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Silver Surfer a Homo

已查看 14 次

Scott Burns

1994年12月3日 18:13:401994/12/3
In previous issues of the silver surfer I wasn't too sure about his
sexuality but after issue #100, I'm sure of it. The silver surfer must
be a gay. He wants mephisto's big, fiery cock in that silver ass of his.
Mephisto wants to give it too him too. It then became apparent that Ron
Marz must also be a homsexual too along with the whole crew that makes
the silver surfer. Every month they all get together and wrestle in
vasiline with a texas mickey of whiskey. They all get drunk and horny and
then they write an issue in one night. It's like the phases of the moon,
every month, month after month. There are five forces in this universe
which act on everything:

1) gravity
2) magnetic force
3) strong forces
4) weak forces

5) marvel gayness

Thank you


- the Honourable Cable Man
dear to the hearts of each
and every one of us.

Christopher Bird

1994年12月3日 20:39:311994/12/3
Scott Burns ( wrote:
> In previous issues of the silver surfer I wasn't too sure about his
> sexuality but after issue #100, I'm sure of it. The silver surfer must
> be a gay. He wants mephisto's big, fiery cock in that silver ass of his.
> Mephisto wants to give it too him too. It then became apparent that Ron
> Marz must also be a homsexual too along with the whole crew that makes
> the silver surfer. Every month they all get together and wrestle in
> vasiline with a texas mickey of whiskey. They all get drunk and horny and
> then they write an issue in one night. It's like the phases of the moon,
> every month, month after month. There are five forces in this universe
> which act on everything:
> 1) gravity
> 2) magnetic force
> 3) strong forces
> 4) weak forces
> 5) marvel gayness

I think I speak for pretty much everyone here when I say that you are
a dickweed of incredible proportions. Yes, SS #100 was bad. But the
incredible amount of shit you spew out onto r.a.c.m. in this post is
beyond belief. I was surprised not to see ending off your

Go away. I certainly don't want you around here, if this is your idea
of intelligent comics conversation.

To save those who have just started to hate your guts the trouble of
flaming you (unless, of course, they have more to say), here is a nice

I, the undertyped, think this Scott Burns fellow is an asshole:

(NOTE: To those responsible AOLers, I apologize, but there has been a
GIGANTIC flood of AOL jackasses on the alt. groups I frequent...)

Still fuming....

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Barney Must Die!!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

"You see, gentlemen...greed is for amateurs.
Chaos...disorder...anarchy... now that's FUN!"
--Top Dollar in "The Crow"

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I Go Pogo!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


1994年12月4日 02:26:501994/12/4

Troll, troll....

Just Ignore.


##### I hate it when I can't gird my loins with funny animals. -Calvin #####
# Even the flies dropped like...What do flies drop like? -Porno For Pyros #
# I've got to pull myself together! What can I do? My natural studliness #
# has overwhelmed Susie's fragile grip on reality! -Calvin ## E.VEIT GEnie #
## # 74563,1713 CompuServe # ##

Slacker 01

1994年12月4日 05:10:051994/12/4
In article <>,
(Christopher Bird) writes:

Oh, please, Christopher, don't give this guy the time of day; you're just
encouraging him with attention.

And it just so happens that I know a whole bunch of dickwads named
Christopher... and I don't hold that against you.


ML Compton

1994年12月4日 04:23:031994/12/4

Oh my God!!! This is one of the funniest posts I've ever read. Scott, you
are a true genius. Of course, I'm drunk, so that may explain it. I'm going
to have to start reading The Siver Surfer. Sounds like its just up my alley
(if you know what I mean).

"They do not sin at all, Who sin for love" - Oscar Wilde


1994年12月4日 08:58:511994/12/4
[Scott Burns wrote a quite obnoxious bit here....]

Way to go Scottso. You qualify for Idiot Post of the Year!

<Press any key to continue or any other key to quit...>
| "kids, don't try this at -- oh, hell, go ahead, give it a whirl..." |
| "I am a carton of hate!" "I am a wedge of spite!"..."MERV GRIFFIN!" |
| Gregory Seid |

K. M. Bose

1994年12月4日 14:25:511994/12/4

Is it September already???

Kurt Bose (as in Daisy, not Rose) *

"Get out of my head! Or at least let me know what you are!"
-my college roommate, heard shouting for no apparent reason.

Robert Kelly

1994年12月4日 17:39:251994/12/4

Now, now, you shouldn't cuss! People on the Internet will
want to censor you... because you don't get your point across
comfortably and within the boundaries of their narrow little

Scott Burns <> wrote:
> In previous issues of the silver surfer I wasn't too sure about his
>sexuality but after issue #100, I'm sure of it. The silver surfer must
>be a gay. He wants mephisto's big, fiery cock in that silver ass of his.

Really? My!

>Mephisto wants to give it too him too. It then became apparent that Ron
>Marz must also be a homsexual too along with the whole crew that makes
>the silver surfer. Every month they all get together and wrestle in
>vasiline with a texas mickey of whiskey.

Vaseline? Hmmm, how outmoded... everyone who is anyone knows that
faggots Whiskey-wrestle in NON-PETROLEUM based lubricant.

>They all get drunk and horny and
>then they write an issue in one night. It's like the phases of the moon,
>every month, month after month. There are five forces in this universe
>which act on everything:
> 1) gravity
> 2) magnetic force
> 3) strong forces
> 4) weak forces
> 5) marvel gayness

Wow. I _always_ wondered why quarks were flavored TOP, BOTTOM, and CHARM!
Now those faggots can get into Nuclear Physics without a hitch! (*giggle*)

> Thank you
> Scott

No, no, thank YOU.

Robert Kelly

Peter A Goodrich

1994年12月4日 21:13:291994/12/4
[thoughtful and intelligent post deleted]

That was a charming little post that you just spewed forth into
r.a.c.m. Please don't do it again.


Michael Weiss

1994年12月5日 05:24:061994/12/5
On Sun, 4 Dec 1994, Christopher Bird wrote:

> Scott Burns ( wrote:

>> <waste of space deleted>

> I, the undertyped, think this Scott Burns fellow is an asshole:

I, the undertyped, think this Scott Burns fellow walked away from his
computer while he was still signed on and someone else posted this
message from his account. Maybe a mischievous little brother or
something. I mean, this was *way* over the line.

| Michael Weiss | |
| email: | "The difference between a cow and a bean |
| Darwin College | is a bean can begin an ADVENTURE!" |
| Cambridge CB3 9JZ | |

Johann E. Beda

1994年12月6日 01:10:491994/12/6
In article <> (Scott Burns) writes:
> In previous issues of the silver surfer I wasn't too sure about his
>sexuality but after issue #100, I'm sure of it. The silver surfer must
>be a gay. He wants mephisto's big, fiery cock in that silver ass of his.
>Mephisto wants to give it too him too. It then became apparent that Ron
>Marz must also be a homsexual too along with the whole crew that makes
>the silver surfer. Every month they all get together and wrestle in
>vasiline with a texas mickey of whiskey. They all get drunk and horny and
>then they write an issue in one night. It's like the phases of the moon,
>every month, month after month. There are five forces in this universe
>which act on everything:
> 1) gravity
> 2) magnetic force
> 3) strong forces
> 4) weak forces
> 5) marvel gayness

Actually, the current understanding is that (2) the electro-magnetic force
only acts on (electrically) charged objects, (3) the strong force only
acts on strongly charged (colored) objects (quarks, gluons and their
anti-particles) (4) the weak force only acts on weakly interacting particles
(left handed fermions and the guage bosons: W +/- and Z). (1) Gravity seems
to act on EVERYTHING, and (5) only can act on works published by Marvel.

<a href="">WWW home page</a>

Christopher Vitek

1994年12月6日 06:28:051994/12/6


** Christopher J. Vitek ** Life is just the ** To remain silent in the **
** (201)-408-3419 (O) ** procrastination of ** face of great social **
** (201)-334-2570 (H) ** death. ** evil is to be an **
** CVI...@DANIEL.DREW.EDU ** - Chris Vitek ** accessory to social **
**************************************************** injustice. **
** "When did you become so paranoid?" - Henry ******************************
** "When they started plotting against me" - Mac, paraphrased from The Paper **

Fear K Lentz

1994年12月9日 14:10:261994/12/9
In article <3c0v99$>, (Johann E. Beda) writes:
> In article <> (Scott Burns) writes:
>> In previous issues of the silver surfer I wasn't too sure about his
>>sexuality but after issue #100, I'm sure of it. The silver surfer must
>>be a gay. He wants mephisto's big, fiery cock in that silver ass of his.
>>Mephisto wants to give it too him too. It then became apparent that Ron
>>Marz must also be a homsexual too along with the whole crew that makes
>>the silver surfer. [snip] There are five forces in this universe
>>which act on everything:
>> 1) gravity
>> 2) magnetic force
>> 3) strong forces
>> 4) weak forces
>> 5) marvel gayness
> Actually, the current understanding is that (2) the electro-magnetic force
> only acts on (electrically) charged objects, (3) the strong force only
> acts on strongly charged (colored) objects (quarks, gluons and their
> anti-particles) (4) the weak force only acts on weakly interacting particles
> (left handed fermions and the guage bosons: W +/- and Z). (1) Gravity seems
> to act on EVERYTHING, and (5) only can act on works published by Marvel.
> --
> johann
> <a href="">WWW home page</a>

huh? why are you encouraging this guy?

"The walls of gold entomb us <--"gold": an obvious reference
The swords of Corn divide to Hep's favored
Take not Thy thunder from us, [Hep] vegetable of sacrifice
Take away our pride..."
--GK Chesterton,
English Hymnal (revised-revised)

-->Hep is coming and Hep knows. Join S and be among the saved.<--
***Accepting applications now thru doomsday***


Christopher Bird

1994年12月10日 02:57:481994/12/10
Christopher Vitek ( wrote:

> > And it just so happens that I know a whole bunch of dickwads named
> > Christopher... and I don't hold that against you.

Actually, I usually go by "Bird", so nyah nyah nyah. :)

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Barney Must Die!!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

"Well, as you might've guessed, we aren't really supposed to be in heaven."
"Yeah. We mugged three guys and took their clothes. Sorry."
--Bill and Ted, talking to God

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I Go Pogo!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Scott Burns

1994年12月12日 02:37:481994/12/12
Christopher Bird ( wrote:
: Christopher Vitek ( wrote:

: > > And it just so happens that I know a whole bunch of dickwads named
: > > Christopher... and I don't hold that against you.

: Actually, I usually go by "Bird", so nyah nyah nyah. :)

: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Barney Must Die!!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

: I Chris "BIRD" Bird am totally gay, so nyah nyah nyah

: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-I Go Pogo!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Dear "Bird",

I think I speak for everyone when I say that you are a fruitcake of
incredible proportions. The amount of gayness you spewed in this posting
was un-fuckin'-real. I've read a whole bunch of your postings and have come
to a feasable conclusion. You must be on Ron Marz's vaseline crew and
participate in writing the silver surfer each month. I bet you
probably wrote most of issue # 100 yourself all slicked up in vaseline
and that's why you got so pissed off about my post, or was it my
colourful writing style? Either way, your postings are utterly foolish.
How can anyone have an "Intelligent" conversation about comics with
your..... smart-alec remarks? If you keep on flaming everyone so furiously,
noboby will want to post anymore. You'll scare everyone off the net for


P.S. Idiot


1994年12月12日 07:45:481994/12/12
收件人 (Scott Burns) writes:

>Dear "Bird",

> I think I speak for everyone when I say that you are a fruitcake of

(etc. snipped)

(sigh). So. Which junior-high in California is it that Scott is posting



1994年12月12日 10:53:481994/12/12
收件人 (Scott Burns) wrote:
> I think I speak for everyone when I say that you are a fruitcake of

You don't think much then, do you?

>incredible proportions. The amount of gayness you spewed in this posting
>was un-fuckin'-real. I've read a whole bunch of your postings and have come
>to a feasable conclusion.

You can spell feasible? How many times did you look that one up?

>You must be on Ron Marz's vaseline crew and
>participate in writing the silver surfer each month. I bet you
>probably wrote most of issue # 100 yourself all slicked up in vaseline
>and that's why you got so pissed off about my post, or was it my
>colourful writing style?

Do you have some fetish for homosexual anal sex? Nothing wrong with (really;
you just need talk to Dr. Ruth for a while), but this is the wrong newsgroup
for that. Try

>Either way, your postings are utterly foolish.
>How can anyone have an "Intelligent" conversation about comics with
>your..... smart-alec remarks? If you keep on flaming everyone so furiously,
>noboby will want to post anymore. You'll scare everyone off the net for

Oh, and *your* post qualifies as "intelligent"? You're worse than that Maya
geek we had last year (remember? The one who kept complaining about how sumb
comics were yet was posting here every day?). Don't worry about people being
scared off after seeing a few flames. I first started reading r.a.c.m. during
a heated flamewar that involved a man named Jim ["Scowling"]. Didn't see too
many people leaving then....

>P.S. Idiot

Yeah. Sure, pal. Keep it up.

Peter A Goodrich

1994年12月12日 14:09:471994/12/12
Scott Burns ( wrote:

: Dear "Bird",

: I think I speak for everyone when I say that you are a fruitcake of
: incredible proportions. The amount of gayness you spewed in this posting

Everyone in your little world. You know, the world of homophobic
ignorant bastards? Does Nelson Patenaude live there too?

: was un-fuckin'-real. I've read a whole bunch of your postings and have come

: to a feasable conclusion. You must be on Ron Marz's vaseline crew and
: participate in writing the silver surfer each month. I bet you

Chris? When did you start writing Silver Surfer?

: probably wrote most of issue # 100 yourself all slicked up in vaseline

: and that's why you got so pissed off about my post, or was it my
: colourful writing style? Either way, your postings are utterly foolish.

Cliche: Talk about the pot calling the kettle want
foolish? Try comparing physics to supposed Marvel gayness.

: How can anyone have an "Intelligent" conversation about comics with

: your..... smart-alec remarks? If you keep on flaming everyone so furiously,
: noboby will want to post anymore. You'll scare everyone off the net for
: good.

No, we won't get scared off the net by anything, let alone foolish
posts. We will get just ignore these idiot posts. Like I should have
done with yours. And I don't think Chris flames at random. He chooses
to flame only those who are complete assholes. Want to see one? Buy a

: P.S. Idiot

p.s. asshole.


Peter A Goodrich

1994年12月12日 14:19:161994/12/12
Peter A Goodrich ( wrote:

{lots of crap deleted}

I just wanted to apologize to most of rac.misc for following up to
Scott Burns's post. I really shouldn't have done that as it'll only add
fuel to the fires of Scott's homophobia.

I did follow up because he's picking targets now. First Chris. I'll
probably get it next as I chose to defend Chris. I really don't care
though. Is there any way we could get this Scott Burns jerk banned from
the net?

I would also like to apologize for the uneeded swearing that I used in
the previous post. If that offends anybody, I'm sorry. However, if it
offends Scott Burns, good.


Thought Factory

1994年12月13日 00:03:271994/12/13
Scott Burns, wisdom of GAWD itself, umm, expectorates?

>Dear "Bird",
> I think I speak for everyone when I say that you are a fruitcake of
>incredible proportions.

And he's JUST in time for Christmas! He's probably got enough to feed
everyone, too. Those faggits know how to plan a party, don't they?!

>The amount of gayness you spewed in this posting
>was un-fuckin'-real.

"Spew"? Are you sure he didn't Ejaculate? I think I saw him ejaculate.

> I've read a whole bunch of your postings and have come
>to a feasable conclusion.

"Feasible conclusion" Wow, your writing... it's so... Cliche!

> You must be on Ron Marz's vaseline crew and
>participate in writing the silver surfer each month.

Really? Being queer can open -- uhm-- backdoors into Marvel? I must
apply IMMEDIATELY. Scott, you know the most about this, how
much Vaseline (OH! you spelled it right! Good boy!) do you apply?

> I bet you
>probably wrote most of issue # 100 yourself all slicked up in vaseline
>and that's why you got so pissed off about my post, or was it my
>colourful writing style?

What, misspelling the Colorful is now "Colorful." How avante-garde!
I thought you straight boys just liked to see nude women reclining with
a stable through their navel. Darling,Scotty, are you SURE you're not
one of us? You sure act like it.

> Either way, your postings are utterly foolish.

"Utterly" BWAH-HA-HA! I can just imagine some wanna be straight
guy trying hard as hell not to lisp saying "You are UTTERLY Foolisth!"
["Thtop laughing at me!"] BWAH-HA-HA!!! ["We shall fwee Wupert!"]

>How can anyone have an "Intelligent" conversation about comics with
>your..... smart-alec remarks?

Oh, they done quite fine with you and him (and me for that matter).
So, do us all a favor and visit your therapist for you "misplaced"
aggression. Remember, Denial isn't a River in Egypt, Girlfriend.

>If you keep on flaming everyone so furiously,
>noboby will want to post anymore. You'll scare everyone off the net for

You say this like it is a bad thing. Don't you know that section 47 of
the GAY AGENDA is to make Internet a den of Sodomites and Philistines,
renamed to QueerNet? Also, Gay Scientists are trying to make the AIDS
virus keyboard infective -- so you better go wash your hands after you
touch that enter key. And don't forget the gloves and the crisco next
time you sit down (ahem) at the computer (you dirty minds!)

>P.S. Idiot

Do you mean, "Scott, PS aka Idiot"? Or just Scott, classification: IDIOT?
We faggits are so easily confused, you know.

In short, I can outflame your lilly-minded, narrow-brained punk ass.
So, let's kiss, make up, and play barbie.

Thought Factory,
1208 San Pedro NE #172___________________________________Bob Kelly
Albuquerque, NM 87110____________It's not what, but how, you think

1994年12月13日 02:52:021994/12/13

You guys complains about all cap subject lines when there's stuff like
this on the net?

Paul O'Brien

1994年12月13日 09:00:231994/12/13
收件人 (Peter A Goodrich) writes:

> I just wanted to apologize to most of rac.misc for following up to
>Scott Burns's post. I really shouldn't have done that as it'll only add
>fuel to the fires of Scott's homophobia.

> I did follow up because he's picking targets now. First Chris. I'll
>probably get it next as I chose to defend Chris. I really don't care
>though. Is there any way we could get this Scott Burns jerk banned from
>the net?

Mr. Burns is probably just trying to cause trouble, and I very much
doubt that he could give a shit about alleged homosexual tendencies
in the Silver Surfer. If he really is that worked up about it, I
suggest he seek psychiatric help immediately, as he has lost all sense
of proportion.

In answer to Peter's question, complain to his postmaster if he
keeps harassing the group. His conduct would probably justify his
account being pulled. Save some of his posts and send them to
the postmaster as evidence. It worked with the High.

In general, just ignore him.

Paul O'Brien,

So let's get this straight... "bitch" gets bleeped, but Fur Q's okay?

Marc Singer

1994年12月13日 10:26:581994/12/13
In article <3ci7nk$>,

Peter A Goodrich <> wrote:
>Peter A Goodrich ( wrote:
> I did follow up because he's picking targets now. First Chris. I'll
>probably get it next as I chose to defend Chris. I really don't care
>though. Is there any way we could get this Scott Burns jerk banned from
>the net?

Well, considering that in his last "post" he altered Chris's sig., while
still attributing it to Chris, you could say that constitutes forgery...


Charles M Seaton

1994年12月13日 11:17:211994/12/13
Scott Burns ( wrote:
: Dear "Bird",

: I think I speak for everyone when I say that you are a fruitcake of
: incredible proportions. The amount of gayness you spewed in this posting

: was un-fuckin'-real. [...]

Talk about the pot callin' the kettle lavender! Scotty has been one
of my favorite stops in Canada for years... let me tell you, that
boy has studied men and knows what =every= part of the male anatomy
is for. Last time I visited him I was sore for weeks... that was
just after his 30th birthday, when his parents built an apartment in
the basement for him. So nice not to worry about the noise anymore!

Oh, sure, not every man wants to have sex with Scotty... some
(close-minded) people find massive anal warts unnattractive, some
(prejudiced) people think that bathing should be more than an annual
thing, some (bigoted) people don't think that a benighted, leporious
soul is an attractive trait in a man, and some (unspeakable) people
don't think that six centimeters is enough to satisfy (particularly
considering the size of Scott's pot belly). To those people, I say:
pshaw! Don't knock sex with Scotty till you've tried it!

Anyway, less anyone misinterpret Burnsy, I wanted to let everyone
know that his tounge is firmly in cheek (usually his boyfriend's
cheek, for that matter - not the one above the neck). Believe me,
when it comes to "spewing gayness" (what an odd euphanism for it)
Joey Stephano has nothing on this boy (other than a sucessful movie
career, I guess).



Peter A Goodrich

1994年12月13日 12:54:151994/12/13
Charles M Seaton ( wrote:


Well done Ennead. That was the approach I should have taken. So who's
he going to attack next? Me, Ennead, or Paul O'Brien for having the gall
to be civilized about the whole deal?


Russ Allbery

1994年12月14日 05:15:191994/12/14
<> writes:
>You guys complains about all cap subject lines when there's stuff like
>this on the net?

Sure. You're just clueless. This guy is walking pond scum. There's
degrees to these things, you know.

I personally object to the subject line; he doesn't even know me. (Yeah, I
know, about 2% of the people here will get that joke....)

Russ Allbery (

Richard Link

1994年12月15日 20:32:521994/12/15
收件人 (jnevins) writes:
> (Scott Burns) writes:

>>Dear "Bird",

>> I think I speak for everyone when I say that you are a fruitcake of

>(etc. snipped)

>(sigh). So. Which junior-high in California is it that Scott is posting

How about Dalhousie University in Canada? (
First rule of flaming: don't appear to be an idiot yourself!

Just a suggestion...


1994年12月16日 12:18:281994/12/16
收件人 (Richard Link) writes:

>>>Dear "Bird",

Hmm. Speaking of idiocy, perhaps you could scamper off to a dictionary
and look up the word sarcasm. Then read my post again, would you?


Ronald Bruce Monroe Irvin

1994年12月18日 19:47:401994/12/18
In article <jnevins.787236348@bgsuvax>,

And why are they allowing him to skip his medications? I'm reminded of
Donna Barr's comment in Dreamery or Desert Peach about the 'mature readers'
designation on her work - 'Not recommended for children - they wouldn't
get it' (or something in that vein)

no .sig but this one |

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Launchpad is an experimental internet BBS. The views of its users do not
necessarily represent those of UNC-Chapel Hill, OIT, or the SysOps.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Paul O'Brien

1994年12月19日 08:24:351994/12/19
收件人 writes:

>You guys complains about all cap subject lines when there's stuff like
>this on the net?

Yes. The fact that he's a cretin doesn't stop you being a prat. :-)

What _is_ the first line of "Cotton Eye Joe", anyway?

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