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GoodNeWS available from !!

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Don Hopkins

1989年6月25日 22:41:331989/6/25
GoodNeWS is now available via anonymous ftp from
( Be sure to set binary mode, and get the file

GoodNeWS is a user interface for the NeWS window system, that includes
a wonderful object oriented drawing tool, a DVI previewer that lets
you preview LaTeX documents (you can include drawings made with the
drawing tool in your LaTeX documents), a terminal emulator, a
performance monitor, a scrabble game, a chess position editor, and

GoodNeWS will be distributed on the Sun Users Group contributed
software tape.

I'm including some of the informative blurbs that are in the GoodNeWS


% FILE: README by Arthur van Hoff, (c)1989 Turing Institute

Hi there,

Here is version 1.2 of GoodNeWS. Version 1.2 was developed to improve the
portability of the GoodNeWS system. The major difference with version 1.1
is that GoodNeWS now runs under the original NeWS1.1 environment.
If there are any problems please feel free to contact me at home or at work
(I spent 75% of my time in Holland). Hope you like it....

Arthur van Hoff

The Turing Institute
George House
36 North Hannover street
G1 2AD Glasgow

Please E-mail bug reports to:

To run GoodNeWS 1.2 you should set your NEWSHOME environment variable
to the NeWS1.1 directory. You should also have a GNHOME variable set to
the GoodNeWS home directory (this directory). To enter GoodNeWS mode at
startup you should copy (or link) the file ${GNHOME}/ to your
home directory. This will cause GoodNeWS to be loaded at startup and
the RootMenu will be set the the GoodNeWS rootmenu. Remember to add
${GNHOME}/bin directory to your PATH. If you are using different machines,
make sure that your .login sets your path to use the appropriate bin.MACHINE
directory! The default is to use bin, which is linked to bin.SUN3.


The development of GoodNeWS and HyperNeWS has been funded by:

The Turing Institute, Glasgow, Scotland.
The Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-85-G-0243.
The National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada.


*** HyperNeWS 1.2 is NOT included in this release of GoodNeWS 1.2 ***

GoodNeWS version 1.2 was developed using an invalid copy of NeWS1.1. We have
now ported it to the release version of NeWS1.1. However, since a new (and
very nasty) bug was introduced to the newsserver, we were not able to
port HyperNeWS1.2 before the release of GoodNeWS1.2. HyperNeWS1.2 will
become available under the same conditions as GoodNeWS1.2 in the near
future (within the next months).

Arthur van Hoff, 7 June 1989.

P.S: HyperNeWS is a HyperCard like interface development tool.

Frode Odegard

1989年6月29日 06:52:111989/6/29

I installed it of the real goodies is something
called "Pete's Movie"...the terminal window is quite fast, too!
I guess I will have to learn to play Scrabble, now (sic! Not as
popular here in Norway)

- Frode
PS: Has anyone heard of a release date for HyperNeWS ?

Frode L. Odegard, Modula-2 CASE Systems, Maridalsveien 139, N-0461
OSLO 4, NORWAY. Email: For a full resume send mail
to (message must contain the command "resume frode").

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