Threading improvements

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Apr 4, 2008, 6:36:58 AM4/4/08
to Django developers
I started the following proposal:


"According to tickets #5632, #6950 and discussions,,
at least the following components of Django are not entirely thread-

* django.template.loader
* django.db.models
* django.contrib.sessions

This specification outlines the changes that need to be implemented to
solve these issues.

A related task is to identify other components not mentioned here that
have threading issues.


Instead of ad-hoc solutions like the one proposed in #5632, there
should be a locking module that can be reused.

Four types of locking primitives could be implemented:

* Django-wide global locks
* module-level locks
* class-level locks
* instance-level locks
* function-level locks

I don't see any use for a Django-wide lock. Module-level lock is
needed for sessions. Class-level locks seem appropriate for models.
Template loader can use a function-level lock."

Please comment. The patches are rather simple once agreement is
reached on the correct approach. I volunteer to provide a patch, but
not before a conclusive decision.

Malcolm Tredinnick

Apr 4, 2008, 7:14:51 PM4/4/08

On Fri, 2008-04-04 at 03:36 -0700, mrts wrote:

> Four types of locking primitives could be implemented:
> * Django-wide global locks
> * module-level locks
> * class-level locks
> * instance-level locks
> * function-level locks

True, but this is not the way to approach a locking design, because it
doesn't describe who is involved in the lock and when, which really
drives the implementation design (the above bullet points are
implementation-related, not functional). It also doesn't describe
whether locks are intra-thread, inter-thread or inter-process and
different cases have different requirements. Adding calls to locking
primitives everywhere data might be changed isn't an appropriate
approach here.

Start from which things (and it should be a minimal set, due to the
management overhead) that might need to be guarded against simultaneous
access and identify the points in the pipeline where they are in
"critical sections". Then we can work out the scope and timeframe of any
synchronisation points.

This *does* have to be handled very much on a case-by-case basis because
locking overhead is significant. So you want locks to be as few as
possible and as fine-grained as possible. #5632 adds a few too many
synchronisation points -- get_or_create doesn't need one, for example,
since the database handles that already -- and it's only thread-safe,
not process-safe, which would seem to defeat a lot of the purpose of
syncrhonising there (which is why you try to push as much as possible to
the real choke point ... the database).

There's certainly some work we can do here, but you've skipped a couple
of steps, so we're going to miss things. Let's starts with a list of
which accesses must be synchronised, which ones might need to be
synchronised (on a per-app basis, so maybe we provide userspace with a
mutex structure) and which ones aren't really issues.

- Session updating is a "sometimes" (many apps will be happy to
say "only use a session from one computer at a time"). However,
if you need it, it needs to be multi-process, not just
multi-threaded which probably means using the database as a
synchronisation method (e.g. adding a version attribute to the
session structure).

- We do need to work out some kind of "lock for update"
equivalent at the Python level so that a user can reliably do

my_model.score += 1

and have the right value saved. Holding a full lock for every
model instance in memory on the off-chance it might be saved and
the save might need to make incremental changes like this is a
bit heavy-weight, though (a lot of those cases are why manual
transaction support is available and we should be making sure
that works smoothly).

- Current trunk's save() method doesn't need synchronisation, as
far as I can see, but we might need it for multi-table

That's a start. You probably have other items in mind, so add to the

You've called this post "threading improvements", but at least one of
the discussions you've pointed to, plus #5632, aren't just
threading-specific. They're about general multi-process access. So cast
your net a little wider here in the design.


Why can't you be a non-conformist like everyone else?


Apr 5, 2008, 11:27:19 AM4/5/08
to Django developers
This post is *horribly* long. I tried to make it as structured and
accessible as I possibly could. Holding myself back to say the
forbidden words -- a ikiw egap dluow ekam siht erom elbadaer

Concurrency at DB level


The general threading case is that all objects (modules, classes) not
explicitly marked as thread-local or created on the stack are shared
between threads. The general multi-process case, on the contrary, is
that nothing is shared.

Graham Dumpleton has an excellent overview of the different modes and
their implications at
(see especially "Sharing of Global Data", "Python Sub Interpreters"
and "Building A Portable Application" in the end).

In [2580], multithreading problems were solved by making
DatabaseWrapper thread-local. After that revision, concurrent
operation is behaviourally identical in multi-process and
multi-threaded mode, as in both cases the thread/process has a
separate copy of a DatabaseWrapper. But that holds only at
DatabaseWrapper level, not at db.models level.

The problem

Inspiration for the following is drawn from

Let P_1 and P_2 be the first and second concurrent processes
respectively and let M be a model. Line numbers represent time units.
It does *not* matter if P_1 and P_2 are different processes or
different threads as far as I can see (correct me if I'm wrong).

Most operations in model level that have '.alters_data = True'
have some concurrency issues, however I'm not confident which of them
really need fixing.

Get or create

This is where the problem started. Malcolm notes that "get_or_create
doesn't need one, for example, since the database handles that
already", but as get_or_create is not atomic in any way I doubt this.
It may be that this works correctly in the multi-process case, but as
stated in the discussion thread referred to above it does not work in
multi-threaded case.

Precondition: object with foo='bar' does not exist in the database

1. P_1: M.objects.get(foo='bar'): DoesNotExist, needs adding
2. P_2: M.objects.get(foo='bar'): DoesNotExist, needs adding
3. P_1: create m = M(foo='bar'),
4. P_2: create m = M(foo='bar'),

Contrary to the expectations, we now have duplicate rows in the
database. As a result, M.objects.get(foo='bar') throws an
MultipleObjectsReturned exception.

Note that this is actually a corner case as foo is conceptually unique
in the example and should be marked as such in the model.

So, this is up to a design decision: either document the behaviour,
noting that unique constraints help and provide a userspace
inter-process locking primitive for those who need it OR use an low
overhead locking mechanism (see "Minimizing locking overhead" below)
by default.

I'm +0 for the former.

Changes dependent on the previous value

The classic increment problem.

Precondition: m.score == x

1. P_1: m = M.objects.get(foo='bar')
2. P_2: m = M.objects.get(foo='bar')
3. P_1: m.score += 1,
4. P_2: m.score += 1,

Expected postcondition: m.score == x + 2
Actual postcondition: m.score == x + 1

Malcolm points out that "Holding a full lock for every model instance
in memory on the off-chance it might be saved and the save might need
to make incremental changes like this is a bit heavy-weight though (a
lot of those cases are why manual transaction support is available and
we should be making sure that works smoothly)", so again this is up to
a design decision: either document the behaviour and provide a
userspace inter-process locking primitive OR use a locking mechanism
by default (a low-overhead locking mechanism does not exist for this
case probably).

I'm +1 for the former.

General CRUD behaviour

Apart from the 'Get or create' case above, Create is OK.

Retrieve is OK, but it can't be assumed that the object has the same
state is the database throughout its lifetime (as other processes may
have changed the state). Users need to be aware of that.

Apart from 'Changes dependent on the previous value', Update is OK.
Again, users need to be educated that it can't be assumed that =
'bar', actually means that field foo has value 'bar' in the
database (state may be changed by other processes). As Malcolm
pointed out though, multi-table inheritance would pose problems for

Delete without a test for previous existence is OK, but could fail
locking otherwise. Also, as above, it can't be assumed that deleting
an object is assured to result in it's removal (P_1 and P_2 hold m,
deletes m, P_2 updates and saves m and m springs to life again).

Generally, if a state change depends on previous state in the
database, it is not safe, otherwise it is. And it can't be assumed
object state does not change in the database during it's lifetime in
current process.

The solution

Locking primitives

As Malcolm pointed out, locks can be intra-thread, inter-thread or
inter-process and different cases have different requirements.

I can't see the point of intra-thread lock (a single thread of
execution does not need locking), could you please clarify Malcolm?

An inter-thread locking mechanism is available in standard library
since 2.4 and is backported from there to django.utils._tread_local.

An inter-process (that also applies to inter-thread) locking mechanism
is the most difficult case. An external, shared data store is needed
and access to it must be protected by thread locking (so it should be
actually double-locked).

The following are available as far as I can see (ordered by
1. environment -- I'm not sure if this can be used as it
depends on how it is shared between different Python subinterpreters.
2. shared memory -- nothing in the standard library, I doubt if
anything is
available in pure python, but see , "Shared Memory Lib"
3. memcached or some other shared caching mechanism.
4. database?

Please correct me if I'm wrong or if you are aware of any other

Additionally, locks have different granularity (global, module, class,
instance, function), the lock should be as fine-grained as possible.

Minimizing locking overhead

There is a nice optimisation for avoiding locking overhead in the
get_or_create case, the Double-Checked Locking Pattern ("Modern C++
Design" by Alexandrescu gives a nice treatment, but it's also
available at ):

if not exists(object):
with lock(module):
if not exists(object):
return object

There may be other tricks I'm not aware of.


It needs to be decided whether to guard operations that depend on
previous state in the database with locking by default or provide
locking primitives for userspace and how to implement inter-process

Additionally, there should be a separate section in documentation that
deals with threading. It should outline the pitfalls described above
and should describe how to use the locking primitives correctly.

Perhaps we can come up with an elegant, pythonic way to solve things
so that people don't need to start planting locks manually throughout
code (as this is fragile) -- decorators are really nice, just the
naive @mutex won't cut it.

Craig Ogg

Apr 5, 2008, 5:08:36 PM4/5/08
As has been said by others, I think this thread is no longer about threads
or even interprocess synchronization. For web apps, the norm is multiple
web servers talking to a single database. This should rule out any form of
synchronization mechanism outside of the database. In fact, the whole point
of having ACID guarantees in a db is to handle these type of situations

IMO, having synchronization in the app itself is just a dangerous,
performance-killing delusion :-) The second you deploy your second web
server your carefully crafted guarantees will just disappear.

What this means from a practical standpoint is that some things just can't
be done client-side and should be pushed down into the db.

FWIW, my experience is with scaling databases at (over a million
financial transactions a day using C++/MS SQLServer with no ORM) and at
ThisNext (Perl, MySQL, Class::DBI).

mrts wrote:
> Get or create

> Precondition: object with foo='bar' does not exist in the database
> 1. P_1: M.objects.get(foo='bar'): DoesNotExist, needs adding
> 2. P_2: M.objects.get(foo='bar'): DoesNotExist, needs adding
> 3. P_1: create m = M(foo='bar'),
> 4. P_2: create m = M(foo='bar'),

IMO, get_or_create() should be one database call that handles this in the
most appropriate way for the backend that is being used. The implementation
could (should?) differ based on the availability of transactions,
backend-specific SQL extensions, or other mechanisms (stored procedures,

That said, Class::DBI for Perl[1] has a similar problematic implementation
and it has been popular for a long time now so maybe this isn't so urgent.
My assumption is that those that know they will be in a environment where
this is problematic (either high throughput or on a table where contention
is likely) simply won't use that method.

> Changes dependent on the previous value
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The classic increment problem.

> 1. P_1: m = M.objects.get(foo='bar')
> 2. P_2: m = M.objects.get(foo='bar')
> 3. P_1: m.score += 1,
> 4. P_2: m.score += 1,

This is really something that can only happen at the database level. With
the Django ORM, I think this is only possible by bypassing the ORM
altogether. Ideally it would be possible to mark the field as "read only"
or "temporary" so that the ORM would never attempt to save the value for
that field, but it would still be available for reading.

If this is a common enough need, perhaps new methods are needed to handle it
specifically (I'd propose a name, but I can't think of any that would be
non-controversial). They would go to the database immediately and return
the correctly updated value. I suspect that having the ability to mark
fields as temporary would be sufficient though -- then the developer could
issue the appropriate UPDATE and set any in memory copies to the new value

> General CRUD behaviour
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Delete without a test for previous existence is OK, but could fail
> without
> locking otherwise. Also, as above, it can't be assumed that deleting
> an object is assured to result in it's removal (P_1 and P_2 hold m,
> P_1
> deletes m, P_2 updates and saves m and m springs to life again).

I don't think this is correct. An update isn't going to insert a record.
Of course, a user could enter a new item that has the same values as the
old, but it would have a different pk and isn't solvable anyway.

> The solution
> ------------
> Locking primitives
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ugh. I hope this route isn't taken. No amount of locking is going to
handle the multiple server case, unless that locking is in the DB or as a
separate network-based service. If the latter, then another point of
failure has been added to your server infrastructure, never a good thing.



Malcolm Tredinnick

Apr 5, 2008, 11:09:28 PM4/5/08
Lots of interesting stuff here. Craig has already responded in some
details and I mostly agree with what he's saying. I've addressed a few
more points with specifics to Django's implementation, so there's some
duplicate ground covered, but in a way that is more relevant if you know
the code.

On Sat, 2008-04-05 at 08:27 -0700, mrts wrote:

> Most operations in model level that have '.alters_data = True'
> have some concurrency issues,

This is not really the right language and it misleads things a little.
"Issues" implies there's a problem (by definition, an issue is an item
of controversy). First identify the requirements to work out if there's
a problem, rather than begging the question.

> Get or create
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> This is where the problem started. Malcolm notes that "get_or_create
> doesn't need one, for example, since the database handles that
> already", but as get_or_create is not atomic in any way I doubt this.

Rather than using doubts, let's use the code as our guide...

After a call to get_or_create(), you are returned an object that is
known to be in the database and matches the filters you passed in. If no
object matching those constraints exists, it is created using the
default arguments passed in. This will always be true regardless of how
many threads or processes are simultaneously accessing the function.

However -- and this is important -- if the default arguments you pass in
do not constrain the item to be unique in the database, it is possible
that two such items are created via simultaneous access. Get_or_create()
does not say that it will work around that case. You have passed in
requirements for an object that are non-unique, so more than one
instance are created. If you only want a unique object, make sure that
the arguments you provide as the defaults argument specify it must be
unique at the database level. That's what I mean by the database
handling the problems. The database is the ultimate synchronisation
point here and we should use it as much as possible, since it's the best
cross-process thing we've got available: fine-grained, low-level (so
conflict detection and resolution happens at the most specific place
possible) and already in existence so we don't add extra overhead.

This is actually an area where I wish a little more progress had been
made on the database constraints project from last summer of code,
because it would help people push down things like unique_together to
the database if they needed this guarantee.

It's also not particularly hard to upgrade get_or_create() to be able to
guarantee uniqueness on insert and I think that would be nice to do.
That requires an addition we need to make to the model save() method
that we need anyway. We need the ability to differentiate at the save()
level between "must create a new object", "must update an existing
object" and "can update an existing object or else create a new one". I
intend to fix that particular problem once queryset-refactor (my main
Django time suck currently) is merged.

You're right that this should be documented better. I don't see the need
for Django providing inter-process locking, since it's unnecessary
complexity, in the scheme of things (and not always possible -- what if
your views are running on different machines?). The current lock-free
approach appears provably correct and seems useful, providing you have
the correct database constraints in place (note that this is using
recent subversion code which handles the insert/select race better for
when database constraints do prevent multiple inserts).

> Changes dependent on the previous value
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The classic increment problem.
> Precondition: m.score == x
> 1. P_1: m = M.objects.get(foo='bar')
> 2. P_2: m = M.objects.get(foo='bar')
> 3. P_1: m.score += 1,
> 4. P_2: m.score += 1,
> Expected postcondition: m.score == x + 2
> Actual postcondition: m.score == x + 1
> Malcolm points out that "Holding a full lock for every model instance
> in memory on the off-chance it might be saved and the save might need
> to make incremental changes like this is a bit heavy-weight though (a
> lot of those cases are why manual transaction support is available and
> we should be making sure that works smoothly)", so again this is up to
> a design decision: either document the behaviour and provide a
> userspace inter-process locking primitive OR use a locking mechanism
> by default (a low-overhead locking mechanism does not exist for this
> case probably).

This is the case where we can lift "SELECT FOR UPDATE..." transaction
control into the Python level. Again, it lets the database be the
serialisation point. In agreement about the need for a solution here,
not quite sure how to spell it at the Python API level yet.

> General CRUD behaviour
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Apart from the 'Get or create' case above, Create is OK.
> Retrieve is OK, but it can't be assumed that the object has the same
> state is the database throughout its lifetime (as other processes may
> have changed the state). Users need to be aware of that.

Well, this is hardly revolutionary behaviour. It's true any time you
retrieve data from a database and use it in a program. If people are
expecting live updates, they've been using very rare languages

This is that annoying territory where we have to decide how much
documentation space to spend on people who are just learning to program
at the cost of drowning out the relevant stuff in amongst what are
essentially things that are pretty much always true in computer
programming. It's a hard problem with no perfect answer but I personally
favour keeping this kind of cruft out of the main docs (put them in a
"if you are just starting out with programming" doc by all means) since
beginners can always improve to become better. We're writing a framework
for professionals here; let's keep that userbase in mind and try to
convey information to them as efficiently as possible, too.

> Apart from 'Changes dependent on the previous value', Update is OK.
> Again, users need to be educated that it can't be assumed that =
> 'bar', actually means that field foo has value 'bar' in the
> database (state may be changed by other processes). As Malcolm
> pointed out though, multi-table inheritance would pose problems for
> save().

Maybe or maybe not. I haven't double-checked it yet. Have you? From
memory, there's a single transaction in place around the save method, so
it's quite possibly already safe. I'm personally massively uninterested
in adding extra stuff just to support people using MySQL + MyIsam. If
they want ACID properties, they should feel free to use a real database
storage engine.

> Delete without a test for previous existence is OK, but could fail
> without
> locking otherwise.

Why does this need locking? If the delete fails because the item doesn't
exist, so be it. Catch the error and move on. The database is in the
correct state at the end of the operation in either case.

> Also, as above, it can't be assumed that deleting
> an object is assured to result in it's removal (P_1 and P_2 hold m,
> P_1
> deletes m, P_2 updates and saves m and m springs to life again).

In the cases where this is important, the saves of any such objects
should ensure they use the (from the future) update-only (don't create a
new object) version of saving. I suspect the right answer here
ultimately is that, by default, instances created by data retrieved from
the database should be marked as such and they will automatically go
through the update-only path at save time, which will be faster and will
allow client code to correctly detect -- and then handle at will -- the
case of "somebody's deleted me when I wasn't looking."

> Generally, if a state change depends on previous state in the
> database, it is not safe, otherwise it is. And it can't be assumed
> that
> object state does not change in the database during it's lifetime in
> current process.

If you actually sit down and analyse a lot of the database operations
involved in a website (and Django is for websites), there aren't a lot
of these dependent cases. That's why website frameworks work very well
with Optimistic Locking models, since conflicts occur relatively
infrequently and you often don't mind even when they do: pick one of the
possible answers and go with it, isn't a bad solution a lot of times.

Yes, there are times when you do want a dependent update (the x = x + 1
case), but they aren't all that frequent (in the sense that you can
design around them). I agree that it's something people have to learn to
do, but if you're writing massively parallel systems, this hopefully
isn't your first few months on the job.

For example, take session updates. If two more or less simultaneous
session updates collide, there's nothing you can really do to resolve
them. Just pick one and go with it. It doesn't even matter which one,
but you could set things up to handle the latest created one if you
like. After all, it's *session* data (the domain of the problem is
significant): it's stuff that is only relevant to this session -- tied
to a user and a machine -- and having a collision means the user is
trying to do two things at once, possibly because one response was
taking too long. Okay, can't be helped... you're design is strong enough
that you're only storing session-relevant data there and critical,
long-term data in the proper place elsewhere. So just save one of the
results. At the implementation level, conflicts can be detected at
commit (save) time by including a version number in the session cookie
and making the update include the version number as well as the pk in
the update request (so updates of an old value will fail). Requires
"forced-update" saves to exist and needs adding the version to sessions
(and supporting it in session saves). But that's all solvable.

This is what I'm getting at when I'm encouraging approaching things on a
case-by-case. I don't think we need general locking primitives in Django
because requiring them is something that can be designed around and
usually makes the design stronger. Plus, getting locking primitives both
functionaly complete and correct is unbelievably hard (since you
shouldn't rule out the most efficient ways of running websites: multiple
processes and multiple machines). That's why I'm arguing in favour of
generally lock-free algorithms that use the database as the
synchronisation point

> The solution
> ------------
> Locking primitives
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> As Malcolm pointed out, locks can be intra-thread, inter-thread or
> inter-process and different cases have different requirements.

You've missed inter-machine (views on different machines being
distributed to via a reverse proxy) and this is symptomatic of the
slippery slope and why other solutions than locking are going to be more

The very strong argument in designing "shared nothing" styles of
architecture, particularly for web services is to enable proper
scalability without penalising smaller cases with the overhead and
without leaking abstractions into user code (proper locking management
will absolutely require client code to call it, which leaks the whole
locking and synchronisation structure into code that we should be trying
to insulate).


> Minimizing locking overhead
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> There is a nice optimisation for avoiding locking overhead in the
> get_or_create case, the Double-Checked Locking Pattern ("Modern C++
> Design" by Alexandrescu gives a nice treatment, but it's also
> available at
> ):

There's also quite a famous paper be Alexandrescu and Meyers showing
that the double-checked locking pattern doesn't actually work properly
and is unbelievably hard to get right the C++ level (and people
including the authors missed that for a number of years; I was at a
conference where Scott Meyers explained some of the background to
discovering this problem and realising "compilers are hard!"). Search
for "C++ and the perils of double-checked locking." Most of the problems
in that paper aren't applicable in Python in its current form because
Python 2.x doesn't make the bytecode-level optimisations that bite most
of the C++ implementations, but it does show just how hard this stuff is
to get right. The "conclusions and alternatives" section of that paper
sums up a similar argument to what I'm trying to make here: don't rely
on locking more than absolutely necessary. They don't go as far to say
"design around it", since it's a paper on locking and they'd like to
remain relevant, but designing lock-free algorithms (which is really the
ideal solution here) is a much bigger area of computer science these
days with distributed systems.

> if not exists(object):
> with lock(module):
> if not exists(object):
> create_and_save(object)
> return object
> There may be other tricks I'm not aware of.

The critical part of this pattern is how expensive the is_lock() call
might be. Locking, even when there's no contention, on distributed
systems -- processes or machines -- isn't free and is easy to starve for
resources if you don't correctly release it and easy to deadlock if you
don't do it in the right order (and adding deadlock detection to avoid
that isn't free either).

> Conclusion
> ----------
> It needs to be decided whether to guard operations that depend on
> previous state in the database with locking by default or provide
> locking primitives for userspace and how to implement inter-process
> locking.

Or to design around them so that locking isn't required in userspace
client code at all in all but the most exceptional cases.

There's a very real risk with allowing locking to creep up into client
code: the rest of the process becomes hostage to that code behaving
correctly. If you take the lock and don't release it, or you take
multiple locks in the wrong order, it's resource starvation time. And
it's not just the request/response path that matters here, so whilst
putting a lock reaper in the response path will be a good idea for any
locking stuff, it isn't a panacea. Any scripts (e.g. cronjobs) also have
to obey the rules and they can be run from anywhere. Locking primitives
are a dangerous thing to add to large code bases.

I firmly believe (which I think must be obvious from this post and my
last one) that if we can avoid introducing the necessity for this, it
will save everybody -- maintainers and third-party developers alike -- a
lot of trouble down the track. Locking done right means it works in all
cases, otherwise, as Craig pointed out, it's a delusion. Solving these
problems, though, doesn't necessarily require locking at a level above
the database, so we aren't obliged to walk down that road.

Best wishes,

I intend to live forever - so far so good.

Ivan Sagalaev

Apr 6, 2008, 4:13:57 AM4/6/08
Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> If you only want a unique object, make sure that
> the arguments you provide as the defaults argument specify it must be
> unique at the database level.

BTW, may be get_or_create should be rewritten as:

except BackendSpecificUniqueConstraitFailure:


> This is the case where we can lift "SELECT FOR UPDATE..." transaction
> control into the Python level. Again, it lets the database be the
> serialisation point. In agreement about the need for a solution here,
> not quite sure how to spell it at the Python API level yet.



Malcolm Tredinnick

Apr 6, 2008, 4:32:51 AM4/6/08

On Sun, 2008-04-06 at 12:13 +0400, Ivan Sagalaev wrote:
> Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> > If you only want a unique object, make sure that
> > the arguments you provide as the defaults argument specify it must be
> > unique at the database level.
> BTW, may be get_or_create should be rewritten as:
> get()
> try:
> create()
> except BackendSpecificUniqueConstraitFailure:
> get()

That's more or less how it is written, since r7289 (March 18). The only
small problem is the create step, which is a call to the model's save()
method. If you don't supply default data that forces the instance to be
unique, it could result in multiple occurrences in the database. That's
why it really wants to be, or however we
end up spelling that at that point.


Save the whales. Collect the whole set.

Ivan Sagalaev

Apr 6, 2008, 4:36:26 AM4/6/08
Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> That's more or less how it is written, since r7289 (March 18).

Great! We've been running too long on a snapshot from December then :-)

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