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не прочитано,
28 окт. 1999 г., 03:00:0028.10.1999

Well i wonder what you folks think about the fact that Guy L. Steele Jr. is
working on Java these days (not to mention Gosling which was responsible for
early Emacs). Doesnt that feels alarming at least?


Erik Naggum

не прочитано,
28 окт. 1999 г., 03:00:0028.10.1999
* Malcy <>

| Well i wonder what you folks think about the fact that Guy L. Steele
| Jr. is working on Java these days [...].

that Steele is genuinely interested in language design and that we were
fortunate to have his skills, intelligence, and guidance at a crucial
time in the development of Common Lisp.

what I find alarming is the deeply uninteresting nature of an increasing
number of _questions_ in this newsgroup.


William Deakin

не прочитано,
28 окт. 1999 г., 03:00:0028.10.1999
Dear Erik,

This is an open letter prompted by your comments:

Erik Naggum wrote:

> what I find alarming is the deeply uninteresting nature of an increasing
> number of _questions_ in this newsgroup.

It would be a great loss to this newgroup, and to me in particular, if the
nature of these questions, or anything else for that matter, discourages you
from taking any further part in c.l.l.

Best Regards,

:) will

Christopher R. Barry

не прочитано,
28 окт. 1999 г., 03:00:0028.10.1999
Malcy <> writes:

> Well i wonder what you folks think about the fact that Guy L. Steele Jr. is

> working on Java these days (not to mention Gosling which was responsible for
> early Emacs). Doesnt that feels alarming at least?

He still speaks at major Lisp events like the LUGM. (Failing illness.)
He also wrote a paper not too long ago talking about qualities that
Java needs that Common Lisp has. (Or something like that; a DejaNews
search of c.l.l should turn it up.)



не прочитано,
28 окт. 1999 г., 03:00:0028.10.1999

Thanks for the reference, but i read it. Id also like to note that my question
arise exactly after reading it.


Russell Senior

не прочитано,
28 окт. 1999 г., 03:00:0028.10.1999
>>>>> "Malcy" == Malcy <> writes:

>> [...] He also wrote a paper not too long ago talking about

>> qualities that Java needs that Common Lisp has. (Or something like
>> that; a DejaNews search of c.l.l should turn it up.)

Malcy> Thanks for the reference, but i read it. Id also like to note
Malcy> that my question arise exactly after reading it.

Ah! You read it, but did you catch the error?

I think the title of the paper is `Growing a Language', and the
version I read was dated before January 1, 1999. If your version is
dated after that, the error may have been corrected.

Russell Senior ``The two chiefs turned to each other. Bellison uncorked a flood of horrible
profanity, which, translated meant, `This is
extremely unusual.' ''


не прочитано,
29 окт. 1999 г., 03:00:0029.10.1999
Russell Senior <> writes:

> Malcy> Thanks for the reference, but i read it. Id also like to note
> Malcy> that my question arise exactly after reading it.
> Ah! You read it, but did you catch the error?
> I think the title of the paper is `Growing a Language', and the
> version I read was dated before January 1, 1999. If your version is
> dated after that, the error may have been corrected.

Hmmm. Read it this in august IIRC. No havent noticed the error,
what was it?


Paolo Amoroso

не прочитано,
29 окт. 1999 г., 03:00:0029.10.1999
On 28 Oct 1999 02:37:46 +0400, Malcy <> wrote:

> Well i wonder what you folks think about the fact that Guy L. Steele Jr. is
> working on Java these days (not to mention Gosling which was responsible for
> early Emacs). Doesnt that feels alarming at least?

What's so alarming about a versatile genius? Did the scientific community
feel alarmed when James Clerk Maxwell turned to electromagnetism after
working on the stability of Saturn's rings? :)

What is really alarming is the increasing frequency of threads questioning
the survival of Lisp.

EncyCMUCLopedia * Extensive collection of CMU Common Lisp documentation

Eugene Zaikonnikov

не прочитано,
29 окт. 1999 г., 03:00:0029.10.1999
Paolo Amoroso wrote:
> What is really alarming is the increasing frequency of threads questioning
> the survival of Lisp.
That is not really alarming. Actually, I'd be worried if at one moment I
wouldn't see a couple of such threads :)
Perhaps we should intentionally keep alive "Is Lisp Dying", to save
effort for some of newcomers.


Janos Blazi

не прочитано,
29 окт. 1999 г., 03:00:0029.10.1999
Should I start it again (under som alias name perhaps)?

Eugene Zaikonnikov <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:

David J. Cooper

не прочитано,
29 окт. 1999 г., 03:00:0029.10.1999
Janos Blazi wrote:
> Should I start it again (under som alias name perhaps)?


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