Consequences Of Not Facing Hu Jintao - {HRI 20051120-V2.1} (Version 2.1 on 26 Nov 2005)

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Nov 26, 2005, 4:27:47 PM11/26/05
to Human Rights Issues
Consequences Of Not Facing Hu Jintao

20 November 2005
{HRI 20051120-V2.1}

(Version 2.1
on 26 Nov 2005)

Do not envy wicked men,
do not desire their company;
for their hearts
plot violence,
and their lips talk
about making trouble.

King Solomon
Proverbs 24:1

What every sane and caring person is wanting to hear

- and what on the other hand, all Criminals and Cowards are
fearing and waiting to read, hoping that no one will write
it -

no one does write on the subject, so I again have to do that writing,
as usual.


What you know, but did not read:

Hu Jintao of China is a monster, that George W. Bush of America does
not face.

That has put us that much closer to a possible World War III.


Well, George W. Bush did face Criminal Minds before, when he started
out in office.

And then he got "softened up," "told how to behave 'in order not to
antagonize Criminal Minds'," and "told that 'he must get approval'
(support, applause) from Destructive Cowards."

(I will not describe, here, the underlying events and mechanisms
used to subdue him.)


It seems however, that Koizumi of Japan, DOES face some more of
Hu Jintao's very intensely evil nature

- though he still does not point out, that Hu Jintao does not
care one bit what shrine he visits, that Hu Jintao just needs
a pretense that journalists will publish as "a reason," as if
that "justifies" to hate and to be mean to people, etc.. *(2)

Even without facing the intensity of evil that is the nature of Hu
Jintao, nevertheless George W. Bush and Koizumi did propose - very
correctly indeed - that

Taiwan should in fact govern the mainland China,

which was of course a very brilliant point publicly to make.



George W. Bush not facing that Hu Jintao is a monster - has put us
that much closer to a possible World War III,

a World War that some Buddhists in India are predicting, and

- being Buddhists and thus cowards by the very repulsive
conviction also promoted by the current Dalai Lama, the
very severe and repulsive lies,

that they are told to call a "Noble Truth," four
times even,

by 'The Buddha,' who - contrary to his own "reality"
about himself, is as enlightened as a Christmas tree is
two weeks after Christmas - predicting

a World War that THEY, those Buddhists, will not move a finger
to prevent...

Even though they will not actively murder anyone, at least
not openly, if someone else does so, however, then "that
is good for life" (expressed in various other technical
terms they use, to camouflage the simple facts)

which I have explained elsewhere, as the faithful reader

It is how they "justify" their nauseating, indeed
extremely Destructive Cowardice "Noble Truth." *(4)

When you call it 'noble' - whatever you apply it
to - then that is suddenly "right:"

"He 'nobly' ran away from defending his

Very "right," isn't it...

Back to the subject.


Nor does George W. Bush face those who are that insane as to throw
their hate at himself, at Bush.

Such individuals, 'Peace Activists,' are much too cowardly to face
those they ACTUALLY hate but do not dare to hate

- they intensely hate Criminal Minds, those who destroyed their
soul, but they do not dare to feel their hate towards those
Criminal Minds,

such is the nature of the damage that has been inflicted onto
their soul.


And so, the Cowards instead throw their hate at you.

And two thousand years ago in Palestine, as is well known
from Pilate failing to face Criminal Minds

- in this case failing to face the priest Caiaphas who
does encourage Cowards "to get rid of their Hate Energy"
by demanding the best person they know,

to be murdered.

This method of "relaxation" is still preached today, by
various "sciences" of the psyche or soul.


Cowardly individuals, including "Peace Activists," intend NOT to
point out, and NOT to write about

all the violent evil that Hu Jintao has inflicted - and intends
to inflict - onto free and freedom loving people, and that he
intends to inflict onto billions of others around the world,

including onto the Chinese that this monster, Hu Jintao,
is pretending to "govern."



Now let me tell you

(and that includes telling Mr 'Yahoo-China' director, and it
includes - kindly assuming there are any - all journalists
with an Intelligence Quotient 'above room temperature'), that

'a Law' is NOT defined as "the official permission to suppress

but this is Hu Jintao's "definition" of "Law."

Law WAS so defined, in Germany, where "the people" did
'democratically' elect the initiator and perpetuator of
World War II.

So you see, that in a democracy, Criminal Minds have
not the right to run for any public office, at all,
and in fact,

in any assembly, Criminal Minds have no right to
vote on any issue, and Destructive Cowards have only
very limited rights to vote:

This follows easily from knowing the intention
of Criminal Minds, which is, by any means open
to them, by camouflage and deception, to
destroy your life, and the life of anyone else

That is the irreparable nature of Criminal Minds,
whether you like it or not.



I repeat, Law is NOT "the regulation and permission that it is better
to have, in order to more freely suppress and to torture and to ruin

That is LAW-LESS - which is the current condition in China -

it is law-less... China is law-less. It is a very unsafe
place to be, also for the Chinese. That is not "stability"
at all, it is exactly the opposite.

And all the other things that Hu Jintao says to the
contrary, are equally just lies.

All his promises to "reform" and to "improve," are
just INTENTIONAL lies, are deceptions only,

exactly as you know these also from that
individual who was the previous cause of a
World War.

He did it fascist-style, that is, with a lot
of shouting, and whipping up the masses.

Hu Jintao does it communist-style, which is
"everybody agrees to it," "it is for the best of
the group," "individuals have no worth,"

and the crimes are all very hidden, very
camouflaged, and the crimes must stay hidden, and
are always denied.

Others are falsely blamed for the crimes that take


The '-ism' merely tells you, what flavor of
lies they use in order to deceive people.

The '-ism' is not the cause, but the cause
is AN INDIVIDUAL, who uses the '-ism' in
order to dominate people WITH THEIR

Karl Marx and Lenin created Communism
solely to get agreement of people, so
that people then could be deceived into
accepting Criminal Minds in charge of

which is the ACTUAL purpose of Marx,
Lenin, Stalin, Korean Kim, Mao, Ho Chi
Minh, Castro, etc. etc., and

which is the reason why Karl Marx wrote
that what he himself did not mean a word
of and would never follow, but which he
wrote solely in order to deceive people.

(But don't tell that to a journalist, because
he (or she) - by hearing so much truth and
deciding not to relay it - will thus 'work
himself up a temperature' well above what is
the most comfortable for journalists to work
in, matching their intelligence expressed in
Fahrenheit. *(5))



It is a very big insult to ALL Chinese, in any way at all to
acknowledge Hu Jintao as 'head of state.'

And it makes very BAD relations indeed,

on top of that, nobody can trust YOU anymore (unless you state
your true viewpoint, nobody can trust you anymore to tell, or
show people how to act towards and deal with, Criminal Minds)


no matter what the Criminal Minds themselves and their spiritual
slaves, the Destructive Cowards, shout about it to the contrary,

about "how you established 'good relations',"

and - indeed like they praised a Chamberlain (an early 'Peace
Activist,' in 1938, as Prime Minister of Britain not stopping
World War II, but "making peace" with a Criminal Mind) -

praising you "because you prevented war"

by pleasing a Criminal Mind.


Criminal Minds have everything in reverse.


The truth is, YOU do not "antagonize Criminal Minds," but

Criminal Minds ARE already 'antagonized'

- and by exposing and stopping them, they become LESS

You make it more difficult for them to destroy
and to undermine you and others.

You thus prevent the next World War, rather than

"how 'evil' it is to remove a Criminal Mind
from destroying the Iraqi people and
neighborhood, and spreading continuous
hate and destruction."

Of course - as I already described in 'The Nature Of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.6} - *(1) Criminal Minds are NOT going to
tell you the actual purpose that makes war necessary:

War becomes necessary to remove evil.

Even a child knows that, and you certainly
also know that. Any even vaguely sane person
knows that, and also wants it, and acts upon
it as the most natural thing in the world,
which it is:



And that may indeed involve, in an obvious
war situation, knocking out the relay
station of evil called Al-Jazeera TV station.

And if Tony Blair thinks, that "that is
destroying democracy," then he needs a
lesson in what democracy IS, and in
what war IS,

in other words, he has to study this
HRI that you are reading now, and he
has to study the HRI

'The Nature Of War.' *(1)

But Criminal Minds - OF COURSE - shout and the
journalists then write, that it is "all different."



And, Criminal Minds are INDIVIDUALS, and not "a system," not "the fact
of having the power to decide over an aspect of the life of many,"
not "a doctrine," etc.,

- but Criminal Minds use those ideas to hide behind, to hide and
to execute what they do want.

Criminal Minds want not communism and not fascism and not
democracy and not anarchy and not left and not right and not

Criminal Minds WANT CRIME.

I will translate that for you:

Hu Jintao WANTS Crime, he WANTS Criminals, he WANTS
other heads of state also to be Criminal, he WANTS
Criminal heads of state and he works very hard to
keep them in place.

This he has shown over the years - you know that.

Now I have not heard ONE journalist say any
truth about that, at all.

Instead, they do report the party line
of Hu Jintao, which is to get George W.
Bush hated world wide, and blamed
totally wrongly, *(5)

Hu Jintao, at the ACTUAL Criminal
that is...


And of all the journalist syndicates in a
free country the worst, the Reuters news
agency (in Britain), they certainly will
never report the very simple truth of what
ACTUAL Criminal heads of state do and have
done and will do,

nor will they in any other way report,
what their charter however does tell
them they are OBLIGED to do for the

They simply follow the intentions of Criminal
Minds, which is of course easiest, and "makes
good relations..."



Criminal Minds thus WANT CRIME NOT STOPPED, not exposed.

I will translate that also, for you:

Hu Jintao wants Crime NOT STOPPED, NOT EXPOSED.


That is what Hu Jintao is also enforcing onto the Chinese people,
as you can see:

When you expose or otherwise disagree with Crime,

in a China where the Chinese government people are made
to think

- as recently enforced by the Canadian, the British, the
German and the Spanish pompous receptions DEMANDED by
Hu Jintao,

to make not the host but to make THE CHINESE PEOPLE AT
HOME think -

that "everybody will do what Hu Jintao wants," there

they put you in prison or much worse, years of psychiatric
medical torture, for the mere fact of mentioning to someone
else, a Crime observed.


This is how insane Hu Jintao MAKES the government of China, much like
the even more psychopathic personality, the Criminal Mind Mao, did
before him, using "in his internal affairs" the lies of "communism."



I repeat: The truth is, that you can not "antagonize Criminal Minds,"
Criminal Minds ARE 'antagonized'

- and by exposing and stopping them, they become LESS
antagonized, it is made more difficult for them to destroy
and undermine you.

This, the former British head of state, Chamberlain, and the
former American head of state, Jimmy Carter, and so on and so
on, "did NOT know,"

more precisely, THEY DO NOT WANT TO KNOW IT.

Such individuals are therefore, in a proper democracy,
excluded from being nominated for any public position.

Do you understand it now?



and in fact, doing so is a big insult to all decent people.

This tells you also, and correctly indeed, that any and
all friendship with a Criminal Mind is fake,

and therefore must be dissolved, because it does
not exist in the first place

- what DOES exist, is a relationship of causing harm
to another who is wholly deceived and who is kept
fully blind by the "friend,"

where sometimes it is a mutual relation of
Criminal Minds, who want it fake, who want to be
kept blind by each other, while they harm each
other "secretly."

Let me translate that also for you:

It is not possible to have any friendship or
"friendly relations" with Hu Jintao,

no matter how many time the journalists
of Reuters etc., are (daily, almost)
talking about "improved relations," or
"less friction," or "less disagreement."

That is the way journalists lie, as I have
explained also in 'The Nature Of War.'

So we switch on the translation computer again for

It is NOT possible to have any "friendly
relations" with Hu Jintao.


IT IS POSSIBLE to be sane towards a Criminal Mind

- which means seeing the truth about him (or her) and knowing
his actual intentions and his constant, unimaginable lying
and the pretending he does, and in this case, that Hu Jintao
does -

and even though you say it is not possible, it is thus very well
possible to be sane and decent towards a Criminal Mind

IF YOU CAN AND ALSO DO SEE and recognize and grant and
understand that he (or she) is A CRIMINAL MIND.

You grant them the Rights Of Criminal Minds. *(6)



So, even though George W. Bush is easily the best president the United
States of America ever had, he is still not good enough to face the
present situation

- which requires the greatest simplicity of PUBLICLY labeling
Criminal Minds who are heads of state, as Criminal Minds.

(You know, that what America's Madeleine Albright and
Jimmy Carter hate so very much, and what Bill Clinton
will never dare to do.)

That is what any normal and sane person does, in ordinary life
too, and what any sane armed forces general does, and HAS to
do, to protect people,

to identify and label and make known those who intend,
or who prepare to harm the lives of others.



It is as simple as that - even a child (except those who will later
become journalists, of course) knows:

You do that, so that a war does NOT erupt.

But the Criminal Minds

and those who are spiritually their slaves, the
Destructive Cowards or "Peace Activists," the 'Jimmy
Carters,' you might say,

they have everything in reverse:

Thus it is, that THEY say, that "labeling Criminal Minds
'causes violence or war'."

And AFP and AP and Reuters, etc. the breeding places
for 'parrotus journalisticus,' that brood does
parrot journalism: It pays more immediate cash, and
is much "safer" than writing the truth does:

"Safer" for the journalists and their income,
they simply shift the danger and the costs of
it to you, to the society, that is kept
wholly falsely "informed," while you are made
to think and feel, that you are reading or
seeing "what Hu Jintao intends and works at."

Hu Jintao does nothing BUT lying only,
ALSO to his own people - to his own
government people, and to his own
society - and also of course to our
media, and to our governments too.


Read the history books, or the newspapers, to show you a total
lack of understanding of the nature of Criminal Minds, UNTIL IT

The truth is, which you can read, in those history books,

(truth being correctly defined as 'what really
happened and who caused it,' the truth)

and as you saw it recently in Germany (referring to the
most recent World War), that

Criminal Minds do work very hard to cause war, and

they can do so,

and treated with THAT respect.

You get it now? You may also put it in your
diplomatic bag, and read it on the airplane.


The only good relations you CAN have with a Criminal Mind, is, to
label him (or her) openly and clearly, as being a Criminal Mind

- in our example to openly and publicly label Hu Jintao -

and to RESPECT and treat him accordingly.

At the very least, this is done by DENYING him all that he
wants and craves for.

And so you see, that the United Nation's "Security
Council" is a total deception:

One member a full blown, dedicated and very
highly Criminal Mind, (Hu Jintao), and one
also of basically Criminal nature, Vladimir
Putin, and then another one, who has not
much power but still the power to vote,
Jacques Chirac.

Can you imagine: Half of the members of "the
Security Council" are made up of individuals
who are Criminal by nature and in their
motivation and "reasoning" and "care for

And a "Secretary General' standing on the
side line, proclaiming that "Hu Jintao is
a respectable head of state" and therefore
must not be labeled 'Criminal,' but 'must
be trusted' as if he is a decent person...



Criminal Minds really do have everything in reverse:

Criminal Minds tell you, that treating them with RESPECT, of
seeing them as they are and act, which defines respect, is

causing "bad relations"

- already in a family, when you do NOT label a Criminal
Mind in the family, as being one,

THEN they say "there are GOOD relations,"

as the Criminal Mind Benjamin Franklin demanded
every American to be born equal to a Criminal Mind,

"there are good relations," when you treat a Criminal
Mind in the family, as "equal" to the other family

which is of course a huge insult to the others -

but it leaves the Criminal Mind free to ruin everyone in his
own group, and beyond.

And this applies, as you see, of course also to bigger
groups, that claim "they have no Criminal Minds inside
the group."

Now that did not quite cause 'good relations,'
did it.


Criminal Minds are INDIVIDUALS, regardless of religion, race,
gender, age, education, wealth, or social status. It is the
condition of their soul, and that does not change with race,
religion, gender, age, education or wealth. About one percent
in any group or country or race are Criminal Minds.

It lies in their very nature, to dominate people, and to do
so very intelligently and with great spiritual force of
lies and deception.

Should any become a head of state, then the First
International Law applies - as any child can see
and does by nature know.



Criminal Minds WANT CRIME,

Criminal Minds want Crime hidden,

Criminal Minds want those (like you) destroyed,

who expose Crime and who oppose Criminal Minds.


This is really not difficult to understand.

Thus you have to have your defenses in place against
Criminal Minds.

Thus you have to look whom you have in front of you -
and thus you can not be open to everyone.

That is life on Earth - you better wake up to that
very unpleasant fact, if you DO want to enjoy life
with others.

And don't think that "it is suddenly all
different when you die" - far from it:

People (souls) are still just the same, and
Criminal Minds (souls) are also still just the

- regardless of what Criminal Minds have
told you as "Noble," as Hindu or as
other "holy" "truths," as intentional
lies, that is.


So we make a quiz out of it, and ask 'What does Hu Jintao
actually want?'


Destructive Cowards assist him with what he wants - Destructive
Cowards help a Criminal Mind

as if their very life depends on it,

which they really think it does - they ARE cowards, remember,
they have decided 'I will fight no more, forever.'

(You probably know that phrase from 'Chief Joseph' - who
indeed now is a repulsive and very destructive coward.

So, they shout 'Hate Bush!' 'Kill Bush!' 'Bush is a murderer!'
'Murder Bush!' 'Bush is a terrorist!'

Because they are much too cowardly to face the actual cause of
evil, which they have vowed 'not to fight, forever' -

and instead, 'to please.' *(8)



All these matters are very clearly explained in the Human Rights
Issues {HRI's}.

You get out of the morass of 'political sciences,' by applying
the Trinity of Science, *(9)

that is, by caring for people - if you care for people, then
you inevitably face evil, and you will have to face the sources
of evil, and the methods and lies used, and then you will name
and expose and remove Criminal Minds.

Very simple, very respectful - very loving, very caring.


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(1) 'The Nature of War' {HRI 20051027-V1.6}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.6 on 7 Nov 2005)

(2) 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie'
{HRI 20050527-V3.5} (27 May 2005 - Version 3.5 on 10 June 2005)

(3) 'If You Want Peace, Then Do Understand And Face Evil
- A Short Course In Human Rights Philosophy' {HRI 20041225-V1.02}
(25 December 2004 - Christmas Day)

(4) 'How Do You Face Evil? - A Questionnaire' {HRI 20020201}
(1 February 2002 - issued 20 Feb 2003)

(5) 'Journalist Current Ethics And Intelligence
- Refusal To Recognize And Expose Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20041230-V2.4} (30 Dec 2004 - Version 2.4 on 26 June 2005)

(6) 'Rights of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Nov 2005)

(7) 'The Afterlife Of American Indian Chief Joseph'
(29 October 2004 - Version 2.0 on 31 Oct 2004)

(8) 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V2.1.2}
(10 June 2005 - Version 2.1.2 on 2 Aug 2005)

(9) 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1} (7 Mar 2003 - Ver. 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

(10) 'American Constitution - Destroyed By Benjamin Franklin In 1787,
Quote from 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind' {HRI 20021018-V2.0}
(18 October 2002 - V2.0 on 10 October 2003)


'The First International Law' {HRI 20021124-V2.0}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0 on 23 Sept 2003)


Copyright 2005 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
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