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[Ranma][FanFic] The Pursuit of Happiness - Part 4

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1997年8月9日 03:00:001997/8/9

The Pursuit of Happiness
Act 1
Part 4
Circle of Friends
Akari In Furinkan Land!

"Class, we have a new student. This is Akari Unryuu."

A girl in the Furinkan High school uniform stepped into the room,
brushing her long black hair back nervously. She gave a small smile
to the classroom and said a quiet "hi."

"Miss Unryuu... have a seat over there."

The women glared at the men, who were looking at Akari like wolves
would look at a sheep. She was new, rather innocent looking, and
probably unattached. Usually, pretty new students in Furinkan were
somehow linked to martial artists in dangerous ways, and it'd be a
blessing if this one wasn't.

Akari took a seat next to Ukyou, near Akane, and right in front of
Hiroshi and Daisuke

"Hi there, I'm Hiroshi."

"And I'm Daisuke."

"Nice t'meet ya," they both said.

"Um, hi," she replied, smiling.

"You dating anyone?" asked Hiroshi bluntly.

"Guys, I think you're getting a little too personal," said Ukyou.

"Yeah, you PERVERT!" said Yuka, accentuating the point with a swift
book-whap to his head.

"Hi, I'm Akane," said the Tendo girl, "if you need any help getting
used to this place, don't be afraid to ask any of us."

"Thanks," she said, smiling demurely. It wasn't bad so far, being
schooled here. The boys were nice, although a little funny.


The sight which Tatewaki Kuno beheld in this daylight time was one
of unspeakable horror.

He had sent his manservant, the good Sasuke, on an errand to
retrieve for him a lunch worthy of someone of his high social status.
However, today he had an appetite for... something exotic. Something

"Sasuke, get me something... foreign," spoketh Kuno.

"Foreign?" wondered Sasuke. The loyal servant merely shrugged and
went off to his task, to find something Foreign for his master.

Fifteen minutes into lunch, The Noble Kuno was wondering whither
his Foreign Meal? With that query in mind, he stomped around the
grounds of Furinkan until he stumbled upon the horror of horrors.

It was an ogre.

The frame it sported was incredibly massive, causing even the Great
Kuno to step back in trepidation. It also wore the guise of a pig,
but Tatewaki Kuno was not fooled. No, a true pig of this earth would
not grow to such a blasphemous size, would it?

And it was sitting on Sasuke.

"Maaaaster!" whimpered Kuno's loyal servant.

"Good Lord!" cried Kuno. "My manservant hath been squatted upon by
an ogre!"

Then he noticed something else.

"And it dares to feast on my lunch as well!" roared Kuno. "Have at
thee, fiend!"

With a swing of his legendary blade, Kuno struck at the beast.

And a most unpleasant thing happened.


"Aaargh! Foul Daemon! Cease thy biting of my blade!"


"Dare you grunt at ME?! Malevolent spawn of evil! Prepare to
DIE!" Bringing forth his backup legendary blade, he swung again, this
time smiting the creature on the snout.

It was not amused.


Lunchtime in Furinkan had social dynamics, just as any large
grouping of humans did. Bullies patrolled the fringes, preying on the
weak. A frenzied pack was around the food distribution points,
searching for the ever-so-elusive and legendary Perfect Sandwich.
Tables and shady spots under trees were quickly claimed by varying
factions and circles.

One particular circle was welcoming a new member into its fold.

"So, moved here from the countryside?" asked Yuka.

"Yes, just recently," said Akari.

"So, how do you like it 'round here?" asked Yuka.

"It's great! There's so much to see and do here," said Akari,
bubbling with enthusiasm. "It's been fun so far!"

Their talk was interrupted as everyone heard a loud yell from
above. They looked up to see Tatewaki Kuno being hurled across the
sky, landing in the Furinkan pool.

"Um," said Akari, pointing towards Blue Thunder's general

"Oh, that?" said Ukyou. "That's Tatewaki Kuno, local kendo
champion. Gets tossed around like that all the time."

"All the time?" wondered Akari.

"Yeah, but you get used to it," said Akane.

"Don't mean to get too personal, Akari, " said Yuka, "but are you
dating someone?" She was quickly elbowed by Sayuri and Ukyou, who
thought it was a rather inappropriate thing to ask.

"Well, no," said Akari. "At least... not yet."

"Looking for someone?" wondered Manami.

"Well... sort of."

"Oooh, really?" said Nabiki. "For a small service fee, I might be
able to find someone that'll match your description."

"Well, it'd be nice of he was a gentlemanly, kind, loyal man," said
Akari, sighing.

"Heh, aren't we all wishing for that?" said Sayuri.

"And of course, he has to be strong enough to beat Katsunishiki."

"Who's that? Your ex? Big brother?" asked Ukyou.

"My pet pig!" said Akari proudly.

The girls blinked.

"How hard could that be?" wondered Akane.

From several meters away, they heard a deep, loud grunt. They all
turned to see the very top of some _thing_ peeking over a brick
section of fence on the edge of the courtyard.

"Katsunishiki!" yelled Akari, frowning.

The thing grunted in reply.

"I told you to wait at the front gates for me! Now go back!"

The large thing behind the fence slumped down and out of sight,
then could be heard slowly trotting away, shaking the earth as he
trotted. Few noticed an irate and soggy Blue Thunder chase after it
with his backup backup legendary blade.

"THAT was Katsunishiki?" asked an alarmed Ukyou.

"Mm-hm. He's the best sumo pig the Unryuu ranch has ever
produced," said Akari with a certain glint of pride in her eye.

"Ah... sumo pig?" asked Manami.

"Sumo pig," said Yuka. "Now I've heard everything."

"Why," asked Ukyou, "does your boyfriend have to be strong enough
to beat that... that... really big pig."

"It's Grandfather's wish," said Akari. "My husband and I will be
the heirs to the Unryuu estate, including the sumo pig ranch."

A bit of a distance away, Ranma, Hiroshi, Daisuke, and Ryouga
walked past.

"Hi Akari!" yelled Hiroshi and Daisuke.

Akari smiled and waved back while Sayuri and Yuka stuck their
tongues out at the boys.

"Saaay, we oughta let Hiroshi and Daisuke try to... 'date' Akari,"
said Sayuri. She had a particularly wicked gleam in her eye.

"But then they'd have to," said Akane, just before realization
dawned on her. "Oooh. That's evil," she said, giggling.

"I hope I'll catch up to things easily," said Akari. "It'll be
hard, since I wasn't here for the start of the semester."

"Hey, we'll help you out," said Akane. "We're gonna have a study
group tonight at my house. Wanna come?"

"Who, me?" said Akari shyly. "If... if it's okay with everyone

"Hey, sure, no problem with me," said Yuka.

"Wouldn't mind at all," said Ukyou.


Meanwhile, at the sandwich counter, another round of sandwiches
were being readied to be tossed to the crowds. The usual pool of
sharks circled around, waiting for that elusive Perfect Sandwich.

Off to the side, Hiroshi, Daisuke, Ranma and Ryouga watched.
Hiroshi and Daisuke were great fans of rough contact sports, and
sandwich grabbing was included. They looked at the crowd getting
ready, and evaluated odds.

Fuji was on a hot streak this week, averaging a sandwich for every
two attempts made.

Right on his tail, Ryuuji was averaging one for every three, but
he'd been improving dramatically from one every ten at the start of
the week to the point at which he was now. Mathematical models
suggested he'd take the top spot today.

Of course, the new contender from the sumo club, Yojojimbo, a
really big fellow, was a bit of an X factor. He had bulk and knew how
to use it in his favor. Last week he managed to pull off some rather
impressive sandwich catches, mainly due to his massive girth bopping
the competition out of the way.

The addition of Rodumanu, the leading rebounder for the Furinkan
High basketball team and a known user of dirty tactics, added to the
possibility of an upset.

Ryouga wasn't thinking of much, just studying a map of Furinkan in
hopes that one day he'd be able to walk around without getting lost.

Ranma's thoughts were going in other directions.

<Man, I'm still a little hungry.>

The first sandwich went out. Fuji and Ryuuji jumped for it. it
fumbled from their fingers and landed in the frenzied masses of
students below.

<Maybe Ucchan can cook something up? Naah, that'd get Akane
jealous, even if she knows Ucchan ain't chasing me any more.>

The second sandwich flung out in the air. It was seaweed. Nobody
jumped, and it landed with a sad little *thwap* on the floor.

<Times like this I miss the free ramen Shampoo brought around.
Wonder how she's doing back in China. Heh, probably beating Mousse to
the ground.>

Another sandwich flew out. Fuji and Ryuuji jumped, but they were
elbowed aside by Rodumanu, who managed to snag the sandwich after
tipping it up in the air several times.

Ryouga seemed a little uncomfortable, as if something was bothering
him. Ranma continued mulling while Ryouga glanced at the sandwich
stand in moderately deep thought.

<Wish Akane didn't make lunch today. Oh well... at least she's
getting a little better. A _little_.>

A curry bread sandwich flew in the air. Rodumanu jumped for it,
but didn't see Yojojimbo's bulk, which he immediately ran into.
Ryuuji springboarded off of Rodumanu's head and snared the sandwich.

As the next sandwich was held up, the crowd gasped.

It was the right shape... the right form... the right fold on the
paper... it was the Perfect Sandwich. Everyone jumped as best as they
could as it took flight. Ryuuji and Fuji elevated above the others,
while Rodumanu and Yojojimbo cleared a path using their own natural

<Hrm. Maybe a sandwich will settle my stomach down.>

As quick as a blink, Ranma sprang high above everyone and grabbed
the sandwich. He felt his foot bonk on something, but ignored the
sensation. After all, it was crowded. Lots of body contact was bound
to happen. He landed, pleased that he hadn't lost his touch, and
began happily munching on the sandwich.

<Hrm... good sandwich... lotsa pork and beef.>


Saotome blinked. "wrff fvu fnmt, vmga?" he asked with his mouth
full. Then he turned around to see an irate Ryouga.

With a footprint in his face.

"You... you... YOU DID IT AGAIN!!!" bellowed the irate Hibiki.

So _that_ was what he bumped into while jumping. Oh my.

*Gulp* "Oops. Sorry, man. Um... want the rest of it?"

Hiroshi sighed. "So this is how it started for those two, huh?"


"Amazing, isn't it?" said Daisuke.

"Aw, c'mon, man! It's just a sandwich!" yelled Ranma as he dodged
Ryouga's onslaught.

"Feels like a time warp, doesn't it?" asked Daisuke.

"How much property damage you figure we'll get today?" asked

"SHUT UP AND FIGHT!!!" bellowed Ryouga, chasing after Ranma.

"Oh... let's see," said Daisuke, "a few walls, at least six
windows, one parked car... aaaaaand maybe a tree."


[The Tendo Dojo, nightfall]

For three solid hours, Akane, Ukyou, Sayuri, Manami, Yuka, and
Akari were doing what could honestly be called a study session,
sitting around various parts of the Tendo Dojo.

After the third hour, boredom overcame determination.

"Need a break!" yelled Sayuri.

"Definitely a good idea," said Ukyou, stretching.

"I'm a little hungry," said Akane. "Any of you guys want something
to eat?"

"Soda'd be nice."

"Got any chips?"

"How about cookies?"

"So that's... everything but dinner," said Akane with a joking
grin. "Okay, I'll be back in a sec."

A minute later the girls were in full relaxation mode, talking,
eating, and even getting a poker game started.

It would have been a nice, relaxing sort of atmosphere.

It almost was.



"C'mon, Ryouga, that the best you can do? Ha!"

Akane and Ukyou frowned. Sayuri and Yuka rolled their eyes up.
Manami smiled. Akari was rather puzzled.

"Ah... I think there's a fight going on outside," said Akari with
much concern.

"I know, believe me I know," said Ukyou, grabbing her battle
spatula. "C'mon, Akane, let's cool the boys down."

The other girls followed as Akane and Ukyou out to the backyard,
where two boys were swinging at each other and managing to miss,
making it all look rather skillfull.

"Ranma! Stop picking on Ryouga!" yelled Akane.

"Ryouga! Cut that out NOW!" shouted Ukyou.

Both boys froze, very much like the sun didn't.

"Aw, c'mon Akane! We were just having fun!" protested Ranma.

"What'd you interrupt for?" Ryouga asked Ukyou. "I almost had

Ukyou snorted. "Yeah, right."

"Who are these people?" asked Akari quietly.

"The one in the pigtail is Ranma Saotome," whispered Yuka, "and the
one with the bandanna is Ryouga Hibiki."

"Hibiki? I've heard about him," said Akari.

This caused Sayuri, Manami, and Yuka's eyebrows to raise a bit.
They were distracted enough not to notice Akane giving the boys the
Ultimate Chastisement Attack.

"Oh? What'd you hear?" asked Sayuri

"He's the boyfriend of one of my co-workers," said Akari.

"I didn't know he was dating someone, did you?" asked Sayuri.

"Not me," said Yuka.

Manami quietly looked away.

Nobody noticed as a glass of water nearby began to ripple with
movement. There was a low sort of rumble, kind of like distant
thunder, but it was too low to be heard by them.

"So, you hear anything else?" asked Yuka.

In the distance, people screamed and car horns honked.

"Um, that's all, really," said Akari.

There was a grunt.

It was a really loud, low, beastial sort of grunt.

It was menacing enough to make Ranma and Akane stop bickering.

"What... what was that?" asked Ranma.

"I don't know," said Akane, looking around carefully.

The hair in the back of Ryouga's neck began to stand. There was a
menace nearby, he could feel it.

Suddenly, a part of the brick fence shattered. In the moonlight,
only a dark massive form could be seen, rushing towards them at a
speed remarkable for something of its massive girth.

What happened next said a lot about the people who were there.
Unfortunately, nobody appreciated the symbolism.

Manami, Sayuri, and Yuka immediately retreated to the dojo.

Akari yelled, "Katsunishiki, NO!"

Ranma immediately took Akane into his arms and leapt for the roof.

Ryouga, in several quick and smooth motions, stepped in front of
Ukyou, pulled out his umbrella, and nailed the creature right on its
skull, causing it to collapse immediately.

After a tense moment where nobody moved, Ryouga slowly stepped
forward to examine the beast.

"It... it's a pig," said an astonished Ukyou. "A really big pig."

"He... he beat Katsunishiki," said Akari in a hushed tone. All the
girls jaws dropped. The equation she laid out before was, after all,
very simple. Beat the pig, win her love. It all seemed so... so...
so Ranma-esque to them.

Manami in particular seemed rather distressed, frowning and biting
her lip. Meanwhile, Ukyou had an 'uh oh' sort of look on her face.

"Ah... this doesn't mean what I think it means, does it?" asked

Akari smiled, with just a little melancholy. "He's... cute. But
he's already with someone." She tsked and tended to the large pig,
stroking its head tenderly. "Oh Katsunishiki, why can't you behave

Amazingly, nobody noticed as Ukyou and Manami sighed in relief.

"Um, what's everyone looking so weird about?" wondered Ryouga.
Nobody answered him.

Meanwhile, up in the tree, still with Akane in his arms, Ranma was
puzzled about things. "Hey, Akane, what was everyone looking so tense

She told him.

"Beat the pig, win her hand in marriage? Man, I've heard it all
now," said Ranma. "Good thing she isn't as obsessed as Shampoo, huh?"

Ranma dropped to the ground gracefully with Akane in his arms,
landing as well as any martial artist with a fiancee in his arms could
hope to land.

"Hi there," said Ranma. "Don't think we introduced ourselves. I'm
Ranma Saotome and this," he said, nudging a still somewhat confused
Ryouga, "is Ryouga Hibiki."

"Um, hi," said Ryouga. "Sorry about your... ah... pig."

"It's alright," said Akari, still tending to her pig, "he just
likes to fight all the time."

Without much further disturbance, the boys went off to clean up
after a full day's worth of fighting while the girls resumed their
talk, snacking, and general gossip.


Akari strolled home happily, humming a little tune. The day went
well. School was fun, especially since she managed to make so many
friends so quickly. Things in general were looking up for the last

As they walked across a badly lit street, disturbingly quiet and
with no people in sight, Akari began to feel a chill run down her

Someone was there. Watching her.

Katsunishiki grunted angrily, stepping in front of his mistress to
protect her.

In the dark there was a hint of movement.

The pig charged, disappearing into the night.

"Katsunishiki don't leave me!" cried Akari. She stepped back in
fright as she saw a brief flicker of light, heard the sound of flesh
and bone being struck, and felt the ground shudder as Katsunishiki
fell to the ground.

"Who... who's there?" she asked fearfully. From the edge of the
shadows a figure stepped forward. She couldn't see any of his
features clearly at all, only that he had a briefcase.

"Hello there," said a refined voice, "you shouldn't walk around
here alone at night. You never know who you'll meet here."


"Good night," said the figure. He stepped back and disappeared
into the night.

Akari quickly rushed to Katsunishiki's side and roused the
unconscious pig to its feet.

"Come on," said Akari urgently, "let's go home."


From high above the streets, peering down from a rooftop, Ryo
Muhoshin sighed with a cat-like grin.

"Oh, look at her run," he said quietly. "I do think I scared her."
He turned away, briefly opening his briefcase to check on the contents
within, then resumed hopping from rooftop to rooftop.

"Must be getting soft," he muttered. "Didn't even threaten to rob
the girl. Shame on you, Ryo."

The error was rectified a few blocks later by way of robbing and
bludgeoning a street mime.

Ryo felt much better after that.


Akari and Pig walked further, through crowded streets and empty
passages, realizing just now exactly how long of a walk it was from
the Furinkan area to her apartment. After that incident, Akari was
anxious to go home.

"Ah HAH!" someone bellowed.

Akari shrieked in surprise.

Katsunishiki grunted in annoyance. He knew that voice.

"Foul beast that consumed my legendary blade, thou shalt be sent
back to the very pits of hell that thou hadst emerged from by mine
OTHER legendary blade, which shall avenge its brother lost in battle
and smite thee with a force guided by the vengence of heaven!"

The pig grunted, impressed. That was an awfully long sentence.

Tatewaki Kuno appeared, high in the air with one of his many
legendary blades, bearing down on Katsunishiki's head.

Akari stepped aside, waiting to see the result.

Katsunishiki looked up at the rapidly descending Kuno... and
swallowed him.

Not entirely, but almost.

The legendary legs of the Blue Thunder flailed around furiously,
still protruding from Katsunishiki's massive maw. Akari shrieked in
alarm. He'd bitten people before, but _swallowed_?

"Katsunishiki! Don't!" she cried. "Bad boy! Spit him out!

The pig didn't seem to notice her as it tried its first
experimental chew. Then suddenly, there were a multitude of muffled
'dadadada's accompanied by Katsunishiki's eyes bulging in discomfort.
It quickly spat Kuno out, sending him flying into a wall, impacting
with a thunderous boom.

"*HACK*COUGH* Vile eater of man! Now thou knowest better than to
feast upon one such as I, Tatewaki Kuno, Blue Thunder of Furinkan
High!" proudly proclaimed Kuno, managing to strike a bold pose even
though he was covered, head to toe, in pig slobber.

"Katsunishiki! Apologize right now!" demanded Akari.

The pig gave her a look of disbelief, then seemed to sigh as it saw
she was serious. It gave a polite bow to Kuno, although it still
seemed irritated.

"Ah HA! The creature doth submit to the forces of virtue!" said
Kuno proudly. "And you," he asked Akari, "who might you be, fair
damsel that bringeth a gentle demeanor to even this, the most violent
of creatures?"

"Akari Unryuu," she replied. "Are you okay?"

"Am I well? Ha! I have never been better! Did you fear that this
fierce creature actually had managed to do true bodily harm to I,
Tatewaki Kuno, heir to the great and noble house of Kuno? Worry not,
fair maiden, it taketh more than such a creature to injure Blue

Akari giggled. This guy was funny.

Katsunishiki just couldn't take it anymore. After all, even pigs
had their pride. With a quick grunt he headbutted Kuno into a nearby

"Oh Katsunishiki, that was rude!" chided Akari. "He was a nice
boy... although a little weird. He could have walked us home!"


"He wasn't _that_ bad, now was he?"


"Katsunishiki, now you're being picky."


-end part 4-

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