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A run in with Excelsior Henderson or Jenny Hanlon is going to heaven.

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2000年7月3日 凌晨3:00:002000/7/3
Well have another drink on me.

First off I want to say alcohol was involved in this event on both
sides. Even though I am an Instigating Rotten Fucker, I didn't start
out to give anyone a hard time. I am going to lay out what was said as
closely as I can remember some of this may be paraphrased. Afterwords
I will give a brief summary

To set the stage there is a river adjoining one side of the campground
with a dock and a boat launching ramp. It is about midnight and
copious quanities of Alcohol have been consumed. Pepperlady and
Ironhorse have one of there favorite beverages in hand and are walking
down to the River. On a telephone pole there sits 5 guys and one
female all wearing Excelsior Henderson Tee shirts.

The cast:

Clean Cut executive type or CCET
Long haired guy or LHG
Jenny Hanlon

Iron: Sure are a lot of Excelesior Henderson Tee shirts here

CCET: Well they were free

Iron: They would have to be

CCET: Why do you say that?

Iron: Well after they fucked all their stock holders I wouldn't be
caught dead in one.

CCET: They didn't fuck there shareholders, the shareholders took risks
and that's what they got.

Iron: If I was a shareholder I would punch out the CEO if I could find


Iron: I suppose you all work for EH?

CCET: No we don't work for them.

Iron: I believe the shareholders got screwed and the company didn't
deal from a position of honor, it may have been legal but it wasn't

CCET: The investors bought in on the IPO at seven dollars a share the
stock went to eleven dollars a share and if they didn't sell out then,
they need to talk to there stock brokers. (getting agitated)

Iron: They have a fiduciary responsibility

CCET: No the company has no fiduciary responsibility to the
shareholders, only the board of directors do.

Iron: Hmmm, from what I have read the Hanlon family sold most of there
shares before the bankruptcy.

LHG: Where do you get your information?

Iron: Do a Deja-news search (cut off again)

LHG: Humphh Deja-News A bunch of idiots talking on the internet.

CCET: So you don't have any facts

Iron: I don't have them in front of me, but I understand that a lot of
the family money was funneled off through, What's her name that was
the designer of the clothing.

CCET: You don't have any facts.

Jenny Hanlon: Walks out on the dock with Iron- "I'm one of the
Hanlon's, I'm Jenny Hanlon. I'm going to HEAVEN. You are going to
HELL!" (As she says this 120lb Jenny, Tries to push 250lb Iron off the

Pepperlady: This is going to far

Iron: Yeah

CCET: Well I'm glad you have a bright future, why don't we all just
enjoy the weekend.


The next day I found out that almost the entire upper management of EH
including most of the Hanlon's were at the rally. These guys at the
dock wouldn't identify themselves I am assuming they lied when they
said they didn't work for EH. The only one with any balls is Jenny.
Since she is going straight to heaven she has no worries. After
stating that the company had no fiduciary responsibility to there
shareholders I wouldn't trust these guys to manage a fair sized garage
sale, let alone trust them run a motorcycle company. The latter is my

Have another round on me

Patrick T. Keane

2000年7月3日 凌晨3:00:002000/7/3
I know individuals and suppliers that were caught empty handed when EH
went under. My recommendation from the get go was that EH (or for that
matter anyone trying to build a motorcycle company from scratch) would be
a tremendous risk. Regardless of the marketability of the product, you
have to deal with workers comp, product liability, environmental issues
and a bunch of other stuff that steal from the bottom line. These costs
are major issues for Fortune 500 companies much less an inexperienced
start up. Only invest what you can afford to loose. I give EH some
credit. They did build a working bike that wasn't some pretend HD clone.
Unfortunately their inexperience in business or whatever, caught up to
them. I've got no idea about the stock issue, but I do have some Pan Am
certificates I'd be happy to trade for EH shares.-PTK


2000年7月4日 凌晨3:00:002000/7/4
Ironhorse wrote...

> Iron: If I was a shareholder I would punch out the CEO if I could find
> them.
> (silence)
> Iron: I suppose you all work for EH?
> CCET: No we don't work for them.

Well not anymore!

> Jenny Hanlon: Walks out on the dock with Iron- "I'm one of the
> Hanlon's, I'm Jenny Hanlon. I'm going to HEAVEN. You are going to
> HELL!" (As she says this 120lb Jenny, Tries to push 250lb Iron off the
> dock.)

Funny how some people run for religion when they fuck up.

> The next day I found out that almost the entire upper management of EH
> including most of the Hanlon's were at the rally. These guys at the
> dock wouldn't identify themselves I am assuming they lied when they
> said they didn't work for EH. The only one with any balls is Jenny.

Well you have to admit they all have balls for just showing up wearing EH
shirts. Then again, they may be looking for the quick trip to heaven.

Stealers & Dealers:

Bama Brian

2000年7月4日 凌晨3:00:002000/7/4
Heh heh! I guess the executive types don't like fights, Ironhorse! But
Jenny Hanlon sounds like somebody I'd like to meet.

BTW, the stock market is just another form of gambling. Companies come and
companies go. Sometimes you get the bear - and sometimes the bear gets

Bama Brian
'97 Triumph Thunderbird, '99 Victory V92C
Libertarian, GOA Life, NRA Life
Voting for the lesser of two evils is STILL voting for an evil.
Vote Libertarian. You'll be glad you did.

Ironhorse <> wrote in message

> Iron: If I was a shareholder I would punch out the CEO if I could find
> them.
> (silence)
> Iron: I suppose you all work for EH?
> CCET: No we don't work for them.

> Iron: I believe the shareholders got screwed and the company didn't
> deal from a position of honor, it may have been legal but it wasn't
> honorable.
> CCET: The investors bought in on the IPO at seven dollars a share the
> stock went to eleven dollars a share and if they didn't sell out then,
> they need to talk to there stock brokers. (getting agitated)
> Iron: They have a fiduciary responsibility
> CCET: No the company has no fiduciary responsibility to the
> shareholders, only the board of directors do.
> Iron: Hmmm, from what I have read the Hanlon family sold most of there
> shares before the bankruptcy.
> LHG: Where do you get your information?
> Iron: Do a Deja-news search (cut off again)
> LHG: Humphh Deja-News A bunch of idiots talking on the internet.
> CCET: So you don't have any facts
> Iron: I don't have them in front of me, but I understand that a lot of
> the family money was funneled off through, What's her name that was
> the designer of the clothing.
> CCET: You don't have any facts.

> Jenny Hanlon: Walks out on the dock with Iron- "I'm one of the
> Hanlon's, I'm Jenny Hanlon. I'm going to HEAVEN. You are going to
> HELL!" (As she says this 120lb Jenny, Tries to push 250lb Iron off the
> dock.)

> Pepperlady: This is going to far
> Iron: Yeah
> CCET: Well I'm glad you have a bright future, why don't we all just
> enjoy the weekend.
> Summary

> The next day I found out that almost the entire upper management of EH
> including most of the Hanlon's were at the rally. These guys at the
> dock wouldn't identify themselves I am assuming they lied when they
> said they didn't work for EH. The only one with any balls is Jenny.

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