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Framework recommendations?

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no leída,
21 sept 2006, 11:28:59 a.m.21/9/2006
Hi, I'm new to frameworks, but I think I understand the basic premise behind
them. So, I basically need to pick one and start learning it, but I'm not sure
which one to use. Fusebox? Model-Glue? Mach II? ... Fusebox has been around
much longer, and sites as mainstream as use it. But Model-Glue seem
to have increasing popularity.

Also, I have definite plans for Ajax in my application, so what ramifications
do the various frameworks have on this? Do they preclude the use of cfajax?

And finally, as I chose a framework and huncker down to learn it, do you have
any recommended reading/tutorials/etc to help me get a firm grasp on
everything? For example, I'm fairly competent with cfml, but I've never written
a cfc before. I know frameworks use cfcs, so should I be studying everything
about those first?

Thanks for any wisdom...



no leída,
21 sept 2006, 10:10:56 p.m.21/9/2006
I would reccomend mach-ii. I wouldn't bother at all with fusebox, it's old,
clunky and not really suitable for use in new projects. (based purely on
what is availabel today)

Yes, I reccomend learning more about CFC's as a pre-requisite to learning a
framework. Frankly, if you can't do CFC's you have bigger issues than
worrying about which framework to use. CFC's are really a kind of framework
themselves, btw. Of course, what youo are aftr is something less granular
than CFC's - as I say, mach-ii is the best of the limited options available
for cfml.

"porpiegillis" <> wrote in message


no leída,
22 sept 2006, 10:36:09 a.m.22/9/2006

For frameworks, its good to go with the one that is best for the job at hand
and the style of programming accepted by others on your team.

so sticking to just one needs to be a team decision, not an individual.

Another component to check out is coldspring. It is an excellent tool!
Hope this Helps,


no leída,
24 sept 2006, 11:39:48 p.m.24/9/2006
There is no one best framework, magic bullet, and no one feats them all.
Fusebox is easier to grasp and makes the transition from spagetti code easier.
Next is Model-Glue, which makes Object Orientes developing a little easier, and
Mach-II is the stricter of all. ColdSpring is the newest one out there, not
nearly as popular as the rest. Model-Glue: Unity integrates with Reactor and
ColdSpring, however, Mach-II has plugins for both frameworks available. There
are examples and ajaxCFC uses for Model-Glue and Mach-II, and Spry examples for
Model-Glue. Mach-II just added application.cfc support, which Model-Glue does
not have yet. Model-Glue supports 'actionpacks', which are powerful
subapplications, are really handly addition.

If you're not familiar with objects, go with fusebox, perhaps it doesn't even
require you to use them. I personally like Model-Glue the best, but again, that
is a bias personal opinion. I would suggest you try them as which one feels

Regardless of your decision, if you are to get into heavy OOP, I would advice
to adopt ColdSpring.



no leída,
25 sept 2006, 7:25:32 a.m.25/9/2006

You might also have a look at CFWheels ( It
chooses convention over configuration a la RubyOnRails. If you don't
like "XML situps," you might like CFWheels.



no leída,
25 sept 2006, 3:10:58 p.m.25/9/2006
many thanks for your replies!
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