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How do I get back my autocomplete web forms,etc.

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no leída,
31 ene 2008, 4:42:02 p.m.31/1/08
Ok,I cannot use a scrollpad on a notebook.I had no mouse.I was deleting temp
files as always daily.
I hovered over the Autocomplete /Delete for forms,webpages,etc... Passwords
not an issue here. w/the my fingers over the touchpad hovering I hit delete
the autocomplete web forms and that button.Yes ,it asked are you sure. My
hand was there ,I of course tried/thought I clicked no.

It's sensitive even on the least sensitive setting,I use a mouse and maybe 3
times a year the touchpad. It's not for me.

So you know I deleted this and I have spent days searching for a way to
recover my user names,addresses,names,everything that showed up right there
ready to just hit and add into any form,or even a wishlist ,user name on a
website. For 2 years I had all this info... I need it back some how and
everything i read says it's not possible. I see a few options that say we are
a tool and can recover anything .I have searched specifically for ways to
recover deleted autocomplete forms,etc... This was 2 years of information I
will never remember or find again and to most likely 300 + names and all
thimngs I need that I don't have anywhere written. 300+ is right in the
middle of me guessing the most important.

Some searches said we can restore the autocomplete files. When I got there
and read.restore to those sites meant restore your computer to empty all
autocomplete items back to nothing.

My first thought always is a system restore.I have not done this because I
downloaded one progran=m that even though I unchecked all autocomplete things
to check it must have been doing something because NOW my address bar has the
not many but the typical 20 sites I always keep there. (CCLEANER).

The problem is I try to get them back and they keep getting removed in the
address bar and also on forms. So CCLEANER is doing something.

I made the error to begin with .Not intentionally stupid but it happened. I
want to uninstall CCleaner and posted on their forum for help. I would like
to know and I this all fits together.I "Need" to know if I should Merge the
backups that were saved when I ran the CCLeaner before I uninstall it.

1) I screwed up and I need to know if anyone can tell me how to get
everything back again

2) I need to get rid of CCleaner which for a year everyone told me how
wonderful it was so i finally did it after having NO choice in removing Ad
Aware Se (My favorite program that actually worked)

When i ran the CCleaner the first time .it was the same day I made the error
and hovered over delete all my autocomplete forms,addresses,user names,etc...
I did not touch passwords or hover over it somehow but I don't save
passwords anyway. Noy a concern.

CCleaner the first time I read everything and left all default setting
EXCEPT I unchecked all autocomplete options,do not remove history from
address bar. That's fine that it was removed from the address bar somehow
anyway. That would come back and only a few cookies are always there. I think
10-20.Motre like 10.

Ccleaner is not for me.
BUT my first thought when I lost my information was to do a system restore
but was araid to because should I Merge back the Backups from CCleaner
first?? I need to be sure .

A reformat is not an option for me or paying someone for a long time to help

I know this is confusing but it's 2 things .

The major problem is I need if any way please to get back my autocomplete
history in the forms,addresses,names,OMGosh- there's so much there. I was not
sure how I would get here without opening a new account. I remembered the
email address and it just knew my name-thank god.
CCleaner is cauding me problems and actually i wanted the cleaning so bad in
the registry and all over.This one computer had had more use in over 2 years
than any computer Ive owned at 16 hrs a day at least.

I go to enter a site I know I can never get off even whe I don't want it
there it's almost impossible .Everyday I am on that site for hours and I
start to type addresses and none fill in except a list kind of way doen I
will see the name of a site. CCleaner is doing something.
This started that day I installed it.

It's been 8 days I think I installed it.

I know this is long. 2 problems but what I need is a way to get back all my
autocomplete history ,the address bar at least working the way it was. I
cleaned my history of the day every day so most was gone for that day. Sure
there were alot of places left. It;s a real mess my address bar. Ive never
seen this ever.

I need to know if I should try Merging the bacvkup files back before I
uninstall CCleaner because even though all unchecked it's deleting everything
I am adding back while I search for answers and just use the computer.

PA Bear. You have always been nice to me here. There is someone with that
name on the CCLeaner forum. I had to finally after I think 7/8 days since
this install of CCleaner and my mistake post on the forum asking for help and
of course wondered if it was you. I think people don't care on most forums
and I have mainly only read them but I see terrible mean people & Moderators.
When i saw the same name I had hoped....

Lets see what info i can offer.

Windows XP HOME
AVG free Antivirus
Spybot 1.4 (for years but never has caught one thing)

That's all I have excet specs to my computer. Plenty of hard Drive space.

I pray for help.I will admit I'm hysterically upset over what happened and I
of course need all those back. Names and addresses I can never even get
again. Alot of things I can never get again. I've never known a way or heard
to back it up. If I get it back and there is a way,let me know .I will do it.

I want to do a system restore so bad. Anytime Ive ever done one thing one or
saw a problem I did a system restore and it always went back Magically.

Ad Aware SE is gone completely & No thank you to the 2007

I will be forever grateful and will do any favor if possible to anyone that
helps me find this answer. I do mean a real favor and not where the mind
might go....

***I also need to know if I should Merge the backups from CCleaner before my
uninstall?? It's only causimng me weird problems and I think It's running in
the background and I didn't know it could but something is doing this.

Last thing is on Jan 22 a Windows download that said "One" but it added one
and something like 6 sub dowloads that cannot be removed. I forgot the name.
Net Framework - something I think? That was the same time possibly? It might
be the same day verything happend? or it was only a day . About the same
time... Let me see if I can look?
Got it !

Net Framework 2.0
and then 9 sub downloads under it that say cannot be removed.
One was Dr Watson in the middle of all those.
This could be the reason for other problems I'm having.
Ive never received a download liike that.

I wrote a long book here,I'm so sorry but I want to be thorough.
I cannot list every problem I'm having but i will tell you that that DR
Watson in the passt 2002 caused problems on an a different computer and
needed to be reformatted profesionally. I don't have money how. I was married
back then. There's no money to get help.

I'm apologize for the longest post I've ever written.
There's no way I can describe all that has ben going on but CCleaner should
not be used for me. It was so easy that it was TOO easy. I also am no
knocking anyone that uses it.Ive heard only great things in general aboiut it
and I did think it was easy but it is causing problems ,removing too much
from my registry too.I can tell.
It is causing qutocompletes even though now most is so unchecked.

I can't do this to everyone.I need help and all mu forms back and
addresses,names,everything. I want to do a system restore. I feel pushed .I
need to find out if I should try merging the backups before i uninstall

Help me get all my autocomplete history back,please?

PA Bear [MS MVP]

no leída,
31 ene 2008, 5:36:03 p.m.31/1/08
It's gone. Move on.

Think your Registry needs "cleaning"? Read and draw your own conclusions.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin

Don Varnau

no leída,
31 ene 2008, 5:55:08 p.m.31/1/08
You will be backing up (at least) passwords in the future, right? ;-)

You have nothing to lose- use the CCleaner backup/undo feature, restart,
then try System Restore. Those passwords (and other data) were stored in the
registry. A restore *may* bring them back.

Hope this helps,

"Bethany" <> wrote in message


no leída,
3 feb 2008, 12:43:01 a.m.3/2/08
PA Bear (Robert)

It's gone. Move on.

Think your Registry needs "cleaning"? Read and draw your own conclusions.

I'm sorry but I don't believe there's no way to get it back.I know
everything is still on the hard drive. I think it's difficult most of us but
I know one of you do know how to get it back that's why I came here. Robert
,do you know I am a nervous wreck coming here because f yiu.But last time you
were excetionally nice and I felt great. You are not being mean but you did
how ever miss something here.

I'm sure due to me writing a book and a mess.
I was extremeley aware my registry needed to be cleaned at 2 1/2 years.

I wrote that I used CCleaner!!!!!!

I do not believe in using a registry cleaner as your link suggests UNLESS
people use CCLEANER ONLY. I waited a year reading all i could still afraid
to go near the registry.

It was done right before i POSTED this. So why tell me to go read that link
and also clean my registry??

You ended up confusing me very bad. I was not sick like I am permantely
(Spelling?) now when I posted last.Things are harder for me like you can't
imagine so seeing that was kind of absurd/past the point. ONLY because I did
follow the steps and used CCleaner. All was done before you told me to.

CCleaner or any registry cleaner Plus huge mistake if not advanced. Sorry.
Bad mistake.
I really am not trying to be rude.Only honest and yes I agree my problems
are the registry .Not all.
If i had money and I have waited 1 yr 5 months to figure out a way to get
money to use a profesional (spelling?) to really format because it's the best
choice and NO MATTER WHAT-NEVER EVER an option for me to do anymore or learn
for a few years now. I wish!!! It's better than playing around at this

Please do not tell me to find a friend,relative,neighbor,etc... to help.I
swear I do not not one sole in this world near me or personally.

I have searches finally telling me I can get back passwords,but I nevr vcare
about passwords.i don't keep them or know of any kept. I honestly would click
that option because i would not care.

That leaves me answering the next post and no helpfor this. I'm afraid to
mess around trying any of these downloads because i don't think they will
work.they talk about the asswords mainly and backing up everything else. I
don't like to download and keep doing it.

I posted your comment asnd thread on CCleaner .PA bear-They were not happy &
there you were plugging CCLeaner ONLY if needed for asnyone to clean their
resgistry.PC. That was a shock to me. Someone needed advice so I posted it
for one person.

Well you tell me It's gone. Move on and I made a mistake but you have no
idea how important the entries are.
OK Robert,I have new problems that will be posted.

I hope someone will help me.
I know they can be restored but OH well right?
I guess I have to Thank you but not happy at all.
OI don't why you sent me to that link when i already clesned the
resgistry,posted it clearly and have more problems die to ding thst..........

P.S Sorry about spelling-can't be helped


no leída,
3 feb 2008, 1:09:00 a.m.3/2/08
NO, I wont be backing up passwords .. Why would I? Explain,Please? I don't
save passwords or care about backing up passwords at all.
Not my issue or problem.

I only care about Autocomplete forms,pages,addresses,zip codes,phone
numbers, names and user names,etc.....

Explain why I should backup passwords even though I would not know how to
anyway. It would not help in any way.

Curious why? I still wouldn't know how and sending me to a link WONT help me.

This was not my question or problem so can you tell me you feel I should? I
don't have an interest in saving passwords and it never has helped me in any
way. I don't know why you day it like a priority?

Many things need to be backed up which i only know how to do with 2/3 things
if I remember how.

Don,I appreciate the reply but no help. Still curious??
Thank You but now what? Don,you only really talk about trying to get
passwords back.NO problem Don with passwords. Obciously mis cummunication. NO
password problerms.
I will wait to hear why you say this....

P.S Next problems coming up as soon I get the energy physically.

"Don Varnau" wrote:

> ..I

PA Bear [MS MVP]

no leída,
3 feb 2008, 3:41:32 a.m.3/2/08
Maybe you can't spell. Can you use Google? Do you have deep pockets? =>

I would NOT click on any of the Sponsored Links in right-hand pane of above


no leída,
4 feb 2008, 3:42:01 p.m.4/2/08
Everytime I write and post i get this message but have been lucky and somehow
get back what i wrote .This time I can't after spending a long time writing
my reply.
I get this message every single time.
just lucky 3 times I got back my message and 2nd attempt at submitting it
I lost it.
Why everytime does it do this?
I'm trying to get it never use to do this.What's wrong?

The page is currently unavailable
Due to current high demand, the page you are looking for cannot be delivered
right now.


Please click the Refresh button, or try again later.

HTTP Error 408 / 409 - Not acceptable / Resource conflict
Internet Explorer


no leída,
4 feb 2008, 4:01:01 p.m.4/2/08
First of all PA bear,I apologize that I said you made me not want to come
here. It was not you only. I will apologize and say I see many harsh replies
and that makes me dread coming here. You were nice last time and it shocked
me after seeing some replies but I'm sorry I was rude and crossed the line. I
shouldn't have pointed you out. It's how I feel . I'm still sorry. I
appreciate help I can get. Every post I make wont go on . What's up with
that. Every single time. I willl copy this because I don't get it. It never
was like that a while back. That's a big problem. Can you at least tell me
whay that is happening? I get lucky and find it again (what I wrote and 2nd
time it goes).Cannot find it at all for this last one.

I am not un educated. I cannot spell due to a neurological disorder.Serious
one. I read my post and I thought I did better than it looks. I need to use
my own spell-checker. I do not know if you are making fun of me . It seemd
like it. I will assume not.
You say this "Maybe you can't spell. Can you use Google? Do you have deep
pockets? => "

I'm confused? I know about millions of companies that offer backup of Data
for anyone.It's more popular now and I get ads in the mail daily it seems. I
do know not to click with right side ads.Maybe others now know from your post.

Your point is "did I search and "deep Pockets" do I have money" which you
know I do not already.
Is that correct?

If anyone knows a way to help or a company that charges a one time tiny fee,
software,etc... Please let me know.

I guess It's dropped unless someone comes forward with a surprise option for
My last reply was better.But it's gone. This wont go either But I will see
if I can copy it. If i find it and I did for other posts ,then It goes and
says 5 minutes.

At least help me with that.I'm signed in.

Thanks in Advance,

PA bear,I did sane search ,same words on google and same replies. They want
you to pay.I have no money and could not find one for a tiny fee for a one
time event.


no leída,
4 feb 2008, 4:03:01 p.m.4/2/08
I use IE6. It just happened again. I did copy. I tried a 2nd time and it
went.Why is this and what can I do?


PA Bear [MS MVP]

no leída,
4 feb 2008, 10:20:13 p.m.4/2/08
No one's forcing you to use that clunky web interface to access this and
other MS newsgroups.

Accessing the MS newsgroups in Outlook Express Newsreader

Setting up Outlook Express to access Microsoft newsgroups

This newsgroup:
~PA Bear


no leída,
5 feb 2008, 12:27:03 p.m.5/2/08
Pa bear,
I don't know what you are talking about? Clunky interface?
You are being harsh now.I went to both links.
One was ONLY IE7.I don't use that and I tried to find this group (IE6).no
luck. I couldn't find it.

Please stop .I said sorry so if this is you mad at me I don't deserve it. I
truly was sorry...

I went to the 2nd link and I read it but it was too confusing.
I don't understand what you mean it's not my choice to use this "CLUNKY" web
It is not my choice!!!! How dare you accuse of me of that when it's not true
or nothing I knew about. What made you think it was a choice?

I searched and this is where it took me.

All the messages I posted are not even in the order I posted due to it
saying what i told you.

I mentioned I never saw this way before and that was maybe a year ago. This
is different some how but I don't even remember how. Everyone was nice to me
Can you please not be so hard and mean with me?

I will look at the 2nd link again but the first is out. All I got to was IE7
and no options for IE6. I searched for my post-nothing at all.

Pleaase be more understanding and helpful without making me feel so horrible.
My choice is not a choice. I don't know of anything else. It was a search
and brought me here. That's it.

This is where I was brought to when I was searching for the groups.
Don't tell me it's my choice like I knew there was anything else.
How would I?

I don't know any other way to come here yet. Your first link took me all to
IE7-nothing else.
I saw the newsgroups and went to Internet Explorer and all IE7.
Couldn't find me.
It does not seem right to go to IE7 with IE6 when there's a group for IE6.
Can you please stop.
I said I was sorry telling you I didn't want to come here because you are so
I do need help. Can you do that without first of all accusing me of
something i did not do.
I have 2 other problems with my computer and I don't know what's going on.
But It's not right that you treat me and accused me of making this "Clunky"
web interface choice. No ,I did not Robert.

I would appreciate if you help me that you are not rude to me & try to help.

It would be better if you start over.
This is the only way I found my way here.
Plus you didn't answer my question on what you meant in the last message??

Start over on the right foot please with me.


no leída,
5 feb 2008, 2:00:01 p.m.5/2/08
Now I need help urgently!
My entire Outlook Express folder is a mess and I entered your newsgroup link
in the addressbar and then all of a sudden it's in my OE.
I clicked 5 to download (you had to -to see)
I had no idera these would never delete.
I opened the help for OE and read every single thing under
newsgroups/including delete,followed that and everything is still there.
I have things that are hebrew,Chines,Arabic. I didn't open them all.I
opened 5 related to my topic.

What now?
I need help.
I have no idea how to delete and get all of this off my computer andf from
my OE folder.
It was never there before and i would never put it there.

2001/2002 I know tyou could view a long list of newsgroups and I checked
that out but NONE ever stayed on my computer. It asked if I wanted to look
at or download newsgroups.I always said NO!!

Now I need help PA Bear (Robert). I have a mess.
I read every bit og the OE for newsgroupsd and tried to follow delete also.
Everything is still there including messages,tns of groups from A-Z.

I would assume select all and delte would be an was not. You
cannot even DELETE each message one at a time or grouped.
I did it what it said to do but i see every single thing.
All of this from entering :This newsgroup:

You posted it so i checked out what it was . Assumed it would go back here
and I figured it would show me a different way.
I would never want to POST with mu OE addresses.

Never in a million years.

OK,now someone help me get rid of every single group listed and opened
dowloaded messages,which I supposedly did but they all show.
I clicked unsubscribe from a huge list of newsgroups in every language but
they will NOT leave .

How do I get them to be gone.
Nothing was ever there before !!
Ever and I want it back like that.

Being told It was my choice to use this Clunky interface was stupid
considering i did a search and Microsft sent me here that way.

Now I have another mess that if someone explains how to remove every single
bit I will be fine.

1) I told you I didn't see anything but IE7 and it says OE (I wont use OE if
it's my addresses-I only know how to add my ISP ones and they made it
difficult/different with a new change a year ago)

2) I read it and uderstood it would go through OE ,It does say OF in the
link also but was not going to set it up with my addresses NOR did I
understand it.

3) Tried your link to see where it took me (No menrtion of OE but it was in
my OE and added a ton of groups)

Help me please and I am very upset.not calm at all because I'm shocked. I
didn't need another problem and was avoiding this in OE. Your link filled it

Someone help and please talk to nme in English.

You know I post a question and had a couple for Don on why he felt i should
backup passwords. He never answered me.

Robert you told me it's gone. basically i was done with this question
waiting for Don's reply and you added more things I felt making fun of me due
to not being able to spell well and did a search I already did of course. i'm
not that stupid and I wrote I searched.

I was trying to leave it if by chance anyone can help,please post.
But i add that i can't replyand why.

Then I'm sorry but you accused me of making a choice I knew nothing about.
Pretty assumptuous.

Now i need help with OE because I keep trying all it says for newsgroups
with no luck.

I don't need anyone to be mean .
I would appreciate full help removing my OE back to the way it was with
nothing in it related to newsgroups. I posted that link and it filled in.

You need to download every message to read so what good is that anyway.
It doesn't matter.

Please advise thoroughlyon detasiled instructions how to delete and also
remove list of groups,downloaded this or that,etc...

I followed the instructions if downloaded and want to remove/delete.,.I did
it but everything shows still.

Help me?

PA Bear [MS MVP]

no leída,
5 feb 2008, 5:28:18 p.m.5/2/08
You can post about your OE issues in this OE-specific newsgroup:

On the web:

Click on this link to open the newsgroup using OE:

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin

Bethany wrote:
> Now I need help urgently!
> My entire Outlook Express folder is a mess and I entered your newsgroup
> link
> in the addressbar and then all of a sudden it's in my OE.



no leída,
16 feb 2008, 10:39:00 p.m.16/2/08
You sent the links . I clicked on all 3.
I do not appreciate you now telling me to go to OE for help with a link YOU
gave me to click on that changed everything.

Not even Don replied to explain why I should backup passwords when i do not
keep them or want to .

I would appreciate you not being mean or rude to me again.
There's no need Robert.

That's a joke to tell me to now go to another board due to a link you gave
me that set up my OE mail.

Almost all problems would fit under IE .It does not are always
wherever I go.

There's no reason for you to be so upsetting to me and flat out mean.

I'm here through whatever chunky/clunky thing due to being sent here by
I couldn't believe you told me it's achoice I accused me of
something not true and have been no help,mean and more.

This is what I first said when I came on and I then wanted to not assume and
accuse right away this time. So I said sorry .

I asked you what the links were that you sent and said deep pockets too??
Can I get an answer and help please? I told you I did not know what you
were talking about and only what I thoughgt you might have meant.

Don never answered either.
Why do I backup passwords? What for...

Microsoft insists I am going to get help here.
Start over and stop being so maen and help robert.
I will not be rude if I am helped and not talked down to anymore.
Thank You,

"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:

PA Bear [MS MVP]

no leída,
17 feb 2008, 2:51:50 a.m.17/2/08
Here, I'll crosspost this reply to OE General for you. Your problem is with
OE, not IE6, so you should post about it in an OE-specific newsgroup for
best help.

PS: We'd need more to work with besides "My entire Outlook Express folder is
a mess...", I'm afraid.

PPS: Who's Robert?
OE-specific newsgroup:

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002


no leída,
26 mar 2008, 6:05:09 a.m.26/3/08
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
Sorry about the name (above when you write that ,it's how I see it),
I can't see well and I thought I mentioned that?
Your name. I see it as Robert still but now you mentioned it so I will know
(recent medical condition)

I clicked on one of your links, well all of them of course to read but one
changed my OE box and filled it with newsgroups,changed/added settings and I
don't remember what else. I did fix it myself the next day but it was all a
mess I said because of the above when I clicked on the link you gave me.
I didn't come here for a problem with OE and had no problems. I clicked on
the links you offered for help/info and that's when everything was a "mess"
to me. Quite a change/extreme. I hoped since you sent the link you would know
what the link did.

I didn't understand why I was told It was "MY" choice to use this clunky or
some word for this box to post when I was sent to it ,to post. I never made
the choice. I searched for help and was sent here.

It's past any time I would probably have been able to get back what I
deleted. I never did get an answer about why I should backup passwords. Do
you know why Don said that?
I don't save passwords. So I never think about backing them up. I didn't get
a reply when I asked and still am curious ....

You can delete the cross-posted message. I never saw this message until
today and there's no need for it to be posted.

If you could delete the cross-post and mention why backup passwords,I would
appreciate it?
O,sorry about the wrong name too.

Thanks in Advance,

PA Bear [MS MVP]

no leída,
26 mar 2008, 11:55:45 a.m.26/3/08
Entire thread history (31 Jan-08 &ff) in Google Groups:

Replies inline below.

Bethany wrote:

> I clicked on one of your links, well all of them of course to read but one
> changed my OE box and filled it with newsgroups,changed/added settings and
> I
> don't remember what else.

You were having problems posting to IE6 Browser newsgroup using the
web-interface so on 04 Feburary I posted instructions on how to access that
and all MS newsgroups in your default newsreader (Outlook Express/OE).

Clicking on the link to IE6 Browser newsgroup I posted automatically (1)
configured the MS newsserver ( in OE, (2) added the
newsserver and the newsgroup in OE's Folders pane, (3) opened the newsgroup,
and (4) downloaded a certain number of message headers.

On 05 February, you posted that your "entire Outlook Express folder [was] a
mess" so I replied and pointed you to OE General newsgroup for help
My reply included links to open OE General newsgroup in Outlook Express /as
well as via the web interface/.

Later in February, you posted that you were still having issues with OE. As
you still hadn't posted to OE General newsgroup about these problems, I
crossposted my next reply to that newsgroup to help you.

> Almost all problems would fit under IE .It does not are always
> wherever I go.


> I didn't understand why I was told It was "MY" choice to use this clunky
> or
> some word for this box to post when I was sent to it ,to post. I never
> made
> the choice. I searched for help and was sent here.


> It's past any time I would probably have been able to get back what I
> deleted. I never did get an answer about why I should backup passwords. Do
> you know why Don said that?
> I don't save passwords. So I never think about backing them up. I didn't
> get
> a reply when I asked and still am curious ....

You originally lost your autocomplete data, including passwords, through
injudicious use of deleting Temporary Internet Files. At some point, you
installed CCleaner in its default configuration so that CCleaner would run
and delete all Temporary Internet Files, including autocomplete data and
passwords, every time you start your WinXP machine. As such, yes, you
should have a back-up of your passwords, etc., if you can't remember them
and you use CCleaner this way.

> You can delete the cross-posted message. I never saw this message until
> today and there's no need for it to be posted.

As your last post in this thread involved OE, I'm going to continue the
crosspost to OE General. Should I reply to this thread again (don't hold
your breath <wink>), I will crosspost my replies as I see fit. They will be
available to you in any of the newsgroups to which I've crossposted.

Best of luck, Bethany.

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