[ANN] 0.6.0 Beta of Counterclockwise

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Laurent PETIT

Jan 19, 2012, 2:07:26 PM1/19/12
to counterclockwise, clojuredev-users

A beta version for CCW 0.6.0 has been pushed in the new betas update site: http://ccw.cgrand.net/updatesite-betas/

You can see a detailed list of bug fixes/enhancements here:


Highlights on the future 0.6.0:
- bug fixes, alot
- use of Clojure 1.3, internally
- steps towards simplification of ccw hacking/building,
- smart paste in string literals when in editor strict mode (paste a bunch of XML content, get the double quotes automatically escaped)
- automatically send repl content if cursor at the end of the repl input editor, *and* its content is well formed clojure
- etc.

Any help to test this version before releasing a stable version appreciated,



Laurent PETIT

Jan 25, 2012, 9:14:12 PM1/25/12
to counterclockwise, clojuredev-users
Ok, so far I have seen 14 downloads of the BETA, included probably a couple from me.
Even if I had hoped more testers, I'd still be interested in hearing from the dozen people who took the risk to try it out :)

So please, let me know. You don't need to find a problem to speak. Not having problems is a good indicator too!


-- Laurent

2012/1/19 Laurent PETIT <lauren...@gmail.com>

Chas Emerick

Jan 26, 2012, 4:40:55 PM1/26/12
to counterclockwise-users
Looks good here (though I had to uninstall/reinstall — I think due to
my dev activities on ccw HEAD).

- Chas


Jan 27, 2012, 5:05:25 PM1/27/12
to clojured...@googlegroups.com, counterclockwise
It's been working excellently for me on Eclipse 3.7.1. It installed and came right up without a fuss, and has been well-behaved ever since.

I encountered the smart paste for strings almost immediately after I installed it. I kind of knew it was there already, but it was still a bit of a pleasant surprise to suddenly "discover" it. Nice!


Laurent PETIT

Jan 27, 2012, 5:09:49 PM1/27/12
to clojured...@googlegroups.com, counterclockwise
Hi all, thanks for the feedback.

A Beta 2 is on its way, but I've been a little bit sick yesterday, so couldn't achieve its release as I first intended.

2012/1/27 hgreen <hhg...@ieee.org>

It's been working excellently for me on Eclipse 3.7.1. It installed and came right up without a fuss, and has been well-behaved ever since.

I encountered the smart paste for strings almost immediately after I installed it. I kind of knew it was there already, but it was still a bit of a pleasant surprise to suddenly "discover" it. Nice!

By the way, this feature will have a preferences starting with beta 2, will be usable both from "default/unrestricted" and "strict/paredit" modes, and will be off by default.


-- Laurent


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Nicolas Duchenne

Feb 3, 2012, 6:15:52 PM2/3/12
to counterclockwise-users
Hi Laurent, I've been using the beta for a week now. First steps with
Clojure and Incanter over Eclipse 3.7.0 / Linux. It has been working
like a charm.



Laurent PETIT

Feb 9, 2012, 3:38:21 PM2/9/12
to counterclockwise, clojuredev-users
Beta 2 of CCW 0.6.0 has been released.

The big change you will immediately see is the revamp of syntax coloration.
It uses less colors by default, and sticks to the colors already used by default in the Java Editor.
Rainbow parens are now optional.
Lots of configuration possibilities in the Syntax Coloration Preference page. You can have the old coloration back if you want, it's configuration is a subset of the new configuration possibilities.

Improves / fixes Beta 1 :
- Add preferences support for escape on paste in string literals + remove the adherance to the strict mode
- REPLView: add message hint in the top right corner of the input area (a preference enables you to show/hide this message)
- add support for changing fonts in REPL view source viewers
- Rainbow parens are now optional + command to switch back/forth rainbow parens display  ( Ctrl+( on Windows/Linux, Cmd+( on Mac)
- Syntax coloration: added missing preferences (missing tokens, 'callable' positions, rainbow parens)

Feedback expected,


-- Laurent

2012/1/19 Laurent PETIT <lauren...@gmail.com>

Laurent PETIT

Feb 10, 2012, 11:12:35 AM2/10/12
to clojured...@googlegroups.com, clojuredev-users
Hello Eric,

2012/2/10 Eric Springer <ericws...@gmail.com>
It seems really quite good, so I can't provide too much constructive feedback. I guess one thing that could've been a bit more prominently displayed, would be adding a new file. The way I found it was right clicking on "src", then going "other" and then "clojure file".  It's not a big deal, but having "Clojure File" the first option when adding a file to a clojure project would give a better first impression. And maybe it's worth considering having a new project come with a default file.

Oh yeah, this is related to the fact that your Java perspective needs to be refreshed so that you'll see the commands without having to dig deep into Others ... => Window > Refresh perspective

I really like the strict/structural mode -- but I didn't find a way of toggling between it (other than setting the preference, for new editors opened). It'd also be nice if the hotkeys could be displayed (and changed?) from within eclipse

You can toggle between it either by double clicking on the status report in the status bar, either by hitting Alt + D (D like "Default mode")

Anyway, fantastic work. Keep it up

Thanks for the kind words,


Laurent PETIT

Feb 12, 2012, 9:56:29 AM2/12/12
to clojured...@googlegroups.com, clojuredev-users
2012/2/11 Eric Springer <ericws...@gmail.com>

On Friday, February 10, 2012 10:12:35 PM UTC+11, laurent.petit wrote:

Oh yeah, this is related to the fact that your Java perspective needs to be refreshed so that you'll see the commands without having to dig deep into Others ... => Window > Refresh perspective

Thanks, the problem turned out to be I had the "Resources" perspective rather than the Java one. I'm pretty sure it just defaulted to that (this is a clean install of eclipse). Since it's not obvious that the Java one needs to be used for Clojure, maybe it's possible to automatically switch?

It's on in the philosophy of Eclipse to do this kind of things on behalf of the user.

However, having a proper "Welcome Page" with suggestions to switch (and/or reset) perspectives is on the table, just currently not high in priority.

You can toggle between it either by double clicking on the status report in the status bar, either by hitting Alt + D (D like "Default mode")

Nice, I actually tried double-clicking the status report -- but I (falsely) assumed it didn't work, as the text didn't change. Now I see it uses "Stru" for both strict mode and not. May I suggest using something like "Strict" and "Struct" so you don't need to hover over it to see what mode?

Starting with Beta2, the labels have been changed:
"Edit mode: unrestricted" for what was "Structural edition: default mode"
"Edit mode: strict/paredit" for what was "Structural edition: Strict"

Now that I see that when one shrinks Eclipse's Window, only the beginning and the end of the label is shown, I'll change this as such:

"unrestricted edit mode" and "strict/paredit edit mode"

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Feb 23, 2012, 2:54:23 PM2/23/12
to clojured...@googlegroups.com
We have been using this release since 3 weeks ago roughly on indigo and
it's runing smoothly as usual :)

Luc P.

Softaddicts<lprefo...@softaddicts.ca> sent by ibisMail!

Zmitro Lapcjonak

Feb 24, 2012, 11:10:27 AM2/24/12
to counterclockwise-users
> - Syntax coloration: added missing preferences (missing tokens, 'callable'
> positions, rainbow parens)

where to find option for coloration of "true/false/nil"?
seems, i tried all elements, but these words remain plain black

(not work stoppage, of koz :)

Zmi La

Laurent PETIT

Feb 24, 2012, 11:14:17 AM2/24/12
to clojured...@googlegroups.com
Right, there is currently no option for these particular symbols => I'd like to add them indeed, can you please file an issue ?

2012/2/24 Zmitro Lapcjonak <ido...@gmail.com>
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