Had to do lots of work on it, but it reminds me of how much I like
working on these machines.
One question: There is a big hole in the bottom of the cabinet. I
figured it was for a cab speaker. However, my good bud Ken (Kenbo)
informs me that his does not have a speaker. It is basically
functioning as a vent hole.
So does Hyperball have a cab speaker? I already put one in mine
thinking it was missing, but the manual indicates just one speaker. I
must say I kind of like the sound coming from there.
Edward Cheung CARGPB26
Great game, congrats on getting it running!
On Nov 12, 9:59 pm, beaver <e...@edcheung.com> wrote:
> Bought a Hyperball on Ebay a few days ago, and it works!http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.pinball/browse_frm/thread/75...
The only factory speaker Hyperball has is in the backbox. In my HB,
the cabinet speaker hole is there also. It made a nice entrance hole
for my cat at one time. ;)
What was wrong with your game? Can you provide details of what you
had to do to get it running? Great game. Mine doesn't have a speaker
in the cabinet either just in speaker panel underneath the backglass.
Congrats on getting it working so fast! I cleaned mine out completely
when I first got it and have not had any problems at all. Seems much
easier to maintain than any normal pin.
On Nov 12, 9:59 pm, beaver <e...@edcheung.com> wrote:
> Bought a Hyperball on Ebay a few days ago, and it works!http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.pinball/browse_frm/thread/75...
- Replaced battery holder on CPU board with remote mount tray (old one
- Replaced GI connector onto Power supply board with crimp style.
- Added some screws to fasten driver board to metal tray.
- Changed the four digit plasma display.
- Swapped out ball feed screw motor.
- Fixed coin door diagnostic switches.
- Patched hole in bottom of cab and added a speaker.
- Added coin door lock.
- Fixed several broken wires on the playfield.
- Fastened lots of posts (missing nuts).
Also, I Novus'd the playfield, and it looks great! Deep red, and no
surface haze as I was fearing.
Edward Cheung CARGPB26
"beaver" <e...@edcheung.com> schreef in bericht
Ed, try an adjust your game to the following difficulty settings:
It makes a better difficulty curve.