editor these days, and I also personally like http://www.sublimetext.com/

Good luck and happy Ruby coding on your Windows system!



Jun 30, 2010, 12:30:02 AM6/30/10
to RubyInstaller
Thanks a lot Jon.
> That said, you should absolutely be able to use scite or any other editor you're comfortable with.  I know others use it.  I use GVim as my main editor these days, and I also personally likehttp://www.sublimetext.com/

Raffaele Garofalo

May 31, 2017, 2:10:38 PM5/31/17
to RubyInstaller
This is from the Official Documentation of InnoSetup, the setup technology used to install Ruby in Windows
# silent install to default dir with no file associations nor PATH update
c:\>rubyinstaller.exe /silent

# silent install to custom dir with no file associations nor PATH update
c:\>rubyinstaller.exe /silent /dir="e:\my_test_ruby"

# silent install to default dir with private Tcl/Tk library installation
c:\>rubyinstaller.exe /silent /tasks=addtk

# use Japanese installer to silently install to default dir with private Tcl/Tk,
# file associations, and PATH update
c:\>rubyinstaller.exe /silent /lang=ja /tasks="addtk,assocfiles,modpath"
# very silent install to default dir with file associations but no PATH update
c:\>rubyinstaller.exe /verysilent /tasks=assocfiles

# very silent install to custom dir with file associations and PATH update
c:\>rubyinstaller.exe /verysilent /dir="d:\rubyABC" /tasks="assocfiles,modpath"
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