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In memory of John Lettiere (a true Dylan fan)

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Peter Stone Brown

2010. gada 4. jūn. 20:52:0504.06.10
This for those still here who go way back. When I first came on RMD,
sometime in the mid-'90s, John Lettiere was a regular who posted often
and at times controversially. Eventually I got to know him. On RMD,
he was gruff and tough, but behind that was someone with the biggest
heart in the world. John was always more than happy to share any
boots he had and much more than that. For a a few fun years, a bunch
of people from here would meet regularly in NYC, sometimes at Bob
shows, sometimes at my shows, sometimes just to meet, and drink and
talk deep into the night. John passed away sometime before dawn this
morning, after a severe and swift illness.


2010. gada 4. jūn. 21:51:0804.06.10

So sorry to hear this Peter.....brothers in Bob are hard to lose. I
do remember John being here and cringing at his post...:-), glad to
hear it was his 'internet image' and not his true self.
chris pyle from baltimore

Giuseppe Gazerro

2010. gada 5. jūn. 06:48:2505.06.10

"Peter Stone Brown" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

Thanks for sharing, Peter.
I do remember him.
A hug to his dears.
And a Requiem Eternam to him
(even though he doesn'r need it)
See you there, John.


2010. gada 5. jūn. 10:27:4305.06.10
On Jun 4, 8:52�pm, Peter Stone Brown <> wrote:
�John passed away sometime before dawn this

> morning, after a severe and swift illness.

I already miss the back and forth e-mails with John. We, along with a
few select kindred spirits, would write on a number of subjects
(music, sports, politics, TV) or forward some special mp3.

John was a knowledgeable computer expert---He spent hours one
afternoon on the phone walking me through ad ware and virus problems I
had with a particular ancient PC. On the surface, you would never
know he would have the patience to get me through a day like that. HE
was actually calming ME down.

I once kidded John that I was so happy he was working on getting over
his shyness. He let me know in no uncertain terms that there wasn't
"an effing shy bone in his body".

Dylan was the original connecting force with Dylan and PSB shows in
NYC the original springboard to years of friendship. Our inner
circle, spread all over the US and the UK, did try a couple of times
to have a reunion at some Manhattan watering hole. I regret we could
never pull that off.

My condolences to Cindy and the extended Lettiere family and friends.

John was one of a kind.

One of a kind.

Paul Pearson


2010. gada 5. jūn. 18:20:5705.06.10

"Peter Stone Brown" <> wrote in message

I remember him well. So sorry to hear of his death. I hope he didn't
suffer and that his family can get through the loss.


2010. gada 5. jūn. 19:25:0805.06.10
Aaaw, jeez.

I was fortunate enough, for a while, to be on the periphery of those
rmders of whom John Lettiere was a part.

One time after we'd all met up at the Sidewalk Cafe, i forget who was
playing there, i gave him and his son a lift home. It was pretty much
on my way, but far enough out of it that i would need assistance

That ride was conversationful, and while heavy on the dylan, it ranged
from Abe Lincoln (he thought the best president) to the plight of
frogs (the decline of which he thought was the canary in the coal mine
of impending ecologic meltdown).

And he didn't just talk; he was a natural and generous listener, too,
pausing amply so that even a reticent fellow such as myself could
speak frreely.

And when i dropped them off, and it was time for me to find my way
from a place i didn't know, both of them gave me explicit, simple, and
enthusiastic direction home.

Yes, not atypical of Italian-American men from the Bronx of a certain
time, a big brash bear of a man; scratch the surface, a teddy bear.

I don't know much about religion and religious beliefs. John once said
he was raised Catholic but gave it up for Lent.

If there is a pearly-gated "Heaven" like the Christians believe, first
thing John did up there was to upgrade St. Peter's computer ("How can
you get any work done on this piece of crap?")

Maybe there's a human soul that "transitions", maybe there isn't.

Or maybe there's a part of a person that gets left behind and
dispersed into the people who knew him.

I'm pretty sure that has happened.

Condolences to his family on their loss.

Robert dudley Dickinson

Maureen L.

2010. gada 6. jūn. 14:03:5806.06.10
Sad news, sad news ...

Very sad to read of John Lettiere's passing.

I too hope that he did not suffer and that his family can find comfort in
the midst of their tremendous loss.

Rest in peace John.


Giuseppe Gazerro

2010. gada 6. jūn. 19:37:4206.06.10

"Maureen L." <mlebl...@COMCAST.NET> ha scritto nel messaggio

Well, at least if he's reading as I'm sure he is, even though unable to
interact, he's likely to raise a smile watching all these oldies-but-goldies
oldtimers gather round here.....Maureen, too!!!
What a nice surprise to read your name again, despite the sad circumstances.


2010. gada 8. jūn. 03:55:3608.06.10
John old boy,

It was a nice service, befitting. Peter and your nephew spoke well of

And it was a beautiful day, more befitting a wedding than such a sad
occasion, altho' i do believe this kind of service is best a
celebration of a life.

That said, i got home this morning after work and my main computer
wouldn't boot. (I have four in the room where i compute, but one is a
33Mhz Celeron that i use exclusively to transfer vinyl LPs to .wav.)

'K so on the "main" one User Profile Service is rejecting me. I'd just
reinstall OS but i've got data not backed up i don't want wiped out if
i can avoid it. I know, back up often and frequently.

Another older laptop i started up absolutely CRAWLED, but i think it
was updating Norton/Symantec... you sold systems with McAfee, likely
an economic consideration, but you advised me not to use that piece of
crap, so Norton it is.

This old laptop's working fine now.

Then also i cranked up an elderly eMachines (yes i know it's a piece
of crap, the missus bought it for one of the kids). Wouldn't start,
not normal, not last known configuration, not any Safe Mode.

Knowing i had all data backed up from it, i reinstalled XP, formatting
drive. Even then not all went smoothly.

I'm rebooting now to make sure i get in. 'K, looks good, i'll hook up
the USB Linksys thingie & see if i can connect the innernest later.

When install asked me to name the computer, i named it JohnLettiere.

Thanks for your help.

Now if you can just get me past that snarl on my primary laptop...

peace, brother man,

Sean Murdock

2010. gada 19. jūl. 13:10:5219.07.10

Sad news. I remember John's name, and although I don't remember him or
his posts personally, I do remember that time when RMD was a daily
visit for me. John is remembered by dozens (if not hundreds) of people
around the country or even the world, simply for having contributed to
a Usenet newsgroup. We should all be so fortunate. R.I.P.

Will Dockery

2010. gada 20. jūl. 00:24:1520.07.10
On Jun 4, 8:52 pm, Peter Stone Brown <> wrote:

Didn't know him but he sounds like a great guy... moment of silence.

"Shadowville Speedway" CD on Artemis Records:

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