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yuri rutman

Jan 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/6/97

Dear Don:

all these posts have recently come to my attention as well as your
"investigation" of me. In a way I hope you read the posts I posted
to the other freaks, but I can say that I thank you for researching
the "other" posts apparently made by me. Sinec I indicated my
involvement with this whole matter should be absolved, allow me to
respond to your KOOKA KABAl or whatever.

Case in point: I have had numerous employees over the last year and a
half who had unrestricted access to my email account, most of them
were indeed part time college students. The research that you came
up with which originated from my account was virginal when I saw it
several minutes ago. I have no idea about any posts to the groups
you described except for a solicitation of literary materials.
Because of legal reasons, I cannot give out the names of the
individuals responsible for those posts, but at the same time, aside
from them no longer working for me, as I have changed all my email
passwords, sans a few people who are partners in the firm, I can only
say that these were humurous things, but I thank you for bringing
everything to my attention.

I was on vacation for the last several weeks and when I opened my
mailbox and discovered the unmanly accusations from David Cooley, I
had absolutely no idea what was going on until I traced the
etiological source of the responsible party from my organizations who
took it upon themselves to do whatever they may have pleased. I have
no idea what this entire Joe;s thing is about, but I have
subsequently dismissed the two individuals who I believe were

Nonetheless, even though you approached this matter with a bit of
intelligence and informed me of posts that originated from my
account, I can only say that I am not going to take these matters
seriously. That's the point of my emails to Cooley and Sahlavee,
which they weren't man enough to post on these groups, besuase I was
sick of the harassing and immature way they and about a hundred
others who emailed me dealt with the situation, which I subsequently
posted. You have been nothing short of a gentleman with your
investigation, as I am further conducting an in-house matter
regarding all that has come to my attention.



Steve Marks

Jan 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/13/97
to (yuri rutman) wrote:

>Sinec I indicated my
>involvement with this whole matter should be absolved, allow me to
>respond to your KOOKA KABAl or whatever.
>Case in point: I have had numerous employees over the last year and a
>half who had unrestricted access to my email account, most of them
>were indeed part time college students. The research that you came
>up with which originated from my account was virginal when I saw it
>several minutes ago. I have no idea about any posts to the groups
>you described except for a solicitation of literary materials.
>Because of legal reasons, I cannot give out the names of the
>individuals responsible for those posts, but at the same time, aside
>from them no longer working for me, as I have changed all my email
>passwords, sans a few people who are partners in the firm, I can only
>say that these were humurous things, but I thank you for bringing
>everything to my attention.

Oh, those wAcKy college kid's :) I'm sure everyone, including IBM and got such a belly laugh out
of those posts. Seriously though, it is nice to see that you are admitting that the e-mail's originated from
your system, It should make and IBM's lawsuit's much easier.

>I was on vacation for the last several weeks and when I opened my
>mailbox and discovered the unmanly accusations from David Cooley, I
>had absolutely no idea what was going on until I traced the
>etiological source of the responsible party from my organizations who
>took it upon themselves to do whatever they may have pleased. I have
>no idea what this entire Joe;s thing is about, but I have
>subsequently dismissed the two individuals who I believe were

>investigation, as I am further conducting an in-house matter

>regarding all that has come to my attention.

Yeah, that should satisfy everyone (NOT).

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