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Announce: Tcl3D version 0.4.3 released

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Tcl3D Info

da leggere,
31 lug 2010, 16:59:1931/07/10
Dear Tcl'ers,

I'm pleased to announce version 0.4.3 of Tcl3D.

Tcl3D offers the 3D functionality of OpenGL and other 3D libraries
at the Tcl scripting level.
This is accomplished by wrapping the libraries with the help of SWIG.

The Tcl3D package consists of the following building blocks:

Tcl3D core module:
- tcl3dOgl Enhanced Togl widget, a Tk widget for OpenGL content.
Wrapper for OpenGL functionality based on the GLEW library.
Utility library (math, shapes, stop watch, ..).

Tcl3D optional modules:
- tcl3dCg Wrapper for NVidia's Cg shading language.
- tcl3dSDL Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Library.
- tcl3dFTGL Wrapper for the OpenGL Font Rendering Library.
- tcl3dGl2ps Wrapper for the OpenGL To Postscript library.
- tcl3dOde Wrapper for the Open Dynamics Engine.
- tcl3dOsg Wrapper for the OpenSceneGraph library.
- tcl3dGauges A Tcl3D package for displaying gauges.

Tcl3D comes with lots of demo and test programs.

Tcl3D sources, binaries and demos are available at

Please send questions, bug reports or any other feedback about Tcl3D to
<info at tcl3d dot org>, or visit the Tcl3D related pages on the Wiki: (Tcl3D) (Tcl3D Discussion) (Tcl3D Demo of the Month)


Paul Obermeier

Version history:

Version 0.4.3, released 2010/07/31
Bug fix and maintenance release. Ready for OpenGL 4.0.

- Enhancements / New features:
+ GLEW version updated to 1.5.4. OpenGL support now up to 3.3 and 4.0.
+ FTGL version updated to 2.1.3 RC5. Fixes problems with Non-Ascii
+ SWIG version 1.3.40 tested for correct wrapping.
+ Added support for Visual Studio 2010.
+ New Makefile variable TKDIR for systems having Tcl and Tk
in separate directories.
+ New utility functions:
- tcl3dVecMath: All tcl3dVec3f* and tcl3dMatf* have corresponding
precision functions: tcl3dVec3d* and tcl3dMatd*.
New replacement functions for OpenGL functions operating on
which do not exist in OpenGL 3.2:
tcl3dMultMatrixf, tcl3dMultMatrixd, tcl3dRotatef, tcl3dRotated,
tcl3dScalef, tcl3dScaled, tc3dTranslatef, tcl3dTranslated.
- tcl3dViewMath: tcl3dOrtho, tcl3dFrustum, tcl3dPerspective,
as replacement for the corresponding gl and glu functions.
- New sub-command elemsize to determine the size in bytes of an
element of a tcl3dVector.
- New functions tcl3dOglProject and tcl3dOglUnProject in addition to
gluProject and gluUnProject using tcl3dVectors instead of Tcl
+ New OpenGL information and query function: tcl3dOglGetExtensionList.
+ Enhanced OpenGL information and query functions:
tcl3dOglGetFuncList, tcl3dOglGetVersionList,
tcl3dOglGetFuncSignature, tcl3dOglGetFuncVersion,
tcl3dOglGetFuncDeprecated, tcl3dOglGetUrl,

- Bug fixes:
+ Corrected wrapping of OpenGL enumerations.
Some enumerations did not get wrapped.

- New demos:
+ 5 new demos added since release 0.4.2.
These have been previously released as Tcl3D Demo of the month.

- Build environment:
+ Windows 7 64-bit : VS 2008 Express (32-bit)
+ SuSE Linux 10.2 32-bit (2.6.18) : gcc 4.1.2
+ SuSE Linux 10.2 64-bit (2.6.18) : gcc 4.1.2
+ Mac OSX 10.4.11 : gcc 4.0.1

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