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Inserting an Interval Using JDBC

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Will Szopko

no leída,
23 ene 2006, 12:02:1723/1/06
My apologies if there's a simple answer to my problem, but I've looked
and looked and can't figure it out.

I have just upgraded to the 8.1-404 version of the JDBC driver from a
much older version. In the past I had been able load an interval into my
database by sending it as a string, as such:

String myInterval = "08:00"; // 8 hour interval
stmt.setString(1, myInterval);

Using the new driver I am no longer able to do this and get the
following error:

column "num_hours" is of type interval but expression is of type text

I have looked through the driver source code, but don't see that I could
send the value as an "object" or as one of the other time-related types.
If someone might be able to point me to a solution to this problem, I'd
be most appreciative.


- Will

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Oliver Jowett

no leída,
23 ene 2006, 15:10:1323/1/06
Will Szopko wrote:

> I have just upgraded to the 8.1-404 version of the JDBC driver from a
> much older version. In the past I had been able load an interval into my
> database by sending it as a string, as such:
> String myInterval = "08:00"; // 8 hour interval
> ...
> stmt.setString(1, myInterval);
> Using the new driver I am no longer able to do this and get the
> following error:
> column "num_hours" is of type interval but expression is of type text

Use "CAST (? AS INTERVAL)" in your query, or use the custom
org.postgresql.util.PGInterval type and pass an instance to setObject().


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Will Szopko

no leída,
23 ene 2006, 15:19:2423/1/06
Oliver -

Thanks, much! I figured the latter out subsequent to my initial post,
but had not thought of the former, which ended up being more elegant for
my application. Again, thanks.

- Will

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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