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[perl #37089] [TODO] Test PGE's Glob

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읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기

Will Coleda

읽지 않음,
2005. 9. 6. 오전 10:41:0905. 9. 6.
# New Ticket Created by Will Coleda
# Please include the string: [perl #37089]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# <URL: >

Tests need to be written for PGE's glob.

Patrick R. Michaud via RT

읽지 않음,
2006. 5. 5. 오전 3:13:1106. 5. 5.
> [coke - Tue Sep 06 07:41:09 2005]:

> Tests need to be written for PGE's glob.

Can this ticket be closed? We now have glob tests in
t/compilers/pge/pge_globs.t (and more can be added there, of course).


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