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[Ranma][FanFic] "Three Sisters" Part 5 "Dreamweavers" (repost)

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Jan 31, 2001, 9:01:48 AM1/31/01
"Your local healer is a very interesting person."

"Yeah, he is, isn't he?" Ranma muses as the Saotomes, Ukyou, Akane and the
Hibikis head towards the Tendou dojo, bags of newly-purchased clothing in
hand. "But he's good at what he does. As long as that isn't threatened in any
way, it's okay with me."

"It's nice that Kasumi-neesan has a potentially good mate in
Toofuu-sensei," Kikuko hums. "Even if he does have that...ahem,
*problem*...with controlling himself around her."

The others grin. While they had been with Toofuu Ono after school, Kasumi
had come by the clinic returning some books to the local chiropractor...and
bring the Saotome sisters' bank cards to ensure Genma kept his hands off them.
Once there, everyone had been treated to a demonstration of the poor doctor's
love-madness, something Ryooko had to use her powers to stop before someone got
hurt. Once Toofuu calmed down (and thank Ryooko profusely for making him
think straight for ONCE with Kasumi present), he spent a busy hour examining
the five Nendo-kata who would be taking residence in Nerima. Once that was
done, everyone decided to go do some shopping, especially to help Ukyou and
Ryooko settle in.

From what the Nendo-kata could sense from the eldest Tendou daughter,
Genma and Souun were starting to lose all patience towards the children's
"procrastination" over the engagement. It may come to the point where they
might do ANYTHING to force Ranma and Akane...for some reason, neither wanted to
look seriously at the other marry. The only way to solve that,
everyone concluded, was to keep hammering back, force the fathers to give up.
Personally, Ranma was tempted to threaten to locate Happousai and free the
grandmaster from his mountainside prison; once facing the monster who had
dominated a lot of their early lives, Genma and Souun would clam up

It just might actually be worth the added aggravation...

The group steps through the gate. "Minna-san, tadaima!!" Kikuko calls
out, then looks left...before gasping. "Sugoi!!!"

Everyone looks. Sitting in the corner of the yard was a traditional guest
house. Its base was doubt, the floor had a Korean ondol (floor
pipe heating) system (the rest of the Tendou home was so outfitted, to the
Saotomes' surprise)...with wood-and-brick walls and a tiled roof. A covered
open-air walkway connected it to the dojo. Walking over, they hop onto the
porch, looking in to see Kasumi and Nodoka moving about, getting things set up.
"Okaa-san, Kasumi-neesan, we're home!" Kikuko calls out.

"Oh, there you are!" Nodoka smiles. "You're a little late,
minna-san...oh, who're your friends?" she notices the Hibikis.

Everyone sits down as introductions are made. "I thought this place
wasn't supposed to be ready until tomorrow, Saotome-basan," Ukyou looks around.
"What happened?"

"Well, the gentlemen in the construction crew, on hearing that they were
actually BUILDING something new instead of RE-BUILDING something that was
wrecked, were so happy to finally do something positive, they finished it all
off in five hours," Nodoka smiles. "I'll make sure they get paid extra for it,
of course."

"Yeah, can't argue with this," Ranma hums, then stares at the Hibikis.
"You guys wanna stay here for a while?"

"Well, I've got really nothing to do...except dream of ways to eviscerate
Mousse for what he did!" Ryouga shrugs.

"Who is Mousse?!" Nodoka blinks surprisedly.

"My so-called rival for Xian, Kaa-san," Ranko sighs, gently gripping
Shampoo's hand. "The guy is convinced that Xian is his life-mate and no one
else' when Xian and I fell in love, he naturally became my enemy. I
fought with him today at school that Ryouga-kun finished off because of outside

"I see," Nodoka hums. "I thank you very much for aiding my daughter in
such a situation, Hibiki-san...but may I ask why is it you find this fellow

Ryouga sighs. "It's best I show it to you, Saotome-san. Can I have a
glass of cold water, please?"

"Hai," Kasumi walks to the kitchenette.

"You're cursed?" Akane gapes.

"Hai, Akane-san, I am...and I have Xian-pu's so-called 'true love' to
blame for that," Ryouga snarls, then nods as Kasumi hands the cup to Ryooko.
"Go for it, Nee-san."

Ryooko upends the Ryouga vanishes, clothes deflating into a pile.
A second later, the shirt twitches as a black shape emerges, then bounds into
Ryooko's lap. "Oh, kawaii!" Akane gasps as the animal relaxes on his sister's
knee. "A piglet!!"

"He may look cute, A-chan, but think of what the whole world would look
like to him now?" Ukyou muses.

Akane blinks, then her eyes widen understandingly. "Soo ka!"

"Oh, Ryouga..." Ranma sighs, then jolts as a shocked gasp of recognition
escapes Kikuko. "What?!" she stares on her sister.

The youngest Saotome is gazing wide-eyed in horror at the piglet in
Ryooko's lap, then her eyes glow. " is...oh, no...!" she stammers, then
holds her hands out.

The piglet seems dazed for a second before shocked recognition flashes in
his eyes. "BWEEE!!!" he screams as he lands in Kikuko's hands, snuggling close
to her. "Bwee!! Bwee!! Bwiip! Bweee!!"

"Hush, hush, Little One! I understand!!" Kikuko sobs, gently kissing his
forehead. "I understand..."

Ryooko and Ukyou sigh. "Is this the reason you asked for a sage to come
here, Ukyou-chan?" the former wonders.

"Yes, Elder," the latter nods. "I was afraid to tell him before I had
proof positive. He's depressed enough as he is now. If this news sunk in, it
might've killed them both."


The others blink. "I...I don't understand," Nodoka gazes on the
dreamweaver. "Ryooko-san, what is wrong with Ryouga-san and my daughter? Why
are they acting as if they know each other...?"

"Because in a way, they do, Nodoka-san...or rather, should I say that
Kikuko-chan knows the spirit of the piglet who drowned in
Heitouenniichuan...the spring of drowned piglet...twelve centuries ago. After
all, was not Kikuko-chan the spirit of the girl who drowned in Nyanniichuan?"
Ryooko returns her stare.

"Poor Ryouga..." Akane gasps. "Does he know?"

"I couldn't tell him until we had some way to sense that the spirit was
there, A-chan," Ukyou sighs. "As Ran-chan can confirm, Ryouga-kun's one of the
most depressed guys you'll ever meet. I've tried to lighten him up as best as
I can, as has Ryoo-chan. But could you imagine what he'll think when he
learns that the spirit of an innocent animal is living INSIDE him thanks to

Akane shudders. "Soo ka..."

* * *

"Three Sisters"
by Fred Herriot
**** **** ****
Edited by E.B. Kushnir <>
With C&C by Kevin D. Hammel <> and Robert Geiger
**** **** ****
Based on "Ranma 1/2" created by Rumiko Takahashi
**** **** ****





"***ENOUGH, BOTH OF YOU!!!!***"

Ukyou and Ryouga jolt, then stare warily at Ryooko. All three were in the
living room of the guest house. With Nodoka and Kasumi pitching in, Ranma,
Ranko, Akane and Shampoo were moving things around so they could make this
their real home. To say that the wandering martial artist isn't pleased to
hear Ukyou's and Ryooko's revelation is putting it lightly. Taking a deep
breath, he sighs, gazing at the cook. "I...Ukyou, you should've said

"With you capable of throwing off something like a Shishi Houkoudan,
something that could wreck a city at full power?" Ukyou gapes, then sighs.
"Ryouga-kun, I am SO sorry. No insult was meant and I sure as hell don't find
any sort of amusement in this! Atop that, I couldn't really sense if he was in
there inside you. As far as I can figure, the magic of Jusenkyou was hazing
up my powers. That's why I contacted Ryoo-chan to get her here. Her powers
are a lot more sensitive to these things than mine."

Ryouga stares at his sister. "How soon did you know?"

"I actually couldn't confirm it until Kikuko-chan recognized him," Ryooko
sighs. "Clearly, the magic of Jusenkyou is even more powerful than Ukyou-chan
suspected. But given who she is and where she comes from, Kikuko-chan has an
advantage over me in this case."

Silence as the wanderer considers that, then he sits down. "This is not
good at all. Damn it, it's bad enough that I got this curse in the first
place...but to know that a poor, helpless animal's very SOUL is locked inside
me?!" A pause, then, "How can I get him out of there?" he stares at Ryooko.

"There's only one way to do that which wouldn't bring harm to you," Ryooko
asserts. "I can summon a Wanderer here, then the Little One has to decide how
he wants to go about this and who he will template himself after for the
Crossing Over. We will need Kikuko-chan to help the Little One understand;
there is a natural rapport within them." A pause, then, "I am afraid, though,
this will not change the fact that you are cursed, Nii-san. I'm sorry."

Ryouga blinks, then nods. "I can understand that. I wish I could talk to
him, though. Show him I don't mean him any harm."

"Agreed," Ryooko nods. "In fact, let's speak to him now." <<Kikuko, will
you join us, please?>>

A moment later, Kikuko steps inside. "Is there a problem, Ryooko-chan?
Oh, Ryouga-san, are you alright?"

"Hai, Kikuko-san, I'm okay," Ryouga smiles.

"Kikuko, please link with the Little One inside Nii-san so we can
communicate with him and Nii-san can hear," Ryooko instructs.

"Hai," Kikuko relaxes, then her eyes glow.

Ryouga blinks, then calms down as he feels something, as if he was in the
midst of taking a very warm bath, surge through him. He felt this on occasion
when he was close to his sister and Ukyou; it was as much a natural aura for
the Nendo-kata as a martial artist's battle aura. Kikuko's face then contorts
into a mask of wary fear mixed with growing resentment. "Why...?" s/he

"Eh?" Ryouga jolts.

"Why you hurt me? Why you want kill me?"

"He's never known you were drawn within him when he was cursed by
Jusenkyou, Little One," Ryooko soothes. "My brother is a very kind person when
it comes to animals. The...forced transformation into the form you once
possessed before Jusenkyou is what angers him. All he wants is to be rid of
the body. But now that you are within him, he wants to help you regain what
Kikuko has regained."

The semi-possessed Kikuko blinks, then smiles. "Kikuko-friend free bad
water place. Can me be free, too?"

"Yes, you will be free," Ukyou nods. "We will bring one of our sisters
here. You...can't go back to being a piglet again, I'm afraid, though.
Because of your link to Ryouga-kun, you're evolving way past what normal pigs

" Kikuko-friend?" Kikuko wonders.

"Is that what you want?" Ryooko asks.

A pause, then, "Yes."

Ryouga blinks, then smiles. "Looks like I'm getting another sister out of
this deal," he chuckles embarrassingly.

Kikuko stares at him, then sighs. "Me...angry...but still like
Ryouga-brother. this much."

The others nod...

* * *


"Oh, happy day!!! Ranma and Akane are sleeping together in the same
room!! They'll be married before long!!!"

Nodoka sighs, crossing her arms. Her husband and Souun were dancing a
happy jig around the living room table. Nearby, Nabiki rolls her eyes,
flashing Nodoka a "They'll NEVER get this!" look. Kasumi was now in the
kitchen preparing dinner.

"No, they won't be married, Souun-san," Nodoka relaxes.

Both men stop. "Nodoka!!!" Genma screams.

"Ranma, Akane and Ukyou have come up with a better idea."

"What does Ukyou have to do with it?!!"

Nodoka's eyes narrow. "You seem to have a very short memory, husband...or
have you totally forgotten the fact that you left that poor girl on the road
ALONE all those years ago?!"

"It doesn't matter! Ranma and Akane MUST marry!!"

"Who says they have to marry when Akane can be adopted into the family?"
Nodoka crosses her arms.

Silence. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Souun wails, tears
showering the room. "Akane hates us!!! She hates...!!!"


Mallet-sama is now impaled on Souun's head. "Don't be afraid to smack him
into line when he gets like this, Saotome-basan!" Akane sighs as she, Ranma
and Ukyou step inside. "It's the only way to keep him under some sort of

"So I see," Nodoka sighs, then calls out. "Minna-san!!! Come down here,
please!! We have an announcement to make!"

Soon enough, the living room is filled. Genma jerks on seeing Ryouga, who
sends the elder martial artist a very icy smile. "It's good to see you again,
Panda-san. Getting enough to eat? Maybe you should try bamboo sometimes.
Real pandas eat that, after all."

"Heh!" Genma stammers. "G-good to see y-you, too, b-boy...!"

"Ryouga-san, what's wrong?" Kikuko wonders.

"I'll explain later," Ryouga assures her.

Nodoka clears her throat. "Thank you, Ryouga-san. Now, thanks to
Ukyou-san's forward thinking, we have with us tonight a member of the
Nendo-kata School of Sages. While I hardly profess to be any expert in the
ways and traditions of the Great School, that one so high as Elder Ryooko is
here to witness this gives me great hope for everyone here tonight. In fact,
if my daughter was not exaggerating concerning your abilities, Elder Ryooko,
you could actually foretell if something is meant to be?"

"Such as life-bondings. Yes, Nodoka-san, it's true...and I'll be happy to
help see this through," Ryooko nods. "Now, shall we hear what you came up
with last night, Akane-san?"

"Arigatou, Ryooko-san," Akane nods. "While we were discussing how the
arrangements between the Saotome and Tendou families will clash with the
separate arrangement between Ranma and the Kuonji family, U-chan came up with
an idea. She proposed that both she and I become adopted members of the
Saotome family. From this day on, neither U-chan or I will be 'Ukyou Kuonji'
and 'Akane Tendou'...but 'Ukyou Saotome' and 'Akane Saotome.'"

"Conversely, one of Ran-chan's sisters would do the opposite," Ukyou adds.
"She would become a member of the Tendou family. This will ensure the
continuation of both families. This would honour, in spirit, the agreement
between the two families. I'm tired of upholding the honour of the Kuonji
family given the way my father has tried to force me to seek vengeance. I want
a stable family I can call my own...and I've now found it in Ran-chan and

"Let me be that one."

Eyes lock on Kikuko. "Kikuko-chan...!" Kasumi gasps.

"It's alright, Kasumi-neesan. I like you very much...but as a friend and
adopted sister, not as a future life-mate. I look on Nabiki-neesan and
Akane-san the same way. Besides, how could you hope to net a certain someone
with me standing in the way?"

Kasumi blushes. "T-true..."

With that, Kikuko clears her throat. "Otou-san, Okaa-san, of this day forth, I am no longer Kikuko Saotome. I am
Kikuko Tendou. Know I do this to honour the agreement binding our families
together...but through adoption, not marriage."

"You have my blessings, Kikuko-chan. No matter what your name, you are
still my daughter and I love you very much," Nodoka smiles, then stares at
Genma and Souun. "Well?" she challenges.

Souun blinks, then gazes on Kikuko. "Surely..."

"Otou-san!" she gently scolds.

He jerks, then sighs. Despite their pushing things he didn't fully
understand, Souun had to admit that they were trying to help see this through
given the circumstances. With that, he turns to his daughters. "Do you
approve of this?"

"I will not object at all, Tou-san," Kasumi smiles.

"Welcome to the family, Kikuko-imoutochan!" Nabiki nods.

Souun then smiles. "Done!" he nods.

Everyone whoops as Kikuko, Kasumi and Nabiki share a group hug, then
Ranma, Ranko and Akane join in. "Aiya!! This is so wonderful, isn't it?"
Shampoo beams, clapping her hands.

"Let's wait until the next part!" Ukyou warns.

With that, Akane clears her throat. "Tou-san, Genma-tousan, honour of the agreement between our clans...and because I
can say with a clear heart that I love her...I now seek a life-mating with
Ranma Saotome," she gently grasps Ranma's hand. "However, since we are women
and since the laws of this country don't recognize same-sex marriages, I
declare that in public, I will acknowledge myself as Ranma's sibling." A
pause. "From this day forth, Akane Tendou is no more. To the day I die, I am
Akane Saotome. Know that I do this in the name of love...and that I will never
abandon the family of my birth...or adoption."

Souun blinks, then shudders, tears spilling down his eyes. "Oh, happy
day! She's admitted that she loves Ranma!!"

"Do I have your blessings, Tou-san?" Akane probes.

"Yes!! Yes!!! YES!!!!"

Niagara Falls. Everyone else tries to ignore him, though Genma and Ryouga
can't avoid transforming from the spray of water. "Welcome to the family,
Akane-chan...atashi no musume-chan (my daughter)!" Nodoka opens her arms,
allowing Akane to embrace her. "If only Kimiko-san was here to see this

"Way to go, sis!" Nabiki dabs at her eyes.

Damn, why was SHE feeling so sappy about this?!

With that, Akane pulls back, then turns to swamp Ranma with a very warm
kiss. "They love each other!!!" Souun wails. "Oh, what a happy day this is!!!
The agreement is fulfilled!!!"

Akane and Ranma pull apart, then gaze on Ukyou. The chef clears her
throat. "Nine years ago, I legally ceased to be a girl because of the selfish
actions of the father of someone I loved," she begins. "At first, I was hurt,
then angry because of the sense of betrayal Ran-chan's departure left within
me. To properly re-earn my place in my family, I drove myself to seek
vengeance on Ran-chan and Genma...and by doing so, nearly came to destroy my
life and my happiness. All in the name of vengeance.

"The day I Crossed Over was an awakening for me," she adds. "I realized I
had allowed my father's sense of shame and his value system...which drove me
away from my mother, who died while I was wreck my childhood, not to
mention warp my self-identity. From then on, I decided vengeance would not
rule my life anymore. I would seek my answers in a peaceful and positive
manner, try to rebuild what I once had with Ran-chan...and make it better.

"Minna, I've found my answers. While I can't forgive the pain Ran-chan's
father caused me, I can't, in all conscience, hold the child responsible for
the parent's crime. At the same time, I am happy that Ran-chan has found
someone she loves...and who can love her in return. For I now find myself
loving both of them...and I want have the most prominent place of all
in my life."

Ukyou then stares at Akane and Ranma. "Ranma, human half has
been without a family for nine years. My Nendo-kata half was Wanderer for five
hundred years. May this lonely Wanderer seek warmth and love within your
hearth...and your hearts?"

Ranma and Akane smile, then grasp the cook's hand. "Ukyou, my are a Wanderer no more," the latter smiles.

"Be welcome here. Know we will stand forever at your side," the former

"As I will by you," Ukyou then stares at Nodoka. "Ukyou Kuonji is dead,
cast forever into the Black Ocean. Nodoka-kaasan, I ask for your blessings to
be welcome in your hearth-mate and life-mate to Ranma and Ukyou Saotome."

"You have my blessings...musume-chan," Nodoka nods.

Ukyou smiles. "Arigatou...Okaa-san," she nods, then opens her arms to
draw Ranma and Akane in.

"Oh, they're so lovely together!" Kikuko sniffs.

With that, the three draw apart, then face Ryooko. "Honoured Elder, may
we ask our dreams?" Ranma asks as they bow.

Ryooko sighs, then her eyes glow. Ranma, Akane and Ukyou gasp as the
dreamweaver's empathic energy flows through them...before images form through
their minds...

* * *

A restaurant, Akane at the stove cooking okonomiyaki:

"Is this right, U-chan?"

"Looks good, A-chan! Tastes good, too. Get these to Table Six,

"Hai, U-chan, right away...!"

* * *

In the countryside:

"There!! That takes care of this boar!"

"Nice punch, Akane! We stopped it in time before it wrecked that
village's crops!!"

"Hey, the kids look hungry! Wanna make some roast pork okonomiyaki for

* * *

In the dojo:

"Concentrate, musume-chan! You can do it!"

"Watch me, Akane-mama!! HYAAA!!!"

A concrete block is shattered. "By George, I think she's got it, loves!
We'll make a real martial artist out of her yet!"

"She's gotta be one, Ran-chan! Look who're her parents!"

"Mou!! Ranma-papa, Ukyou-papa, life isn't just martial arts!"

Two jaws hit the floor. "It ISN'T...?!"

* * *

"...three okay?!"

" little girl's sick!!!"

Ranma, Ukyou and Akane recover, then stare at each other before gazing on
Ryooko. Silence falls, even Souun's incessant sobbing, as they await Ryooko's
answer. The sage takes a deep breath, then sighs. "It seems...this can become


"I can learn to cook...?" Akane shudders delightfully.

"Do something positive for once...?" Ukyou wonders.

"Learn more than martial arts...?" Ranma breathes out.

"Yes, to all of you," Ryooko nods. "However, know this well, young ones.
A true life-mating, regardless of how many people are involved in it, requires
a lot of WORK. There's much give-and-take in situations like this, even more
so when there are more than two people in the bonding. You are very wise to
avoid psi-bonding until such time as you become comfortable enough with each
other. Remember: LISTEN to each other...and listen to EVERYTHING the others
say. If there is missed communication verbally, it'll lead to hurt feelings
when it shifts to a telepathic bonding."

"Hai," the three nod.

"Further, the fact that Akane is not a Nendo-kata may provide a stumbling
block in her quest to be truly equal with both of you," Ryooko warns. "This
should be addressed when she is ready for it."

"We've already warned her about it," Ukyou nods.

"Alright," Ryooko nods. "I will avail myself to you three as much as I
can...and I will make sure THESE two devil-sharks don't foul it up," she glares
at Souun and Genma-panda, who lean back from the dreamweaver's glare. "I can
already sense their trying to manipulate things further to see both *their*
petty dreams become real regardless of the pain it might cause you...and I will
NOT tolerate this while I am here! Nodoka-san, I trust you can keep your
husband on a very tight leash when you take him home."

"That, I will do, Ryooko-san," Nodoka nods. "Come, husband. It is time
we finally returned home."

BUT WHAT ABOUT THE WEDDING?! the panda signs.

"That is NOT a request, husband!" Nodoka hefts the katana.

Genma-panda jolts, sweating, then sheepishly nods as Nodoka walks him
upstairs. "Ryooko-san, will you and Ryouga-san want to stay in the dojo for
tonight?" Kasumi asks.

"I...if we're no trouble," Ryooko flusters.

"None at all," Kasumi smiles.

Everyone moves to do their own thing, leaving Souun sitting alone at the
table, still bawling. The tears finally dry up as he looks around the room
confusedly. "What happened? Where did everyone go?" More tears. "Oh, they
hate me...!!"

* * *

The guest house, later...

"Why a duck, A-chan?"

Akane smirks, staring at her old bedroom door sign as Ukyou hangs a new
sign on their new bedroom door. It is a three-colour Tao crest in blue, gold
and red, a Romanji 'R' 'A' and 'U' in each field. The letters are angled in
such a way that the sign could be rotated, thus making it as if any of them
could be on top. To a Nendo-kata, the sign had elegance. Three parts into one

"I'm not really sure, but it was something Kaa-san thought was very funny
when she gave me this," Akane sighs, placing the old duck sign on a wall nail.
Pictures lined all the walls save the side with the window, facing the main

Ranma then steps inside, a large futon in her arms. "Here we go," she
lays it on the floor, then rolls it out before drawing out some sheets. "This
ought to be very comfortable."

"It should be. I'm not used to staying in a place where the floor keeps
you warm," Ukyou admits.

"Tou-san trained a little in Korea and he fell in love with the way they
keep rooms warmed up," Akane smirks. "It cost him quite a bit to get that
installed in the house...and the gas bills are something else at times...but
it's worth it."

"I bet it is," Ranma sighs. "I remember learning t'ae-kwon-do and
t'aekkyoun in Korea with Oyaji. Some of the food there's really nice,
especially kimch'i and pulgogi."

"I remember making a kimch'i okonomiyaki down in Nagasaki," Ukyou muses.
"Whoo, was that ever HOT!!"

Laughter fills the room, then all three gaze on the futon. Silence falls
as they feel a shiver race through them. "Are we really...ready for this?"
Akane wonders.

"Not really," Ranma sighs.

"It was the only real way you could get your dads off your backs, you
know," Ukyou warns.

"Hai, that's true," Akane nods, then gazes on the two women beside her.
"Everything changes from this point."

"Change is constant, A-chan," Ukyou smiles, then reaches over.

"Oi!!" Akane yelps as she feels Ranma and Ukyou lift her up, then carry
her over to the futon. "Put me down, you two!"

"Okay! Down you go!!" Ranma smirks as they slide Akane onto the futon,
then lay down beside her as Ukyou draws the covers over them. "Now, let's get
real comfy."

Akane shudders, then relaxes as she feels a gentle warmth surge through
her. Ranma's and Ukyou's empathic auras reaching out to the one they cared for
to make her feel easier. She knew they wouldn't try to seduce her, not this
early in their relationship. But they wanted to be close, be the family she
deserved. With that, she reaches over to draw them nearer, allow the two
Nendo-kata to rest their heads on her arms.

"Together?" Ranma smiles.

"Forever," Ukyou sighs contently.

"For all time," Akane closes her eyes.

Ranma telekinetically cuts out the lights...

* * *

"<<Airen, they're too quiet.>>"

"<<Leave them alone, Xian,>>" Ranko sighs, allowing Shampoo to hold her
from behind. "<<Remember, Ranma and Ukyou don't have much experience
expressing intimacy with a future life-mate...and from what I sense, Akane's
afraid that allowing someone, even a woman, to be intimate with her could leave
her vulnerable to assault or a broken heart. Something tells me that there's
something in Akane's past...not just her mother's death...that hurt her

"<<Are Ranma and Ukyou aware of that?>>" Shampoo wonders.

"<<Yes, but they won't bring it up unless necessary,>>" Ranko turns to
gaze into her fiancee's eyes. "<<Let Akane make the first move on that part,
Xian. All they need is time.>>"

"<<But what if you and I...?>>" her voice trails off, a knowing smile
crossing her face.

"<<We grin and bear it, love. Besides, who says we need sex every night
we sleep!>>" Ranko jolts.

Her eyes glow. Shampoo sighs. "<<Mu-tzu?>>"

"<<Yep!>>" Ranko snarls, then reaches out telekinetically...

* * *

Mousse smiles as he slowly approaches the Tendou dojo, using all the
skills he could to ensure he wasn't detected. A search of the guest house
provided for Shampoo when she first came to Nerima turned up empty. The only
other place where his beloved could be staying was with that alien witch
Ranko...and from overhearing some students from the school where he had
confronted Ranko and Ryouga, the Saotomes were staying with the Tendous.

Stopping by the corner of the property, he leaps up to stand on the
roof...and jolts as a concrete block smashes into his face! Dropping to the
ground, he groans...then gasps as SOMETHING grabs him and sends him flying into
the night! "<<Xian-pu...!!>>"

* * *



"Good," Shampoo smiles as she and Ranko kiss...

* * *

The next morning...

"Whoo, you HAVE improved!!!"

"You ain't seen nothing yet!!"

Ranma laughs as she dodges and weaves, avoiding Ryouga's power blows and
umbrella as they dance around the yard. Given that even as a normal human,
Ryouga was almost as powerful as Ranma now, this was much more enjoyable than
her morning spar sessions with Genma. Atop that, Ryouga could get the chance
to work off the buried anger and depression Ranma sensed was still clawing at
his soul.

"Not bad!!" Ranma winds up. "Let's see how tough you are!!!"

She launches into an Amaguriken. Ryouga uses his chest to take the blows,
which knock the wind out of him, but then recovers as he trips Ranma up,
sending her into the koi pond! The wanderer then stops, his eyes widening. "I
don't believe it...!"

Ranma blinks, then laughs. "It's yours, Ryouga...but I'll get you next
time!!" she rises, stepping out of the pond.

Ryouga hums, then gazes at her. "You wouldn't hold back...?"

"Physically, of course not. You're lucky I wasn't making use of my other
powers or you'd be in real trouble. Besides, that's the name of this exercise,

He blinks, then laughs. "Y-yeah, th-that's true!"

"Oi, you two! Breakfast!!" Ukyou calls out.

"Hai!" both race into the guest house, where Akane, Ranko, Ryooko and
Shampoo were already settling down to eat.

Ranma ducks into the bedroom to dry off and change while Ryouga gets a
sample of Ukyou's okonomiyaki. The succulent taste, which he enjoyed when they
were travelling together, makes his mouth water for more. As soon as Ranma
has joined them, the two start tearing into the pile of fried cakes. The
others grin knowingly as they watch Ranma and Ryouga go to work.

"It's no wonder Ranma remembered you with fondness, Ukyou," Shampoo
smiles. "I've never seen her eat this much before."

"Ranma doesn't have to worry about her father trying to steal her
breakfast," Akane muses.

"Hai, that's true," Ranma sighs. "Sometimes, Oyaji could teach some
really important stuff. Other times, he screwed everything up and I ended up
paying the price for it."

"The Neko-ken, you mean," Ranko shudders.


Shampoo's jaw drops. "You know the Neko-ken?!!"

"Unfortunately!" Ranma shudders. "Until I Crossed Over, I walked around
with this wild paranoia when it came to cats. These days, it's not so bad. My
Nendo-kata memories give me an anchor which allow me to fight off the

"What is the Neko-ken anyway?" Akane wonders.

"It's supposed to make someone invincible by drawing on the fighting power
of a cat," Shampoo explains. "However, training to use it kills the
trainee...if it doesn't drive you insane first."

"Nee-chan was in the latter category," Ranko adds. "If a cat showed up,
Nee-chan'd freak out, trying to get away from it as fast as she could go. If
the cat stayed in range, then Ranma's 'Neko' self would take over."

"A split-personality, you mean?" Ryooko hums.

"Hai," Ranma nods. "I'd turn into an anthropomorphic cat, Akane. Once
that happened, I couldn't be stopped. I doubt even Xian's great-grandmother
could slow me down if I was going full-tilt...and she's the best martial artist
I know of, period! Getting me back to normal would be the problem then."

"Soo ka..." Akane shudders. "I take it we're avoiding that."

"Definitely!" Ranma and Ranko assert.

"So how do you fight off your fear now?" Ryooko wonders.

"I radiate as much calm and friendliness as I can," Ranma hums, then her
eyes glow. "Oi, there's one now."

She relaxes, closing her eyes. A meow echoes from the door. Eyes turn to
see a stray tomcat standing there, looking around as it tried to interpret the
odd scents and feelings it was receiving.

"Hi, fella!" Ukyou smiles, holding out a piece of okonomiyaki. "You look
a little hungry there. C'mon in."

The cat blinks, then licking his lips, walks over to nibble the offered
morsel. He then looks around before his eyes lock on Ranma. The martial
artist shudders as fear rips through her mind again, then opens her eyes,
allowing her empathy to reach out. The tomcat begins to loudly purr as he
leaps onto the table, then onto Ranma's lap as he starts to stroke the girl
with his fur.

"He can sense it," Ryooko muses.

"Sense what?" Ryouga wonders.

"Sense the terrible pain and trauma Ranma's endured, Nii-san," his sister
replies. "And the echoes of many of his brothers and sisters screaming for
food; it is that sound that triggers Ranma's phobia. Doing as she is now,
Ranma keeps the trigger suppressed. I shudder to think if Ranma's 'Neko'
personality awoke and found it now had Nendo-kata powers to play around with."

"How does the training go?" Akane asks.

"You wrap the trainee in fish sausages or something else that's very
edible to a cat...then dunk the trainee into a pit full of starving cats,"
Shampoo explains.

Akane jolts. "WHAT?!?!"

The tomcat jolts, hissing at Akane's outburst, causing Ranma to shudder.
Sensing her unease, the cat licks Ranma's cheek. "Gomen," Ranma gazes at him.
"I didn't mean to make you upset..."

"I assume your old man didn't put you into that pit just once, did he?"
Ukyou shudders.

"No. I think it was about six or seven times...before my mind finally
snapped," Ranma sighs, drawing the cat into her lap as she strokes his fur.
"Mother Ocean, so many things could have gone wrong that day, you know that?
Even since I Crossed Over, I've thought of all the possible scenarios which
could've resulted from the Neko-ken training. Going blind if the cats
scratched my eyes out, becoming permanently insane or deranged...ugh!" she

"You'll get over it, Ran-chan. You always do," Ukyou smiles.

"If you don't mind my saying so, Ranma...Yuka's right. Your dad IS an
idiot!" Akane spits out.

"What gave you that clue, Akane?" Shampoo snorts.

Everyone laughs...

* * *


"So what's your plan now, man?"

Ryouga shrugs, holding Ryooko's hand. Everyone stands at the front gate
of Furinkan High. "Finding my dad. He's the only one in the family who
doesn't have the family curse, but he travels around a lot because of his work.
I should at least tell him I'm okay...not to mention introduce him to

"Hai, that's true," Ukyou smirks. "Come back soon, Ryouga, Ryoo-chan.
Fair solar winds and watch out for wormholes!"

The non-Nendo-kata blink. "What does that mean?!" Akane asks.

"Wanderer's farewell, Akane. It hopes for a safe journey to a friendly
hearth," Ryooko smiles. "The Mother Ocean's blessings on you all, sisters.
We'll be back soon."

They wave as the Hibikis head off, then turn to head into the school.
Ranma sighs, looking down. "Blaming yourself for what happened to Ryouga,
Nee-chan?" Ranko hums.

"Somewhat. If it wasn't for that unanswered challenge, he wouldn't've
come to China in the first place...except for his normal wanderings," Ranma
shrugs. "I just wish I could do something about helping him ditch his curse."

"There is no cure, Ranma," Shampoo warns.

"Hai, Airen, that's what everyone says...but believe me, we've often dealt
with making the impossible possible," Ranko winks at her fiancee. "If there's
a way we can help Ryouga ditch the curse, all the better for him. Pity we
couldn't curse Mousse along the way; he deserves it for what he tried to do to

"Xian, isn't that an actual punishment in your village for some crimes?"
Ranma stares at the Nyu-che-zuu warrior.

"Yes, it is, but Hibaa-chan would better understand when or when not to
use it," Shampoo nods as they walk into the school. "Mu-tzu would get in a
load of trouble for trying to curse my fiancee for no justifiable reason, you
know. If Hibaa-chan comes by here, I'll ask her about it."

"By the way, how IS it you avoided that?" Akane stares at Ranko. "I'd
think something that powerful would do a real number on you, Ranko...not that I
don't mind that it didn't."

"My body automatically generates a low-level forcefield that acts like a
second skin," Ranko explains, shrugging. "The energy of the forcefield shorted
out the energy of the curse; hence, you had the steam that blocked Mousse from
seeing me for a bit. And once the curse was wiped out, it just became normal
spring water. It was just an unscheduled bath. Totally harmless."

"It'll just make him angrier, you know," Ranma muses.

"Then I'll keep smashing him down, Nee-chan!" Ranko snarls, gripping
Shampoo's hand. "This is MY life-mate! No one forces himself or herself on my
life-mate, not while I draw breath!!"

"We gotta give him an attitude adjustment, that's all," Ukyou snorts.
"Oi, speaking of someone with attitude problems, didn't you notice that Kunou
wasn't around to 'greet' us today?"

The others blink. "Yeah, I did," Ranma hums. "Isn't that odd. I can't
sense him. Maybe Kikuko or Nabiki've seen him."

"Do you WANT to see him, Ranma?!" Akane snorts.

"Akane, remember the old saying: keep your friends close and your enemies

"Hai, Sensei..."

* * *



"Yes, Master?!"

"I see you've recovered from the wounds you received at Akane Tendou's
hand. I've a reconnaissance for you to perform."

"Tendou-san, Kuonji-san and the Saotome sisters, Master?"

"None of them."

"Master?!" This was a surprise.

"I've been inspired. Proceed hence to Seishun High School. I wish to
know how fair Mariko Konjou is doing."

Surprise turns to outright shock. "Master, are you alright?! With all
due respect, I thought you desired not to have anything to do with Konjou-san!
Has someone forced you on this direction?!"

"No, but I thank you for your concern, loyal Sasuke. Fear not for my
abrupt change of tactics; I still am concerned about Akane Tendou, Ukyou Kuonji
and the Saotome sisters and will proceed to investigate the matter at my
convenience. Methinks my previous approach to them has riled their anger
against me to the point where any positive emotions would be lost forever. I
certainly do not desire that, Sasuke. However, to sate your curiosity, a most
lovely angel, with hair as raven as blackest space, whom I had a most
remarkable encounter yesterday, my eyes to another possibly that my
love for Akane Tendou hath blinded me to."


"Exactly, fair Sasuke."

"I shall proceed at once, Master."

"Good. Oh, before you depart, what of my beloved yet twisted sister?
Where be she at this time?"

"I greatly fear Mistress Kodachi may have...plans concerning members of
the Furinkan rhythmic gymnastics team, Master. Her usual actions, of course,
before the upcoming tournament."

A resigned sigh. "Saddening, isn't it, Sasuke? Anyhow, let me delay you
no further. Off with you."

"Excuse me, Master..."

* * *


The young woman sighs, her shoulders slumped as she walks down the street.
The wide bonnet hat she wore over her head of flowing brown hair disguises
the frown etched into her pretty face. Mother Ocean above, it had been a
disaster. Her uncontrolled jealousy at a man who clearly was no more than a
travelling companion to Ukyou Kuonji...saw the light of her life, whom she had
pursued with reckless abandon for so long...killed. Worse, there was no body
to find, much less any trace of Ryouga Hibiki.

To a Nendo-kata, to fail to save innocent lives was a sin.

To Tsubasa Kurenai, failing Ukyou was a worse sin.

She turns a corner...then gasps as she runs into someone from behind,
causing her to collapse on the ground! "Oh, sumimasen..." she grunts, then
looks up to see a tall, slender woman, a first year high schooler in a private
institution's uniform, turn to gaze on her. "Didn't see where I was going.
Gomen nasai, Onee-san," she rises, bowing to the stranger.

The raven-haired woman, wearing a stylish ponytail on her left side,
blinks confusedly, then she notes the look of gloom in the younger woman's
face. A sharp, reproachful reply, one that would put the impudent commoner in
her place, suddenly disappears from her tongue as she begins to perceive the
younger woman's deep pain, a chill racing through every bone in her body. No
different than what she herself suffered when her mother died and her father
abandoned them, fleeing into the unknown. Clearly, the poor dear had suffered
a serious loss recently. Perhaps...

Could she...?

"Do not apologize," she then smiles. "Clearly, your mind was elsewhere
this fine day...though I cannot, for the life of me, wonder why someone as
pretty as you would feel so sad."

Tsubasa blinks, then gazes at the taller woman as her empathic senses
reach out to examine her. Very confident, yet...lonely in a way that made a
Nendo-kata who had been a Wanderer for over a quarter-life (five hundred years)
the happiest of people. Yes, she too was burdened with great loss...but her
pain was older...and more intense. Tsubasa had lost someone she loved, she
desired as a life-mate. This woman had lost a parent, perhaps both of them if
the level of her pain and surging self-denial was real. Too real.

She then lightly smiles. "I've a great reason to be sad this day,
Onee-san. A...couple months ago...which seem like yesterday to me...I lost
someone I desired very much as my...lover. What is worse, through my own
love-blinded foolishness, I may've had a hand in...what happened to her..."

The older woman blinks surprisedly, then sighs. "I grieve for you, my
friend. I, too...have lost someone close to me. Forgive me, but did you say
'her?' You don't strike me as a..."

Tsubasa blinks, then laughs. What a lovely sound. "Lesbian? I am
that...and it doesn't shame me to admit it. To lie about it is the true shame
in my eyes. If others can't accept it..." she shrugs. "I don't care...and why
should I, anyway?"

The older woman gazes on her, then smiles. "I admire such courage, even
in the face of such heartache. Forgive me for asking, but we've not been
properly introduced..."

"Ah, gomen! Atashi wa Kurenai Tsubasa desu. Tsubasa to iidesu kudasai.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (I'm Tsubasa Kurenai. Please call me Tsubasa. Pleased
to meet you)."

"Soo ka. Yoroshiku, Tsubasa-san. Watashi wa Kunou Kodachi desu. Kodachi
to iidesu kudasai. Are you from here?"

"Iie. Kyoto originally, Kodachi-san...but if I ever go back there, I fear
that what relatives of the woman I desired learn of what happened to her..."
she shudders.

Kodachi blinks, then smiles, placing hands on Tsubasa's shoulders. "My
deepest sympathies, Tsubasa-san. Perhaps you'd like to speak of this further?
There is a nice cafe close by."

"I..." Tsubasa gazes at her, then senses a deep longing within Kodachi.
It seems to her that the other woman was looking for her own release, someone
to lend a sympathetic ear. "I wouldn't mind it at all, Kodachi-san. Ikumashou
(Shall we go)?"


With that, the two turn down the street...then halt on seeing a
bearish-looking man standing five metres ahead of them, now in a dark
okonomiyaki-ya's uniform. "Kuonji-san!!!" Tsubasa gasps, placing herself
protectively in front of Kodachi. Ukyou's father was clearly NOT in a pleasant wasn't because of her? What was going on here? Did he

"There you are, Tsubasa!" Haruka Kuonji hums, walking up to the two
teenagers. "What's going on?! Where's Ukyou? I just got a message from the
family registrar stating that my son's been re-registered as a woman again!!
Have you seen him?!"

Tsubasa blinks. She knew Ukyou was legally a man though genetically a
woman, due to the whole matter with the Saotome family...but what in the Mother
Ocean's name would suddenly make the family registrar change Ukyou's gender
without her father's consent...but then...that would mean...!!!

"Answer me, boy!" Haruka snarls.

Behind Tsubasa, Kodachi's eyes narrow. "I think I've heard more than
enough!" she hums, drawing out her combat ribbon. "You assault Tsubasa-san
with your words. I know common folk like you are not as refined as one would
desire, but leave her to her time of mourning! She has lost someone very dear
to her!!"

The elder Kuonji jolts, then hisses. "Stop interfering in things that
don't concern you, rich girl!"

Tsubasa jolts, then closes her eyes as she reaches out with her telepathy
to scan Haruka Kuonji's mind. A surge of rage, shock and elation then fill
her. Ukyou was alive (as of a day ago)...but now legally female...and even
better, the registrar had slammed his foot down, warning the elder Kuonji that
such could NEVER be changed again. That was what had set Haruka off; once
Ukyou had dealt with Ranma Saotome and his father, she would once again be
accepted as Haruka's daughter. Who had intervened on her behalf? Why?
Worse...what would Haruka do now?

She stares at him, her jaw set in determination. Haruka was clearly not
pleased...and if she showed defiance to him, it could get ugly. No matter. If
this sub-creature pressed it, he'd be in for a VERY rude surprise.
"Kodachi-san is my friend, Kuonji-san. As for your *daughter,* I haven't seen
her in two months. In fact, I believed her dead due to a tragic accident.
That I hear that your *daughter* is alive and well fills me with joy,
Kuonji-san. But due to my strong belief that I...may have unknowingly hurt
her, I wish to stay as far from Ukyou-san as possible. I feel I have no right
to call *her* my friend, much less anything more. To that end, I bid you a
very good day. Coming, Kodachi-san?"

"Hai," Kodachi nods.

Haruka sputters, then yanks out his combat spatula to block Tsubasa's
path. "Just where do you think you're going, boy?! I'm not finished with you

"You are now, Oyaji!" Tsubasa glares at him, her lips curling into a
huntsman's smile. "Personally, I hope Ukyou-san finally comes to her senses
and cuts off all ties from you. Seeing as how you totally wrecked *her* life
because of your obsession with Genma Saotome and his son, it wouldn't surprise
me if you are without a child of EITHER sex before long!"

Kodachi blinks. "Tsubasa-san, did you say 'Saotome?'"

"Hai, I did, Kodachi-san. What of it?"

"My brother has recently made the acquaintance of three women who
currently attend his high school. Ranma, Ranko and Kikuko Saotome. Triplet
sisters...and quite beautiful if my brother is a competent judge in these
matters. Would they be related...?"

A shocked sputter. Both girls turn to see Haruka pale-faced.
"R-r-ranma...A GIRL?!?!?!" he screams. "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!"

"Are you accusing Kodachi-san's brother as a liar?" Tsubasa hums, then
forcefully shoves the combat spatula away. With a touch of telekinesis, the
force of the shove sends Haruka Kuonji on his backside. "Very rude of you to
do so to someone you never met! Feh! I wash my hands of you...and I hope
Ukyou-san does, too! You're not worthy to be the father to ANYONE!!"

"Agreed!" Kodachi nods. "Let us be off, Tsubasa-san."

"Hai," Tsubasa gently grasps Kodachi's hand as they walk down the street,
then the former pauses. "Oh, by the way..."

Haruka Tsubasa spins around, her hands unbuttoning her
beautiful sundress to expose a pair of perky breasts, using the flaps of her
dress to prevent nearby onlookers from getting a cheap thrill. "As you can
see...they're VERY real!" Tsubasa winks.

Haruka jolts, then screams out in mortal fright as he staggers away from
the...the...WHATEVER it was before him, then he flees. Tsubasa snorts, then
buttons herself up before gazing at Kodachi. The curiosity on the older
woman's face is insatiable. "What, may I ask, was THAT all about?" she

"A long story, Kodachi-san. C'mon, I'll tell it to you."

They turn and head off...

* * *

To be continued...

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