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Turbo Grafx Dying?????

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Bob Nekic

Mar 7, 1991, 9:57:43 PM3/7/91

Well, in response to your question....yeah, it sure seems like it.
The Electronics Boutique here near Cleveland just lower the price
of the CD player by $50 and all the CD games as well. That just
happened today. They carry very few TG games. as you noticed.

Toys R Us still seems to carry all the available games, though.

I just picked up the latest Electronic Gaming Monthly (missing pages
and all) that has a special report on the Winter CES show.
They only show 3 TG-16 games and 36 Genesis games. It seems most
companies are going with the more powerful machine.
I remember EGM's report on last summer's CES show and at that time there
were MANY, MANY more TG-16 games shown...but now those are either
in stores or evidently scratched?

I had strong doubts on how long NEC would the answer seems
to be "not very long". Super Nintendo will probably be the straw
that breaks their back at the end of this year.
Genesis will have a more powerful CD-ROM drive out by the end of
summer so TG-16 will no longer have an advantage.

all-in-all...with Sega's CD-rom, modem, and Super NES, I think NEC's
only hope will be Turbo Express...but I doubt that will have anything
beyond limited success because of it's steep price.
They may be a force in Japan...but not here.

"It's not always true that time heals all wounds. There are wounds
that you don't want to heal...the memories of something really good,
something truly real that you never found again." -Human League
<Bob aa561>

Dave Taylor

Mar 8, 1991, 4:22:29 AM3/8/91
Bob (aa561) in Cleveland talks about his belief that the NEC TG16
is fading into the background due to, presumably, competitive
pressures. I disagree with his analysis:

> The Electronics Boutique here near Cleveland just lower the price
> of the CD player by $50 and all the CD games as well.

My understanding is that both NEC and Sega are moving to lower the
price of their systems over the next six months to improve their
installed base for when the Super NES is released. NEC is also
the only system with a CDROM system, so lowering the price by EB
might be more shrewd than it appears on the surface.

Then again, EB isn't a significant volume retailer for NEC, I
would venture to guess (Toys R Us, however...) so EB might just be
doing something in expectation of a corporate promo by NEC. NEC
has rolled out the "get a free copy of Bonk too" promo for people
who buy the TG16, as promised at CES.

> I just picked up the latest Electronic Gaming Monthly (missing pages
> and all) that has a special report on the Winter CES show.
> They only show 3 TG-16 games and 36 Genesis games. It seems most
> companies are going with the more powerful machine.

I'm very skeptical about concluding anything from the haphazard
coverage that EGM manages for the different titles. I was at the
Winter CES and I can assure you that there are a large number of
cool NEC titles on their way (including a number of slick CDROM
titles too). Notable are Bomberman, Bonk II, and TaleSpin.

The Sega people had a more impressive booth, however, and as with
the NEC booth, it was difficult to know which titles were available
and which were being previewed (a common trick; each vendor gets a
spot and they can show whatever they want. 25 vendors showing 3
existing titles + 1 new one = gosh! over 100 new titles! :-) Frankly,
I thought that the majority of new Genesis titles were boring
formulae stuff (shooters, racing games, yet more sports titles, etc).
Expected standouts: Fantasia and Sonic The Hedgehog.

> I had strong doubts on how long NEC would last....

Why? They're a lot bigger corporation than Sega, y'know.

> Super Nintendo will probably be the straw that breaks their back at
> the end of this year. Genesis will have a more powerful CD-ROM drive
> out by the end of summer so TG-16 will no longer have an advantage.

That's news. Based on? Rumours in EGM? (don't believe 'em; most
of the people in the industry actually get quite irate about the
drivel printed in EGM) Remember too; it's *titles* not *technology*
that makes or breaks a system, so Sega will have to spend at least
another year before they have any decent selection of CDROM titles.
Finally, I believe that Super NES will be a serious market share
blow to *both* systems. I know I'll get one!

[btw, Sony is rumoured to be developing a CDROM system for the
new Super Famicom/NES system...]

> all-in-all...with Sega's CD-rom, modem,

modem? Hooking up to what?

> and Super NES, I think NEC's only hope will be Turbo Express...but I

> doubt that will have anything beyond limited success ...

I don't agree that it's the only hope, but I do agree that the
Turbo Express has been very poorly positioned in the market. I also
wonder if they're not deliberately feeding the market very very
slowly just to keep demand up. (something that if Nintendo did it,
people would have an absolute fit!)

From the virtual pen of,

-- Dave Taylor
Intuitive Systems
Mountain View, California or {uunet!}{decwrl,apple}!limbo!taylor

Mark Newton John

Mar 9, 1991, 4:48:32 AM3/9/91

Gee, this is an old trick. "I heard that xxx is dying..." And it is
usually propogated by users of the competing machine.

DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT. I see the how many machines our company buys
and sells, and believe me, if a system is dying, it is the Genesis,
NOT the TurboGrafx.

EGM has a decided anti-NEC bent to it. Why else do they only review
3 games as someone has said. I read the Japanese PC Engine
magazines, and there are NINETY-ONE games coming out. (Monthly PC
Engine- March 1991, pg. 122) TWENTY-ONE games are scheduled for
release for March alone.

Look, I don't CARE who makes the machine, as long as the games are
good. And at the moment, in my opinion, NEC has the majority of
enjoyable games. My Sega is pretty dormant, but I do plan on
getting the MegaDrive Secret of Blue Water game (Fushigi no Umi no
Nadia). I'd get Klax for Sega, but I have the codes for the NEC

the good guys! Sakura-mendo, CA

Internet: mfo...@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US

Thomas Rockwell

Mar 10, 1991, 5:29:39 PM3/10/91

Ture that the US selection has "died" considerbly, but EGM has misled the
public on the "whats new in japan" issue... There are a ton of very good
Pc engine games.... I myself a fan of both the megadrive and pc engine have
been playing more pc engine games like.....

Out Run
Legend of Genpi
Dead Moon..

And several others than my Megadrive games.... Lately Megadrive has been
stuck in the "shooter" rut for about 2 months... All shooters nothing new...
I think TurboGraphx "US" is dead but with the release of the Pc Engine adapters
out now... Theres a whole new selection to choose from.... And the games are
ten times better than the US stuff.... TurboExpress will survive... But I doubt
the SuperGraphx will ever hit the States.... I have yet to seen that unit...
but since it will play both SG games as well as the Pc Engine titles... and
I'm willing to gamble that the Pc Engine will work reverse on the system to
play the existing US turbo games.... who knows...

Six o'clock News

Mar 10, 1991, 8:35:57 PM3/10/91
From: ch...@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Paul "Mega Drive" Chen)
Path: cory.Berkeley.EDU!chenp

>> I had strong doubts on how long NEC would last....
>Why? They're a lot bigger corporation than Sega, y'know.

So what, what does Nintendo do besides home video games (yes I know that they
USED to to arcade games, but nowadays...).

>> Super Nintendo will probably be the straw that breaks their back at
>> the end of this year. Genesis will have a more powerful CD-ROM drive
>> out by the end of summer so TG-16 will no longer have an advantage.
>That's news. Based on? Rumours in EGM? (don't believe 'em; most
>of the people in the industry actually get quite irate about the
>drivel printed in EGM) Remember too; it's *titles* not *technology*
>that makes or breaks a system, so Sega will have to spend at least
>another year before they have any decent selection of CDROM titles.
>Finally, I believe that Super NES will be a serious market share
>blow to *both* systems. I know I'll get one!

How true, Dave, but tell me, how come NEC has not blown the Genesis out of the
water with *titles*??? There are SO many games for the PC-Engine that NEC
could of put Sega away within the first few months of its release!

Yeah, yeah, they wanted quality, bull! Look at the Tengen (and EA, for that
matter) games for the Genesis, they all suck IMHO. NEC could've ported a lot of
games that weren't so hot. Besides, who do the people at NEC (and Sega) think
they are when they make the jugdements on 'quality'!

Also, as you said, "it's *titles* not *technology*", why the hell are you even
arguing about the CD-ROM thingies?!?!?!

But as you said, all this will be moot when the Super Famicon comes out over
here. Good luck, though, on getting one when it just comes out. Nintendo will
still have some problems satisfying the Japanese let alone us. When they mean
it will be out in LIMITED quantites, boy do they mean limited! (When I was in
Tokyo during winter break, you couldn't get your hands on a Super Famicon no
matter HOW MUCH MONEY you were willing to pay!!).
|Paul Chen | Screw Sega of America. Only get games from Japan|
| | They're much cheaper! |

Mark Newton John

Mar 12, 1991, 5:58:30 AM3/12/91

About the SUperGrafx never coming to the US...

You know, I never thought that the PC Engine would make it here. I
remember there was talk about Mattel bringing in under their name.
Then that went away. Then I heard that NEC was going to bring it
under their own name.

I could see it then. The Mattel Intellivision IV... The Aquarius

Or.... NEC could design a new Grafx. A 16 bit using Motorola's
88000 (not the 68030). I offer to NEC my name for such a machine,
the SuperDuperGrafx.

Teh Kao Yang

Mar 13, 1991, 1:52:02 AM3/13/91
In article <> (Mark Newton John) writes:
>DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT. I see the how many machines our company buys
>and sells, and believe me, if a system is dying, it is the Genesis,
>NOT the TurboGrafx.

Genesis dying??? You wish, man.... Not with 20 or so 3rd party companies
bringing out games for it here in the U.S. The Turbo has only two or three
3rd party companies supporting it here in the U.S.... Now which machine would
a company like to support? The more popular one and the one with the greater
user base, of course..... So it is not hard to figure out which machine is
doing better here in the U.S....

Notice I emphasize 'in the U.S.'....I know that the PC Engine is still very
popular in Japan....I heard it has tons of 3rd party software...

>EGM has a decided anti-NEC bent to it. Why else do they only review
>3 games as someone has said. I read the Japanese PC Engine

EGM is not anti-NEC. They know that a lot of their readers are Genesis
fans and that Sega is doing better than NEC in the console market so they
are devoting more space to the Genesis.... Besides, I think 2 issues ago
they had a large all-Turbo special in the magazine...

Actually, they might be showing all the new Turbo games in the next issue...
along with new Lynx and Gameboy games....

Brad Hamlett

Mar 13, 1991, 1:21:54 PM3/13/91
In article <11...@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> c16...@danube.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP (Teh Kao Yang) writes:
>EGM is not anti-NEC. They know that a lot of their readers are Genesis

Aw, C'mon. It's a well known fact that EGM is biased :).
Sendai publications (the publisher for our beloved EGM)
also distributes Mega-Play. To me, that's biased. True,
the Genesis is doing better than the TG is stateside, but
not to the extent reported in EGM. In the most recent issue
only 3 Turbo games were reviewed compared to a couple dozen
Genesis games. I was recently talking to the NEC rep for
the southeast (she happened to make an appearance at a local
software store) and she was telling me of some of the
things 'in-the-works'. A couple of things that are going
on include signing Psygnosis (sp?) to translate some of
its Amiga games to CD-ROM format (most notably Shadow of
the Beast) and the attempt to sign Sierra to produce games
including King's Quest V on CD. EGM will report on 'vapor-
ware' such as the Genesis CD-ROM and ignore Turbo news
like this. That's biased.

To be fair though, the game reviews in EGM are pretty honest.
If the game is lame, then the reviewers generally rag on it,
be it Nintendo, Sega, NEC, Atari, etc.

On the other side of the spectrum is Video Games & Computer
Entertainment. Those people are quite biased toward NEC
as they also publish Turboplay (I think).

The reason behind this -- money. Sega throws its advertising
dollars behind EGM (for the most part) and NEC's goes to
VG&CE. Ever notice how Culture Brain games are sainted in
EGM? I bet that 12 page ad they publish in every issue has
something to do with it ;)

So take it with a grain of salt, folks. There is no Consumer
Reports of video games and each magazine will lean toward
its sponsors. Read (or leaf through) a couple of different
magazines to get a better overall picture...or buy ALL the
video game systems out there and judge for yourself :).

Brad Hamlett *
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332 *
uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers} * *
!gatech!prism!ccastbh *******
Internet: *** * * ***
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* Atlanta *
* * *** * * * * * * *** * *
* * Host city * *
*** For the ***
* * * 1996 * * *
* Olympics *
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martin f rose

Mar 13, 1991, 11:21:51 AM3/13/91
In article <11...@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> c16...@danube.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP (Teh Kao Yang) writes:
>In article <> (Mark Newton John) writes:
>>DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT. I see the how many machines our company buys
>>and sells, and believe me, if a system is dying, it is the Genesis,
>>NOT the TurboGrafx.
>Genesis dying??? You wish, man.... Not with 20 or so 3rd party companies
>bringing out games for it here in the U.S. The Turbo has only two or three
>3rd party companies supporting it here in the U.S....

So why have so few "outsiders" made stuff for the TG-16? It's not like
Sega is the only game in town...

> Now which machine would
>a company like to support? The more popular one and the one with the greater
>user base, of course..... So it is not hard to figure out which machine is
>doing better here in the U.S....
>Notice I emphasize 'in the U.S.'....I know that the PC Engine is still very
>popular in Japan....I heard it has tons of 3rd party software...
>>EGM has a decided anti-NEC bent to it. Why else do they only review
>>3 games as someone has said. I read the Japanese PC Engine
>EGM is not anti-NEC. They know that a lot of their readers are Genesis
>fans and that Sega is doing better than NEC in the console market so they
>are devoting more space to the Genesis.... Besides, I think 2 issues ago
>they had a large all-Turbo special in the magazine...

Of course, the fact that NEC decided not to show up to the Summer CES
really helped the lack of coverage at that time, too. If anyone is out
to kill the TG-16, it'd have to be NEC itself. Who's gonna tell these
people that the CES is a *VERY* important show to attend?

(I haven't picked up the latest EGM due to poverty reasons--but I was
leafing through and didn't see any TG games. Did NEC skip this one too?)

Go Go Gadget .Signature!
Doctor Debug | "This is DANGEROUS, boy! One wrong move and | you're done for! Pay attention, son, this is
I Am The Enemy. | for your own good." - Foghorn Leghorn

Ed Krimen

Mar 13, 1991, 1:05:26 PM3/13/91
to (martin f rose ) writes:

- Of course, the fact that NEC decided not to show up to the Summer CES
- really helped the lack of coverage at that time, too. If anyone is out
- to kill the TG-16, it'd have to be NEC itself. Who's gonna tell these
- people that the CES is a *VERY* important show to attend?

It's not a matter of spontaneously deciding to show up at CES.

From what I understand, there is a LONG waiting list of companies to
attend CES. Those companies that show up every year, are kept in
their place on the list. However, if they decide not to show up one
year, they are put at the bottom of the list, and usually must wait a
few years until they can make it to the top of the list and get
permission to attend CES. Moreover, the costs for attending CES are
VERY, VERY expensive.

Therefore, NEC chose not to show up one year, to save money, and now
they must wait a couple of years on the waiting list.
Ed Krimen ...............................................
||| Video Production Major, California State University, Chico
/ | \ SysOp, Fuji BBS: 916-894-1261 FIDONET: 1:119/4.0

Dave Taylor

Mar 13, 1991, 6:06:27 PM3/13/91
Ed Krimen reponds to Martin Rose with the comment:

>> Of course, the fact that NEC decided not to show up to Summer CES ...

> Therefore, NEC chose not to show up one year, to save money, and now
> they must wait a couple of years on the waiting list.

Except that they *were* at the last CES show in Las Vegas...

I'd surmise that Summer and Winter CES use the same list, and
further, you'd be surprised how companies can get space if they
need it...

But then again, anyone remember the cheesy Atari "booth" at the 1989
Winter CES? They had a scantily clad female model (in a bikini) on
a windsurfing board playing with a Lynx (California Games), and that
was it. Their "booth" was about 10' x 5', if that. There were also
a stack of hastily invitations to a suite at the Mirage where dozens
of Atari marketing types circled about, seeming rather predatory, and
two or three people checked out the new Lynx. I thought the Stacy was
more cool, personally. :-)

NEC had a *huge* booth at Winter CES this year... Smaller than Sega
and definitely smaller than Nintendo, who had an entire pavilion (!)
to themselves, but still quite enormous.

Six o'clock News

Mar 13, 1991, 6:43:47 AM3/13/91
From: ch...@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Paul "Mega Drive" Chen)
Path: cory.Berkeley.EDU!chenp

>EGM has a decided anti-NEC bent to it. Why else do they only review

>3 games as someone has said. I read the Japanese PC Engine
>magazines, and there are NINETY-ONE games coming out. (Monthly PC
>Engine- March 1991, pg. 122) TWENTY-ONE games are scheduled for
>release for March alone.

91 games coming out with about 50 games on the 'who knows when they'll be
out' list.

>Look, I don't CARE who makes the machine, as long as the games are
>good. And at the moment, in my opinion, NEC has the majority of
>enjoyable games. My Sega is pretty dormant, but I do plan on
>getting the MegaDrive Secret of Blue Water game (Fushigi no Umi no
>Nadia). I'd get Klax for Sega, but I have the codes for the NEC

And THAT is why I have not bought a Lynx yet!

Paul "My my how you are sounding anti-Sega" Chen

p.s. Yes I do own a PC-Engine!

Robert Jung

Mar 14, 1991, 12:44:08 AM3/14/91
In article <24...@hydra.gatech.EDU> cca...@prism.gatech.EDU (Brad Hamlett) writes:
>In article <11...@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> c16...@danube.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP (Teh Kao Yang) writes:
>>EGM is not anti-NEC. They know that a lot of their readers are Genesis
> Aw, C'mon. It's a well known fact that EGM is biased :).
> Sendai publications (the publisher for our beloved EGM)
> also distributes Mega-Play.

I prsonally feel EGM is pro-Japanese and anti-everything-else. B-)

> To be fair though, the game reviews in EGM are pretty honest.
> If the game is lame, then the reviewers generally rag on it,
> be it Nintendo, Sega, NEC, Atari, etc.

They also have a tendency to review almost-complete versions of games, and
give marks accordingly. F'r instance, the Lynx XENOPHOBE has 23 levels, not
9 as reported by EGM.

As for honest, I don't see how EGM can give the Gameboy version of TEENAGE
MUTANT NINJA TURTLES ~8.5 and the Lynx version of ROADBLASTERS ~7 (in the
same issue, even). I've played both games, I don't see where the numbers are
coming from.

> On the other side of the spectrum is Video Games & Computer
> Entertainment. Those people are quite biased toward NEC
> as they also publish Turboplay (I think).

Other biases: VG&CE seems to be a bit pro-Lynx, possibly because the
staff used to write an Atari ST computer magazine, ST-Log. GAMEPRO is all
fluff, equally nice to everybody. GAME PLAYERS is bland (IMO).

> So take it with a grain of salt, folks. There is no Consumer
> Reports of video games and each magazine will lean toward
> its sponsors.

Maybe we should start something up? B-)


P.S. If it wasn't for the really advanced screen shots, I wouldn't even pick
up EGM at all. GAMEPRO has the best layout, but worthless writing...

Send whatevers to | If it has pixels, I'm for it.
--------------------------------------+----------------------------Lynx me up!
"If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move, shoot it anyway."

Kit Kimes

Mar 15, 1991, 1:04:31 PM3/15/91
From article <11...@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU>, by (Teh Kao Yang):

> EGM is not anti-NEC. They know that a lot of their readers are Genesis
> fans and that Sega is doing better than NEC in the console market so they
> are devoting more space to the Genesis.... Besides, I think 2 issues ago
> they had a large all-Turbo special in the magazine...
> Actually, they might be showing all the new Turbo games in the next issue...
> along with new Lynx and Gameboy games....

I looked through the latest issue of Electronic Games Monthly because
their headline on the front cover said "Pics and exclusive information
on the new LYNX" (I'm quoting from memory, but I'm close). Well guess
what. I didn't find any coverage on the new LYNX (although I didn't
read every article). I did see an ad from Atari that showed a picture
of what I assume is the new version of the LYNX. At least it looks
different from ours. I doesn't have quite so much of a 'butterfly'
look to it. Needless to say, I didn't buy the issue.

Kit Kimes
AT&T Bell Labs
Naperville, IL

Mark Newton John

Mar 15, 1991, 4:39:03 AM3/15/91

Well, a few clarifications...
Well, I was speking more with emotions than reason about EGM and
NEC. EGM, in my opinion DOES NOT in my opinion have an anti NEC

I'm not going to argue who has more US programmers. It's the
quality and playability of the games, rather than the number of
companies that make them. Even EGM has said that Genesis games are
getting tediously repetitive- shoot, shoot, boss, shoot, shoot,

Still, there are more -games- for NEC than Sega. With a wider

Segas are going for around the same price, lower in some areas,
than the TG-16.

There are a few US companies that NEC has accepted games,
Cinemaware, Lucasfilm, Electronic Arts, and Activision.

Roy Kern

Mar 15, 1991, 8:40:02 AM3/15/91
In article <24...@hydra.gatech.EDU>, cca...@prism.gatech.EDU (Brad Hamlett) writes:
> In article <11...@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> c16...@danube.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP (Teh Kao Yang) writes:
> >
> >EGM is not anti-NEC. They know that a lot of their readers are Genesis
> Aw, C'mon. It's a well known fact that EGM is biased :).
stuff about EGM being biased, etc....

> Genesis games. I was recently talking to the NEC rep for
> the southeast (she happened to make an appearance at a local
> software store) and she was telling me of some of the
> things 'in-the-works'. A couple of things that are going
> on include signing Psygnosis (sp?) to translate some of
> its Amiga games to CD-ROM format (most notably Shadow of


> the Beast) and the attempt to sign Sierra to produce games


Everyone who's seen this game will agree that the graphics and sound
are truly awesome, but the game itself sucks. The aspiring wise{men/women} even voted it one of the 10 worst
games in the Digital Games Review Digest #20. A classic example of
graphics and sound not being enough.


Sun Shin Park

Mar 17, 1991, 6:35:18 PM3/17/91
Hey Dave! How about a summary/description of the tg16 games at the
Winter CES??? EGM seems to have thoroughly covered NES and Genesis,
but I'm dying to know what's in the works for the turbo, especially
RPG's and simulations (military and otherwise), and CD games.


Michael Y Chiang

Mar 18, 1991, 10:45:13 AM3/18/91
In article <> (Mark Newton John) writes:

[stuff deleted]

>There are a few US companies that NEC has accepted games,
>Cinemaware, Lucasfilm, Electronic Arts, and Activision.

How about listing some titles? Release dates? Format (HuCard or CD)?

>the good guys! Sakura-mendo, CA
> Internet: mfo...@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US

Michael Y. Chiang The John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
(301) 792/953-5000 x3250

Mark Newton John

Mar 21, 1991, 3:58:17 AM3/21/91

Yes, the TurboGrafx plays stereo games. From the back of my CD,
there are only composite video outs, with no other connector. But
that does not mean RGB is not possible. There is that big system
bus on the rear of the TG16.

Frankly, I do not feel a need for a RGB connection, I have my
TurboGrafx connected though an AV system, and have S-Video going
into my NEC 27" monitor/TV, and the picture is very sharp.

Perhaps the PC Engine CoreGrafx or SuperGrafx has some sort of
monitor out, but it might not be that neccesary.

Lawrence Y. Chiu

Mar 20, 1991, 2:48:51 PM3/20/91
Can the PC Engine/Turbo Grafx-16 be hooked up to an RGB monitor? Also, is
the sound from the unit true stereo? True stereo means that both channels
are distinct... Thanks for any information!

Also, any new information on playing Turbo Hucards on the PC Engine would
be very much appreciated! I'll post a summary if I get any replies.

--- Lawrence Chiu
--- lc...@cory.Berkeley.EDU

david r watters

Mar 21, 1991, 12:35:20 PM3/21/91
In article <> (Mark Newton John) writes:
>Yes, the TurboGrafx plays stereo games. From the back of my CD,
>there are only composite video outs, with no other connector. But
>that does not mean RGB is not possible. There is that big system
>bus on the rear of the TG16.

I am fairly sure that the NEC line does not have the ability to do RGB.

>Frankly, I do not feel a need for a RGB connection,

The difference is BREATHTAKING!!!

>I have my
>TurboGrafx connected though an AV system, and have S-Video going
>into my NEC 27" monitor/TV, and the picture is very sharp.

This is a neat trick since the TG16 or PCEngine can not produce S-VHS.

>Perhaps the PC Engine CoreGrafx or SuperGrafx has some sort of
>monitor out, but it might not be that neccesary.

The SuperGrafx has a special A/V port like the Genesis. Only 5 pins! So that
means Audio L/R, Composite video, and RFmod. No RGB and No S-VHS.

Other than that the SuperGraphx is everything the TG16 should have been! There
is a game that is supposedly the sequel to Keith's Courage and it is AWSOME!
Really nice unit.... Cost WAY TOO MUCH!

As I said before, I discovered that the TE and it's tuner are using RGB to
the LED monitor, but the problem I ran into is the voltage is very low as
would be expected, certainly nothing that would drive a full size monitor.
I haven't played with it since then.

"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars.
All of us do time in the gutter, dreamers turn to look at the cars!" - RUSH
David "It's 12:35... and Michigan STILL sucks."
_-_-_-__---_---_---__-_-_-____ TurboExpress : The Neo*Geo of portables _____

Mark Newton John

Mar 22, 1991, 4:12:48 AM3/22/91

Please use correct terminology. The 4 pin connector is called
S-Video, *NOT* S-VHS. It is more accurately called Y/C video, but
the S-Video moniker is pretty much the term for it.

Of course viceo game systems do not have S-Video, and there is no
"trick" as you put it. All you do is connect it through a VCR, and
the VCR will send the signal out through it's composite and S-video
jacks. Some VCRs will not do this though.

I still hold that RGB is not necessary, and that a premium monitor
will give an excellent picture. Of course a RGB monitor looks
better, if you are used to playing your games through some typical
TV, but for those of use with better TVs, and would rather not
waste their money buying a smaller RGB monitor.

I have a 14" analog RGB and my 27" NEC right next to each other,
and I still prefer my NEC to the monitor.

And don't be cynical. Since I have them side by side, I can
obviously compare pictures.

Will NEC develop an American SuperGrafx? I don't know, nor will I
speculate. I've been pretty wrong before, like I didn't think that
the NeoGeo or the Game Gear will make it to the US.

Did I say The Good Guys will carry the Game Gear? That's another

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