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SPECIAL: War is evil; We are evil

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не прочитано,
1 окт. 2010 г., 10:30:0901.10.2010
(They give these guys dexedrinee, Paxil, and machine guns; anybody see a
problem with that?)

The US army is understood to be searching for dozens of digital photos
allegedly taken by soldiers showing their colleagues posing with Afghan
civilian corpses. If released in public, they could create a worldwide
furore similar to that sparked by the images of American guards
mistreating Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib, and would undermine the US
effort to win over the Afghan public.

The war crimes investigation is the most serious the US army has faced
in Afghanistan during its nine-year presence.

Soldiers who served with Sgt Gibbs in Afghanistan allegedly told
investigators he pressed his comrades to cut fingers off Afghan corpses,
and kept at least two fingers wrapped in cloth hidden in an empty water

Some allegedly claimed he planned to intimidate other members of his
unit to keep quiet, and one soldier said Sgt Gibbs claimed he planned to
make a necklace with the fingers.

He and four other soldiers are currently charged with conspiracy to
murder three unarmed Afghans between January and May, though new records
show a fourth may have been killed. Seven other soldiers are accused of
dismembering bodies and removing bones.

∅baMa∅ Tse Dung

не прочитано,
1 окт. 2010 г., 13:12:1501.10.2010
The illegal immigrant was paid $23-an-hour as a housekeeper.
Meanwhile, there are 13,827,900 unemployed legal U.S. residents and
U.S. Citizens in Calipornia.


не прочитано,
1 окт. 2010 г., 16:15:4601.10.2010
On Oct 1, 10:12 am, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung <> wrote:

- The illegal immigrant was paid $23-an-hour
- as a housekeeper.
- Meanwhile, there are 13,827,900 unemployed
- legal U.S. residents and U.S. Citizens in Calipornia.

Idiots-R-Us : Illegal Aliens Don't Take Jobs From Americans .

Idiots-R-Us : Consider These Four Points
-wrt- Illegal Alien Invaders from Mexico

Idiots-R-Us : Mexican Politicians are Angered
that the USA is Sending Mexican Criminals
back home to Mexico

Idiots-R-Us : La Raza's Claims to Aztlan

anyone smell a jerry brownie ah hanging-out
gloria allred's tuches {tuckus/ass/butt} . . . ~ RHF
-wrt- Meg Whitman -says-
My Illegal Alien Maid's Full of It


не прочитано,
1 окт. 2010 г., 17:55:3801.10.2010
RHF wrote:
> On Oct 1, 10:12 am, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung<> wrote:
> - The illegal immigrant was paid $23-an-hour
> - as a housekeeper.
> -
> - Meanwhile, there are 13,827,900 unemployed
> - legal U.S. residents and U.S. Citizens in Calipornia.

Not a lot of money on the Peninsula. Not enough to support a family.


не прочитано,
1 окт. 2010 г., 18:27:1201.10.2010
On Oct 1, 2:55 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> RHF wrote:
> > On Oct 1, 10:12 am, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung<>  wrote:
- - - The illegal immigrant was paid $23-an-hour
- - - as a housekeeper.
- - -
- - - Meanwhile, there are 13,827,900 unemployed
- - - legal U.S. residents and U.S. Citizens in Calipornia.

- Not a lot of money on the Peninsula.
- Not enough to support a family.

Idiots-R-Us : Illegal Aliens Don't Take Jobs From Americans .

? Anyone Smell a 'Jerry Brownie' Ah-Hanging-Outa
Gloria Allred's Tuches ?

D'Oh ! 'Special Dave',

How many US American Citizens would like to
do "Maid's" {Household -aka- Domestic} Work
at $23 per Hour as a Part-Time Job ?

IIRC the Maid was a Part-Time Employee.

RHF -says- for $23-per-Hour* I would be : house-cleaner,
butler, driver, handyman, gardener, etc-etc-etc ~ RHF
* It ain't Ditch Digging; Rock Piling or Rocket Science
Oops - Hey Wait-A-Minute . . .
I do all that and a lot more and don't get paid. :-{
-ps- I like "Green Jobs" you know the ones that
Pay you in good old US Green-Back Dollars.
-pps- US "Green-Back" Dollars = US 'Gringo' Dollars.


не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 09:51:3902.10.2010
RHF wrote:

> How many US American Citizens would like to
> do "Maid's" {Household -aka- Domestic} Work
> at $23 per Hour as a Part-Time Job ?
> IIRC the Maid was a Part-Time Employee.
> RHF -says- for $23-per-Hour* I would be : house-cleaner,
> butler, driver, handyman, gardener, etc-etc-etc ~ RHF
> * It ain't Ditch Digging; Rock Piling or Rocket Science
> .

$51K a year is nothing in Silicon Valley. You can afford to live in Salinas.

John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 09:31:3802.10.2010
On 10/1/2010 7:30 AM, dave wrote:
> (They give these guys dexedrinee, Paxil, and machine guns; anybody see a
> problem with that?)

No, not if it helps them get the job done. They often give pilots speed
to be able to stay up, stay alert and complete their missions. In war,
anything which is necessary ...

> The US army is understood to be searching for dozens of digital photos
> allegedly taken by soldiers showing their colleagues posing with Afghan
> civilian corpses. If released in public, they could create a worldwide
> furore similar to that sparked by the images of American guards
> mistreating Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib, and would undermine the US
> effort to win over the Afghan public.

There should be a civilian board, composed of just average
joe-six-pack-Americans to review what is done. If our military or
government is engaging in criminal actions, as determined by the board,
then they should be brought before a court just as any other criminal(s)
would be ...

> The war crimes investigation is the most serious the US army has faced
> in Afghanistan during its nine-year presence.

The seriousness of the investigation/inquiry is really a moot point. If
crimes have been done, their seriousness is worth dealing with. Anyone
can allege anything ...

> Soldiers who served with Sgt Gibbs in Afghanistan allegedly told
> investigators he pressed his comrades to cut fingers off Afghan corpses,
> and kept at least two fingers wrapped in cloth hidden in an empty water
> bottle.

Kewl, sounds like the type of man to do the job for us. As long as he
only possesses enemy fingers, and they are legit enemy, give him
anything he wants ...

> Some allegedly claimed he planned to intimidate other members of his
> unit to keep quiet, and one soldier said Sgt Gibbs claimed he planned to
> make a necklace with the fingers.

Yeah, well, like I said, anyone can allege anything ... bring 'em into a
court and punish them if valid. However, if not, punish those alleging
the false allegations ... DUH!

> He and four other soldiers are currently charged with conspiracy to
> murder three unarmed Afghans between January and May, though new records
> show a fourth may have been killed. Seven other soldiers are accused of
> dismembering bodies and removing bones.

Dead, dismembered enemy and/or radical mooselums following the kookooran
please me. Again, anyone can be charged with anything, if valid, punish
them, if not, punish those doing the charging ... but one of them needs
to get it up the bum!



John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 09:35:3102.10.2010

Whoever is guilty, punish them! End of story ... if they can't find
anyone else to sit the jury, I'll volunteer.


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 09:37:2902.10.2010
On 10/1/2010 2:55 PM, dave wrote:

> ...

> Not a lot of money on the Peninsula. Not enough to support a family.

The housekeeper should have never gotten across the border with her
evil-spawn of an anchor baby in the first place. I would like to see
obama and anyone else derelict in their duties of protecting American
citizens from these crimes imprisoned and punished!


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 09:39:5702.10.2010
On 10/1/2010 3:27 PM, RHF wrote:

> ...

> -pps- US "Green-Back" Dollars = US 'Gringo' Dollars.
> .
> .

Just another of those mythical jobs "Americans won't do." ROFLOL

My daughter wants Meg's address; My daughter is looking for work. She
has a B.S. in social science; She says she'll take the job ... she just
hopes she is not over qualified!


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 09:40:4902.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 6:51 AM, dave wrote:

> ...

> $51K a year is nothing in Silicon Valley. You can afford to live in
> Salinas.

It is nothing a damn illegal alien with evil alien spawn should be that
close to ...


Сообщение удалено


не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 14:05:0102.10.2010
> >
> Regards,
> JS

Fingers from the Dead Enemies
The Live Beheading of Our Troops

Can I Get A Show of Fingers !


не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 14:15:2502.10.2010
On Oct 2, 6:51 am, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> RHF wrote:
> > How many US American Citizens would like to
> > do "Maid's" {Household -aka- Domestic} Work
> > at $23 per Hour as a Part-Time Job ?
> > IIRC the Maid was a Part-Time Employee.
- - RHF -says- for $23-per-Hour* I would be : house-cleaner,
- - butler, driver, handyman, gardener, etc-etc-etc ~ RHF
- - * It ain't Ditch Digging; Rock Piling or Rocket Science

- $51K a year is nothing in Silicon Valley.
- You can afford to live in Salinas.

'Special Dave' -if- you happen to have an extra
$51K a Year laying around; could you please
please please send it my-way ;;-}} ~ RHF

?Q? Why Isn't Jerry Brown Doing His Job* ?
* California's Attorney General

The Housekeeper Admits to Being an Illegal Alien
that Used Forged Papers : ARREST HER NOW !

and that is the way i see it ~ RHF

John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 14:33:1302.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 11:15 AM, RHF wrote:

> ...

> ?Q? Why Isn't Jerry Brown Doing His Job* ?
> * California's Attorney General
> The Housekeeper Admits to Being an Illegal Alien
> that Used Forged Papers : ARREST HER NOW !
> and that is the way i see it ~ RHF
> .

Exactly. jerry brown, the attorney general of California refuses to
uphold the law and make the feds boot these indian criminals from mexico
back across the border ... now, we are forced to vote in a governor who
employs them!

If jerry brown would have done his job, we would be free of dealing with
the devil! He darn well should NOT be governor!


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 14:35:3502.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 9:29 AM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:
> ..., and within twenty-four
> hours a brand new anchor baby explodes out of her belly.
> ...

What? You don't like your new American ceet-i-zen?


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 14:37:0702.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 11:05 AM, RHF wrote:

> ...

> Fingers from the Dead Enemies
> -versus-
> The Live Beheading of Our Troops
> Can I Get A Show of Fingers !
> .

I am glad you brought that up!

What? He just throws away the heads? I'll take the heads if he doesn't
want them ... the heads are the best part, yanno'?


Joe from Kokomo

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 14:44:0702.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 2:33 PM, John Smith wrote:

> If jerry brown would have done his job, we would be free of dealing with
> the devil! He darn well should NOT be governor!

Yeah, I suppose that liar Whitman is a better choice. NOT!

John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 14:46:3202.10.2010

Well, on second thought, the heads are a little heavy to wear as a
necklace. Still, you could shrink them into a necklace of shrunken
heads ... perhaps still a bit heavy for a small framed person though.
But, the heads would make great bookends, look good on poles in your
yards, be in a "surprise box" you leave about to catch unwitting guests,
have your child carry, with a candle in it, on Halloween, etc.

It is just wasteful to throw the heads away ... really, he should be
charged with something if he just keeps tossing the heads!


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 14:48:1702.10.2010

You step over jerry brown to call meg a liar? GET REAL! jerry queer
brown is an artist in deceptive verbal communications!

Time for someone else, we are bored with the same old lies we will get
from the queer.


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 14:50:5102.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 11:48 AM, John Smith wrote:

> ...

> You step over jerry brown to call meg a liar? GET REAL! jerry queer
> brown is an artist in deceptive verbal communications!
> Time for someone else, we are bored with the same old lies we will get
> from the queer.
> Regards,
> JS

I will bet he is a favorite in san fransicko though, both in the
bath-houses and the polls!

Damn homosexuals would pass up Jesus to cast a vote for brown!


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John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 15:23:3502.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 12:22 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:

> ...
> I didn't know Whitman was the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Ohh, you missed the reverse implication, huh?

That's OK. The young and challenged often do ...


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 15:26:1802.10.2010

So, let me be more pointed ... when stacking up meg alongside brown,
jerry appears to be your standard satanic queer ...


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 15:29:4802.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 12:21 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:

> ...
> Rabid combat gerbils, attack!

Yeah, you will get used to it. But, at first, stripping away the
political correctness and just stating things in plain honest english
can appear to be quite shocking ... one reason it should be done a lot
more. To discourage the "ornate trappings" which eventually lead to
outright lies ...


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не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 16:43:1002.10.2010
John Smith wrote:

> Yeah, you will get used to it. But, at first, stripping away the
> political correctness and just stating things in plain honest english
> can appear to be quite shocking ... one reason it should be done a lot
> more. To discourage the "ornate trappings" which eventually lead to
> outright lies ...
> Regards,
> JS

Meg Whitman is a fascist hypocrite who hates America

Jerry Brown is an old-school California liberal patriot

(Which would you rather be seated next to on the redeye to Newark?)

Сообщение удалено

John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 15:50:3902.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 12:41 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:

> ...
> You're not helping her:
> ...

You are not paying attention ... I already said, the ballot is nothing
but a list of people you DON'T want in public office ... however, I,
personally, DO think meg is the lesser of two evils ... if the
difference is even worthwhile to consider is debatable ... but then, I
have implied that many, many times ...


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 15:54:4702.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 1:43 PM, dave wrote:

> ...

> Meg Whitman is a fascist hypocrite who hates America
> Jerry Brown is an old-school California liberal patriot
> (Which would you rather be seated next to on the redeye to Newark?)

You too have suddenly went as dense as lead? Oh yeah, you have always
been like that ...

Oh well, you only restate, in differing words, what I have been saying
... there has not been a decent candidate on the ballot in decades ...
well, there was Ron Paul ... still, the ballot will remain nothing but a
list of people who SHOULD NOT BE in public servant positions until we
"fix" things.

It is just scary to have to consider the possibility that only a
revolution will do this ... you can't blame people for dragging their
feet before having to respond to that.



не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 16:15:2802.10.2010
On Oct 2, 12:41 pm, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult <>
> In article <i8811g$>,

The ISSUE Is "Freedom of Religion"
-and- The Separation of Church and State
-wrt- 'Civil Union' -versus- "Gay Marriage"

- ³I believe marriage should be a union between
- a man and a woman. I also strongly support
- California¹s civil union laws and believe all
- Californians should respect the legal rights
- of same sex couples.²
- Which agrees with Obama.
- Also:

HELLO "Civil Union" Is Marriage before a State
Licensed Justice-of-the-Peace; Civil Judge, etc
and Does NOT place a Requirement for Churches
to Perform a LGBT Marriage -thus- Insuring the
Separation of Church-and-State.

Point-of-Fact : Prez Obama Wants so-called
"Gay Marriage" and Forcing Christian Churches
to Preform "Gay Marriages" -or- Loose Their
Federal Charitable Tax Status.

Prez Obama Does Not Respect The Separation
of Church-and-State : Prez Obama Wants the
Power of "The State" {US Federal Government
to Usurp the Freedom of the Churches.

YES Prez Obama Actively and Openiing Supports
so-called "Gay Marriage" and Forcing Christian
Churches to Perform "Gay Marriages"
-plus- Prez Obama Wants to Allowing LGBTs to
Sue Churches If the Church Will Not Preform
"Gay Marriage" : Trial Lawyers Love Prez Obama !

You Put In a "Freedom of Religion" 'Clause'
In Any "Gay Marriage" Law and I Am For It
-however- Leave It Out and Force Churches to
Perform "Gay Marriage" and I Am Against It [.]

Just Say NO to the Tyranny of LGBT 'Gay' Rights
TRUMPING All Other Civilian Rights of Non-LGBTs
including "Freedom of Religion" for All Persons
of Faith - can i get an 'amen' to that !?!

and that is the way that i see it ~ RHF

> --
> Damn the living - It's a lovely life.           I'm whoever you want me to be.
> Silver silverware - Where is the love?       At least I can stay in character.
> Oval swimming pool - Where is the love?    Annoying Usenet one post at a time.
> Damn the living - It's a lovely life.                              Blessed be.


не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 17:17:2902.10.2010
John Smith wrote:

> It is just scary to have to consider the possibility that only a
> revolution will do this

Do what? WTF are you babbling about? Do you want corporations to run
everything? Wasn't the Army better when they cooked their own food?

The TV has made you stupid and ridiculous. Try to learn the truth.

" America faces its greatest threat since the Civil War. The worst fears
of the Founders are being realized, as powerful corporate interests have
taken over our culture and representative government. We the People now
face a fundamental choice: take back our country ... or do nothing, and
become victims of tyranny and empire.

In We the People: A Call to Take Back America, Thom Hartmann (the
acclaimed author of Unequal Protection and The Last Hours of Ancient
Sunlight) tells a compelling story — of how a government of, by, and for
the people has been replaced by corporate domination. Through brilliant
analysis and Neil Cohn ‘s imaginative illustrations, this fully graphic
book illuminates the central dynamics of American politics.

He reveals the forgotten history of the Founders’ intent and the devious
way that corporations came to possess “human” rights. He explains what
the Boston Tea Party actually was, how the events of the 19th century’s
“Second American Revolution” resemble today’s administration, and how
“corporatists” disguised as conservatives are looting assets from We the
People’s common ownership through privatization schemes.

Most importantly, the book issues a call to action from citizens who
want to restore true democracy, and liberty and justice... for all.
-We the People - Cover

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не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 19:16:3002.10.2010
RHF wrote:
> HELLO "Civil Union" Is Marriage before a State
> Licensed Justice-of-the-Peace; Civil Judge, etc
> and Does NOT place a Requirement for Churches
> to Perform a LGBT Marriage -thus- Insuring the
> Separation of Church-and-State.

Ahh, "separate but equal"; novel concept

The church has nothing to do with it. It is a contract between two
people and the state to operate the most elemental form of social unit,
a household.

Сообщение удалено

John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 18:27:2302.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 3:24 PM, John Smith wrote:

> ...
> You just can change the facts ...
> Regards,
> JS

Can = can't, in the above ... but then, you should have already known
that ...


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 18:31:4102.10.2010

Yeah, like I implied, it is the only choice we have left, revolution ...
and a very scary choice ... many of us will die in restoring rights,
freedoms and liberties for our children, and our childrens' children ...
a serious obligation placed upon by our forefathers.

However, if the criminal-treasonous b*st*rds finally get what they
deserve, it will be worth it.



не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 19:57:1202.10.2010
John Smith wrote:

> Governmnt must far overstep its' bounds to be able to say the smallest
> thing about marriage. Such a government no one can, nor should, have the
> smallest respect for ... and such is how it really is ... government has
> now reduced itself, in respect, to the status queers hold in
> heterosexual society.

Religious rules have no standing in matters of government.

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Сообщение удалено

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 19:31:5602.10.2010
///He aint fixed that house yet???///
I am worrrrrrrrkin on it.

///How do you keep from falling off of them boards up there???///
I don't fall!

I almost did fall this afternoon.My front porch is about one foot or a
little higher up from the ground.I was stepping off my porch (instead of
stepping down the front steps) to the ground and somehow my left foot
got crosseyded and I almost fell backwards on my arse onto my porch,
doggy's front porch.

John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 20:27:0502.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 4:57 PM, dave wrote:

> ...

> Religious rules have no standing in matters of government.

You have that completely back-arse-wards. Government has no standing in
the laws of God. The only valid government will be in compliance with
the teachings of Jesus ... I will bow to no man, only to God. Fools who
will do different are a dime a dozen ...

And, you are sorrily mistaken. The Constitution guarantees the right to
the freedom and practice of religion. If the government wishes to
rewrite the bible, it stands at treasonous angles to the laws of this
country. Have you read the Constitution? If not, I suggest you do so
now ... if you can't understand what it says, ask for help ... ignorance
is no excuse to disregard the Constitution.

Why does this newsgroup seem to be composed of in an inordinate number
of fools? What is it about electronics which attracts 'em like moths to
a flame? Anyone else ever noticed that?


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 20:32:1702.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 4:02 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:
> In article<i88bt4$hmb$>,

> John Smith<> wrote:
>> and a very scary choice ... many of us will die in restoring rights,
> I volunteer you to fight on the front lines. It's been my experience that people
> who find it necessary for people to die in battle rarely consider necessary for
> themselves to die in battle.

Brother, give me a few gallons of gas and some oil soaked rags, a few
bottles and I will teach you how to burn 'em in their bullet proof
vests. Give me a crossbow with razor arrow and I will demonstrate the
vulnerability of a kevlar vest to you ... etc.

Cowards, don't you just love 'em?


John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 20:37:0902.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 5:32 PM, John Smith wrote:

> ...

> Brother, give me a few gallons of gas and some oil soaked rags, a few
> bottles and I will teach you how to burn 'em in their bullet proof
> vests. Give me a crossbow with razor arrow and I will demonstrate the
> vulnerability of a kevlar vest to you ... etc.
> Cowards, don't you just love 'em?
> Regards,
> JS

Why is it that those with worthless lives always value them the most?
To live less than a man is not to have lived at all. Don't worry son,
when the time comes, real men will protect the women, children, cowards
and even you ...


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John Smith

не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 20:56:5402.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 5:45 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:

> ...
> Go into battle and kill lots of people just the way Jesus taught you.

Son, your ignorance is showing this time, again ...

Read the Book of Revelation, in your bible (Catholic bible has it as the
the Apocalypse), Jesus returns as a lion, to slay the wicked and end the
evil empires and peoples ... I mean, is there no end to such ignorance?

The call, in Revelation is to be a warrior for God ... not a coward,
someone told you wrong ...


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не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 22:36:3102.10.2010

Yes 'Special Dave',
The Separation of "Church and State" is
about : Separate -but- Equal
* Each Being Separate from the Other
* Each Having The Equal Right To Be
Independent of the Other
* Limiting the Power of "The State" To
Impose Itself Upon Churches and Religion
* Limiting the Power of "The State" To
Impose Itself Upon All Persons-of-Faith
* Up until the 19th Amendment Churches
and Persons of Faith Were Really Free
in the USA : After that the US Federal
Government has use the Charitable Status
of Churches to Stifle the Freedom of
Speech of Persons of Faith and Religious
=WRT= "Separate -but- Equal" Before The Law :
Civil Union Does Just That -wrt- Before The Law
Without Imposing "The State" over 'the Churches'
and Putting an End To "Freedom of Religion" in
the USA.
Again Let Me Repeat Myself :
Put a "Freedom of Religion" 'Clause' In Any
"Gay Marriage" Law and I Am For It [A-OK]

-however- Leave It Out and Force Churches to
Perform "Gay Marriage" and I Am Against It [.]
Just Say NO to the Tyranny of LGBT 'Gay' Rights
TRUMPING All Other Civilian Rights of Non-LGBTs
including "Freedom of Religion" for All Persons
of Faith - can i get an 'amen' to that !?!

and that is the way that i see it ~ RHF

The ISSUE Is "Freedom of Religion"
-and- The Separation of Church and State
-wrt- 'Civil Union' -versus- "Gay Marriage"


не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 22:48:1802.10.2010
On Oct 2, 4:57 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> John Smith wrote:
> > Governmnt must far overstep its' bounds to be able to say the smallest
> > thing about marriage. Such a government no one can, nor should, have the
> > smallest respect for ... and such is how it really is ... government has
> > now reduced itself, in respect, to the status queers hold in
> > heterosexual society.
- Religious rules have no standing in matters of government.

'Special Dave',

ERGO : "Civil Union" by the Government
-and- "Marriage" by the Church

Also under the Dual Complimentary Concepts
of both 'Freedom of Religion' and the
'Separation of Church and State'
'Special Dave' - It can equally be said :
Government Rules Have No Standing In Matters Of Religion.

The ISSUE Is "Freedom of Religion"
-and- The Separation of Church and State
-wrt- 'Civil Union' -versus- "Gay Marriage"
* The Separation of Church and State


не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 23:05:4002.10.2010
On Oct 2, 1:43 pm, dave <d...@dave.dave> wrote:
> John Smith wrote:
> > Yeah, you will get used to it. But, at first, stripping away the
> > political correctness and just stating things in plain honest english
> > can appear to be quite shocking ... one reason it should be done a lot
> > more. To discourage the "ornate trappings" which eventually lead to
> > outright lies ...
> > Regards,
> > JS

- Meg Whitman is a fascist hypocrite who hates America

'Special Dave' It's writings like this
that make you 'special'.

- Jerry Brown is an old-school California liberal patriot

'Special Dave' It's appears that you misspelled 'parrot'
but . . . You are very correct Jerry is a California Liberal

- (Which would you rather be seated next to
- on the redeye to Newark?)

Meg Whitman -cause- she would be in her
Private Jet and so would 'i' hee hee hee ~ RHF

Oh another reason would be that Jerry's Red-Eye
to Newark would be the back-seat of a 1974 Blue
Plymouth Satellite converted to run on bio-diesel .
p-u three days and three nights of smelling the
oder of used french-fry oil . . .


не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 23:19:1602.10.2010
On Oct 2, 6:35 am, John Smith <> wrote:
> On 10/1/2010 1:15 PM, RHF wrote:
> > On Oct 1, 10:12 am, ∅baMa∅ Tse Dung<>  wrote:
> > - The illegal immigrant was paid $23-an-hour
> > - as a housekeeper.
> > -
> > - Meanwhile, there are 13,827,900 unemployed
> > - legal U.S. residents and U.S. Citizens in Calipornia.
> > Idiots-R-Us : Illegal Aliens Don't Take Jobs From Americans .
> >
> > Idiots-R-Us : Consider These Four Points
> >
> > -wrt- Illegal Alien Invaders from Mexico
> >
> > Idiots-R-Us : Mexican Politicians are Angered
> > that the USA is Sending Mexican Criminals
> > back home to Mexico
> >
> > Idiots-R-Us : La Raza's Claims to Aztlan
> >
> >
> > anyone smell a jerry brownie ah hanging-out
> > gloria allred's tuches {tuckus/ass/butt}  . . . ~ RHF
> >
> >   .
> > -wrt- Meg Whitman -says-
> > My Illegal Alien Maid's Full of It
> >
> >   .
> >   .
- Whoever is guilty, punish them!
- End of story ... if they can't find
- anyone else to sit the jury,
- I'll volunteer.

Let The California Tax Payers and Voters Decide

1 - Sentence MEG to Serve 4-Years Locked-Up
in the Sacramento Capital Prison with a group
of Hardened Career Politicians :o)

2 -or- Set MEG Free to Spend All of Her Money
employing more poor people . . . :o)
'the will of the people' should decide ~ RHF

> Regards,
> JS


не прочитано,
2 окт. 2010 г., 23:25:2302.10.2010
On Oct 2, 1:25 pm, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult <>
> In article <>,

>  RHF <> wrote:
> > Point-of-Fact : Prez Obama Wants so-called
> > "Gay Marriage" and Forcing Christian Churches
> > to Preform "Gay Marriages"  -or- Loose Their
> > Federal Charitable Tax Status.

- Thank you for illustrating one seven warning
- signs when you have smoked too much marijuana.

CBOC ? smoked too much marijuana ?
Your non-sequitur reply illustrates that perfectly
The ISSUE remains "Freedom of Religion"

-and- The Separation of Church and State
-wrt- 'Civil Union' -versus- "Gay Marriage"
* The Separation of Church and State

John Smith

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 00:07:2503.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 7:36 PM, RHF wrote:
> On Oct 2, 4:16 pm, dave<d...@dave.dave> wrote:

Restrooms are an excellent example of why some things should be separate
and NOT equal ... the men can't go into the womens and the womens don't
have urinals ... I haven't heard the women complaining ... but then,
they have more sense than homosexuals. I mean, if you can't get it
right, your own gender, than you are going to have a problem with
everything else which follows ... and, a problem with everyone else not
sharing your mental illness, also.


John Smith

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 00:09:5103.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 7:30 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:

> ...
> An army may gather, but only the rider will do the fighting. The rest will
> merely witness it.

Yeah, I often stand on the sidelines and do nothing ... however, if that
day I don't, go on with what you are doing ... simply pay me no heed ...


John Smith

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 00:11:2903.10.2010

jerry brown thinks illegals are fine, he thinks homosexual marriage is
fine ... yanno', that is enough for me. If your dog ran, I'd vote the dog!


Сообщение удалено
Сообщение удалено

(¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <>

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 06:52:5103.10.2010

With reference to Same-Sex Marriage vis-a-vis Civil Unions...

See this:

John Smith

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 10:54:3103.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 10:48 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:

> ...
> If you were a real christian, you would have to worry about blasphemy. Now,
> hurry on, sonny, with all that pretend outrage.

OK, I didn't think you were a BIG enough fool where I would have to
explain it, like I would to a child. Well, what was I thinking? You
stated the insane statement, didn't you!

It is speaking about a battle between supernatural creatures ... I will
have to fight and kill the lowly scum evil humans while God takes care
the supernatural ... you will sit there and watch.



не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 15:20:4403.10.2010
Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:
> In article<i88vn7$odu$>,
> If you were a real christian, you would have to worry about blasphemy. Now,
> hurry on, sonny, with all that pretend outrage.

Gambling at Rick's?!?


не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 14:30:5103.10.2010
On Oct 3, 3:52 am, "(¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <http://


All nice and good but Ignores the Fact
that it all Negates "Freedom of Religion".
Once Again Let Me Repeat Myself :

Put a "Freedom of Religion" 'Clause' In Any
"Gay Marriage" Law and I Am For It [A-OK]
-however- Leave It Out and Force Churches to
Perform "Gay Marriage" and I Am Against It [.]
Under the Dual Complimentary Concepts of both
'Freedom of Religion' and the 'Separation of
Church and State' :

"Civil Union" by the Government
-and- "Marriage" by the Church

Just Say NO to the Tyranny of LGBT 'Gay' Rights
TRUMPING All Other Civilian Rights of Non-LGBTs
including "Freedom of Religion" for All Persons
of Faith - can i get an 'amen' to that !?!
The ISSUE Is "Freedom of Religion"

-and- The Separation of Church and State
-wrt- 'Civil Union' -versus- "Gay Marriage"


and that is the way that i see it ~ RHF


Сообщение удалено


не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 19:27:0203.10.2010
RHF wrote:

> "CC",
> All nice and good but Ignores the Fact
> that it all Negates "Freedom of Religion".
> .
> Once Again Let Me Repeat Myself :
> Put a "Freedom of Religion" 'Clause' In Any
> "Gay Marriage" Law and I Am For It [A-OK]
> -however- Leave It Out and Force Churches to
> Perform "Gay Marriage" and I Am Against It [.]

It's against the law for government to tell a church what to do.
I say the 1866 equal protection law applies, as well as the 14th amendment.


не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 18:56:5203.10.2010

Absolutely. This argument is a red herring.

(¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <>

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 19:14:3803.10.2010
On Sun, 3 Oct 2010 11:30:51 -0700 (PDT),
RHF <> wrote:
> (¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯)
> <> wrote:

>>     With reference to Same-Sex Marriage vis-a-vis Civil
>> Unions...
>>     See this:

> All nice and good but Ignores the Fact that it all Negates
> "Freedom of Religion".

Let me point out right at the start that ALL valid marriages
in the USA, and in most (if not even all) other countries are
STATE-sanctions/authorized/legalized ones. Any additional
religious component that accompany any of those weddings
as an adjunct are ones that are ARTIFICIALLY and ABRIT-
RARILY *added* to them by the CHOICE of the participants,
and has ZERO *legal* standing.

It's like putting pepperoni on a pizza. The addition of the
ingredient may cause the pizza to look and taste nicer to the
one partaking of it -- but it in NO way changes the fact that
it still is a PIZZA -- with or without the pepperoni.

People can embellish weddings to their heart's content
with religious trappings -- but ALL marriages are 100% legal
WITHOUT them. And *no* MORE legitimate *because* of
them, when they are added as options.

A car with or without optional anti-lock brakes is still a CAR.

Any church/religious organization that is repressive, ignor-
ant, or both to refuse to marry same-sex couples have the
right to do so in every jurisdiction I've heard of, so it's NOT
a church/state-separation issue. It could *be* one ONLY if
the state were to REQUIRE clergy and/or churches/religious
organizations to marry same-sex couples who cane to them
for that purpose. There are NO such requirements anywhere,
to the best of my knowledge. And where same-sex marriage
is legal, as it is here in Iowa, same-sex couples have NO prob-
lem finding venues that are perfectly and sensibly willing to
perform the ceremony for them, legally. In fact, here in
Iowa, where there is NO residency requirement, same-sex
couples are openly INVITED to come here to be married, and
even are provided with such perks as wedding planning.

> Once Again Let Me Repeat Myself : Put a "Freedom of
> Religion" 'Clause' In Any"Gay Marriage" Law and I Am For
> It [A-OK]-however- Leave It Out and Force Churches to
> Perform "Gay Marriage" and I Am Against It [.]

(Whenever long URLS are presented, I provide their
components so they can be reconstituted if they
become shortened in subsequent postings.) ---


As I pointed out above, NO such problem exists for
EITHER same-sex OR opposite-sex marriages. Churches
are FREE to be doltishly restrictive and have laughing-
stock status. That's how *I* regard such repressive
churches and cults, and I have as much a legal right to
say that, per the First Amendment, as *they* have to
refuse to perform weddings for some couples, per the
SAME amendment.

> Under the Dual Complimentary Concepts of both 'Freedom
> of Religion' and the 'Separation of Church and State' :


> "Civil Union" by the Government -and- "Marriage" by
> the Church.

ALL valid weddings and marriages are CIVIL ones.
Religious trappings are merely artificially and arbitrarily-
added embellishments CHOSEN by the participant in
the manner of adding a maraschino cherry to a sundae.
The addition or omission of those embellishments have
absolutely ZERO effect upon those legality of those
MARRIAGES. ALL legal marriages ARE *marriages*.
Same-sex or otherwise.

> Just Say NO to the Tyranny of LGBT 'Gay' Rights
> TRUMPING All Other Civilian Rights of Non-LGBTs
>including "Freedom of Religion" for All Persons
>of Faith - can i get an 'amen' to that !?!

No -- because your comment is LUDICROUS as *well*
as mindlessly bigoted, in the light of the FACTS I've
provided above. When same-sex couples get married,
that in NO WAY is the least bit detrimental to any one
or any thing.



ALL legally-performed marriage ARE civil ones, at
bottom, and ALL who are legally wed in that manner,
whether same-sex or not, *are* 100% MARRIED.



You wrote:

" Point-of-Fact: Prez Obama Wants [same-sex
marriage] and Forcing Christian Churches to Preform

"Gay Marriages" -or- Loose Their Federal Charitable
Tax Status.

That is NOT true. (Even though I, personally, WISH
that churches COULD be put into that position, as a
counter to the outright bigotry and abject stupidity of
those that DON'T yet perform marriages for same-sex
couples in states where it is legal. And SHOULD be thus
penalized. I would LOVE to see that happen -- but I
accept the fact that -- per the Constitution -- that
CANNOT happen. That same amendment *also* keeps
religion's nose OUT of people's affairs on many fronts,
and thus both its pros and cons need to be respected
and adhered-to.)

President Obama is WELL aware of the separation
of church and state, and would NEVER have said that.

Incidentally, many churches and some of the denon-
inations DO willingly marry same-sex couples in places
where same-sex couples are no longer legally EXCLUD-
ED from marriage. Those fair and sensible churches
are doing that by their own CHOICE. And it is their
RIGHT to do so by their own choice. Would THAT be
any problem to YOU?

BTW -- you need to learn how to spell "lose." When
people misspell it as you just did, it's usually a sign of
ignorance, and not a typo. So IF you are NOT that
ignorant , you need to avoid giving that impression
that you are. Proofread, because a spell-checker won'r
help you with that.


"Defense of Marriage" HYPOCRISY

When wingnuts start in with the "defense of marriage" stuff,
I just ask them if they're willing to truly "defend marriage." I ask
them if they are willing to make divorce illegal.

When I see a plan to make divorce illegal, I'll believe these
"defense of marriage" nuts have their hearts in the right place.
Otherwise, they're just blowing smoke.

-- "Bianca," May 25, 2006

Precisely. It is the distilled essence of hypocrisy, and RRR
cultists are some of the world's *most* hypocritical loons. I'm
betting that NO such sociopath will EVER be able to tell us just
*how* any opposite-sex couple's marriage could possibly be
harmed in the slightest if, for example, a same-sex couple
living in their city who'd been cohabiting there for 20 years
suddenly were able to become legally married, and then did so.

The notion that so-called "traditional" marriage is somehow
being "threatened" by same-sex marriage is one of the RRR
Cult's two most BLATANT lies.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

••• Rest in Peace •••
••• George Richard Tiller, MD •••
••• A True American HERO! •••
••• August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009 •••
••• Visit -- •••

"He saved the lives of thousands of women who would've
died otherwise, thousands who would've been made sterile
or gravely injured by childbirth. He knew his life was at grave
risk. Dr. Tiller was a true Saint."

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.) -- Unemployment Solution! -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult! -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!" -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!

John Smith

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 21:28:4503.10.2010
On 10/3/2010 11:30 AM, RHF wrote:

> ...

> Just Say NO to the Tyranny of LGBT 'Gay' Rights
> TRUMPING All Other Civilian Rights of Non-LGBTs
> including "Freedom of Religion" for All Persons
> of Faith - can i get an 'amen' to that !?!

> ...


And, keep the faith baby!

John Smith

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 21:40:2203.10.2010
On 10/3/2010 4:14 PM, (¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯)

>> ...

You present an interesting point ...

Actually, the state has no reason to have anything to say about marriage
between a man and a woman, the church has the only authority--if the
government chooses to give tax breaks and other benefits because the
church married me, so be it ... unless they claim powers above God, they
had better damn well heed that authority.

But, then, it hardly matters; Who has respect for government anymore?
And, who can say they are impressed with the populations respect for
government? My respect was waning ever since nixon, then came regan,
clinton and bush (well, and bush.) It was gone somewhere in between
those blatant puppets.

My allegiance to country, community and Americans remains strong ... but
government may as well consider me an outlaw now, I have gone rogue and
will obey no law which does not clearly support God, liberty, freedom
and the pursuit of happiness above all else ... somehow, I think there
is a whole bunch of me, too. And, that I was actually a late comer on
the scene.


John Smith

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 21:46:0803.10.2010
On 10/2/2010 10:48 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:

> ...

> If you were a real christian, you would have to worry about blasphemy. Now,
> hurry on, sonny, with all that pretend outrage.

Brother, I am Catholic ... there is no blasphemy. I shoot 18 holes with
the local Bishop on the second saturday of each month ...

Outrage? The last time I was outraged was a few years back. By the guy
on a float in the gay parade in LA, wearing the pink tutu. ROFLOL


Сообщение удалено
Сообщение удалено

John Smith

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 21:53:3603.10.2010
On 10/3/2010 6:49 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:

> ...
> This is Usenet, sonny. Why go big time and tell about your summer picnics with
> the archbishop at Cantebury.

Son, the bishop isn't a famous movie star, he isn't a self-impotant
politician with a big head and he doesn't drive the pope-mobile ... but,
I will mention the importance you place on him; I am certain he will be
most impressed!

What an idiot! ROFLOL


Сообщение удалено

John Smith

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 21:55:5103.10.2010
On 10/3/2010 6:49 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:

> ...

> This is Usenet, sonny. Why go big time and tell about your summer picnics with
> the archbishop at Cantebury.

Did I mention my wife and his attend the same bridge party? Where in
the hell do they find idiots like you?


John Smith

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 22:22:0103.10.2010
On 10/3/2010 6:46 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:

> ...

Absolutely! A belief in God would mandate the sane and reasoning man to
pose that question ...


Ronnie Raygun And The Rayonets

не прочитано,
3 окт. 2010 г., 23:23:5203.10.2010

"John Smith" <> wrote in message

> On 10/2/2010 10:48 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:
>> ...
>> If you were a real christian, you would have to worry about blasphemy.
>> Now,
>> hurry on, sonny, with all that pretend outrage.
> Brother, I am Catholic ... there is no blasphemy. I shoot 18 holes with
> the local Bishop on the second saturday of each month ...

Does he share his altar boy with you or do you need to find your own?

> Outrage? The last time I was outraged was a few years back. By the guy
> on a float in the gay parade in LA, wearing the pink tutu. ROFLOL

My wife gets upset when someone wears the same outfit to an event too.

> Regards,
> JS

John Smith

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 01:58:4004.10.2010
On 10/3/2010 8:23 PM, Ronnie Raygun And The Rayonets wrote:

> ...
> Does he share his altar boy with you or do you need to find your own?

Actually, I was an Altar Boy. Never had a "pass" made at me by a
priest. I am under the conclusion that either I am too ugly to be of
any interest or the priests I was around were not child molesters.
Priests being child molesters was certainly a best kept secret in my
circles ...

>> Outrage? The last time I was outraged was a few years back. By the guy
>> on a float in the gay parade in LA, wearing the pink tutu. ROFLOL
> My wife gets upset when someone wears the same outfit to an event too.

Ummm, hey! You weren't the guy on the float, were you? And, was your
wife BORN female? ROFLOL

>> Regards,
>> JS


не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 09:08:2904.10.2010
Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:

> At that time, the authorities were pagan Romans.

The same pagan Romans stole the Church and today run it from Vatican
City. They have 5 people on the Supreme Court.

Сообщение удалено
Сообщение удалено
Сообщение удалено

John Smith

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 14:35:0004.10.2010
On 10/4/2010 6:42 AM, (¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯)

>> ...

As I said, the ONLY marriage which are valid are preformed, recognized
and respected by the church (Gods' representatives.)

The idiots didn't pay any attention when gov't passed rules, regulations
and laws which are unconstitutional, illegal, treasonous and
fraudulent--but then, the idiots have missed a lot more than just that
... proof is right before your eyes; With an excellent demonstration in
progress in the mess we are in.

That is simply truth which will stand though all government
manipulations and fixes ... sit back, we are going to be here until the end.


(¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <>

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 17:42:1404.10.2010
On Mon, 04 Oct 2010 08:20:08 -0700,
Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult <> wrote:
> (¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <> wrote:

[ ... ]

>> (1) ALL marriages are STATE-licensed. NO license,
>> NO marriage!

> No, they aren't. The marriages a state recognises have to
> have various qualifications. The marriages a church recognises
> have their own various qualification. State laws attempt to
> harmonise the two types of marriage, but where they don't,
> they go their separate ways, neither able to impede the other.

Specify ANY place in the United States where a couple can
be lawfully married in a church WITHOUT having a marriage
license. AND be accorded all of the benefits to married couples
that the state provides. THEN we can discuss this.

Сообщение удалено

(¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <>

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 17:54:3704.10.2010
On Mon, 04 Oct 2010 11:35:00 -0700,
John Smith <> wrote:
> (¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <> wrote:

[ ... ]

> As I said, the ONLY marriage which are valid are preformed,
> recognized and respected by the church (Gods' representatives.)

In your *wacko* OPINION. Are you out to PROVE to everyone
that you truly are dumber than a sack of hammers and have ZERO

You've pretty much already accomplished that, in just that one
totally ABSURD comment.

> The idiots didn't pay any attention when gov't passed rules,
> regulations and laws which are unconstitutional, illegal, treasonous

> and fraudulent...

Such AS? OTHER than such circumventions of the Constitution
like the 55-mph speed limit being imposed 35 years ago by BLACK-
MAILING the states, or these ILLEGAL and UNdeclared "wars" we
keep wasting lives and billions of dollars on... before inevitably
LOSING them.

> ---but then, the idiots have missed a lot more than just that...

> proof is right before your eyes; With an excellent demonstration
> in progress in the mess we are in.

You are OFF-topic. Which is logical, since you are ALL WET on
that LOONY marriage view of yours.

> That is simply truth which will stand though all government
> manipulations and fixes ... sit back, we are going to be here until
> the end.

Well... *I* will be. The way YOU talk, you'll be lucky to stay out
of the cackle factory.

Brenda Ann

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 20:20:3304.10.2010

"(¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <>" <> wrote
in message

> Such AS? OTHER than such circumventions of the Constitution
> like the 55-mph speed limit being imposed 35 years ago by BLACK-
> MAILING the states, or these ILLEGAL and UNdeclared "wars" we
> keep wasting lives and billions of dollars on... before inevitably
> LOSING them.

Don't forget the blackmailing of the states to make them raise the drinking
age to 21, along with various other laws the feds passed and then told the
states "if you don't comply, you won't receive (highway funds, omnibus crime
bill money, ad inf.).

Joe from Kokomo

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 20:36:4104.10.2010

> Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:
>> In article<i88vn7$odu$>,
>> John Smith<> wrote:
>>> On 10/2/2010 7:30 PM, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>> An army may gather, but only the rider will do the fighting. The
>>>> rest will
>>>> merely witness it.
>>> Yeah, I often stand on the sidelines and do nothing ... however, if that
>>> day I don't, go on with what you are doing ... simply pay me no heed ...

>> If you were a real christian, you would have to worry about blasphemy.
>> Now,
>> hurry on, sonny, with all that pretend outrage.

On 10/3/2010 3:20 PM, dave wrote:

> Gambling at Rick's?!?

I'm shocked...shocked, I say.

(¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <>

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 20:47:4204.10.2010
On Mon, 04 Oct 2010 14:49:39 -0700,
Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult <> wrote:
> (¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <> wrote:

>> Specify ANY place in the United States where a couple can

>> be lawfully married in a church WITHOUT having a marriage...

> Every place. There's nothing illegal about saying you're married.
> It's only when you want the state to recognise your marriage that
> you have to play by their rules. If you want to file married tax returns,
> you have to have a state-recognised marriage.

And, many, MAY other things. As can be clearly seen in
this table. Look at the "marriage" column:

>> ...license. AND be accorded all of the benefits to married couples

>> that the state provides. THEN we can discuss this.

> I can call myself President of the US or Supreme Commander of
> the Starfleet. It's not until I would try to exercise those powers
> that I would run into trouble.

Right. And there are a LOT of benefits available to the legally-
married. And artificially/arbitrarily-added religious embellishments
add ZERO legal value to a marriage. They do NOTHING to legitimize

Сообщение удалено

John Smith

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 21:58:3704.10.2010
On 10/4/2010 2:54 PM, (¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯)

>> ...

You must be a fool. It is all in your head. Government has as much
authority, power and respect as the people it governs will allow it ...
if you haven't noticed, that is not much today.

If you are still into government worship, I understand how the landscape
will look different to you; But, realize, the people in mental
institutions which are locked into the "reality they live" are much in
the same predicament--it sure looks real to them!

In truth, glimpse the world in reality ... drugs have never been easier
to obtain ... guns have never been easier to obtain ... prostitutes have
never been easier to obtain ... more laws are being broken in front of
me than I can shake a stick at ... drive into the bad part of the city
you live in, see if it isn't scarier than it has ever been (if in doubt,
ask a cop) ... etc., etc.

And, you stand there and act as if I am going to believe there is
respect for the law left? That anyone has respect for any sheet of
paper that government issues?

You are joking right? And, if I have gone off the deep edge and this is
not happening right before my eyes ... then brother, this is one hell of
a nightmare I am living through!


John Smith

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 22:04:3104.10.2010
On 10/4/2010 2:42 PM, (¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯)

> ...

> Specify ANY place in the United States where a couple can
> be lawfully married in a church WITHOUT having a marriage
> license. AND be accorded all of the benefits to married couples
> that the state provides. THEN we can discuss this.

> ...

I asked my wife, she remembers as I, we may be mistaken, but in 1970
when we wed in a Catholic church, the only paper we can remember was one
saying our blood types were compatibly for some damn reason ... perhaps
something about a possible chance of death or defect in the offspring if
incompatible ...

The paper work is in a bank lockbox so we can't check just now ... it
sounds like there have been changes since then ...


John Smith

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 22:08:4004.10.2010
On 10/4/2010 5:47 PM, (¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯)

> ...

> Right. And there are a LOT of benefits available to the legally-
> married. And artificially/arbitrarily-added religious embellishments
> add ZERO legal value to a marriage. They do NOTHING to legitimize
> it.

> ...

Brother, if you are getting married to collect government benefits, you
shouldn't be married in the first place.

Any valid reason to marry has NOTHING what-so-ever to do with government
benefits ... and they some wonder why divorce is so high?




не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 22:25:3004.10.2010

"John Smith" <> wrote in message


> On 10/4/2010 5:47 PM, (¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯)
>> ...
>> Right. And there are a LOT of benefits available to the legally-
>> married. And artificially/arbitrarily-added religious embellishments
>> add ZERO legal value to a marriage. They do NOTHING to legitimize
>> it.
>> ...
> Brother, if you are getting married to collect government benefits, you
> shouldn't be married in the first place.

He didn't say anything like that.

> Any valid reason to marry has NOTHING what-so-ever to do with government
> benefits ...

And yet those benefits *do* get conferred on married people.



не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 22:31:3504.10.2010
On Oct 4, 2:42 pm, "(¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <http://>" <> wrote:
> On Mon, 04 Oct 2010 08:20:08 -0700,
> Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult <> wrote:
> > (¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯) <> wrote:
> [ ... ]

- - - (1)  ALL marriages are STATE-licensed.
- - - NO license, NO marriage!

Now But NOT Always in the Past . . .

FWIW - The Commingling of Marriage as a Function
"Of The State" {State Record} that was Performed by
'The Church' stated as Codified during Napoleon's
Reign in France -wrt- The "Napoleonic Code"

"The State"s Issued 'Birth Certificates' -replaced-
Church Recorded 'Baptismal Records' as a Legal
Proof of Birth and Citizenship and Inheritance.
Married In God's Eyes -wrt- No License Issued By "The State"
Presently many Hispanics that are Illegal Aliens
in the have 'private' Church Weddings that have
NO State Issued Marriage License. "The Catholic
Church Deems That Marriage IS A Basic Universal
Human Right* 'between' One Man and One Woman
that "The State" can not Deny or Obstruct by mere
human 'civil' laws.
* Oops but Not for LGBT Partners/Couples.
-note- I have attended a few of these so...
don't say it ain't so [.]

Some Asians also do this in certain cases in the
Temples of their respective Asian Religions.
-note- Again I have attended a one of these so...
don't say it ain't so [.]

FWIW - Some Polygamists also only get Married in
Their Churches {Mormons} and Mosques {Muslims} :
Without "The State" Issued Marriage License.
-note- Heard about it but not seen it . . .

=WRT= In the Eye(s) of Their God(s) They Are
Married and For Them At The Time That Is/Was
Enough to have Respect in Their Culture and
Give Status to Their Children within that Culture.
Married In God's Eyes -wrt- No License Required
By "The State"
"CC" your 'Civil Union' -versus- Marriage Debated
can resolve itself very easily at least with 99%
of all the Legal Aspects that you raise -by-
= = Once Again Let Me Repeat Myself = =
Put a "Freedom of Religion" 'Clause' In Any
"Gay Marriage" Law and I Am For It [A-OK]
-however- Leave It Out and Force Churches to
Perform "Gay Marriage" and I Am Against It [.]
Under the Dual Complimentary Concepts of both
'Freedom of Religion' and the 'Separation of
Church and State' :
"Civil Union" by the Government
-and- "Marriage" by the Church
Just Say NO to the Tyranny of LGBT 'Gay' Rights
TRUMPING All Other Civilian Rights of Non-LGBTs
including "Freedom of Religion" for All Persons
of Faith - can i get an 'amen' to that !?!
The ISSUE Is "Freedom of Religion"
-and- The Separation of Church and State
-wrt- 'Civil Union' -versus- "Gay Marriage"
and that is the way that i see it ~ RHF

> >    No, they aren't. The marriages a state recognises have to
> > have various qualifications. The marriages a church recognises
> > have their own various qualification. State laws attempt to
> > harmonise the two types of marriage, but where they don't,
> > they go their separate ways, neither able to impede the other.
>     Specify ANY place in the United States where a couple can
> be lawfully married in a church WITHOUT having a marriage
> license. AND be accorded all of the benefits to married couples
> that the state provides.   THEN we can discuss this.
>               = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
>                 •••                   Rest in Peace                    •••
>                 •••          George Richard Tiller, MD          •••
>                 •••           A True American HERO!            •••
>                 •••    August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009      •••
>                 •••      Visit --        •••
>        "He saved the lives of thousands of women who would've
>    died otherwise, thousands who would've been made sterile
>    or gravely injured by childbirth.  He knew his life was at grave
>    risk.  Dr. Tiller was a true Saint."
>               = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
>  -- Craig Chilton  (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.)

>  -- Unemployment Solution!  -- Fight the hateful  RRR Cult!  -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights  -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry  -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"  -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!


не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 22:41:1504.10.2010
On Oct 4, 2:49 pm, Chïna Blüe Öyster Cult <>
> In article <>,

>  "(¯`·.¸Craig Chilton¸.·´¯)  <>" <> wrote:
> >     Specify ANY place in the United States where a couple can
> > be lawfully married in a church WITHOUT having a marriage

- Every place. There's nothing illegal about saying you're married.
It's only when
- you want the state to recognise your marriage that you have to play
by their
- rules. If you want to file married tax returns, you have to have a
- recognised marriage.

IIRC : In many "Common Law Marriage" States

Signing and Filling a State and/or Federal Tax Return
-means- From That Point {Day} Forward :

Would this be a Back-Door for LGBT Marriage
in some/many "Common Law Marriage" States ?

now there is a 'legal question' for a few lgbt
groups to go out and explore . . . ;;-}} ~ RHF

> > license. AND be accorded all of the benefits to married couples
> > that the state provides.   THEN we can discuss this.

> I can call myself President of the US or Supreme Commander of the Starfleet.
> It's not until I would try to exercise those powers that I would run into
> trouble.

> --
> Damn the living - It's a lovely life.           I'm whoever you want me to be.
> Silver silverware - Where is the love?       At least I can stay in character.
> Oval swimming pool - Where is the love?    Annoying Usenet one post at a time.
> Damn the living - It's a lovely life.                              Blessed be.


не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 22:44:3004.10.2010

What State ?

John Smith

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 22:51:2104.10.2010
On 10/4/2010 7:25 PM, Clave wrote:

> ...

>> Any valid reason to marry has NOTHING what-so-ever to do with government
>> benefits ...
> And yet those benefits *do* get conferred on married people.
> Jim

The fact that I exist in the world absolutely means dust will settle on
me ... and has about as much meaning to marriage as marriage to the dust
on me.

If you took away all government benefits, the effect on valid marriage
would be zero. The government give tax breaks to the rich, also ... the
ways of government are a mystery to logic, reason and sanity ...


John Smith

не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 22:54:0004.10.2010
On 10/4/2010 7:44 PM, RHF wrote:

> ...
> What State ?
> .

That was done to appease Calif, however, we ended up getting married in
Nevada so all the relative could gamble! I don't think the paperwork
was even required there ... but then, again, I could be mistaken.

It all had to do with making you aware because the baby might have to be
given a transfusion on birth, says my wife ... I don't know, and too
lazy to research it.


не прочитано,
4 окт. 2010 г., 22:54:5104.10.2010
Does The GOP, Tea Party Unity Spell Defeat For Obama? by Haley Barbour


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