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"Fixed Objects will Move"

204 просмотра
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не прочитано,
1 сент. 2004 г., 21:20:0201.09.2004
When working with filters in large Excel spreadsheets, I
get to a certain point where I start to encounter a
message "Fixed Objects will Move" (to which I can only
say OK). Everytime I filter the data, this message
appears. I have checked and there is no data sitting at
the end of the spreadsheet which is being "moved" off the

What does this message mean?!?

Debra Dalgleish

не прочитано,
2 сент. 2004 г., 23:16:4302.09.2004
The following MSKB article may help:

XL: "Cannot Shift Objects Off Sheet" Error Hiding Columns

Also, Dave Peterson posted this advice:
Someone with the same problem posted back that their comments were
getting resized causing the trouble.

Maybe enabling: Tools|Options|View|Comment and indicator
(at least for a little bit will help.)

Or, perhaps William's suggestion in the following posting will help:

He advised the following:
"if you have a button on your worksheet, right click on the button,
select "Format Control", select "Properties" and then select "Move and
Size with cells"

Debra Dalgleish
Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List

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