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Here the promised text of the hate email from Bouchra Ismaili/PvdA to Jos Parbleu

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Michael Laudahn eOpposition

Jan 16, 2008, 11:45:47 AM1/16/08

Supplement to

First Jos Parbleu's inquiry sent to various politicians:

Okay Pala, Hizb ut-Tahrir movement Netherlands:

* We do not agree with freedom of speech, for we reject democracy.

* What you need is a real heavy bomb attack.

Reaction written by Bouchra Ismaili, moroccan PvdA (= Partij van de Arbeid =
labour) politician:

Listen well, dirty madman, WE'LL STAY HERE, hahahahahahhahah, DROP DEAD. I
am a dutch moslem, and I shall stay one until my death. I feel pity with
your kind, you must live with hatred, really sad. My father and mother have
worked hard to help building this country, and I have nothing to do with
what others think or say. You are a miserable devil worshipper!!! You have
sold your soul!!! Rather bizarre, to believe in the devil and his entourage,
and to negate god the allmighty and ruler over heaven and earth. Your kind
are the worst terrorists, you have been terrorizing our lives for years here
in Holland. But fortunately, you are few only, and most dutchmen are
developped and tolerant. You are the allochthonous here!!!! With Allah by my
side, I fear nothing and nobody. I AND MY CO-MOSLEMS ARE LIVING, your kind
is being eaten up by hatred. A piece of advice, if I may, convert to islam
and find tranquility in your heart. Hatred eats you up and makes your heart
stay empty. You have only a limited time in your life, go get a life and
enjoyment, soon it's all over. We are living.......................You are
trying to make something undone, to influence the lives and fates of others.
Freemason [*)] hahahaha, you are not free, you are a slave of the devil. You
think you're a kind of god, really sad, go and have yourself checked! If
you're a man with BALLS, let me know who you are, let us talk. You can
always talk to me. I know, you're empty inside, and sometimes you feel you
wouldn't exist. You want to be seen and heard, but you're simply ORDINARY, a
grey mouse and a pathetic little person, one of those billions walking
around on this globe. But I hear your cry of emergency. I hear your cry for
attention. I shall also have time for you, despite of the fact that I'm
fully busy to make Holland a more beautiful, clean and safe country, where
people can develop and live in freedom and democracy, no matter what colour,
origin or faith. Where, for all I care, even devil worshippers have a spot,
for who am I ultimately to judge. This I leave to the judges' judge, ALLAH A

*) Refers apparently to a statement made by Jos Parbleu and found by Bouchra
Ismaili via Google.



Thanks a lot for this example of oriental fuzzy logic pure.

And thanks a lot jews, who made it possible that their oriental brethren
from the arselifter faction have spread in our countries.

And even more thanks to the leftist traitors who have helped them at our
expense doing so. And on top of it, we are allowed to be mocked by this
subhuman scum.

Proudly introducing the free speech concept to german/european politicians &
jurists. >.)

'Freedom of speech - use it or lose it.'

Stan Pierce

Jan 16, 2008, 5:03:02 PM1/16/08

"Michael Laudahn eOpposition" <> wrote in message

> Thanks a lot for this example of oriental fuzzy logic pure.
> And thanks a lot jews, who made it possible that their oriental brethren
> from the arselifter faction have spread in our countries.
> And even more thanks to the leftist traitors who have helped them at our
> expense doing so. And on top of it, we are allowed to be mocked by this
> subhuman scum.

I fear we will have to wait for severe financial implode before the reaction
sets in.

Michael Laudahn eOpposition

Jan 16, 2008, 5:15:12 PM1/16/08

"Stan Pierce" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> I fear we will have to wait for severe financial implode before the
> reaction sets in.

How did you like her letter and her underlying logic? >.)

Stan Pierce

Jan 16, 2008, 9:15:17 PM1/16/08

"Michael Laudahn eOpposition" <> wrote in message

> "Stan Pierce" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:qavjj.4133$

>> I fear we will have to wait for severe financial implode before the
>> reaction sets in.

> > How did you like her letter and her underlying logic? >.)

She reminded me of that experiment with Pavlov's dog. Everything is
predictable once the mind is set.
She is only able to respond in an Islamic manner to everything that
happens...i.e. there is no assimilation to a secular society no matter how
long she was in Holland.

We are all like it really. Some say they are atheists but all their values
are Christian based because we know no other. But then, this is the
Western World and this is what we created. We have no wish to be
'converted' to something else.

The backlash to this manipulation will be horrendous. Hitler will look
like a boy scout compared to what is in store for Muslims. Then of course
when that happens the Jews will be targeted again because of their
interference with our laws.

Michael Laudahn eOpposition

Jan 17, 2008, 8:07:37 AM1/17/08

"Little Johnny Howard" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> Truly bizarre!

> Fucking lefties and a pack of idiots. After we get rid of the ragheads
> we should go after them!

I'd say it's obvious: Either leftists accompany their mohammedan darlings to
their mohammedan shithole countries on D day (D = deportation), or they face
a re-education camp. And I mean *camp*.

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