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Article from "Weekly World News"

閲覧: 13 回

Tim Smith

1984/11/06 16:03:431984/11/06
This is from the "Weekly World News", Oct. 30, 1984. This is one of
those things sold at the supermarket checkstand. It is almost
up to the standards of the "National Enquirer".

Note: These are NOT my opinions! Don't flame me!

------------- begin article ---------------

Fed up sex expert charges...

Homosexuals are prancing around the U.S. spreading the most monstrous
plague the world has ever known, says an outraged sexuality expert.
And, he says, "They're worse than murderers."

"Gay meeting areas, gay bars, gay baths should be closed immediately
and it should be illegal to be a homosexual," said Dr. Paul Cameron.

And homosexuals should be required by the government to register
so that their movements could be tracked to halt the growing threat
of AIDS ( the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ), gonorrhea,
syphilis and hepatitis, he said.

Cameron, who has a Ph.D. degree in sociology from the
University of Colorado, is chairman of the Institute for
Scientific Investigation of Sexuality in Lincoln, Nebr. [ I wonder
if they investigate sexuality anywhere else? :-) ]

"Most murderers commit a crime and are punished, but gays are
promiscuous and do bad deeds constantly, and as such, are worse
than murderers.

"Whenever gays take over an organization, they trash it," he
said. "I haven't met one yet who wasn't a fairly vicious person."

Statistics put together by Cameron's institute reveal a
shocking 5 percent of America's 210 million population is
either bisexual or homosexual.

Latest figures show an incredible rise in the number of
dreaded AIDS cases so far this year - 2,886 comapred to 1,390
this time last year, according to Cameron.

"AIDS is a horrible plague on society," said Cameron.

"A shocking 40 to 60 percent of all gays show evidence of
infection from the AIDS virus.

"This terrible desease is costing American taxpayers $7
million a week for treatment."

Cameron recently testified before the Maine Human Rights
Commission regarding a gay rights bill to stop job
discrimination against homosexuals in that state.

"Such a bill would give gays preferred status in jobs and
that would allow them to get a better crack at our kids, handle
our food and blood," he said. "It would legitimize people who
are doing something socially worthless. And it ( the bill ) would
be of tremendous disservice to the homosexuals who might otherwise
be pressured by society to go straight."

Fortunately, Cameron told the NEWS, his only son is a normal,
healthy young man.

"We practice the Christian faith in our family and if my son were
gay, it would be one of the most horrible things that could happen,"
he said. "If it had happened, my son would be disowned."

--- Jack Alexander

-------------- End of Article -------------
Duty Now for the Future
Tim Smith
ihnp4!wlbr!callan!tim or ihnp4!cithep!tim


1984/11/14 16:35:351984/11/14
> This is from the "Weekly World News", Oct. 30, 1984. This is one of
> ------------- begin article ---------------
> Fed up sex expert charges...
> Statistics put together by Cameron's institute reveal a
> shocking 5 percent of America's 210 million population is
> either bisexual or homosexual.
= 10 million

> Latest figures show an incredible rise in the number of
> dreaded AIDS cases so far this year - 2,886 comapred to 1,390
> this time last year, according to Cameron.
= no more than 30,000 if 6000 new cases a year * 5 years

> "A shocking 40 to 60 percent of all gays show evidence of
> infection from the AIDS virus.
= at least 4 million of the 10 million mentioned above

Hey! Only a factor of 100 off! Must be new math!

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