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Expired RDC beta 2?

1 visualització
Ves al primer missatge no llegit


no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 8:53:0231/3/08

I got a message today saying that my Remote Desktop Connection 2.0 beta 2 is
out of date, and that the beta expires on Mar 31. I'm directed to mactopia to
download the "final version". The problem is that I don't see the final
version (or any other updates)... just the same version that expires today.

Anyone else seeing this? Anyone know where to get a more up-to-date version?



no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 9:40:1331/3/08
I am experiencing the same thing, rather annoying.

Alan Houtzer

no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 10:14:1631/3/08
Same here. We are now dead. I have about a dozen Macs that can no longer do their jobs. You can go ahead and 'Connect Anyway', but RDC then fails to read the connection document that started it, and instead executes whatever connection settings it had the last time it ran before expiration.

What is Microsoft thinking?

no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 11:04:5931/3/08
Same here, but I just cicked on "Continue using Beta", and it works.

Eric Hall

no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 12:10:3331/3/08
Same here. Seems odd that as sophisticated a development team as they are that they overlooked their BETA expiration with no upgrade to roll to. I find this very odd. Clicking "Continue using BETA" works for our clients though most annoying for users and my helpdesk!


no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 12:31:2931/3/08
I just talked to Microsoft at the phone number listed under "Contact Us" link below. Some points to note:

1) The person said that the Remote Desktop product is something we'd have to PURCHASE. I think he was misinformed.

2) He told me to download it from the web site - but the site he took me to is the same one we all see. I played along, and then asked him to review the page, and tell me when the Beta expires. He then found that it expired today.

3) He then proceeded to proclaim that Beta products are usually only good for a certain period of time, and that after it expires, companies usually "go back to the drawing board" and work on things, and then release the final product. He couldn't tell me when the "final product" would be released.

I guess Microsoft does it to us again.

Alan Houtzer

no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 13:00:5231/3/08
The 2.0 Beta continues to work only under the simplest circumstances: if you only ever use RDC to connect to one server with just one set of settings. If you use connection documents (basically saved settings) to connect to several servers or to go directly to several different Windows programs on a server, that will no longer work. After dismissing the expired-beta dialog, RDC ignores the settings from the settings document and always goes to the last settings that were used. If you always go to the same server and use the same initial program, then it will work, otherwise NO.

We've invested in thousands of dollars in systems built around the ability to use RDC. Now Microsoft has expired it without providing anywhere else to go, and they are saying (see the blog) that they hope to have a next version in TWO MONTHS! All they have to do is release the same beta with a later expiration date -- and do that last week at the latest!

Meanwhile, we are dead.

Michael Burstin

no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 13:43:0931/3/08
I found that I could at least edit the "default" version and it saves my
preferences. I don't know if this works for startup programs as well.
I ended up saving it without a hostname, which works a little better.

Still, would be nice to get a new version, as you said, same version
with no expiration date.


no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 14:23:1531/3/08
Well, here's the answer from Microsoft:


So May, if not sooner, for the final version. There will be no Beta 3.

James Marcus

no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 14:31:3031/3/08
I am surprised that David Liu of RDC Team didn't get the hyperlink to correct on the page mentioned. Why doesn't
Microsoft turn off the message or give us a way to do it?


no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 14:58:3231/3/08
> Well, here's the answer from Microsoft:
> <>
> So May, if not sooner, for the final version. There will be no Beta 3.

When I try to log into I see:
"The system has encountered an unexpected error. We apologize for the inconvenience. The issue will be addressed as quickly as possible.
If this error continues, click the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to report the issue and include this error ID in your e-mail: cc205f26-9f41-4d0d-b5ef-0426ae44f5fe "

Yet there is no Contact Us link at the bottom of the page. ARRrrggg Microsoft why do you suck so much??


no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 15:55:0331/3/08
In all honesty, it IS a Beta. However, if you put an expiry date in it, you make bloody sure to note that date in your calendar to prevent things like these from happening. At least (as suggested above) release a new version of the Beta with a later expiry date. Shouldn't be more that 15 minutes of work, if you still have track of the source code, that is.

It is amazing what other softwarehouses can produce with far less resources in far less time. Honestly, this Beta is dated October 2007. Get real!
Just proves Microsoft's lack of interest in Mac OS development.

no llegida,
31 de març 2008, 17:01:0131/3/08
This is rather unsatisfactory of Microsoft. I bought a Mac laptop, but a Vista desktop, exactly to use RDC. So, I paid Microsoft for a copy of Vista, only because of RDC. I guess next time I will buy only Apple products.

On the other hand, Apple is doing a lot of microsoft bashing, so that must reduce microsoft's interest in Mac development.


no llegida,
1 d’abr. 2008, 15:35:001/4/08

"" wrote:

> This is rather unsatisfactory of Microsoft. I bought a Mac laptop, but a Vista desktop, exactly to use RDC. So, I paid Microsoft for a copy of Vista, only because of RDC. I guess next time I will buy only Apple products.
> On the other hand, Apple is doing a lot of microsoft bashing, so that must reduce microsoft's interest in Mac development.

Hey All, Having issues with RDC all of a sudden under Leopard 10.5.2. I am
now using CoRD. Works like a charm. Who needs microsoft? :-)

Rick Rosen

no llegida,
2 d’abr. 2008, 1:07:102/4/08
VERY SIMPLE SOLUTION: Before launching the Remote Desktop Connection beta, open your System Preferences, Date & Time; de-select "Set date & time automatically" and change the date to March 1, 2008; Quit system preferences; launch Remote Desktop beta and begin normal log-in; once logged in, re-open System Preferences, Date & Time; select "Set date & time automatically." You'll have to do this every time you quit and re-open Remote Desktop beta.


no llegida,
2 d’abr. 2008, 6:18:282/4/08
> Excellent! I came to this forum to see if I could get a solution to RDC not working [interestingly I was getting 'expired licence' messages from my work server ahead of the end of March 08 dead-line although I was still able to log-on to my home PC running xp pro].

CoRD seems to do the job excellently although I have had to tinker a little with screen resolutions to make it more legible. Arguably not as 'flash' as RDC but actually works!!
> "" wrote:
> &gt; This is rather unsatisfactory of Microsoft. I bought a Mac laptop, but a Vista desktop, exactly to use RDC. So, I paid Microsoft for a copy of Vista, only because of RDC. I guess next time I will buy only Apple products.
> &gt;
> &gt; On the other hand, Apple is doing a lot of microsoft bashing, so that must reduce microsoft's interest in Mac development.
> &gt;

Steve von Ehrenkrook

no llegida,
2 d’abr. 2008, 14:12:452/4/08
While the Beta 2.0 is not working well or properly, we simply reverted to v.1.0.3 by downloading and installing from here:


While not ideal, it certainly solves the "I am completely dead, and Microsoft sucks" dilemma.

IT keeps it's clients working, and our jobs secure. Solutions, not complaints!


no llegida,
2 d’abr. 2008, 23:04:322/4/08
> :smile:

Yes, for some time, waiting for the real version

no llegida,
6 d’abr. 2008, 0:19:246/4/08
Here's how I patched out the Beta expiry check on my copy of RDC 2:

Using your favourite hex editor, change the byte at address 0x44a36
from value 0x55 to 0xC3 in file "/Applications/Remote Desktop Desktop Connection"

This will change the start of the routine RDCCheckTimeBombForBeta() to
do an immediate jump back, which should bypass the Beta date check and
continue normal operation.

Details from GDB below, for the technically savvy.

Breakpoint at RDCCheckTimeBombForBeta()

#0 0x96b619e6 in mach_msg_trap ()
#1 0x96b691dc in mach_msg ()
#2 0x902470de in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
#3 0x90247d18 in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
#4 0x920556a0 in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode ()
#5 0x920554b9 in ReceiveNextEventCommon ()
#6 0x9205532d in BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode ()
#7 0x945197d9 in _DPSNextEvent ()
#8 0x9451908e in -[NSApplication
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] ()
#9 0x94755f19 in -[NSApplication _realDoModalLoop:peek:] ()
#10 0x94750657 in -[NSApplication runModalForWindow:] ()
#11 0x9486b64d in -[NSAlert runModal] ()
#12 0x00003ac6 in RDCCheckTimeBombForBeta ()
#13 0x0000bc3d in -[SessionController awakeFromNib] ()
#14 0x902cfa55 in -[NSSet makeObjectsPerformSelector:] ()
#15 0x944e9ec2 in -[NSIBObjectData
nibInstantiateWithOwner:topLevelObjects:] ()
#16 0x944e00ec in loadNib ()
#17 0x944dfa4d in +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading)
_loadNibFile:nameTable:withZone:ownerBundle:] ()
#18 0x944df690 in +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading)
loadNibFile:externalNameTable:withZone:] ()
#19 0x944df5ce in +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibNamed:owner:] ()
#20 0x944df27e in NSApplicationMain ()
#21 0x00003096 in _start ()
#22 0x00002fbd in start ()
(gdb) up 12
#12 0x00003ac6 in RDCCheckTimeBombForBeta ()

Breakpoint 1, 0x00003a3a in RDCCheckTimeBombForBeta ()
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function _Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav:
0x00003a36 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+0>: push %ebp
0x00003a37 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+1>: mov %esp,%ebp
0x00003a39 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+3>: push %ebx
0x00003a3a <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+4>: sub $0x44,%esp
0x00003a3d <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+7>: call 0x28171
0x00003a42 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+12>: fstpl -0x28(%ebp)
0x00003a45 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+15>: movl $0x0,-0x10(%ebp)
0x00003a4c <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+22>: movl $0x0,-0xc(%ebp)
0x00003a53 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+29>: movb $0x0,-0x11(%ebp)
0x00003a57 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+33>: movb $0x0,-0x12(%ebp)
0x00003a5b <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+37>: movb $0x1f,-0x13(%ebp)
0x00003a5f <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+41>: movb $0x3,-0x14(%ebp)
0x00003a63 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+45>: movl
0x00003a6a <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+52>: movl $0x0,0x10(%esp)
0x00003a72 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+60>: movl $0x7d8,(%esp)
0x00003a79 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+67>: mov -0x14(%ebp),%eax
0x00003a7c <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+70>: mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
0x00003a80 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+74>: mov -0x10(%ebp),%eax
0x00003a83 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+77>: mov %eax,0x8(%esp)
0x00003a87 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+81>: mov -0xc(%ebp),%eax
0x00003a8a <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+84>: mov %eax,0xc(%esp)
0x00003a8e <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+88>: call 0x281a3
0x00003a93 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+93>: fstpl -0x20(%ebp)
0x00003a96 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+96>: movsd -0x28(%ebp),%xmm0
0x00003a9b <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+101>: ucomisd -0x20(%ebp),
0x00003aa0 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+106>: jb 0x3b1c
0x00003aa2 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+108>: movl $0x24d8c,
0x00003aaa <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+116>: movl $0x24d9c,
0x00003ab2 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+124>: movl $0x24dac,
0x00003aba <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+132>: movl $0x24dbc,(%esp)
0x00003ac1 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+139>: call 0x28167
0x00003ac6 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+144>: cmp $0x3e8,%eax
0x00003acb <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+149>: jne 0x3b1c
0x00003acd <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+151>: mov 0x294ec,%eax
0x00003ad2 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+156>: mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
0x00003ad6 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+160>: mov 0x299a4,%eax
0x00003adb <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+165>: mov %eax,(%esp)
0x00003ade <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+168>: call 0x28103
0x00003ae3 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+173>: mov %eax,%ebx
0x00003ae5 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+175>: movl $0x24dcc,
0x00003aed <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+183>: mov 0x294e8,%eax
0x00003af2 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+188>: mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
0x00003af6 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+192>: mov 0x299a0,%eax
0x00003afb <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+197>: mov %eax,(%esp)
0x00003afe <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+200>: call 0x28103
0x00003b03 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+205>: mov %eax,0x8(%esp)
0x00003b07 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+209>: mov 0x294e4,%eax
0x00003b0c <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+214>: mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
0x00003b10 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+218>: mov %ebx,(%esp)
0x00003b13 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+221>: call 0x28103
0x00003b18 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+226>: xor %eax,%eax
0x00003b1a <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+228>: jmp 0x3b21
0x00003b1c <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+230>: mov $0x1,%eax
0x00003b21 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+235>: add $0x44,%esp
0x00003b24 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+238>: pop %ebx
0x00003b25 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+239>: pop %ebp
0x00003b26 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+240>: ret
0x00003b27 <_Z23RDCCheckTimeBombForBetav+241>: nop
End of assembler dump.

no llegida,
6 d’abr. 2008, 15:35:516/4/08
> "" wrote:
> &gt; This is rather unsatisfactory of Microsoft. I bought a Mac laptop, but a Vista desktop, exactly to use RDC. So, I paid Microsoft for a copy of Vista, only because of RDC. I guess next time I will buy only Apple products.
> &gt;
> &gt; On the other hand, Apple is doing a lot of microsoft bashing, so that must reduce microsoft's interest in Mac development.
> &gt;
> Hey All, Having issues with RDC all of a sudden under Leopard 10.5.2. I am
> now using CoRD. Works like a charm. Who needs microsoft? :-)
> <>

Thanks. Excellent program. It solved my problem with accessing disks on the Mac from the windows computer. I using this now, at least until MS posts a new version of RDC.

no llegida,
9 d’abr. 2008, 22:03:529/4/08
On Apr 5, 10:19 pm, wrote:
> Here's how I patched out the Beta expiry check on my copy of RDC 2:
worked like a charm, thanks man!!
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