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Are pinball shows gross?

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Mike Rotch

19.09.2008, 16:38:0919.09.08
I am thinking about going to my first expo. Upon googling the various
shows it seems that there is a lot of defacation, belching, and
general uncleanliness. One thread even discussed the practice of using
the bathrooms and not washing your hands. another thread talked about
someone crapping in their pants.

I went to an auction last year and I thought I was at a carnie

I want to go but I do not need to get ill.

Lloyd Olson

19.09.2008, 16:43:5919.09.08
I wouldn't worry about it. Much of what you read here is exagerated. In fact
one show out west was forever dragged through the mud by a troll here, so
much of what you've read may not even be true.

Expo has come a long way from the Ramada, to Wyndham, to the Westin - a very
fancy place. Go and have a blast. You'll be glad you did. LTG :)

"Mike Rotch" <> wrote in message


19.09.2008, 16:52:5719.09.08

come on...thats KINDA funny....


19.09.2008, 17:14:5219.09.08
On Sep 19, 3:43 pm, "Lloyd Olson" <> wrote:
> I wouldn't worry about it. Much of what you read here is exagerated. In fact
> one show out west was forever dragged through the mud by a troll here, so
> much of what you've read may not even be true.
> Expo has come a long way from the Ramada, to Wyndham, to the Westin - a very
> fancy place. Go and have a blast. You'll be glad you did. LTG :)
> "Mike Rotch" <> wrote in message

> >I am thinking about going to my first expo. Upon googling the various
> > shows it seems that there is a lot of defacation, belching, and
> > general uncleanliness. One thread even discussed the practice of using
> > the bathrooms and not washing your hands. another thread talked about
> > someone crapping in their pants.
> > I went to an auction last year and I thought I was at a carnie
> > convention.
> > I want to go but I do not need to get ill.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

It in no way was inteneded toward the hotel. Of the 3 years I went to
the Wyndham only last year the room was above par. Definately BELOW
par for the price they charge.

Just wear rubber gloves and you will be OK. I swear DAMN near no one
washes their damn hands after going to the restroom, and then they go
out and touch the machines. Guess what your touching when you play a
game? If I have to fart, which I have to do often (Im human) , I go
freaking outside or at least AWAY from people. I swear people will
shit right on you! And several times I smelled body odor so bad I had
to get away, I damn near gagged once.

But all in all, its only about 5% of the time. Not like its everyone,
most people are friendly and thoughtful souls, just have to work on
the hand washing thing.


19.09.2008, 17:15:2319.09.08

Just bring some hand sanitizer and you'll be alright!


19.09.2008, 17:15:5019.09.08
On Sep 19, 3:38 pm, Mike Rotch <> wrote:

Oh forgot to tell you about the famed, or infamous Expo funk. Google
it on here, lot of people get sick after Expo. Cold weather maybe? Bad
hygiene maybe? Who knows?

Les Manley

19.09.2008, 17:20:0419.09.08
That was an entertaining search. Try searching for "crapping pants"
in the forum...ahh...good times.

"OK, since you asked for the "exploding ass" story, here goes:
Roomed with 3 other guys in 2005 at the Wyndham--I got floor space
because I'm cheap in some aspects, paying motel bills being one of
them. One of the roomies then--who shall remain nameless because I'm
too kind to rat him out publicly--ended up having some sort of
irritable bowel problem that came on extremely hard and fast one fast that he didn't quite get seated onto the toilet
time. There was a major poop explosion all over the bathroom floor
walls and after some initial attempts at clean up, he realized he was
way over his head on this one. Our ringleader of the room had to call
the front desk for a maid to come up and do a MAJOR bathroom cleaning
(which she was tipped nicely for I might add) and some new towels.
This was not the only thing that happened last year either. The
following day after the exploding ass episode, another roomie who
happens to be named Sam Harvey (I can rat him out because he won't be
reading this anyway) gets sick from some kind of flu-like or food
poisoning malady and spends the next two days straight throwing up
about every 20 minutes. I walk into the room at an exact wrong time
am greeted by the sight of a lumpy, hairy, and mostly naked guy
over the toilet with his balls hanging out the bottom of his boxer
shorts absolutely heaving his guts up. And I mean loudly.
This year I'm not sure which was worse: the tar smells or Pin Geek.
But I was able to endure both. Ahh, the Expo memories... "

"Speaking of stinkers. Some dude crapped his pants while playing
UltraPin, trying to get the high score on MM. Accidents happen, but
don't keep playing! Wow!"

"The homeless looking guy hitting on the poor Mayfair girl from 2am
4am.... :-D "


19.09.2008, 17:21:2719.09.08
On Sep 19, 3:38 pm, Mike Rotch <> wrote:

I went to the Texas Pinball Fest and that was not my experience. It
was at the Hilton, a nice hotel by my standard, and I even took my
wife. We had a good time. It did seem to attract the engineer, comic
book, old guy tinker crowd, which I think I am part of, but for the
most part everyone was very nice. Maybe one or two people trying to
make a buck at our expense, but that was it. I even started playing a
Sorcerer (which I had never seen up close and personal before) and
someone stopped by and started explaining the rules to me. That is
quite a shock when you are usually the only guy in the crowd that
knows what a pinball coil is. I never noticed any sticky flipper
buttons or anything gross. YMMV.



19.09.2008, 17:23:4119.09.08
carry around hand sanatizer and lysol like i do. spray flipper
buttons, wear gloves when you play the pins (since some nastys like to
go poop then not wash their hands..then go flip).

not everyone is gross, i only see the gross things happen at expo
anyhow, most shows people are clean overall:)


19.09.2008, 17:24:1619.09.08

This is troll mike #3. Looking at the content it seems very familiar
and can be easily taken care of with:

Free as always.

Bowling Jim

19.09.2008, 17:27:0319.09.08
The shows are not gross it is the people at the shows that are. I
recently went to a local gun show I never saw more dirt bags in my
life in one spot unless you count Walmart shoppers.It did look like a
Walmart crowd but they were all armed with guns kinda scarey.


19.09.2008, 17:32:1519.09.08
Pratice tolerence my friend and enjoy yourself!! Hey, its only
SOME HUGE TIPS!!! Don't forget the hand sanitizer and dust mask
filled with vicks vapo rub. Don't look at another persons butt that
way you won't notice the tie dyed pants, take you own ass gaskets for
the toilet seat, "IF" you brush up against another guy rinse yourself
with Krell anti lice, If a prostitute wants to charge you $10 for a
BJ, beware, it might be a dude.
SERIOUSLY... IF these stories were in fact true, do you think most
people would return to the show????? Wait don't answer that one,
since most people going to the show are pinball junkies.


19.09.2008, 17:43:1619.09.08
Just keep your hands away from Mi keRotch(My crotch).
and anybody elses that comes along.
"Mike Rotch" <> wrote in message

19.09.2008, 17:56:0019.09.08

I always wash my hands after using the washroom. Use deoderant &
shower daily. Sometimes people forget the human decency things when
attending pinball events.

Rick Swanson

19.09.2008, 17:57:4219.09.08
On Sep 19, 5:15 pm, MIKE PAYNE <> wrote:

> Oh forgot to tell you about the famed, or infamous Expo funk.

Otherwise known as the "Expo Crud".

I suspect that the average pinballer is no less hygienic than the
average guy walking the streets of Anytown, USA. It's just that the
density of people at a pinball show tends to put you in closer
proximity to those who fall in the below average range on the "Tsubota-
Kemper Hygienic Scale". It's sort of like spending 5 days on a
crowded elevator. Somebody passes gas and everybody feels the..
well... "rush".

What makes pinball shows somewhat unique from a "disease vector"
perspective is that everybody is touching the exact same things... the
flipper buttons. That's why hand sanitizers are important... and you
just about have to use it after every flipper button encounter to do
much good.

Rick Swanson

Lloyd Olson

19.09.2008, 18:02:3619.09.08
Too much information there Rick, I don't want to hear about your things or
you touching them, or others touching them. LTG :)

"Rick Swanson" <> wrote in message

What makes pinball shows somewhat unique from a "disease vector"
perspective is that everybody is touching the exact same things...

Rick Swanson

19.09.2008, 18:10:1419.09.08

Did anybody happen to notice this posters name? Say it out loud a
couple times, I think then you will realize he is just phishing...

BTW, first time poster, but have been reading this forum for about six
months now since getting back into the hobby. All in all a great
bunch of people here, very knowledgeable and helpful.


19.09.2008, 18:17:1719.09.08
Mike Rotch <> wrote in news:99104e04-584c-45bd-a96a-

Whenever I'm at expo, in addition to the normal hygene measures (wash
hands after using the restroom, showering, using deodorant, all that), I
use my "public transportation" rules. They essentially boil down to
*never* touching your eyes, nose, or mouth unless you've thoroughly
washed your hands first. And if you're going to go eat, go wash your
hands thoroughly before you touch anything.

That'll take care of 98% of the expo crud that's out there.

Have a home video that's trapped on your camera? Want to share it on the
web or on DVD?

Bryan Kelly

19.09.2008, 18:19:0619.09.08
Our local electrical inspectors name is Mike Hawke.

And that's no shit!!!!

Bryan (CARGPB 14)
Home of the EXECUTIVE Pin Footie

On Sep 19, 4:43 pm, "WOLFUS" <> wrote:
> Just keep your hands away from Mi keRotch(My crotch).
> and anybody elses that comes along.

> Timathie"Mike Rotch" <> wrote in message


19.09.2008, 18:35:0719.09.08
On Sep 19, 6:10 pm, wrote:
> BTW, first time poster, but have been reading this forum for about six
> months now since getting back into the hobby.  All in all a great
> bunch of people here, very knowledgeable and helpful.

Good time to come back...most of the really smelly stuff has left this
place. Back to (near) normal around here!



19.09.2008, 18:36:3019.09.08

You know, if you wash your hands well before you eat/smoke/whatever,
you will be fine.
But that's true of spending time in any public place where you touch
what others have touched (amusement parks, mini-golf, the mall, etc).


Josh A.

19.09.2008, 18:42:1919.09.08
On Sep 19, 3:43 pm, "WOLFUS" <> wrote:
> Just keep your hands away from Mi keRotch(My crotch).
> and anybody elses that comes along.
> Timathie"Mike Rotch" <> wrote in message

The OP's the same "Mike" who's also been using such clever pseudonyms
as "Mike Oxesphat" and "Mike Littispungent." Three years ago when he
was performing his "Aquaman" schtick on RGP, he was "Mike_Oxlawng."
It's pretty obvious who it is, and equally obvious that he'd never
show his face at Expo or any other pinball show.

19.09.2008, 18:53:0919.09.08
I've been to Expo a few times and it was generally clean. The west
coast shows I think had/have the most issues. You don't have to take
my word for it just go. Look around and see the crowd. Go in the
bathroom and be a lurker for a few minutes and count how many people
don't wash their hands. It's not pretty. Unfortunately those you
consider to be better than this will surprise you, then a few
misguided souls can build a repuatation for the masses.

Dirty T shirts, BO, some pilfering, passing gas in a crowd, kids with
no manners that hog the games, and a few rude folks. But hey, it's a

When you operate a booth or display you are going to come into contact
with the most people. I have had to back away from some people more
than once. It's like you want to say "there is toilet paper".

I'd definately take a hand sanitizer and use it often. Maybe if I
have a booth at Pacific Pinball Expo I'll sell hand sanitizer!


On Sep 19, 3:19 pm, Bryan Kelly <> wrote:
> Our local electrical inspectors name is Mike Hawke.
> And that's no shit!!!!

> Bryan (CARGPB 14)

> Home of the EXECUTIVE Pin Footie
> On Sep 19, 4:43 pm, "WOLFUS" <> wrote:
> > Just keep your hands away from Mi keRotch(My crotch).
> > and anybody elses that comes along.

> > Timathie"Mike Rotch" <> wrote in message- Hide quoted text -


19.09.2008, 19:17:1319.09.08

> Just wear rubber gloves and you will be OK. I swear DAMN near no one
> washes their damn hands after going to the restroom, and then they go
> out and touch the machines. Guess what your touching when you play a
> game?

Are you trying to say I do not keep a clean penis?

If I have to fart, which I have to do often (Im human) , I go
> freaking outside or at least AWAY from people.

Huh? Now what fun is that?

I swear people will
> shit right on you! And several times I smelled body odor so bad I had
> to get away, I damn near gagged once.

OMG, that is hilarious! I would just die seeing that reaction. If I
can figure out who you are, you will definitely be a "marked" man!




19.09.2008, 19:31:3019.09.08
On Sep 19, 5:23 pm, gangstarr <> wrote:
> carry around hand sanatizer and lysol like i do. spray flipper
> buttons

Please do not spray stuff directly on the machines. Or at least not
my machines. It will just get into the button and gunk things up,
plus there's always a slight risk it could mess up the paint. If you
feel the need to sanitize before every play, spray your hands then dry
them off before playing.

Honestly, I think some of you are blowing this way out of proportion.
I've been to plenty of Expos, and CAX a couple of times, and despite
the fact I don't even bring hand sanitizer, I haven't gotten sick from
any machines. Last year there was a nasty flu going around which
probably spread a fair amount at Expo, but that is mostly air-borne
viruses, not transmitted via flipper buttons. Remember, viruses like
cold, dry climates, which pretty much described Chicago in late Fall.
All this excessive sanitizer use just results in stronger bugs down
the road anyway....


19.09.2008, 19:47:1419.09.08
People who don't wash their hands in the bathroom are scumbags. Touch
a machine after they've played and who knows what you'll have traces
of on your hands? I'm not talking about colds or flu either. Piss,
fecal material, dick nog...?


David Gray

19.09.2008, 19:47:4819.09.08
In article <>,
Bryan Kelly <> wrote:

> Our local electrical inspectors name is Mike Hawke.
> And that's no shit!!!!

I went to high school with a Richard Head.

But hardly anyone called him that:o)

Some parents are just downright mean.

David Gray

Due to recent budget reductions the funding for smoke has been eliminated.

This operation will henceforth run entirely on mirrors.

NOTICE: Do not attempt an e-mail response to this message by hitting your
reply button. You must first remove YOUR_UNDERWARE in order for your
message to be successfully transmitted.

Dan L.

19.09.2008, 20:10:5619.09.08
One thread even discussed the practice of using
> > the bathrooms and not washing your hands. another thread talked about
> > someone crapping in their pants

There are more bacteria on your hands than on Mr Happy. Wash your
hands beforehand :).

Dan L


19.09.2008, 20:57:1119.09.08

Just remember not to touch eyes mouth or nose while in the hall
playing and wash your hands upon leaving the hall.
Its the flipper buttons mostly touched by thousands over the weekend
and a great way to spread germs.
Bring some hand sanitizer like some have suggested. These things you
should do anyway in a public place but most of all have fun. This will
be my third Expo and I didn't get sick from the first two because I
use common courtesy and sense. It is so much fun to walk into the main
hall at expo you will forget all the negatives believe me. Between
playing most of the greatest games you can find and watching and
talking to the repair techs as they do repairs you can learn so much
that you will deffinatley walk away with somthing permanent to help
you in the future in the hobby. Expo and pinball show are so cool.
Also in march or so check out the Midwest Gaming Classic in Wisconsin
near Milwaukee.
That's a great show as well, not as big Pinball wise but still a major
Pinaball event. That one covers all kinds of gaming and is really cool
as well.

Expo Expo sis-boom-bah! Expo Expo Rah Rah Rah!!!

Ok, that was Semi-Gay I know, but I couldn't help it...not that
there's anything wrong with that...


19.09.2008, 21:10:3419.09.08
Depends on the show, they are all Different,
We send in a cleaning crew every mourning before show time,
to clean and wipe down the machines !

Come on town to
You will have a great time, Held at a Hilton Resort,
with outstanding Clean facilities !

Shannon, / TexasaPinball


19.09.2008, 21:30:5819.09.08
Yes. Pin shows are awful, disgusting places. Please stay home so the
rest of us have one less person hogging the games we want to play ;-)

dan c

(actually, my biggest pin show pet peeve is when someone starts a 4-
player game for just themselves. this is really the worst when there
are clearly folks waiting to play the same machine- don't be pin hogs,


19.09.2008, 21:32:3319.09.08

You wont have to worry about me playing your machines BCUZ i ONLY play
nice, fully working games;)
LOL j/k/
seriously thow, if i ever sprayed lysol, it was 12 inches away from
the buttons after the guy that got done playing it was couphing the
whole time in his hands while playing the game.
whats worse anyhow- people touching the buttons with sweaty, dirty ,
grimey, stink hands....or me spraying lysol 12 inches away from the
game, so that aerosol (not liquid) touches the buttons.
i have caught the flew 3 years in a row at expo by air/food or
something there.


Marvin G

19.09.2008, 22:49:3519.09.08
The "Tsubota-Kemper Hygienic Scale" ??? That's funny!

Marvin G.
EM Pinball, And Nothing But!

On 9/19/08 5:57 PM, in article, "Rick

Swanson" <> wrote:
> I suspect that the average pinballer is no less hygienic than the
> average guy walking the streets of Anytown, USA. It's just that the
> density of people at a pinball show tends to put you in closer
> proximity to those who fall in the below average range on the "Tsubota-
> Kemper Hygienic Scale". It's sort of like spending 5 days on a
> crowded elevator. Somebody passes gas and everybody feels the..
> well... "rush".

> Rick Swanson


19.09.2008, 23:31:0719.09.08
On Sep 19, 4:47 pm, David Gray <>
> In article <>,

>  Bryan Kelly <> wrote:
> > Our local electrical inspectors name is Mike Hawke.
> > And that's no shit!!!!
> I went to high school with a Richard Head.
> But hardly anyone called him that:o)
> Some parents are just downright mean.
> --
>                   David Gray
> Due to recent budget reductions the funding for smoke has been eliminated.
>               This operation will henceforth run entirely on mirrors.
> NOTICE:  Do not attempt an e-mail response to this message by hitting your
> reply button.  You must first remove YOUR_UNDERWARE in order for your
> message to be successfully transmitted.  

I had a teacher in college named "Harry Chin", ok that's not as bad
but you have to remember than HE picked that first name when he came
to America (he was not US born). :)

Terrapin Mark

19.09.2008, 23:35:3119.09.08
On Sep 19, 9:32 pm, gangstarr <> wrote:

> whats worse anyhow- people touching the buttons with sweaty, dirty ,
> grimey, stink hands....or me spraying lysol 12 inches away from the
> game, so that aerosol (not liquid) touches the buttons.

The lysol is a liquid Andy!!. there would be liquid touching the
buttons. Whether that is good or not is up for debate.

The term aerosol refers primarily to the form of product delivery.
Compressed gas (usually) acts as the propellant. The general premise/
idea behind an aerosol can is one fluid stored under high pressure
which is then used to propel another fluid out of the can.

Mark Salas


19.09.2008, 23:49:4919.09.08
gangstarr <> wrote in news:d26a9a4d-d7bd-4033-bd0f-

> seriously thow, if i ever sprayed lysol, it was 12 inches away from
> the buttons after the guy that got done playing it was couphing the
> whole time in his hands while playing the game.
> whats worse anyhow- people touching the buttons with sweaty, dirty ,
> grimey, stink hands....or me spraying lysol 12 inches away from the
> game, so that aerosol (not liquid) touches the buttons.
> i have caught the flew 3 years in a row at expo by air/food or
> something there.

Lysol has a high concentration of alcohol. (That's one reason why it's so
flammable!) So you're in effect spraying alcohol directly on paint.
That's REALLY bad for old paint!

Seriously, if anyone I know would catch you spraying lysol on a machine,
the germs would be THE LAST thing you'd have to worry about. If you're
that much of a germophobe, wear gloves or stay home. You don't have the
right to f*ck up other people's equipment, end of story.


19.09.2008, 23:53:4219.09.08
I AM SURE all games on location are MUCH cleaner than the games at
EXPO!! especially in areas that still allow smoking! And everyone in
every bar that ever had a pinball is MUCH cleaner than anyone at EXPO
ever!! he he he mike pacak . Gee they might ever have germs nib
from factory..WHAT should we do???? Do all the factory workers wash
after peeing???


20.09.2008, 00:20:3920.09.08
> from factory..WHAT  should we do????  Do all the factory workers wash
> after peeing???

I think you should ask Gary Stern that halfway through the factory
tour.. ;)


20.09.2008, 12:19:1520.09.08
On Sep 19, 1:38 pm, Mike Rotch <> wrote:
> I am thinking about going to my first expo. Upon googling the various
> shows it seems that there is a lot of defacation, belching, and
> general uncleanliness. One thread even discussed the practice of using

> the bathrooms and not washing your hands. another thread talked about
> someone crapping in their pants.
> I went to an auction last year and I thought I was at a carnie
> convention.
> I want to go but I do not need to get ill.

This reminds me of a study some high school students did. They took
swabs of different areas in public places like restrooms, restaurants,
stores, etc...and had them checked for bacteria counts.

Anyways, the highest bacteria count came from the soda dispensing
machines in restaurants. Higher than public restrooms! No one ever
thinks twice about buying a soda so, I don't think you should be
worried about a pinball show.

P.S. In college, I had a guy in one of my classes named Dum Phuc. True

20.09.2008, 13:01:0920.09.08
On Sep 19, 5:23 pm, gangstarr <> wrote:
> carry around hand sanatizer and lysol like i do. spray flipper
> buttons, wear gloves when you play the pins (since some nastys like to
> go poop then not wash their hands..then go flip).
> not everyone is gross, i only see the gross things happen at expo
> anyhow, most shows people are clean overall:)

Won't Korn threaten a boot up your a$$ if he sees you spraying a
foreign substance on the flipper buttons of someone's machine? Best to
bring your Wells Lamont (Chicago company ownned by Marmon/Pritzker
family) gloves and wear while playing.

Across all demographics you will find people who wash their hands
after using the toilet.

I work for a fortune 500 <choke> company and the CFO takes a pi$$ and
walks right out the door. without washing his hands 75% of the time.
And this is just from my and one other co-worker's observations. I'd
say that since our numbers match, this research is somewhat
scientific. He even has to pull a door handle to exit the men's room.
At least we know to not shake his hand!

20.09.2008, 13:02:4620.09.08
On Sep 19, 5:32 pm, chuckster <> wrote:
> Pratice tolerence my friend and enjoy yourself!!  Hey, its only
> pinball!
> SOME HUGE TIPS!!!   Don't forget the hand sanitizer and dust mask
> filled with vicks vapo rub. Don't look at another persons butt that
> way you won't notice the tie dyed pants, take you own ass gaskets for
> the toilet seat, "IF" you brush up against another guy rinse yourself
> with Krell anti lice, If a prostitute wants to charge you $10 for a
> BJ, beware, it might be a dude.
> SERIOUSLY... IF these stories were in fact true, do you think most
> people would return to the show?????  Wait don't answer that one,
> since most people going to the show are pinball junkies.
> On Sep 19, 4:52 pm, Pinballed <> wrote:

> > On Sep 19, 4:38 pm, Mike Rotch <> wrote:
> > > I am thinking about going to my first expo. Upon googling the various
> > > shows it seems that there is a lot of defacation, belching, and
> > > general uncleanliness. One thread even discussed the practice of using
> > > the bathrooms and not washing your hands. another thread talked about
> > > someone crapping in their pants.
> > > I went to an auction last year and I thought I was at a carnie
> > > convention.
> > > I want to go but I do not need to get ill.
> > come on...thats KINDA funny....- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Ass gaskets, that's a good one.

20.09.2008, 13:04:3420.09.08
On Sep 19, 5:57 pm, Rick Swanson <> wrote:
> On Sep 19, 5:15 pm, MIKE PAYNE <> wrote:
> > Oh forgot to tell you about the famed, or infamous Expo funk.
> Otherwise known as the "Expo Crud".

> I suspect that the average pinballer is no less hygienic than the
> average guy walking the streets of Anytown, USA.  It's just that the
> density of people at a pinball show tends to put you in closer
> proximity to those who fall in the below average range on the "Tsubota-
> Kemper Hygienic Scale".  It's sort of like spending 5 days on a
> crowded elevator.  Somebody passes gas and everybody feels the..
> well... "rush".
> What makes pinball shows somewhat unique from a "disease vector"
> perspective is that everybody is touching the exact same things... the
> flipper buttons.  That's why hand sanitizers are important...  and you
> just about have to use it after every flipper button encounter to do
> much good.
> Rick Swanson

No such problem with Bingo pins. There you deal withe the start &
extra ball chance buttons as well as the collect and feature buttons


20.09.2008, 13:09:2220.09.08
chill out.........

i guess you dont know when im pulling someones leg or not.
i guess ill have to put on the j/k or LOL or ;) next time.



20.09.2008, 13:19:2920.09.08
I RARELY play any game on the floor at any pinball show, i only go for
tournaments. so you honestly dont have to worry about me. the only
time i have in fact played machines outside of a tourney in numbers,
is for pinbrawl. i may play a couple here and there to warm up or keep

i was j/k anyhow (unless anyone has ever seen me do that......spraying
machines......., please lmk).
i would never hurt or intend to hurt another persons machines.
i was just going with the goofy flow of the thread.

Rick Swanson

20.09.2008, 13:20:0320.09.08
On Sep 20, 1:01 pm, wrote:
> I work for a fortune 500 <choke> company and the CFO takes a pi$$ and
> walks right out the door. without washing his hands 75% of the time.

Maybe he knows that urine is sterile. ;-)

Rick Swanson


20.09.2008, 13:25:3920.09.08

There was a guy in my high school named Peter Alotta and another guy
named Dick Settles but the best one was Bob Oranus.




20.09.2008, 13:37:3220.09.08
I just like to make points from both sides of the coin, so here is
more food for thought. talking from a talk show host point of view
(not a biased opinion).

its the same for hairspray thow.
the closer you hold it to your head, the wetter it is upon contact.
im speaking about the can style, not plastic bottle pump)

test: hold a can of lysol and spray it with its tip 1 inch from a
toilet seat. notice the wetness.
now, do it from 12 inches away

when you go in a room and spray it with lysol (bathroom, living
room,etc) does all of the sudden, the whole room and floor gets wet
and ruined.? it seems to evaporate. im not a scientist, i just call
what i see.

QUESTION: would you also be mad if someone used a baby wipe on their
hands or a handy wipe to wipe their hands off ( just before playing
your machines? the wipe is not being wiped on your machine.
dont these wipes have similar chemicals/ingredients as to clean
aerosol sprays. doesnt hand sanatizer have alcohol or some other
flamable drying element in it as well? sure feels like it when you rub
it on your hands.

how about if someone had dirty hands with other oil/chemicals on them
while playing. chances are, if someone is playing your machine and
they did not previously wash their hands thoroughly, some kinds of
foreign substances are on them.

so , from argument, it looks like you are damnded if you clean your
hands, and damned if you dont.

bottom line is, having games on location (or bringing em to a show for
the public to play)- its things you have to deal with (unless you
stand guard at your machine and you inspect everyones hands b4 they
i find arcade game buttons and joysticks, flipper buttons with
sticky kiddie foods on em, pizza greasy hand stains, pop stains and
other surprises quite often on location on my personal machines..
thats a chance you take placing games in the public realm. just keep
them clean as often as possible. hangin signs n such helps sort of,
but a 1 or 2 year old tottler cant read , and a teen wont care, and a
drunk adult dont care either.

20.09.2008, 13:52:2420.09.08
On Sep 19, 11:49 pm, TheKorn <TheK...@TheKorn.Net> wrote:
> gangstarr <> wrote in news:d26a9a4d-d7bd-4033-bd0f-

Just read your post now. This is after my 1:01 posting. Guess I was

Bryan Kelly

20.09.2008, 13:59:1920.09.08
We had a farm kid in our class known as "Pony" Joe.

I'll let you ponder why. ;-)

Bryan (CARGPB 14)
Home of the EXECUTIVE Pin Footie

On Sep 20, 12:25 pm, erickit <> wrote:

> There was a guy in my high school named Peter Alotta and another guy
> named Dick Settles but the best one was Bob Oranus.
> :)

> Eric- Hide quoted text -

Funky Pinaholic

20.09.2008, 14:05:0520.09.08
On Sep 19, 3:38 pm, Mike Rotch <> wrote:
> I am thinking about going to my first expo. Upon googling the various
> shows it seems that there is a lot of defacation, belching, and
> general uncleanliness. One thread even discussed the practice of using
> the bathrooms and not washing your hands. another thread talked about
> someone crapping in their pants.
> I went to an auction last year and I thought I was at a carnie
> convention.
> I want to go but I do not need to get ill.

Try licking the machines less and you'll be fine. We can't help it
that you have this fetish. :p


20.09.2008, 14:05:1520.09.08

check out these hand sanitizer ingredients, same flammable ingredients
in lysol (spray)? so now what?
double edged sword................

Lloyd Olson

20.09.2008, 14:33:4520.09.08
Was this in Farmington ? Then we don't have to ponder any farther. LTG :)

"Bryan Kelly" <> wrote in message


20.09.2008, 15:28:3420.09.08
On Sep 20, 10:37 am, gangstarr <> wrote:
> I just like to make points from both sides of the coin, so here is
> more food for thought. talking from a talk show host point of view
> (not a biased opinion).
> its the same for hairspray thow.
> the closer you hold it to your head, the wetter it is upon contact.
> im speaking about the can style, not plastic bottle pump)
> test: hold a can of lysol and spray it with its tip 1 inch from a
> toilet seat. notice the wetness.
> now, do it from 12 inches away
> results=?

But you are still leaving a residue, if you aren't then you aren't
doing any good!

> when you go in a room and spray it with lysol (bathroom, living
> room,etc) does all of the sudden, the whole room and floor gets wet
> and ruined.? it seems to evaporate. im not a scientist, i just call
> what i see.
> QUESTION: would you also be mad if someone used a baby wipe on their
> hands or a handy wipe to wipe their hands off ( just before playing
> your machines? the wipe is not being wiped on your machine.
>  dont these wipes have similar chemicals/ingredients as to clean
> aerosol sprays. doesnt hand sanatizer have alcohol or some other
> flamable drying element in it as well? sure feels like it when you rub
> it on your hands.

Yes but generally the alcohol dries the mixture on your hands before
you can put them on the flippers.

Personally I would be upset if someone was spraying something on my
machines - if they asked first that might be different.

Just wash your hands after handling. You could stick your hand in a
pile of crap and you aren't likely to get sick, at least until it gets
near an opening (mouth, cuts, rear, etc)... just wash your hands...
warm water for several minutes. Follow up with sanitizer if you feel
the need.

And what someone else said about Mr Happy being cleaner, this is
generally true (assuming you bath regularly and having been touching
other stuff with it).



20.09.2008, 16:29:0720.09.08
gangstarr <> wrote in news:ea5c0854-5e25-419e-9843-

> chill out.........
> i guess you dont know when im pulling someones leg or not.
> seriously
> i guess ill have to put on the j/k or LOL or ;) next time.
> geeesh!

Sorry man, didn't look like a joke. But the :) would help discern intent.


20.09.2008, 16:38:3220.09.08
gangstarr <> wrote in news:0545f858-63b7-4f52-b6a7-

> test: hold a can of lysol and spray it with its tip 1 inch from a
> toilet seat. notice the wetness.
> now, do it from 12 inches away
> results=?

Another wet seat.

> QUESTION: would you also be mad if someone used a baby wipe on their
> hands or a handy wipe to wipe their hands off ( just before playing
> your machines? the wipe is not being wiped on your machine.
> dont these wipes have similar chemicals/ingredients as to clean
> aerosol sprays. doesnt hand sanatizer have alcohol or some other
> flamable drying element in it as well? sure feels like it when you rub
> it on your hands.

No, because of three critical differences:

1) Amount. There is far less wet ingredient in a handy wipe than there
is in 1 second of spraying lysol.

2) No propellent. Using a spray you're shooting things out under
pressure, which is quite different than simply wiping your hands with
them, them travelling through the air at low speed, then rubbing against

3) Much less area affected. Pretty much only the area you're touching
(buttons, lockdown bar) would be affected, vs. the entire spray circle
from a can.

> how about if someone had dirty hands with other oil/chemicals on them
> while playing.

How about if I a guy doused it with gasoline and then dropped a lit
cigarette? How about if the guy just got off work from a nuclear plant?
How about if the guy was an alien?

You can do unlikely what-ifs all day long.

> bottom line is, having games on location (or bringing em to a show for
> the public to play)- its things you have to deal with (unless you
> stand guard at your machine and you inspect everyones hands b4 they
> play).

Whatever. You made a boneheaded statement; don't bother trying to do
gymnastics trying to defend it, just let it go.

Fred Kemper

21.09.2008, 00:58:3621.09.08
Hmm. All I have at work is Skid-O-Kans.

Where/how am I supposed to wash my hands?

<> wrote in message news:39cc6aa4-4a75-414a-.


21.09.2008, 01:44:5721.09.08
I will confess to something: Last year, I was guilty of committing
heavy flatulence during PinBrawl. You can ask Marcel, Alex & Roly of
this because they all ran away from me in disgust with their shirts
over their noses. I was also tired as hell so I didn't feel like
holding it in. Not like it makes a difference since all of you think
I'm a farting pig, but I DEFINITELY washed my hands every 15 minutes.
Those flipper buttons felt more like flatus buttons.



21.09.2008, 02:43:0221.09.08
Joel, maybe you should change your RGP name to FART MAN...... At least
you did not pass gas in a kids play tent. (Anyone remember that

Rick Swanson

21.09.2008, 08:34:4921.09.08
On Sep 21, 1:44 am, Joelberg <> wrote:
> ..... I was guilty of committing
> heavy flatulence during PinBrawl.

Did you participate in the two-man tournament? It was during that
tournament that I remember being assaulted by the "smell from
hell". ;-)

Rick Swanson


21.09.2008, 13:44:4921.09.08
> > -Joel- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

It wasn't a tent it was a fort and not just any fort, it was sanctuary




22.09.2008, 14:12:4222.09.08
On Sep 19, 4:21 pm, "dan.littlejohn" <> wrote:
> On Sep 19, 3:38 pm, Mike Rotch <> wrote:
> > I am thinking about going to my first expo. Upon googling the various
> > shows it seems that there is a lot of defacation, belching, and
> > general uncleanliness. One thread even discussed the practice of using
> > the bathrooms and not washing your hands. another thread talked about
> > someone crapping in their pants.
> > I went to an auction last year and I thought I was at a carnie
> > convention.
> > I want to go but I do not need to get ill.
> I went to the Texas Pinball Fest and that was not my experience.  It
> was at the Hilton, a nice hotel by my standard, and I even took my
> wife.  We had a good time.  It did seem to attract the engineer, comic
> book, old guy tinker crowd, which I think I am part of, but for the
> most part everyone was very nice.  Maybe one or two people trying to
> make a buck at our expense, but that was it.  I even started playing a
> Sorcerer (which I had never seen up close and personal before) and
> someone stopped by and started explaining the rules to me.  That is
> quite a shock when you are usually the only guy in the crowd that
> knows what a pinball coil is.  I never noticed any sticky flipper
> buttons or anything gross.  YMMV.
> Dan

I have never been to any other show than that one but for the 2 years
I have been it was awesome. The people were nice and it was clean and
very well run. Craig Hassel did a VERY good job. And yes Im the
asshole that made the comments on the game lineup but that was just
one of many mistake I have made. I actually made a point to go to
Craig and apologise and tell him what a good show he set up. You walk
through a few funky smells avery once in a while but hell when you get
that many people in one place its bound to happen.

22.09.2008, 15:22:3322.09.08
You may want to stay home then. I will be stopping for breakfast at
Bob Evans for a huge plate full of some awesome pork sausage. It will
only take about fifteen minutes after I'm done and I'll be farting
some stench all the way across the country. Ok maybe accross the
building anyway.


26.09.2008, 01:11:0526.09.08

> Did you participate in the two-man tournament?  It was during that
> tournament that I remember being assaulted by the "smell from
> hell".  ;-)
> Rick Swanson

Nah, we were in the 4-man team. Either way, everybody's funktastic
smells all gelled into one, unified nasty conglomerate. If only the
world can unite as quickly as those pungent expo aromas :-)


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