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GeeDub-- A WIMP like daddy!

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Lumaktaw sa unang mensaheng hindi pa nababasa

Monte Phillips

hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
para kay
Surprise! Surprise!
Like father, like son. GeeDubya wimps out and sends apology letter to
catholic boss in NY. He really thinks no one will notice it is an
apology for something which never should have occured, and is
obviously a phoney belated attempt to salvage his butt. Let's see
now in the past three weeks GeeDub has did or said the following:

GeeDub "EVER apology for something I have done on this campaign."
(then comes the apology to the catholics, in writing no less. heh)

McCain call himself a reformer beats GeeDub in NH next week ol'
GeeDub is calling himself a reformer.

Last week McCain refers to himself as a 'Reagan republican'... lo and
behold GeeDub three, four days later is declaring himself the 'Reagan

GeeDub is fast exposing himself as a political whore, wonder how that
sets with his baptist supporters?

I may be all wrong here,(but I don't think so) McCain compared GeeDub
to Clinton, and by gawd I am beginning to think he may have attended
Clinton U. and majored in slick politics 101 ( of course with GeeDubs
lightweight brain, he probably only got a 'C'. heh

Monte Phillips

hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
para kay
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 13:04:04 -0500, "Raider" <rsc...@erols.com> wrote:

>> Surprise! Surprise!
>> Like father, like son. GeeDubya wimps out and sends apology letter to
>> catholic boss in NY.

>Putting two and two together......A Texan......posting anti-Bush rhetoric on
>a Virginia news group. My first inclination was...."Democrat." Then the
>Texan part hit me.....it all makes sense now! Monte Phillips is a pseudonym
>for Ann Richards! Come on Ann, your just trying to get back at Gee Dub for
>the political whipping he gave you down there in Texas. And why is it you
>believe Virginians to be so dense that we need your advice in order to
>select a qualified candidate? Take your elitist attitude elsewhere.

Your problem Raider 'dear', is that you refuse to accept facts,
reality. GeeDub is a washout as a governor. Ann richards was living
proof of what I have been trying to get through to people outside of
Texas...the Texas governors position is a figurehead position, no
power. Our state constitution is flawed in some places, but certainly
not in the area allocating power amongst officials. When GeeDub says
he has reformed or accomplished anything he has lied, period. All he
has done is what is allowed by our law, appoint people. The people he
has appointed have not reflected well upon GeeDub.

As for my being a democrat, nope. A republican, a libertarian, none of
them. For thirty years I have been an independent, I choose who I
vote for based on qualifications and views. You party lackies do not
have the mental faculties to be independents. You don't even have the
mental awareness necessary to realize that nearly a third of all
voters are true independents.

That I have come to support John McCain is because I am a
conservative(NOT a religious fanatic, or a Limbaugh zombie), I am a
veteran 64-68 and I know a lot about McCains term in the Senate. Some
of which I approve, some I do not, but one thing is certain, McCain,
more than any other politician running today from any party is more
apt to tell it the way he sees it and not waffle three weeks before

Another thing I find appealing is that the vast majority of senators
and congressmen prefer GeeDub and not McCain. Considering the quality
of those in the legislature today I find that a plus not a minus.

No Raider instead of attacking me the messanger, try to come up with
evidence to refute the facts I post. Also keep in mind that when I
post a GeeDub fauxpas, it was him that said it, not me.


hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
para kay
"Monte Phillips" <mon...@hal-pc.org> wrote in message

> On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 13:04:04 -0500, "Raider" <rsc...@erols.com> wrote:
> >> Surprise! Surprise!
> >> Like father, like son. GeeDubya wimps out and sends apology letter to
> >> catholic boss in NY.
> >
> ><snip>
> >
> >Putting two and two together......A Texan......posting anti-Bush rhetoric
> >a Virginia news group. My first inclination was...."Democrat." Then the
> >Texan part hit me.....it all makes sense now! Monte Phillips is a
> >for Ann Richards! Come on Ann, your just trying to get back at Gee Dub
> >the political whipping he gave you down there in Texas. And why is it
> >believe Virginians to be so dense that we need your advice in order to
> >select a qualified candidate? Take your elitist attitude elsewhere.
> Your problem Raider 'dear', is that you refuse to accept facts,
> reality

No Ann, my problem is you, campaigning, on our news group. You have no idea
which, if any party I am affiliated with. Secondly, I could care less who
you vote for in your primary. I'm not a Texan. Just because I possess the
common courtesy to keep my nose out of your business does not mean that I'm
a GeeDub supporter. I have not refuted any of your "facts" because I could
care less about what you think. I don't even know whether or not your
"facts" are true or manufactured. You see Ann, I have not taken the time to
read them in their entirety and therefore haven't felt the need to research
them. I do take issue with you because of your attempts to influence the
vote in a primary that is not yours and that ma'am, is simply dishonest. If
you are the example of the kind of people who support McCain and if your
actions are indicative of the way McCain runs a campaign, then I must say he
does not have the character or leadership to represent me. I've had enough
of this stuff over the last Eight years. After tonight, can I assume that
we won't have to put up with you anymore?

<remainder of Ann's stump speech snipped>


"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too
many parasites living on the labor of the industrious." --Thomas

kennynotof So Park kellogg

hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
para kay
I, for one, really don't to have "son of wimp" in the White House
either. Thank's to his daddy, we still have Sadam in power, but daddy
had no trouble in invading Panama to show us his "Manhood." Being from
the Golden State but my vote won't count as I would much rather be
burned alive than ever be registered as a Republican here. Sen McCain is
now sounding like the usual politicain trying to get the braindead
Reagen lovers to go his way. Well, guess he needs to appeal to them. At
least he has shown a little spirit in kicking Sunny in the nards so far,
but his chances against the "Party Machine" are slim out
here----Damn---Isn't the "Party Machine" what we used to refer to
commie"s in the old days---ken

Monte Phillips

hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
para kay
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 17:27:58 -0500, "Raider" <rsc...@erols.com> wrote:
>you vote for in your primary. I'm not a Texan. Just because I possess the
>common courtesy to keep my nose out of your business does not mean that I'm
>a GeeDub supporter. I have not refuted any of your "facts" because I could
>care less about what you think. I don't even know whether or not your
>"facts" are true or manufactured. You see Ann, I have not taken the time to
>read them in their entirety and therefore haven't felt the need to research
>them. I do take issue with you because of your attempts to influence the
>vote in a primary that is not yours and that ma'am, is simply dishonest.

ROFLMAO Raider your poor jackass, you don't even realize just how
vividly you show yourself to be an idiot by openly admitting you do
not read that which you attack.

Do you really think I give one whit what the likes of you think about
what I post? I assure you if you were to die and the hogs eat you
none on any newsgroup would morn you. Pity the poor hogs maybe, but
not you.

You are just another ill educated runny nosed camp whore. Stay with
Limbaugh and Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, they will take good care
of you.

I gave a reasoned response, you responded with puerility and venality.
Go play with pre-schoolers, your intellectual peers.


hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
para kay

Monte Phillips wrote in message
Who cares what the Texas sissy wrote?

Professor Vonroach

hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
para kay
Monte - you haven't got a clue. ann richards was a joke from Waco.
Only got 1 term.

Monte Phillips

hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
para kay

hey Roach you are the clusless one, or you can't read. I put sweet
ann Rhinestones down. If you'd read (can you read?) you'd have seen I
exampled her for the fact that the governor of this great state can't
do anything, powerless. Thank goodness. In this state the governors
chair is used to put the most dangerous political types in to keep
tham from doing us harm.

Professor Vonroach

hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
para kay
On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 03:37:28 GMT, mon...@hal-pc.org (Monte Phillips)

And you are a clueless spammer as would be expected coming from
hal-pc. Your Maw Richards is now a lobbyist in DC, associated with Bob
Dole - just about her speed.


hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
para kay
"Monte Phillips" <mon...@hal-pc.org> wrote in message

> On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 17:27:58 -0500, "Raider" <rsc...@erols.com> wrote:
> >you vote for in your primary. I'm not a Texan. Just because I possess
> >common courtesy to keep my nose out of your business does not mean that
> >a GeeDub supporter. I have not refuted any of your "facts" because I
> >care less about what you think. I don't even know whether or not your
> >"facts" are true or manufactured. You see Ann, I have not taken the time
> >read them in their entirety and therefore haven't felt the need to
> >them. I do take issue with you because of your attempts to influence the
> >vote in a primary that is not yours and that ma'am, is simply dishonest.
> ROFLMAO Raider your poor jackass, you don't even realize just how
> vividly you show yourself to be an idiot by openly admitting you do
> not read that which you attack.

Think again Ann. If you look up, you'll see that I said I had not read your
posts in their "entirety." Your misrepresentation of what I said is either
extremely stupid, given that you wrote it right under my post, or
intellectually dishonest. Take your pick, I'm betting on the former given
your apparent lack of intellect. And I don't care that you spend your
evenings rolling on the floor and lying your ass off. I can't believe you
would expect anyone to read your posts in their entirety. You lost me with
your claim that 52% of Texans are illiterate. How much farther does one
have to go? People can only digest so much of that horse manure your
shoveling before they get ill. You really expect them to go back for more?

> Do you really think I give one whit what the likes of you think about
> what I post? I assure you if you were to die and the hogs eat you
> none on any newsgroup would morn you. Pity the poor hogs maybe, but
> not you.

No, but it would surprise me if you did have one whit left to give. And
actually, when I do die, I plan to be cremated, have my ashes shook up in a
douche and run through your ol'lady one last time.

> You are just another ill educated runny nosed camp whore. Stay with
> Limbaugh and Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, they will take good care
> of you.

Oh, that's nice. Coming from a self proclaimed McCain Camper. Wouldn't it
be nice if you threw your insult at someone who actually listens to
Limbaugh. And it's no big secret that I am not a part of the religious
right, sorry. If you want to toss insults, your going to have to do better
than that you lame indicisive brain-dead corpulent ugolicious
rectum-sniffing tramp. Sorry about that..got carried away.

> I gave a reasoned response, you responded with puerility and venality.
> Go play with pre-schoolers, your intellectual peers.

Ohhhh, another insult from the crud-infested anarchistic
cerebrally-challenged pork-bellied barforific hog-humping bitchwad. Sorry
again. I hate letting myself get dragged down to your level. But if I
must...well then....you get what you ask for.

Your entire posts have been lies. Remember what your wrote about the sorry
state of the Texas education system and how it got worse under Bush?

Well according the Texas Department of Education 1998 Comprehensive Biennial
Report, Over 77 percent of all students passed all tests taken on the Texas
Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) in 1998 with a performance increase of
21 percentage points over the previous four years, with some minority groups
increasing their performance by as much as 33 percentage points. Over a
four-year period, the percentage of African American students passing
mathematics TAAS increased by 33 percentage points. Hispanic students and
economically disadvantaged students both increased their performance by 31
points. These improvements were also reflected in the 1996 National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Texas ranked first among the ten
most populous states in the percentage of African American, Hispanic, and
white students performing at or above the basic level in Grade 4. Texas was
one of two states showing the highest gains in average scores on the Grade 4
mathematics NAEP between 1992 and 1996.

Not enough proof that your a liar? Well lets look at these TD of E 1999
statistics...From 1998 to 1999, mathematics passing rates at Grades 4, 5,
and 7 each rose 5 percentage points, while Grades 8 and 10 each showed a
6-point gain. In reading, Grade 3 posted a 5-point gain, and Grade 8's
passing rate rose 7 points. The 1999 TAAS results indicate the continuation
of an upward trend in achievement at all grade levels. In reading, the
percentage of students meeting minimum expectations rose across all grade
levels. Reading scores ranged from 83 percent of all students meeting
minimum expectations at Grade 7 to 88 percent meeting minimum expectations
at Grades 3, 4, 8, and 10. In mathematics, most grade levels made notable
gains from 1998 to 1999, with the most impressive improvement at Grades 8
and 10 (a 6-point gain). Scores ranged from 81 percent meeting minimum
expectations at Grade 10 to an unprecedented 90 percent meeting minimum
expectations at Grade 5. Writing scores improved at all three grades tested
in this subject. Scores ranged from 85 percent meeting minimum expectations
at Grade 8 to 90 percent meeting minimum expectations at Grade 10. In
addition, every grade level made gains in the all tests taken category; for
the first time, all grade levels had passing rates at 75 percent or above.
The percentage of students meeting minimum expectations in all tests taken
(reading and mathematics at Grades 3, 5, 6, and 7; reading, mathematics, and
writing at Grades 4, 8, and 10)

Bottom line....Your nothing more than another McCain crony making up lies
and distorting facts. Go back home with the horse your rode in under. And
if you want to start another flame war, make sure you don't get in over your
head again.


hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
para kay
"Monte Phillips" <mon...@hal-pc.org> wrote in message

> On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 02:02:13 GMT, vonr...@popd.ix.netcom.com
> (Professor Vonroach) wrote:
> >Monte - you haven't got a clue. ann richards was a joke from Waco.
> >Only got 1 term.
> hey Roach you are the clusless one, or you can't read. I put sweet
> ann Rhinestones down. If you'd read (can you read?) you'd have seen I
> exampled her for the fact that the governor of this great state can't
> do anything, powerless. Thank goodness. In this state the governors
> chair is used to put the most dangerous political types in to keep
> tham from doing us harm.

Oh that's special. What a reverse of philosophy! First You blame Bush for
the woes of Texas (the yellow woes of Texas..hehe) then you say that the
Governor is powerless and can't be responsible for anything. Are you always
this stupid or are you making a special effort today?

Monte Phillips

hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
para kay
On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 13:53:06 -0500, "Raider" <rsc...@erols.com> wrote:

>Your entire posts have been lies. Remember what your wrote about the sorry
>state of the Texas education system and how it got worse under Bush?
>Well according the Texas Department of Education 1998 Comprehensive Biennial
>Report, Over 77 percent of all students passed all tests taken on the Texas
>Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) in 1998 with a performance increase of
>21 percentage points over the previous four years, with some minority groups
>increasing their performance by as much as 33 percentage points. Over a
>four-year period, the percentage of African American students passing
>mathematics TAAS increased by 33 percentage points. Hispanic students and
>economically disadvantaged students both increased their performance by 31
>points. These improvements were also reflected in the 1996 National
>Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Texas ranked first among the ten
>most populous states in the percentage of African American, Hispanic, and
>white students performing at or above the basic level in Grade 4. Texas was
>one of two states showing the highest gains in average scores on the Grade 4
>mathematics NAEP between 1992 and 1996.

Hey Bubba, guess what? If you call some one a liar better be smart
enough to use facts that are valid to your claims.

The TAAS test is a test for Texas schools, it tests at such a minimal
level tha even if a child passes it they may or may not be literate by
comparison to other states. The stats I furnished are valid and
verifiable. Although so are your TAAS quotes and other sources they
do not change mine.

Raider face it, your over your head here, even though the pond is just
6" deep. should we start referring to you as 'Shorty'?


hindi pa nababasa,
Peb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
para kay
"Monte Phillips" <mon...@hal-pc.org> wrote in message

> On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 13:53:06 -0500, "Raider" <rsc...@erols.com> wrote:
> >

> Hey Bubba, guess what? If you call some one a liar better be smart

> enough to use facts that are valid to your claims.
> The TAAS test is a test for Texas schools, it tests at such a minimal
> level tha even if a child passes it they may or may not be literate by
> comparison to other states. The stats I furnished are valid and
> verifiable. Although so are your TAAS quotes and other sources they
> do not change mine.

Ann, Ann , Ann. You shouldn't publish such hogwash. Are you even remotely
aware that when you post on the Usenet, it stays there. So, lets go back in
history a few days see what you said about education......

You said, "Almost 100% of any stat concerning education in Texas has
worsened in the past 6 years."

Hmmmm. Lets see...if you look above, you'll see that *every* stat has
increased over the last six years. That makes you either one of your
precious 52% or it makes you a liar. I'm going to give you the benefit of
the doubt and assume that you are writing your own posts. Although your
words lack any resemblance of wit or intellect, they show that you are in
fact literate. The logical conclusion is that you lie. A trait normally
associated with liberalism as well as McCain.

You can blame the TAAS for testing at an inadequate level but you can't
blame the TAAS for all of the increases in score performance. The test has
been consistent--the most important aspect of measuring performance over a
period of time. Additionally, you snipped out all of the 1999 TAAS results
which showed the continuation of an upward trend in achievement at all grade
levels. Your double talk isn't going to save you here Jethro. This is
Virginia, not Texas.

And since you want a comparison to other states. Look at my stats again. I
believe I covered that one for you too. I believe Texas ranked first out
the 10 most populous states performing at or above the basic grade level and
is one of only two states showing the highest gains in average mathematics
scores by the National Assessment of Educational Progress for the 4th grade
(the grade that is currently tested nation wide).

I'll bet you never thought you would come across a Texas A&M Grad in a
Virginia News Group. Sometimes life just isn't fair. But for the rest of
us....it sure is fun! Oh by the way...I'm sure your interested....Today, I
voted for......psyche.....the secret ballot is our most prized possession.

Monte Phillips

hindi pa nababasa,
Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
para kay
On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 19:01:29 -0500, "Raider" <rsc...@erols.com> wrote:

>I'll bet you never thought you would come across a Texas A&M Grad in a
>Virginia News Group. Sometimes life just isn't fair. But for the rest of
>us....it sure is fun! Oh by the way...I'm sure your interested....Today, I
>voted for......psyche.....the secret ballot is our most prized possession.

Well that explains it. A common beer chuggin' Aggie. You realize of
course a PHD from Texas A&M allows you to bypass freshman remedial
math and english courses at Stanford?

Say, you engineered any really stable log structures lately?

Last words of an AGGIE "Hey y'all watch this!"


hindi pa nababasa,
Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
para kay
"Monte Phillips" <mon...@hal-pc.org> wrote in message

It's not surprising to see a smart gal like you respond to a post with
nothing more than two really old Aggie jokes. I am assuming that since your
candidate lost in Virginia (as well as Washington and North Dakota) we won't
have to hear your campaigning anymore. Good riddens Ann.

Fact or fiction? 70 percent of Texans who tell Aggie jokes on a daily
basis, failed to achieve a high school diploma.

Professor Vonroach

hindi pa nababasa,
Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
para kay
On Wed, 01 Mar 2000 05:43:06 GMT, mon...@hal-pc.org (Monte Phillips)

>On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 19:01:29 -0500, "Raider" <rsc...@erols.com> wrote:

>>I'll bet you never thought you would come across a Texas A&M Grad in a
>>Virginia News Group. Sometimes life just isn't fair. But for the rest of
>>us....it sure is fun! Oh by the way...I'm sure your interested....Today, I
>>voted for......psyche.....the secret ballot is our most prized possession.
>Well that explains it. A common beer chuggin' Aggie. You realize of
>course a PHD from Texas A&M allows you to bypass freshman remedial
>math and english courses at Stanford?

You must have been envious of them. Of course, neither is exactly Ivy
League. Always wondered why Chelsea choose S. U. - was her academic
preparedness `challenged', low intelligence, or just a desire to get
as far away from her dysfunctional parents as possible.

Michael R. McAfee

hindi pa nababasa,
Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
para kay

Raider wrote:

> [snip]

> --
> Raider
> "I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too
> many parasites living on the labor of the industrious." --Thomas
> Jefferson

How about a specific citation for your "Jefferson" quotation. I think it is a

Michael R. McAfee
Mesa, AZ


hindi pa nababasa,
Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/6/00
para kay
"Michael R. McAfee" <mrmc...@pop.phnx.uswest.net> wrote in message
> Raider wrote:
> > [snip]

> > --
> > Raider
> >
> > "I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too
> > many parasites living on the labor of the industrious." --Thomas
> > Jefferson
> How about a specific citation for your "Jefferson" quotation. I think it
is a
> phony.

Oh, so you think it's a phony, do you? Have you nothing better to do than
question the validity of quotes posted by other people? Or, are you so
inept that you have to *ask* if this quote is valid? With the use of a
search engine and five minutes of your time, you could find the answer to
your question on your own. Here is your cite, now quit wasting my time with
frivolous garbage:

"[Some] seem to think that [civilization's] advance has brought on too
complicated a state of society, and that we should gain in happiness by
treading back our steps a little way. I think, myself, that we have more

machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the

labor of the industrious. I believe it might be much simplified to the
relief of those who maintain it." --Thomas Jefferson to William Ludlow,
1824. ME 16:75

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