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zioniost Morons???

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Eugene Kent

2003年7月24日 19:37:392003/7/24
Do you know what Hamilton wrote to Washington? "Do not favor one country
over another, for the one will become arrogant and the other will despise
you. And the haters of Our Constitution will use this chaos to destroy the
Giving these billions of dollars to these corrupt countries may have bought
their governments but made their people despise us. As Iraq is a classic
Not the death of just one of these young American military personal was
worth the milking of the American tax payers to buy these countries.
What about Americas killing of American Indians, Mexicans in the American
Mexico war, the Spanish American war. The Korean War, the Vietnam War, and
now the Iraqi wars and Bush's threat to violently over throw the Syrian,.
Iranian and Korean governments. And the likeness for all this was and is
And not only the countries that you mention but the ancient Kingdoms of
Babylonia, Egypt, Hittites, Mittani and various Farsi and Persian Empires
along with Greece and Rome: has followed the same course.
In other words what you are saying is that America is like all other
countries when they become powerful.

<> wrote in message
> "Eugene Kent" <> wrote in message ...
> > Why are these type of people always called zionazis, KKK'ers, red necks
> > fascists?
> > And have names like Bush, Blair or Sharon?
> If a Muslim calls a Jew "wonderful person" as an insult; it may not have
> the effect as "ZioNazi". There are folks out there running countries that
> are infinitely worse than Bush, Blair, or Sharon. USA gave $15.5 billion
> in international aid to foreign countries. $3.1B went to Israel, $2.1B
> went to Egypt, $500M went to Jordan, $200M went to Arafat's PNA, etc.
> Nazis did not give aid to other countries, the invaded other countries
> killed 23 million humans. So, much as I do not like Bushtard, I am an
> American and I will fight and die for any decisions he makes on behalf of
> and my people. Israel has been inhabited by Jews since 1004 BCE, when
> King David took the land from the Jebusites. The folks you call
> Palestinians are in actuality Trans Jordanians. Syrians and Jordanians
> crossed the Jordan River; most in the past 100 years. You can point to
> mistakes made by both sides, not to just one. Having studied the history
> of the area and been there, it is my belief that the Muslims have
> profoundly more atrocities; including starting a three wars since 1948.
> It's sad when innocent folks die on either side of that fence; but do not
> kid yourself by thinking that the Jews are wrong and the Muslims are
> It's not that cut and dry. And if you need a list of deaths at the hand
> groups that have nothing to do with Judaism, here you go:
> 1) Nazi extermination (1935 -1945) 21,000,000
> 2) Soviet Communist Party (1917 - 1987) 61,900,000.
> 3) China (220 BC - 15th century) 33,520,000
> 4) Mongols (14th century - 15th century) 29,900,000
> 5) African Slavery (1451 - 1817) 17,300,000
> 6) 30 Years War ( 1618-1648) 5,750,000
> 7) Christian Crusades (1095 - 1272) 1,000,000
> 8) Aztec aggression (centuries) 1,000,000
> 9) Spanish Inquisition 350,000
> 10) French Revolution ( 1793 - 1794) 263,000
> 11) Albigenian Crusades ( 1208-1249) 200,000
> 12) American Indian slaughter (16th century - 19th century) 13,778,000
> 13) Indian Slaughters (India - 13th century - 19th century) 4,510,000
> 14) Iran Slaughters (5th century - 19th century) 2,000,000
> 15) Witch Hunts (15th century - 17th century) 100,000
> 16) Sino-Japanese War (1937 - 1945) 19,600,000
> 17) China Warlord transformation (1917 - 1927) 6,800,000
> 18) Vietnam War (1960 - 1975) 1,700,000
> 19) Indochina War (1945 - 1954) 512,000
> 20) Vietnam Democide (1945 - 1987) 3,700,000
> 21) Cambodia Hell (1967 - 1987) 3,200,000
> 22) Turkish Purge (1900 - 1923) 5,124,000
> 23) Pakistan Democide (1971) 1,725,000
> 24) Yugoslavia Democide (1944 - 1987) 1,927,000
> 25) North/South Korea (1948 - 1987) 1,663,000
> 26) Barbarous Mexico (1900 - 1920) 1,837,000
> 27) Rwanda Genocide (1994) 1,000,000

2003年7月24日 19:55:522003/7/24
"Eugene Kent" <> wrote in message
> And not only the countries that you mention but the ancient Kingdoms of
> Babylonia, Egypt, Hittites, Mittani and various Farsi and Persian Empires
> along with Greece and Rome: has followed the same course.
> In other words what you are saying is that America is like all other
> countries when they become powerful.

Some nations have become powerful and have done nothing for the betterment
of mankind. USA's actions are not purely in the name of Imperialism, but
mostly in the name of humanity and the self preservation of America and her
allies. Bushtard's actions against Iraq <> Hitler's actions against
Europe, Jews, and Gypsies.

Eugene Kent

2003年7月25日 12:01:582003/7/25
Just what is your purpose. Do you really believe that the Bush gang gives a
damn about your supposingly democracy?

<> wrote in message

2003年7月25日 18:36:202003/7/25
"Eugene Kent" <> wrote in message ...

> Do you really believe that the Bush gang gives a
> damn about your supposingly democracy?

Dunno, but I doubt highly that he has a political career after next year.
Thank God his scumbag brothers, Neil (caused the S&L crisis) and Jeb (chad
scam, etc.) do not have a shot at national politics. I find it shocking
that America would even vote for Bush, an admitted alcoholic and less than
enlightened religious fanatic. As you suggest, once someone gets into
office they often no longer concern themselves with right/wrong or what they
promised before they get in.

Eugene Kent

2003年7月25日 20:53:122003/7/25
Hopefully he and his repubrats get Hooverized,

<> wrote in message

2003年7月26日 01:08:262003/7/26

"Eugene Kent" <> wrote in message

> Hopefully he and his repubrats get Hooverized,

The Demotards aren't any better. Both parties suck. Libertarians have some
great ideas, and then put those ideas forth with a moron for President.

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