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Baby Modeling

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Elizabeth Zielie-Mcfarland

1994/01/28 16:17:551994/01/28

Hi everyone,

First of all, I want to let you all know how much I enjoy reading
this newsgroup. I feel kind of like a non-participant, since I don't
have any CTTS/CTTD stories, and no problems (Thank God!) to ask advice
on -- yet. But just know that I am here, reading about everyone and
getting to know you, and loving it.

Katy is 6 months old on Tuesday and a wonderful baby. My husband
Bob and I are kind of dreading the next one because we figure we'll
be paid back for how easy we've had it with her. She is very happy
all of the time and the favorite part of my day has to be when I come
home from work and see her face light up. Bob works at home, so at
least for the time being we feel lucky at least one of us is around
her during the day.

Since Bob has much more experience with being "out and about" with
her, he is convinced she is modeling material. He says EVERYONE tells
him how beautiful she is. Now, I am not sure at all how I would feel
about her "working" so soon, but I've been telling him all about and promised him I would seek information anyone can
provide regarding baby modeling.

Thanks, everyone. I hope I'll have the opportunity to write more
often and let you all get to know Katy!

Liz McFarland
Dept of Intercollegiate Athletics
Univ of Washington

Tera Moskal

1994/01/31 12:22:551994/01/31
I'd really be interested in this too. I was thinking of getting a portfolio and a thousand other parents :)

Valerie Bock

1994/01/31 14:15:561994/01/31
Well... as a genuine one time kid model (and I mean _one_ time...I was 5, I
threw a temper tantrum because I did _not_ want to wear the very ugly
leopard-skin elf-shoe [1964 was an odd fashion year] slippers who were the
star of this particular shoot, and was paid 20 bucks and asked never to
return!) I would have serious reservations about getting into baby

Here's why.

1. The business world does not relate to little kid schedules. Imagine
sitting for hours as the pro's do their set up and your darling is overdue
for nap time.

2. Kids do not relate to the business world's schedules. They get sick,
they get cranky, they teethe, and show no remorse about messing up an
appointment made weeks ago at which they are obligated to be adorable.

3. Commercial "work" requires time away from a child's real
work...exploring the world! Crawling around, banging pots, watching
squirrels, rubbing sand in their get the picture. While it might
be argued that a modelling stint for an older child would permit
world-expanding to different cities, for instance, for
a baby it means being stuck in mommy's/daddy's lap because the work area is
not baby-proof.

4. The baby may have the "career" but promoting and managing it is a full
time job for the parent. How much would you or Bob want to have to be
available when the work is?

My mom says of our experience that she took one look around the waiting room
at the stage moms and their very professional children and was quite certain
that this was no life for us!

Enjoy your beautiful baby, and all the compliments you receive. And give
her the gift of a childhood. Money can't buy this precious time.

* Valerie C. Bock * Mom to Jimmy, 6-3/4; Stephen, 5; Katie 2-1/2 *
* * (It's the go nuts now, go broke later plan!) *

Daniella Wolfe

1994/02/01 16:47:461994/02/01
To: (Valerie Bock) writes:

>Here's why.


Well, I tend to agree & disagree with Valerie. I have had a little more
recent (:-) experience with it, being that my now 5 year old son is a
former baby model. I enjoyed it for 3 reasons 1) My ego *loved* seeing my
beautiful baby in print 2) The money made a substantial nest egg in
Teagan's savings account & 3) It was kind of fun.

I disliked it for basically only one reason....the competition was so
fierce, other mothers (I guess you'd call them stage moms) were,
more often than not, unfriendly, rude and pushy. I did it with Teagan
to have some fun, get to see my baby in the paper, and maybe make some
friends.....the friend part just didn't stand a chance.

I think one of the most important consideration to make when deciding
about baby modeling is: what is your child's personality like?
Is he/she naturally sunny, is he/she a "performer"? Is he/she
willing to be manipulated (maybe a truly accurate word depending on
how you view child modeling...) into whatever position the photographer
and assistant want him/her to be in?

Teagan was a natural. He would bestow incredible killer smiles on
anyone who showed any interest in receiving one, would entertain
everyone on the set with his antics, and seemed oblivious to the
fact that it was work.

We only did it for about a year though, because then we moved to Berkeley
for 10 months, got an agent in San Francisco and saw the competition was so
incredible,(you would be "summoned" to these horrendous "cattle calls")
it just wasn't fun or enjoyable any more. I promised myself when we
started that we would only do it for as long as Teagan enjoyed it, so
when it stopped being a "Teagie" thing - we just stopped.

I could go on, but I don't want to bore you. If anyone's interested,
I can say more on this subject.

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