
조회수 26회
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Andrew Gerrand

읽지 않음,
2010. 8. 12. 오전 3:48:1910. 8. 12.
받는사람 golang-nuts
We've just tagged a new Go release, release.2010-08-11. As usual, you
can update by running:
hg pull
hg update release

This release introduces some package changes. You may need to change your
code if you use the once, regexp, image, or exp/draw packages.

The type Once has been added to the sync package. The new sync.Once will
supersede the functionality provided by the once package. We intend to remove
the once package after this release. See:
All instances of once in the standard library have been replaced with
sync.Once. Reviewing these changes may help you modify your existing code.
The relevant changeset:

A new set of methods has been added to the regular expression package, regexp.
These provide a uniformly named approach to discovering the matches of an
expression within a piece of text; see the package documentation for details:
These new methods will, in a later release, replace the old methods for
matching substrings. The following methods are deprecated:
Execute (use Find)
ExecuteString (use FindString)
MatchStrings(use FindStringSubmatch)
MatchSlices (use FindSubmatch)
AllMatches (use FindAll; note that n<0 means 'all matches'; was n<=0)
AllMatchesString (use FindAllString; note that n<0 means 'all
matches'; was n<=0)
(Plus there are ten new methods you didn't know you wanted.)
Please update your code to use the new routines before the next release.

An image.Image now has a Bounds rectangle, where previously it ranged
from (0, 0) to (Width, Height). Loops that previously looked like:
for y := 0; y < img.Height(); y++ {
for x := 0; x < img.Width(); x++ {
// Do something with img.At(x, y)
should instead be:
b := img.Bounds()
for y := b.Min.Y; y < b.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := b.Min.X; x < b.Max.X; x++ {
// Do something with img.At(x, y)
The Point and Rectangle types have also moved from exp/draw to image.

Other changes:
* arm: bugfixes and syscall (thanks Kai Backman).
* asn1: fix incorrect encoding of signed integers (thanks Nicholas Waples).
* big: fixes to bitwise functions (thanks Evan Shaw).
* bytes: add IndexRune, FieldsFunc and To*Special (thanks Christian Himpel).
* encoding/binary: add complex (thanks Roger Peppe).
* exp/iterable: add UintArray (thanks Anschel Schaffer-Cohen).
* godoc: report Status 404 if a pkg or file is not found.
* gofmt: better reporting for unexpected semicolon errors.
* html: new package, an HTML tokenizer.
* image: change image representation from slice-of-slices to linear buffer,
introduce Decode and RegisterFormat,
introduce Transparent and Opaque,
replace Width and Height by Bounds, add the Point and Rect types.
* libbio: fix Bprint to address 6g issues with large data structures.
* math: fix amd64 Hypot (thanks Charles L. Dorian).
* net/textproto: new package, with example net/dict.
* os: fix ForkExec() handling of envv == nil (thanks Alex Brainman).*
png: grayscale support (thanks Mathieu Lonjaret).
* regexp: document that backslashes are the escape character.
* rpc: catch errors from ReadResponseBody.
* runtime: memory free fix (thanks Alex Brainman).
* template: add ParseFile method to template.Template.
* test/peano: use directly recursive type def.

Apologies if we missed anyone in the above list. We appreciate all your help.

To see a full list of changes between this and the previous release,
after updating, run:
hg log -r release.2010-08-04:release.2010-08-11



Russ Cox

읽지 않음,
2010. 8. 12. 오후 2:25:5610. 8. 12.
받는사람 Andrew Gerrand, golang-nuts
>    Execute (use Find)
>    ExecuteString (use FindString)

These two notes are misleading.
The drop-in replacements for Execute and ExecuteString
are FindSubmatchIndex and FindStringSubmatchIndex.
(If you only look at m[0] and m[1], then you can drop the
word Submatch from the method name.)


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