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mail gathering/distributing for NT

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Brill Pappin

no llegida,
27 de gen. 1997, 3:00:0027/1/97

Hi All...
I'm rather new to VB...
I started to learn it, because I wanted some special apps, that I couldn't
find anywhere...
I don't know if I couldn't find them on the net, because there is no need
for them, or what...

Anyway, I will need help to build this thing, as I don't yet have a full
understanding of how VB works.. though I can write small programs...

The first project is this:
I run NT4 on a small network... all the users on the LAN have their own
e-mail addresses...

What I want to do, is write a mail collector/distributor...
This app would listen on the SMTP and POP port for connections from the
LAN, and then send them out, depending on who the mail was coming from...
It would also check every 30min. or so, for mail on the ISPs server(s)...

I envision a program that is really a forwarder in two directions...
brill has an account on the collector server...
brill's account knows that to send and get mail for him, it must connect to
so on the LAN, brills mailer connects to the local NT server, and send mail
to the collector... the collector then sends out what it has, and checks
for new messages to brill...

it would need to be able to have different outside mail servers for each

For the most part, I will need help in implementing the TCP side of
I do not plan to sell this thing, but only want it for my own use... or the
use of anyone else who might need such a thing... I know there are other
ways to do this... however, this is how I have the system set up... at the
moment, I am having the client mailers connects to a proxy on the server...
however, this does not work as well as some might think... :)

Is anyone interested in this project? If so, let me know... other than
that, I will be asking for help now and then, for you all who visit this

BTW- for a little background... I'm using VB4... I have tried playing with
the beta Internet Control Pack from MS... but vb4 doesn't seem to like it,
and will crash every time I try to reload a project I am working on....

Does anyone have a good URL for a "how-to" for connecting to SMTP/POP3

Brill Pappin
Student On-Site Solutions Inc.

Eric June

no llegida,
29 de gen. 1997, 3:00:0029/1/97


Our IDSMail OLE Server will help you *A LOT* in that project. It is a
universal E-mail send/receive programming interface that supports

For example, here is all the code you need to send a SMTP message with a
file attachment:

Dim idsMail as Object
Set idsMail = CreateObject("IDSMailInterface.Server")
idsMail.ObjectKey = "ABC123"
idsMail.MailSystem =IDSM_SYS_SMTP_POP
idsMail.SMTPServer = ""
idsMail.From = "Brian Pappin <>"
idsMail.AddRecipientTo "Jim Smith <>"
idsMail.AddRecipientCc "Mary Brown <> "
idsMail.Subject = "Meeting Agenda"
idsMail.AddAttachment "C:\MEETINGS\AGENDA.DOC"
idsMail.Message = "Here is the agenda for the weekly meeting."

Receiving POP E-mail is also very easy and we have a lot of VB example
profgrams available for download from our web site. The URL is



Eric June
Intuitive Data Solutions

--------- We Make OLE Servers Intuitive --------------
Eric June
Intuitive Data Solutions
Send/Rcv Email *EASILY* through SMTP/POP, VIM, MAPI, MHS & VINES.

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