Notes towards DIY DNA synthesis and the synthesis of photolabile protecting groups from kitchen household products

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Bryan Bishop

Jun 25, 2009, 1:17:55 PM6/25/09
to diybio,
I had some notes that I showed genehacker the other day, and he keeps
on poking me asking me to send them, so here I go. I am tired of
ordering DNA over the internet, and would much rather synthesize it
myself, just as easily as I cook up food in the kitchen. In order to
do this you need to have protecting groups for your ddNTPs, you need
to have ddNTPs in the first place, blah blah blah. I am not too
interested in ordering my bases from the internet forever, so the
subsection of the (random) notes about nucleotidases should be of
particular interest .. especially since you can extract nucleotidases
from chicken gizzard, rat muscle tissue, or pigeon breast tissue.

The other important ingredient is the ability to make the protecting
groups that are to be added to the different nucleotides. In the case
of photolithographic approaches to DNA synthesis, you need photolabile
protecting groups, like NPOCC. The synthesis of NPOCC involves
chloroform (or acetone, clorox, and ice), ultraviolet light, some
equipment like a distillation column, various lab glassware, etc.
There was this nice diagram from a chemistry journal that I included
in the parent directory that describes a particularly easy setup from
the 50s that some researchers built to synthesize NPOCC.

Anyway, here are the rambling, random notes of (apparent?) interest:

Also, here are some previous discussions from around these parts about
similar topics.

DLP projector based gene synthesizer proposal

Some ranting notes on schemes for microfluidic DNA synthesizers

Sequencing and synthesis predictions for 2010 from 2003

Synthesis of unnatural nucleic acids (like GNA)

Short bibliography of DIY-friendly DNA synthesis techniques

DIY DNA synthesis

- Bryan
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