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IBOC : The Killer-App for FM "HD" Radio's HD-2 Channels

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Mar 28, 2008, 12:36:21 PM3/28/08
IBOC : The Killer-App for FM "HD" Radio's HD-2 Channels


You just point-out one of the two natural Killer-Apps for
FM HD Radio's HD-2 Channels : TV Audio {Sound} !

The old AM/FM/TV Radios used to provide TV Audio for
those who wanted it at Work where they could not be
seen to be watching the TV. The TV Audio was limited
to the Analog Sound from UHF Channels 2~13. Plus
many Work Places restrict what you can Hear and See
on you Office Computer. {At least in writing : Work Rules.}

Next Year in FEB 2009 : Analog TV Audio will be Dead.

What Audio Source Do the Average American Audio Consumers
"Listen To" more than AM/FM Radio : TV Audio Sound !

The FM HD Radio Station's that put TV Audio Sound on
their HD-2 Radio Channel have an Instant Audiance for
a Known Audio Product that many Audio Consumers
Want-to-Hear : When theListeners are away from their TVs.

Plus TV Audio is an Audio Product with a Proven
Advertising {Revenue} Base to Build-on and Expand.

Plus Plus + The FM HD Radio Station's that put TV Audio
on their HD-2 Radio Channel have Expanded TV Audio to
the Automobile ! - This is a Drive-Time Audiance that both
TV Stations and Advertisers will Pay-For.

Foreign Languages :
For People like d'Eduardo who are in the Specialize Spanish
Language Broadcasting Business : There is even a greater
'potential' for TV Audio Sound being the Killer-App for their
FM HD Radio Station's HD-2 Audio Content. As well as
'other' Non-English Broadcast Languages on TV and Radio.

NPR and PBS :
Putting the Local PBS TV Station's Audio Content on the
Local NPR FM HD Radio Station's HD-2 Audio Channel
is a Win-Win Formula.

Reasons for putting TV Audio Sound on an FM HD
Radio Station's HD-2 Audio Channel :

1 - It Is Already There - It Exists and Does Not Need
to be created. - No Extra Programming Required.

2 - Very Low Cost -ps- It's There Already.

3 - It Already has a Proven Audiance Base : Who Know
and Like It as an Video-Audio Product.

4 - It Already has a Proven Advertiser Base : Who Know
and Use It as an Video-Audio Product to Reach Customers.

5 - I Builds Listenership Overnight : Both the TV Station
and the Radio Station Promote the HD-2 TV Audio Sound
Channel for the TV Channel.

6 - Puts All HDTV Stations both VHF and UHF on an
Equal Footing for TV Audio Sound via the Radio.

7 - Expands TV Audio Sound to the Automoblie during
Drive-Time and all Hours 24/7

8 - Makes TV Audio Sound Truly Portable : Jogging, Bicycling,
the Gym, Sporting Events, Campling, etc.

9 - If Radio -is- content, Content. CONTENT !
Then TV Audio Sound -gives- Radio : content, Content. CONTENT !

10 - Often there is an Existing Corporate Connection already
in Existance for the Local TV Station and Local Radio Station.
Working Together is a Done Deal.

yes - another great idea from the brain of . . . ~ RHF
=PS= The 'other' Killer-App for the FM HD Radio Stations
is a No Brainer Too. It is already being done on a small
scale -and- IF done on a Large Scale with the FCC's
Approval : Could change the face of Radio Boradcasting
in the USA.

On Mar 28, 6:02 am, Joe <> wrote:
Aubject-Line was : BBC Article
- A local TV station here has made its switch to digital.
- One of its digital TV streams is a 24 hour news stream.
- The audio from this stream is also simulcast over a local
- over the air AM Broadcast station, kind of merging the two.
- Which begs the question........."Is it real or is it Memorex".


Mar 28, 2008, 5:56:49 PM3/28/08
> Aubject-Line was : BBC Article

> -
> - A local TV station here has made its switch to digital.
> - One of its digital TV streams is a 24 hour news stream.
> - The audio from this stream is also simulcast over a local
> - over the air AM Broadcast station, kind of merging the two.
> - Which begs the question........."Is it real or is it Memorex".
> -

Consumers want audio and video - LOL!


Mar 28, 2008, 10:29:03 PM3/28/08


Hello - Video was not an Issue when you were Touting
your "New Media" Technology Web-Radio and iPod.

Audio and/or Video are both subordinate to "Inter-Active"
which allows the Listener / Viewer to become a participant
-versus- passive recepiant of what they Hear and see.

READ - Is HD-Radio "The Answer" to AM/FM Radio's
Youth Erosion Problem ? - "NO" The Answer is . . .
Inter-Active Web-based Content Driven Radio Programming.

IBOCcrock - I suggest that you actually Study the
IBOC Technology a lot more. ~ RHF
-ps- it's in there.

Mark Zenier

Mar 30, 2008, 1:50:19 AM3/30/08
In article <>,

RHF <> wrote:
>IBOC : The Killer-App for FM "HD" Radio's HD-2 Channels
>You just point-out one of the two natural Killer-Apps for
>FM HD Radio's HD-2 Channels : TV Audio {Sound} !

But HD radios cost a whole lot more than the $40-$70 DTV converter boxes.
Many or most of which have an audio output. All somebody needs to do
is come up with a boombox.

There's something like 19 million bits per second in an ATSC transmission.
They could spare the 300-500 thousand bits per second per audio channel
for several "stations" and not even notice it. And that's a lot more bits
(and fidelity) than what an IBOC channel can spew).

They already do this in the UK with their DVB-T networks.

Mark Zenier
Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)


Mar 30, 2008, 1:59:13 PM3/30/08
On Mar 29, 10:50 pm, (Mark Zenier) wrote:
> In article <>,
> RHF  <> wrote:
- - IBOC : The Killer-App for FM "HD" Radio's HD-2 Channels
- -
- - Joe,
- -
- - You just point-out one of the two natural Killer-Apps for
- - FM HD Radio's HD-2 Channels : TV Audio {Sound} !

- But HD radios cost a whole lot more than the $40-$70
- DTV converter boxes.

That is True.

- Many or most of which have an audio output.

That is True.

Currently I using a Comcast Cable Set-Top-Box and
it's extra set of Audio Outputs to Fill-the-Room with
40 Channels of Digital Stereo Sound using a 2.1 Set
of Self-Powered Speakers.

Altec Lansing VS2421 3-Piece Multimedia Speaker System
Using an L&R RCA "Y" Adapter to 1/8" Stereo Plug.

- All somebody needs to do is come up with a boombox.

Actually a Set of Self-Powered Speakers will do nicely
for use in one Room.

-Or- amd FM-Stereo Transmitter for the Whole House effect.

- There's something like 19 million bits per second in an
- ATSC transmission.

Wow that many - I had no idea.

- They could spare the 300-500 thousand bits per second per
- audio channel for several "stations" and not even notice it.

Yes that could/would work.

- And that's a lot more bits (and fidelity) than what an IBOC
- channel can spew).

=BUT= The object of my post was using the HD-2 Audio
Channels of the new FM HD-Radios as a method of
Re-Broadcasting TV-Audio-Sound to each and every
AM/FM HD-Radio :
1 - In the Home
2 - At Work / In the Office
3 - In the Car & Truck
4 - Portable "Pocket" Radio
4 - Portable "Headphone / EarBud" Radio
- - - and the ATSC HDTV Set-Top-Box can't presently
do all that. Maybe in the future -but- not now.

- They already do this in the UK with their DVB-T networks.
- Mark Zenier  
- Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)

MZ - Can't Argue with you ATSC -aka- HDTV
is far superior to so-called HD-Radio. ~ RHF

Radio has lost the battle to TV for being the # 1 Media Choice
by the time of the first Color TVs and has been TV's second
fiddle for more than about 50 Years.

With all the New Media Choises Radio may well be # 3 now.

=BUT= Whether Radio is # 2 or # 3 : Radio Has To Be All
That It Can Be : Even -if- It means putting TV-Sound on the
HD-2 Channels of the new FM HD Radio Stations.

IBOC : The Killer-App for FM "HD" Radio's HD-2 Channels


Mar 30, 2008, 8:28:47 PM3/30/08

Most web radio stations are 128 kb/s or less. Double that should be
plenty for a shitty transport layer like mobile radio transmission.

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