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Madhusoodana Bhat

8. jan. 2012, 05:43:028.1.2012
 विदुषेभ्यो नम:
कृपया एतस्य श्लोकस्य प्रथम पङ्क्तिं पूरयतु। कुत:उध्र्तं इति अपि सूचयित्वा अनुगृह्णन्तु।

विक्रीयन्ते न घण्ठभि:गाव: क्षीर विवर्जिता:

Madhusoodana Bhat


8. jan. 2012, 07:02:218.1.2012
til भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्
गुणेषु क्रियतां यत्नः किमाटोपैः भयंकरैः |

विक्रीयन्ते न घण्ठभि:गाव: क्षीर विवर्जिता: ||

पन्दुरङ्ग शर्मा रामकः


dhaval patel

8. jan. 2012, 08:54:378.1.2012

वररुचिः शतगाथा




कौमार्ये पठ्यतां विद्या शैत्ये संपाल्यतां च गौः  ।

क्षेत्त्रं च कर्ष्यतां पीतं त्रयः सुफलहेतवः  । । १  । ।

गतेऽपि वयसि ग्राह्या विद्या सर्वात्मना बुधैः  ।

यद्यपि फलदा स्यान्न सुलभा सान्यजन्मनि  । । २  । ।

गुणेषु क्रियतां यत्नः किमाटोपैः प्रयोजनं  ।

विक्रीयन्ते न घण्टाभिर्गावः क्षीरविवर्जिताः  । । ३  । ।

2012/1/8 Dr.R.P.Sharma <>

अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।
निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)

Ganesh R

8. jan. 2012, 12:32:068.1.2012
guNESu yatnaH kriyatAM kimATOpaiH prayOjanaM

is the first line and this verse is found in vallabhadeva's subhaashitaavali

2012/1/8 Madhusoodana Bhat <>

Madhusoodana Bhat


V Subrahmanian

8. jan. 2012, 12:34:438.1.2012

2012/1/8 dhaval patel <>



गतेऽपि वयसि ग्राह्या विद्या सर्वात्मना बुधैः  ।

यद्यपि फलदा स्यान्न सुलभा सान्यजन्मनि  । । २  । ।

अस्य श्लोकस्य उत्तरार्धस्य किञ्चिद्व्यत्यस्तरीत्या अन्यः पाठः श्रुतो मया -
यद्यपि स्यान्न फलदा सुलभा सान्यजन्मनि - इति ।

एवंरीत्या अर्थः समीचीनं जायते इति मन्ये । //यद्यपि अस्मिन्नेव जन्मनि अन्ते वयसि गृहीता विद्या न फलाय भवति तथापि एतदभ्यासबलादन्यस्मिन् जन्मनि तदभ्यासः तावत्सुलभः भवेदिति वक्तुरभिप्रायः //



Madhusoodana Bhat

9. jan. 2012, 01:04:059.1.2012

2012/1/8 Ganesh R <>

Madhusoodana Bhat

Madhusoodana Bhat

9. jan. 2012, 01:07:529.1.2012

2012/1/8 V Subrahmanian <>

अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।
निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)

Madhusoodana Bhat

Surendra Mohan Mishra

10. jan. 2012, 13:13:3810.1.2012
I don't know the source,but a better reading would be "
kriyatA.m yatna.h kim ATopai.h prayojanam '/

Surendramohan Mishra
Dept of Sanskrit,Pali & Prakrit
Faculty of Indic Studies,Kurukshetra University
Tel : (Off.)01744 238410(extn.)2504
(Mob.)098960 86579;(Res.)01744-238567
Blogs :

kosalendra das

11. jan. 2012, 04:42:5311.1.2012
पञ्च महापातकानि कानि?
Shastri Kosalendradas

V Subrahmanian

11. jan. 2012, 04:55:5311.1.2012
ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं ब्राह्मणसुवर्णहरणं गुरुदारगमनं इति महापातकानि ॥३५.१॥

तत्संयोगश्च ॥३५.२॥

इति विष्णुपुराणे वर्तते । उक्तचत्वारि महापातकानि ये क्रियन्ते तैः सह संयोगश्च महापातकमिति गम्यते ।


2012/1/11 kosalendra das <>


V Subrahmanian

11. jan. 2012, 04:58:2811.1.2012

2012/1/11 V Subrahmanian <>
ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं ब्राह्मणसुवर्णहरणं गुरुदारगमनं इति महापातकानि ॥३५.१॥

तत्संयोगश्च ॥३५.२॥

इति विष्णुपुराणे वर्तते । उक्तचत्वारि महापातकानि ये क्रियन्ते..

ये कुर्वन्ति इति पठन्तु ।

Hnbhat B.R.

11. jan. 2012, 04:58:4611.1.2012
til भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्

On Jan 11, 2:42 pm, kosalendra das <> wrote:
> पञ्च महापातकानि कानि?

ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गनागमः |
महांति पातकान्याहुस्तत्संसर्गश्च पंचमम् ||

ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वंग्नागम:।
महान्ति पातकान्याहु: संसर्गश्चापि तै: सह।।
(मनुस्मृति 11/54).

ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं सुवर्णस्तेयमेव च।। १५.१७ ।।
कृत्वा च गुरुतल्पं च पापकृद्ब्राह्मणो यदि।।
रुद्रगायत्रिया ग्राह्यं गोमूत्रं कापिलं द्विजाः।। १५.१८ ।।


ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं ब्राह्मणसुवर्णहरणं गुरुदारगमनं इति महापातकानि । ।

३५.१ ।

Hnbhat B.R.

11. jan. 2012, 05:15:4411.1.2012
Additional Sources:

अथाष्टषष्ट्यधिकशततमो ऽध्यायः ।
ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गनागमः । 24ab महान्ति पातकान्याहुः संयोगश्चैव तैः सह ॥ 24cd  

नारदपुराणम्- उत्तरार्धः/अध्यायः ३१

ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वंगनागमः ।। ३१-३२ ।। महान्ति पातकान्येतान्याशु हन्ति हरेर्दिनम् ।।  33||

कूर्मपुराणम्-उत्तरभागः अध्यायः ३२

ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गनागमः । 
कृत्वा तैश्चापि संसर्गं ब्राह्मणः कामकारतः ।। ३२.२२  
कुर्यादनशनं विप्रः पुण्यतीर्थे समाहितः ।

Dr. Hari Narayana Bhat B.R. M.A., Ph.D.,
Research Scholar,
Ecole française d'Extrême-OrientCentre de Pondichéry
16 & 19, Rue Dumas
Pondichéry - 605 001

Hnbhat B.R.

11. jan. 2012, 05:21:5011.1.2012
" विदुषेभ्यो नम: " इति तु असंस्कृतम्। संस्कृतं रूपं तु "विद्वद्भ्यो नमः" इत्येव मयाधीतम्। कृपया इदं संस्कृतमिति कुत्राधिगतं रूपमिति सदयं मूलं निवेदयन्तु। भवतां प्रश्नस्य बहुभिः समाधानं दत्तमेव। इदमेकं भवता समाधीयताम्?

Hnbhat B.R.

11. jan. 2012, 05:33:2911.1.2012

2012/1/8 Madhusoodana Bhat <>

 विदुषेभ्यो नम:
कृपया एतस्य श्लोकस्य प्रथम पङ्क्तिं पूरयतु। कुत:उध्र्तं इति अपि सूचयित्वा अनुगृह्णन्तु।

" विदुषेभ्यो नम: " इति तु असंस्कृतम्। संस्कृतं रूपं तु "विद्वद्भ्यो नमः" इत्येव मयाधीतम्। कृपया इदं संस्कृतमिति कुत्राधिगतं रूपमिति सदयं मूलं निवेदयन्तु। भवतां प्रश्नस्य बहुभिः समाधानं दत्तमेव अन्यत्र। इदमेकं भवता समाधाय अनुगृह्णातु?

Parameshwar Puttanmane

11. jan. 2012, 08:15:2011.1.2012

2012/1/11 Hnbhat B.R. <>

अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।
निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)

वररुचिः शतगाथा




कौमार्ये पठ्यतां विद्या शैत्ये संपाल्यतां च गौः 

क्षेत्त्रं च कर्ष्यतां पीतं त्रयः सुफलहेतवः  । । १  । ।

गतेऽपि वयसि ग्राह्या विद्या सर्वात्मना बुधैः 

यद्यपि फलदा स्यान्न सुलभा सान्यजन्मनि  । । २  । ।

गुणेषु क्रियतां यत्नः किमाटोपैः प्रयोजनं 

विक्रीयन्ते न घण्टाभिर्गावः क्षीरविवर्जिताः  । । ३  । ।



गतेऽपि वयसि ग्राह्या विद्या सर्वात्मना बुधैः 

यद्यपि फलदा स्यान्न सुलभा सान्यजन्मनि  । । २  । ।

अस्य श्लोकस्य उत्तरार्धस्य किञ्चिद्व्यत्यस्तरीत्या अन्यः पाठः श्रुतो मया -
यद्यपि स्यान्न फलदा सुलभा सान्यजन्मनि - इति । 

एवंरीत्या अर्थः समीचीनं जायते इति मन्ये । //यद्यपि अस्मिन्नेव जन्मनि अन्ते वयसि गृहीता विद्या न फलाय भवति तथापि एतदभ्यासबलादन्यस्मिन् जन्मनि तदभ्यासः तावत्सुलभः भवेदिति वक्तुरभिप्रायः //


गुणेषु क्रियतां यत्नः किमाटोपैः भयंकरैः |

विक्रीयन्ते न घण्ठभि:गाव: क्षीर विवर्जिता: ||

 -----एवं रीत्या महद्भिरत्रैव विचारितं||||


s tekal

11. jan. 2012, 13:19:1811.1.2012
Namo Vidwadbhyah.
What are the possible prayashcitta karmaani for these mahaapaatakaani; I mean those that can be observed in Kaliyuga/colloquial times?
Saadara Pranaamah
Somashekhar TN

2012/1/11 kosalendra das <>


V Subrahmanian

11. jan. 2012, 15:49:5111.1.2012

2012/1/11 s tekal <>

Namo Vidwadbhyah.
What are the possible prayashcitta karmaani for these mahaapaatakaani; I mean those that can be observed in Kaliyuga/colloquial times?
Saadara Pranaamah
Somashekhar TN

During the annual 'upAkarma' ritual performed on the shrAvaNa paurNamI, the 'mahAsankalpaH' takes care of such mahaapaatakAni and upapAtakAni.  The relevant portion reads thus:

....जन्मप्रभृति एतत्क्षणपर्यन्तम्, ...इह जन्मनि जन्मान्तरे च ज्ञानाज्ञानकृतानां महापातकानां महापातकानुमन्त्रत्वादीनां, समपातकानां, उपपातकानां .....सर्वेषां पापानां सद्यः अपनोदनार्थं ...क्षेत्रे ...सन्निधौ, अध्यायोपक्रमकर्म करिष्ये।

Apart from this our daily sandhya vandanam consists of  'praashanamantraH' where too the immediately done pApa-s are addressed.  Of course there are many other praayashchitta-s like 'kRucchra-chAndrAyaNa' and japa of gayatri, etc, for a very long time, intense, observation, tapas, dAnam, etc.  .


Madhusoodana Bhat

12. jan. 2012, 03:53:0312.1.2012
विद्वद्भ्यो नम; । 
(I am glad that u pointed the mistake. Now I stand corrected). 
वस्तुत: इदानीं एव (३-४ वर्षेभ्य:) संस्कृतं पठन अस्मि। (Unable to type the right form 'paThan') . अत: कुत्र अधिगतं रूपं इति वक्तुं न शक्नोमि। क्षम्यतां ।  

2012/1/11 Hnbhat B.R. <>
" विदुषेभ्यो नम: " इति तु असंस्कृतम्। संस्कृतं रूपं तु "विद्वद्भ्यो नमः" इत्येव मयाधीतम्। कृपया इदं संस्कृतमिति कुत्राधिगतं रूपमिति सदयं मूलं निवेदयन्तु। भवतां प्रश्नस्य बहुभिः समाधानं दत्तमेव। इदमेकं भवता समाधीयताम्?

अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।
निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)

Madhusoodana Bhat

kosalendra das

12. jan. 2012, 05:33:4712.1.2012

उपपातकानि कानि? 

Hnbhat B.R.

12. jan. 2012, 05:45:5712.1.2012

षड्विंशतिमे ब्रह्महत्यासमान(महा)पातकानि,   सप्तत्रिंशत्तमे उपपातकानि,
 एकोन पञ्च्चत्वारिंशत्तमे सर्वपापनिवृत्तिप्रायश्चित्तम्, पञ्चशत्तमे ब्रह्मबधगोवधादिप्रायश्चित्तम्, एकपञ्चाशात्तमे सुरापानप्रायश्चित्तम्, द्विपञ्चाशत्तमे सुवर्णस्तेय-प्रायश्चित्तम्, त्रिपञ्चाशत्तमे अगम्यागमनप्रायश्चित्तम्  

इति पातकानामुपपातकानां तत्प्रायश्चित्तनां च वर्णनं द्रष्टव्यम्।

एकादशोऽध्याय: -  
37. पत्र्चमहापातकानि, श्लोक: 54 
38. ब्रह्महत्यादिसमानि कर्माणि, श्लोक: 54 
39. उपपातकानि, श्लोक: 59 

अत्रापि द्रष्टव्यानि तानि।

Hnbhat B.R.

12. jan. 2012, 05:55:5512.1.2012

Namo Vidwadbhyah.
What are the possible prayashcitta karmaani for these mahaapaatakaani; I mean those that can be observed in Kaliyuga/colloquial times?

Here you can see the प्रायश्चित्त-s as prescribed in लिङ्गपुराण - but not in colloquial terms :)

Check it out.

V Subrahmanian

12. jan. 2012, 07:38:4812.1.2012
There are some other references too:

In the अघमर्षणसूक्तं of the Krishna yajurveda mahAnArAyaNopaniShat in the concluding portions we see:

अकार्यकार्यवकीर्णी स्तेनो भ्रूणहा गुरुतल्पगः । वरुणोऽपामघमर्षणस्तस्मात्पापात्प्रमुच्यते ।...

Many people have the practice of reciting this sUktam during the daily snAnam.

There is another nyAya -  

पश्चत्तापेन शुद्ध्यति


s tekal

12. jan. 2012, 18:45:5512.1.2012
Namo Mahadbhyah,
Many many thanks for the valuable references. I recollect that Trisuparna mantras of Mahaanaarayanopanishat also are a source of prayashcitta. Does Rudra prashna/homa also deal with it? More references would be valued (in addition to Veda mantras) since many veda anadhikaaris could also be benefited. Many of them keep asking for it.
Somashekhar TN

2012/1/12 V Subrahmanian <>

Dr. P. Ramanujan

13. jan. 2012, 21:28:4913.1.2012
til,s tekal
In svAdhyAya brahmaNam of taittireeya aranyakam, kUSmANDa mantras are
listed for all sorts of sins to be cleared. 66 mantras are there covering
every conceivable sin.


2012/1/12 V Subrahmanian <>

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V Subrahmanian

13. jan. 2012, 23:58:1213.1.2012

2012/1/13 s tekal <>

Namo Mahadbhyah,
Many many thanks for the valuable references. I recollect that Trisuparna mantras of Mahaanaarayanopanishat also are a source of prayashcitta. Does Rudra prashna/homa also deal with it? More references would be valued (in addition to Veda mantras) since many veda anadhikaaris could also be benefited. Many of them keep asking for it.
Somashekhar TN

There are stotras one can recite with devotion and get peace of mind which implies freedom from sins.  For example the Sri Vishnu sahastranAma is widely held to be a purifier.  The dhyana shloka there assures this:

तस्य लोकप्रधानस्य जगन्नाथस्य भूपते । विष्णोर्नामसहस्त्रं मे श्रृणु पापभयापहम् ॥ १२ ॥ 

हरिर्हरति पापानि is a popular saying.  Reciting Hari's names will free one from sins.  The name 'KRShNa' itself means  'the one who draws all impurities from jiva-s'.  So, reciting any God's name, stotras, participating in bhajans, visiting temples, going to pilgrim centers, etc. will purify one.


Hnbhat B.R.

14. jan. 2012, 00:15:0514.1.2012
"PrakshAlnAd hi pankasya dUrAd asparshanaM varam"
"Prevention is better than cure"
is a wise saying for all times. When government is is selling liquor in arac shops, no body want to drink it because there is prayaschitta.
nor one doing "hare krishna" for drinkiing. Even drinking is injurious to health and no body refrains because of it.
"na himsyaa sarvaa bhUtAni" is advocating any injury to animate/inanimates. But only "yagIyaa himsaa, na himsA" is an accepted rule generally in Mimamsa.
pAradArika-prakaraNa in vAtsyayana's sUtra-s included to protect women from any possible attempts of molestation and not to teach paradAraganaba.
Sorry for interrupting the discussion.

Dr. Yadu Moharir

14. jan. 2012, 09:45:5314.1.2012
Namaste subrahmanian,

We have had discussion on the terms "hari" and "hara" on this list that ultimately never arrived at conclusion.

Can someone the their thoughts on why the saying " हरिर्हरति पापानि " may have been suggested by our ancestors in the first place.?

Thank you,

Dr Yadu

From: V Subrahmanian <>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: {भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्} पञ्च महापातकानि

Dr. P. Ramanujan

14. jan. 2012, 11:52:0214.1.2012
til,Dr. Yadu Moharir
विद्वद्भ्यो नमांसि ।

हरिं प्रति अभियुक्तोक्तिः -


कः शरण्यः ।। इति
वेदान्तदेशिकाः ।।

कः श्रीः श्रियः,
परमसत्वसमाश्रयः कः,
कः पुण्डरीकनयनः,
पुरुषोत्तमः कः ।

कस्योदरे हरविरिञ्चमुखः
को रक्षतीमम्, अजनिष्ट च कस्य
नाभेः ।
क्रान्त्वा निगीर्य
पुनरुद्गिरति त्वदन्यः
कः केन वैष परवानिति
शक्यशङ्कः ।। इति च
यामुनाचार्याः ।।


> Namaste subrahmanian,

Thank you,

Dr Yadu

2012/1/13 s tekal <>



> --
अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं
संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
> ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
> तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।
> निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)


sadasivamurty rani

15. jan. 2012, 05:27:1815.1.2012
Dr. Yadu Ji!
This is in response to your question:
Can someone the their thoughts on why the saying " हरिर्हरति पापानि " may have been suggested by our ancestors in the first place.?
As far as my observation extends the sloka "Harirharati Papani etc.," doesn't suggest any sequential preference Vishnu among the Gods. It recommends that the name of Hari even if thought of by evil people will set them free from all sins. (हरिर्हरति पापानि दुष्टचित्तैरपि स्मृत:। अनिच्छयाऽपि संस्पृष्टो दहत्येव हि पावक:॥).
This sloka and all other slokas of this kind bear only contextual preference but not any sequential preference.
As the famous statement "Vrataanaam Uttamam Vratam" promotes whomever we worship in a particular context is the PRIME GOD of our choice and he has all the abilities to remove our sins. It may be HARI or HARA or GANESHA or SRIMATA or any one else. 
Let us observe the following slokas 
1. Shiva DvAdasha smarana stotra
द्वादशैतानि नामानि त्रिसन्ध्यं य: पठेन्नर:।
कृतघ्नश्चैव गोघ्नश्च ब्रह्महा गुरुतल्पग:॥
स्त्रीबालघातुकश्चैव सुरापो वृषलीपति:।
मुच्यते सर्वपापेभ्यो रुद्रलोकं स गच्छति॥
Here even the sins are specified from which one will be relieved by uttering the 12 divine names of Shiva.

2. Similarly at the end of the Siva Pratasmarana Stotra it is said:
एतानि शिवनामानि य: पठेन्नियत: सकृत्।
नास्ति मृत्युभयं तस्य पापरोगादि किंचन॥

3. In the BilvAShtakam it is said:

त्रिजन्मपापसंहारं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम्।
अघोरपापसंहारं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम्।
मुच्यते सर्वपापेभ्यो एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम्। etc.,

4. In the SarvabharaNa Stotra of Tripuarasundari:
सर्वज्ञानमयी देवी सर्वव्याधिविनाशिनी।
सर्वाधारस्वरूपा च सर्वपापहरा तथा॥
5.  In prayer to Durva grass:
सहस्रपरमादेवी शतमूला शतांकुरा।
सर्वं हरतु मे पापं दूर्वा दु:स्वप्ननाशिनी॥

These are just a few instances.  Instance of this kinds can be seen in scores in our Stotra literature.

All these stotras advocate that the respective Gods or Goddesses can relieve their worshipers from all SINs or the selected Sins. It doesn't mean that they alone can remove SINS.  Nor even any sequential preference is specified any where. All these Stotras have Contextual preference only. Right form Hari to the Divine Durva grass all are sin relievers of the devotees.

If we can trust in Puranasa, if we can believe that Puranas are written by Veda Vyasa and if we can consider the words of Veda Vyasa are valid for testimonial purpose the following statements of the Divine sage propagate that No difference between Hari and Siva should be maintained. Both are equally respected and worshiped. 
"शिव एव हरिस्साक्षात् हरिरेव शिवस्स्वयम्"
"शिवस्य हृदयं विष्णु: विष्णोश्च हृदयं शिव:"
and ""शिवाय विष्णुरूपाय शिवरूपाय विष्णवे"" etc.,

So not only Hari or Hara even a Blade of Durva Grass, even the tail of Cow, even a drop of Ganga or even a fistful dust of our Divine Motherland Bharat has enough power to purify us all from all our Sins.
Hence there is no question of placing first the expression हरिर्हरति पापानि etc.,
With warm regards,
Dr. Rani Sadasiva Murty

From: Dr. Yadu Moharir <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, 14 January 2012 8:15 PM

Subject: Re: {भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्} पञ्च महापातकानि
Namaste subrahmanian,

We have had discussion on the terms "hari" and "hara" on this list that ultimately never arrived at conclusion.

Can someone the their thoughts on why the saying " हरिर्हरति पापानि " may have been suggested by our ancestors in the first place.?

Thank you,

Dr Yadu

From: V Subrahmanian <>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: {भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्} पञ्च महापातकानि

2012/1/13 s tekal <>
Namo Mahadbhyah,
Many many thanks for the valuable references. I recollect that Trisuparna mantras of Mahaanaarayanopanishat also are a source of prayashcitta. Does Rudra prashna/homa also deal with it? More references would be valued (in addition to Veda mantras) since many veda anadhikaaris could also be benefited. Many of them keep asking for it.
Somashekhar TN

There are stotras one can recite with devotion and get peace of mind which implies freedom from sins.  For example the Sri Vishnu sahastranAma is widely held to be a purifier.  The dhyana shloka there assures this:

तस्य लोकप्रधानस्य जगन्नाथस्य भूपते । विष्णोर्नामसहस्त्रं मे श्रृणु पापभयापहम् ॥ १२ ॥ 

हरिर्हरति पापानि is a popular saying.  Reciting Hari's names will free one from sins.  The name 'KRShNa' itself means  'the one who draws all impurities from jiva-s'.  So, reciting any God's name, stotras, participating in bhajans, visiting temples, going to pilgrim centers, etc. will purify one.


mattoo kapoor

15. jan. 2012, 05:29:1815.1.2012
Thanks this was wonderful and compact explanation
Madhu kapoor

Sent from my Nokia phone

Dr. Yadu Moharir

15. jan. 2012, 10:08:1515.1.2012
Namaste Dr Murty:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts to my query.

As I recall, the stotra is found in slkanda puraaNa (found in some editions), regardless what I would like to understand is why only these 12 Names? and How do these names really the specific "SIN's", "paapa" "paataka"? So, what I am really after is the corresponding application, fully bearing in mind that just reciting these names without understanding the mechanism beings it may be purely academic exercise of futility. ("tajjapastadrtha bhaavanam", manaata trayate it mantraH........ etc.)

On the other had if we says, that it is our "shraddhaa" then that reciting names tree time a day also illuminates the corruption as the so called "bhakta" seems to be taking license to commit sins by design and try to wash away the sins performed under the pretext of appearing "religious" and "pious" to the rest of society. Just like the statement gaNesha athrvashiisha - "pratrdhiiyaano raatriikR^itam paapaM naashayati". THis shpould not be taken as a license to perform paapa at night and then recite stotra to wash away (destroy) the sins of previous night.

Look forward to hearing from all scholars.  For this reason I had raised the question about "the Meaning of Meaning"  (arthaartha).

Best regards,

Dr Yadu

From: sadasivamurty rani <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 3:27 AM

Subject: Re: {भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्} पञ्च महापातकानि

sadasivamurty rani

15. jan. 2012, 14:21:4615.1.2012
Dear Dr. Yadu Moharir!
Please once again read my earlier reply to your previous mail.
My intention in that was never to vouchsafe that Gods will definitely do all the things like removing our sins. I never assure that they will issue licenses to the sinners to commit more n more sins through out whole day n night n finally to recite the names of the gods.
I neither support nor deny this belief.
My only concern is to show that as you said only HARI alone is not given prime or first place in our SIN removing GODS by our ancestors.(Pl. go through the last lines of your mail also).  As your mail sought help from other scholars I have given some other instances where other GODS and GODDESSES are also praised as our SIN destroyers. I have just given the purport of those prayers to show that they are also said to be SIN destroyers not only HARI. I can even give a grand list of such prayers from all the 18 puranas and other sources.
But as far as my personal opinion is concerned I am silent.
According to me as far as the matters like FAITH, SRADDHA, BHAKTI, SPIRITUAL PRACTICES and WORSHIP are considered SELF EXPERIENCE is always the BEST EXPERIENCE and it is the BEST SOLUTION too.  No discussions of any good length in open debates can solve the problem. Because the logic and thoughts of the arguers never agree in such matters. They strongly oppose each others. Hence I never involve in such discussions.
I am very kind of you for giving me this wonderful opportunity to answer you again.
With warm regards,
 Dr. Rani Sadasiva Murty

Cc: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, 15 January 2012 8:38 PM

s tekal

17. jan. 2012, 01:27:2917.1.2012
Namo Mahadbhyah,
Couldn't help but respectfully mention that the discussion drifted from the subject of Mahaapatakas/Upapaatakas. However reverting to the discussion, I wanted to know if their is any paryaya karma/krama in the puranas/smritis (akin to vaidika chandraayana etc..) defining the austerities to overcome the paatakas. It sounds too vague that Hari naama ucchaara alone can absolve one from the Mahapaatakas (the very name/claasification suggests so) unless scoupled with some karma like daana, japa, etc.. Also what could be the purport of "Japato naasti paatakam"?
Somashekhar TN

2012/1/16 sadasivamurty rani <>

Hnbhat B.R.

17. jan. 2012, 02:25:4717.1.2012

2012/1/17 s tekal <>

Namo Mahadbhyah,
Couldn't help but respectfully mention that the discussion drifted from the subject of Mahaapatakas/Upapaatakas. However reverting to the discussion, I wanted to know if their is any paryaya karma/krama in the puranas/smritis (akin to vaidika chandraayana etc..) defining the austerities to overcome the paatakas. It sounds too vague that Hari naama ucchaara alone can absolve one from the Mahapaatakas (the very name/claasification suggests so) unless scoupled with some karma like daana, japa, etc.. Also what could be the purport of "Japato naasti paatakam"?
Somashekhar TN

Here is the shortest way to absolve oneself from the mahApaataka-s:

अहल्या द्रौपदी सीता तारा मन्दोदरी तथा । पञ्चकं ना स्मरेन्नित्यं महापातकनाशनम् ॥ 

You will find many other stotra-s which have the "phrase" as highlighted above on google search. This one is the easiest remedy.

subrahmanyam korada

17. jan. 2012, 06:52:0517.1.2012
नमो विद्वद्भ्यः

According to कृष्णयजुर्वेद  - स्वाध्यायब्राह्मणम् (तैत्तिरीयारण्यकम्) - दानम्  and its result is like this -

दक्षिणानां ब्राह्मणेन ब्राह्मणस्य  छन्दोभिः चन्दसां स्वाध्यायेन अपहतपाप्मा

यजमानी offers some दक्षिणा ( यत्किंचिद्ददाति सा दक्षिणा) - thru that the sins would reach the विप्र  and to the Veda he learned - he has to get rid of them thru स्वाध्याय   ( स्वशाखाध्यायः) .

According to Vedanta - अवश्यम् अनुभोक्तव्यम् कृतं कर्म शुभाशुभम् I

Then what about - ज्ञानाग्निः सर्वकर्माणि दहते ? Out of संचितकर्म  and प्रारब्धकर्म , ज्ञानम्  can destroy the former but not the latter , i.e. प्रारब्धकर्म has to be  faced .

Then why  ग्रहशान्ति ? it is शान्तिः , not निवारणम् I one may be suffering from fever - if ग्रहशान्ति ( जपः , तर्पणम् , होमः , ब्राह्मणभोजनम्  or यथाशक्ति ) is performed then there will be शान्तिः , i.e. the person suffering from fever may have the degree of intensity reduced - because अवश्यमनुभोक्तव्यम् .

Since one should always be शुचि , it is suggested as a सामान्यशास्त्रम् -  यः स्मरेत् पुण्डरीकाक्षं स बाह्याभ्यन्तरः शुचिः I
मोक्षमिच्छेत् जनार्दनात् - if the person in question has accumulated he may get जीवन्मुक्ति  and such people do not feel the effects / affects of कर्म (Ramanamaharsi was suffering - not suffering from Cancer).

जपतो नास्ति पातकम् - naturally , if one concentrates on हरि  then he would certainly refrain from any पाप .
For most of such Sastras  चित्तशुद्धि is the benefit .


2012/1/17 Hnbhat B.R. <>
अथ चेत्त्वमिमं धर्म्यं संग्रामं न करिष्यसि।
ततः स्वधर्मं कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि।।
तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।
निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)

Prof.Korada Subrahmanyam
Professor of Sanskrit,
University of Hyderabad 500046

Dr. Yadu Moharir

17. jan. 2012, 10:25:0417.1.2012
til,Bhat Hari Narayana Bhat PONDICHERRY
Namaskar Dr Bhat:

Can you share your thoughts, why theses "FIVE NAMES" may have been used as a prescription ?

Why siitaa, draupadi & ahilyaa names got tagged along with mandodarii and taaraa ?

Also, is there a reference for the quotation ?

With Best regards,

Dr Yadu

From: Hnbhat B.R. <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 12:25 AM

Subject: Re: {भारतीयविद्वत्परिषत्} पञ्च महापातकानि
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