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Peter Holden moving to Now FM

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2007. gada 7. janv. 19:29:0207.01.07
I'm sure radioinfo will not mind me pasting this bit of news from their

New Moree Program Director

08 Jan 2007
This week Peter Holden is moving north to take up the position of
Program Director of NOW FM in Moree.

Holden has spent the past 18 months developiong his radio skills based
at AIRNews, the rapidly growing national news provider.

AIRNews founder Arthur Stevens wishes Holden well adding, "We will miss
his insights into the world of Aussie Rules Football and his
understanding of the neddies and the Spring Racing Carnival.

"Australian Independent Radio News takes the opportunity to
congratulate Peter on his appointment, and we wish him all the best for
the future in his radio endeavours."

pain for you...real soon !

2007. gada 7. janv. 19:39:0807.01.07

LOL !!!!!!!


2007. gada 7. janv. 20:02:3207.01.07

pain for you...real soon ! wrote:

> LOL !!!!!!!

It's not actually intended to be a joke, but rather a notice of


2007. gada 7. janv. 22:02:2207.01.07
I congratulate Peter, this is a guy who has passion and intelligence
and I am sure is going to do great things at Now FM. It's tough when
you are trying to get a break in commercial radio and this guy has
worked hard to get there. Good on ya Peter, ignore the other hacks
here, there are a few of us who can spot real talent and commitment..go
get em.

pain for you...real soon !

2007. gada 7. janv. 22:26:0307.01.07

lol !!!!!


2007. gada 8. janv. 00:36:5208.01.07
Must be hard I imagine to replace a newsreader at a small operation
like AIR News?

Rock in Stereo

2007. gada 8. janv. 01:38:3308.01.07
Yes, I couldn't agree more. This is fantastic to hear.

It is bloody hot in Moree but no doubt you are used to that after


Artie Stevens

2007. gada 8. janv. 01:45:5608.01.07
Good question Sammy. We have a bit of a revolving door happening here.
If I can assist someone to get some experience, and convert that into a
gig in the industry then I'm halfway there.

So far three of our people have gone into Commercial Radio gigs since we
started and while it doesn't sound a lot it's three more than before we

Two new people in this week, one new reader started last week and is
already hitting his stride.


Sammy wrote:
> Must be hard I imagine to replace a newsreader at a small operation
> like AIR News?

Arthur Stevens
Australian Independent Radio News


2007. gada 8. janv. 02:38:2208.01.07

Thanks Artie,

I guess that people moving on is part of the business - good for them -
not so good for your service which by the way is a great service for
these community stations.

Not exactly sure what you mean by "hitting his stride"? Is that good or
bad? Sorry never heard that saying before? Who is this new reader
(known name?)

A few more questions:

Are your news readers formally trained in the radio industry? If they
are not how good are they compared to mainstream readers?

I imagine that you have certain criteria - what are they?

Are your people paid?

How many stations does you service go to?

The reason I ask is that I may know somebody who would be good - what
gear do they need? I am taking it that you have readers in all states
of Australia?



2007. gada 8. janv. 03:34:5608.01.07
> Mattdridge wrote:
> > I congratulate Peter, this is a guy who has passion and intelligence
> > and I am sure is going to do great things at Now FM. It's tough when
> > you are trying to get a break in commercial radio and this guy has
> > worked hard to get there. Good on ya Peter, ignore the other hacks
> > here, there are a few of us who can spot real talent and commitment..go
> > get em.

Congrats to Pete. Hope he does well.

How exactly did this make the Radioinfo front page though? Stories
about most capital city moves rarely attract more than a mention in the
movements section, like the recent one on Jason Walkerdon leaving
2DayFM, yet someone going to Moree is a full blown news article,
complete with utterly irrelevant quotes from Artie Stevens? Please.
It's Moree. A place where people begin their careers. If that's the
type of pap they're passing off as news these days then there's
obviously not much going on.


2007. gada 8. janv. 04:31:3308.01.07

VistaUser wrote:

> Congrats to Pete. Hope he does well.
> How exactly did this make the Radioinfo front page though? Stories
> about most capital city moves rarely attract more than a mention in the
> movements section, like the recent one on Jason Walkerdon leaving
> 2DayFM, yet someone going to Moree is a full blown news article,
> complete with utterly irrelevant quotes from Artie Stevens? Please.

I don't think you can say the quotes from Artie Stevens are irrelevant.
Peter Holden's departure point is the AIR News room.

It is not just an achievement for Peter Holden, but also an achievement
in adding to a successful profile of AIR News as an industry
innovation. I think that was the point of the article.

> It's Moree. A place where people begin their careers. If that's the
> type of pap they're passing off as news these days then there's
> obviously not much going on.

Mate, not everybody follows a comfortable linear career progression up
the corporate ladder.

For you, "it's only Moree". For somebody else, it is a niche to be
sustained, or a career comeback.

Enough. It's time to compare some of you Newsgroup bitches with the
feral cats from that Channel Nine cartoon - Kangaroo Creek Gang.

Please, I advise our ferals on to watch it this
Saturday Morning :)

According to the website :

"There is a constant rivalry between the (Kangaroo Creek) Gang and a
group of feral cats who live in the dump nearby which leads to many

A bit like what happens here, only with pictures added :)

...From Justin


2007. gada 8. janv. 04:36:1008.01.07

VistaUser wrote:
>then there's
> obviously not much going on.

Your probably right! There's not much going on but I for one am more
that interested to see people get the mentions they rightly deserve -
radioinfo is not only a metro based industry news site - it covers the
whole industry thankfully otherwise it would be all pretty boring.

Artie should be commended himself by the radio industry in my mind, not
only does he seemingly provide an important service to Community Radio
he is actively providing the next generation of broadcasters to a
degree I think.


2007. gada 8. janv. 06:29:1008.01.07
> Your probably right! There's not much going on but I for one am more
> that interested to see people get the mentions they rightly deserve -
> radioinfo is not only a metro based industry news site - it covers the
> whole industry thankfully otherwise it would be all pretty boring.

No it's not a Metro based site, but every week there are plenty of
people who move jobs, none of which get a news article devoted to them?
Why single this one out? Doesn't it strike you as slightly strange?

> Artie should be commended himself by the radio industry in my mind, not
> only does he seemingly provide an important service to Community Radio
> he is actively providing the next generation of broadcasters to a
> degree I think.

Commended? For running a business that uses staff who don't get paid?
Seriously, people like Pete would get a job at places like Moree
without AIR news. He's easily good enough. I haven't seen anyone from
AIR go onto a job that would have been out of their reach even if they
hadn't worked for AIR.

Artie Stevens

2007. gada 8. janv. 14:11:2408.01.07

>> Artie should be commended himself by the radio industry in my mind, not
>> only does he seemingly provide an important service to Community Radio
>> he is actively providing the next generation of broadcasters to a
>> degree I think.
> Commended? For running a business that uses staff who don't get paid?
> Seriously, people like Pete would get a job at places like Moree
> without AIR news. He's easily good enough. I haven't seen anyone from
> AIR go onto a job that would have been out of their reach even if they
> hadn't worked for AIR.

Couldn't agree more regarding Pete. As for whether anyone from AIR going
to jobs that were out of their reach, sorry but in at least two cases we
have had a great deal of influence in their getting a gig. Perhaps they
would have been there eventually anyway but we just facilitated it.


Glenn Hampson

2007. gada 8. janv. 17:06:0808.01.07
Not that Artie needs to even justify his position

"Artie Stevens" <> wrote in message

pain for you...real soon !

2007. gada 8. janv. 19:23:1908.01.07

lol !!!

2007. gada 9. janv. 01:39:0009.01.07
I am not meaning this to come across offensive or anything, but.....

Why did it need a radioinfo news item????

Everyone else would just get a mention in the movements section.

pain for you...real soon ! wrote:


2007. gada 9. janv. 03:58:5509.01.07
> Why did it need a radioinfo news item????
> Everyone else would just get a mention in the movements section.

It reads like a press release, so probably just a case of slow news
day, let's slap that on the site and be done with it. You dare not
question it though... the 'community radio' elite on this newsgroup are
bound to get very angry. Bless.


2007. gada 9. janv. 07:03:5809.01.07

VistaUser wrote:

> It reads like a press release, so probably just a case of slow news
> day, let's slap that on the site and be done with it. You dare not
> question it though... the 'community radio' elite on this newsgroup are
> bound to get very angry. Bless.


The 'community radio' elite :)

Oh, the tired old "Straw Man" tactics just keep on coming our way :)


2007. gada 9. janv. 08:01:5009.01.07
> Oh, the tired old "Straw Man" tactics just keep on coming our way :)

Actually I wasn't so much talking about you BearCave. Rather the
majority of people on here who seem to have a sheep-like mentality and
simply post the same rubbish day in, day out without any thought about
the real world and how it operates. Seriously, not a day seems to go
by without one of the following being raised...

1) Marcus should go and get a job, he is horrible, etc (even though
Marcus has made it clear on a number of occasions he isn't looking for
a job in radio, he is studying, and is just a fan of the industry,
something you'd think would be encouraged).

2) Artie should be knighted and isn't he wonderful for giving all
these poor hapless souls a job and helping them get into radio (even
though he really should be doing that anyway considering they aren't
getting paid, so it's kind of his duty, he isn't really that much of a
saint. He's by no means the devil, but you'd seriously think he was
divine the way some people here bang on).

3) My local networked radio station didn't announce my local cricket
game was canceled, aren't they evil? My local community station did and
they're brilliant (even though most people don't listen to that
community radio station because it reads out boring information like
sporting cancellations and information about craft fairs).

4) Macquare Regional Radioworks is terrible. They network. Boo hiss.
I heard an announcer on there the other day, and he wasn't talking
about anything local! Boo hiss! I don't like them (even though they
do provide plenty of opportunities for up and coming talent in regional
markets, despite their networking, something people are so keen to
praise others for, yet here, that praise is strangely lacking. They
even pay the up and coming talent!)

Really, there are some gems amongst the posts, so it's worth looking
through, but if some people, who've mostly never worked in commercial
radio, actually thought about things before posting, instead of
automatically jumping to their pre-programmed community radio
conclusions, this would be a far better place.


2007. gada 9. janv. 08:03:0609.01.07
> Oh, the tired old "Straw Man" tactics just keep on coming our way :)

Actually I wasn't so much talking about you BearCave. Rather the


2007. gada 9. janv. 09:40:3209.01.07

VistaUser wrote:

> Actually I wasn't so much talking about you BearCave. Rather the
> majority of people on here who seem to have a sheep-like mentality and
> simply post the same rubbish day in, day out without any thought about
> the real world and how it operates. Seriously, not a day seems to go
> by without one of the following being raised...

Okay, fair enough.

You've made yourself better understood this time :)

I also think that there's a few on the group that entertain themselves
by bullying Marcus, while boring the rest of us silly. However, I'm
not so sure you'd define that group as a community radio crowd.

I've decided if they ever bother me again, I'm simply going to call
them the feral cats :)

Okay, Air News is discussed a fair bit, but that's because it genuinely
is an innovation and demonstrates there alternative ways to get a foot
in an industry that isn't easy to get recruited into.

As for MMRW, I don't think the product is bad at all. I have been
listening to their overnight talkback host Nelly for some time now and
enjoy the mix of discussion and music. I listen through 3GG 531, which
has a reasonably good signal in Frankston.

...From Justin


2007. gada 9. janv. 20:49:4609.01.07
> VistaUser wrote:
> Commended? For running a business that uses staff who don't get paid?
Seriously, people like Pete would get a job at places like Moree
without AIR news. He's easily good enough. I haven't seen anyone from
AIR go onto a job that would have been out of their reach even if they
hadn't worked for AIR.

>Bearcave wrote:
> Okay, Air News is discussed a fair bit, but that's because it genuinely
> is an innovation and demonstrates there alternative ways to get a foot
> in an industry that isn't easy to get recruited into.

Yes I think that Artie should be commended - maybe at present he isn't
paying people but he has indicated to me that he will be when his
stations are more (the present amount is 19 that use his service but
he needs about 50 before he can pay people for their work - nothing
wrong with that as long as it happens - at least he seems to have good
intentions - what has VistaUser done for the broadcast industry? At
least AIR NEWS gives people a start - even a couple of new people this
week - who else does that?

Artie Stevens

2007. gada 9. janv. 14:36:2809.01.07
Geez, where's me bloody halo gone..?

Hmmm, it might be stuck round someone's neck.........

Gimme a break, I'm not pushing for sainthood....well, not this week
anyway :-)


VistaUser wrote:
> 2) Artie should be knighted and isn't he wonderful for giving all
> these poor hapless souls a job and helping them get into radio (even
> though he really should be doing that anyway considering they aren't
> getting paid, so it's kind of his duty, he isn't really that much of a
> saint. He's by no means the devil, but you'd seriously think he was
> divine the way some people here bang on).


Chris Jeremy

2007. gada 9. janv. 21:04:5409.01.07
Maybe VistaUser wants to open up the whole principle behind community radio.
While many operate as the legislation intended, there are quite a few
stations where volunteers fill the on-air and support roles, but revenue
tops a quarter of a million dollars a year and the "management" pays
themselves quite nice salaries thank you very much.

PS: congrats on the gig Pete.

"Sammy" <> wrote in message


2007. gada 11. janv. 06:28:3311.01.07
Great Stuff's my slab???


All the best for NowFM...good to see after busting your arse more than
a St Kilda road hooker you are back in to 'keep spin'in those discs'



2007. gada 12. janv. 19:39:2312.01.07
Well, this is ONE 'community radio 'elite'' that will NOT be getting angry
about Pete's appointment as PD @ NOW FM, Artie's obvious support and quote,
nor will I be angry about the story appearing on Radioinfo, JJ, or even the
nightly TV news!

Simple fact is that the item was part of a BIGGER story Radioinfo ran on
4VL. As the website implies, it carries RADIO INFORMATION. And in this day
of ever-increasing networking, v/tracking, et al, it's refreshing to see
that there are STILL stations that are willing to stick their bucks before
the bullshit and give new talent a red-hot crack at this weird, but
wonderful medium.

Likewise for Artie. Here's a guy with BUCKETLOADS of commercial experience
in a variety of areas who is prepared to gamble much of his hard-earned
retirement fund (either that or beer money!) to set up a cost-effective,
CREDIBLE news service for community stations seeking an alternative to NRN.
And on top of that, he's also giving new talent and aspiring journos that
much needed 'mic time' to hone their skills and get heard!

So. Put up time! Who here's game enough to put their balls on the line and
challenge 4VL and Artie for offering much needed, ever decreasing, REAL
opportunities to newcomers and aspiring radio / news people?

And, while we're at it, I guess you could add Radioinfo in that as well.
All too often we whinge and sook about there not being much on the site,
then when a genuine, good news story that offers REAL opportunities comes
up, we whinge and sook about it being anywhere other than hidden away in the
movements section.

Methinks the bulk of the whingeing and sooking is from precious little prima
donnas that are pissed off at not scoring a gig. Seems Alex Smith & the
Moving Pictures boys got it right back in '82. 'What About Me?' rings as
true 25 years later as it did back then!

Get over yourselves, and CONGRATULATE two GENUINE media organisations with
'heart' who are willing to give someone a go.

Artie, thanks for doing what you're doing. I've known Pete for years
(probably too many!) and I know he's deserving of this gig and will give a
real red-hot crack.

4VL, what can we say? You are one of the FEW stations who CONSISTENTLY
provide the necessary 'debut' opportunities for our upcoming talent. The
very talent that will, thanks to you, be our future cap-city 'stars'. Keep
it up and thank you.

Now, BEFORE anyone thinks I'm 'sucking up' or trying to get a gig myself,
let me stop you right here. I'm quite happy where I am at the moment and
have NO INTENTION of seeking to enter the commercial sector or get a paid
gig anywhere in radio for that matter. Where I'm coming from is as someone
who has been in this game for over 20 years, and has seen a steady decline
in real opportunities for those starting out. I've been fortunate to see
colleagues (including those I've trained, assisted, advised or worked
alongside) move on to bigger and better things. Yes, Pete Holden is one of
them, but there have been many more.

So I KNOW how invaluable the initiatives such as Artie's AIR News, and
stations such as 4VL providing a 'training ground' have become.

(three cheers for Artie, 4VL and Crowdie!)

"VistaUser" <> wrote in message


2007. gada 12. janv. 20:50:0712.01.07

On Jan 13, 11:39 am, "Soapbox" <> wrote:

> Methinks the bulk of the whingeing and sooking is from precious little prima
> donnas that are pissed off at not scoring a gig. Seems Alex Smith & the
> Moving Pictures boys got it right back in '82. 'What About Me?' rings as
> true 25 years later as it did back then!
> Get over yourselves, and CONGRATULATE two GENUINE media organisations with
> 'heart' who are willing to give someone a go.

That is so true in so many ways.

Artie Stevens

2007. gada 13. janv. 00:17:0113.01.07

You'll get me in a lather old son.

The retirement fund? has shrunk markedly in the last two years let
me tell you.

Just to 'fess up too, the item on radioinfo was our press release. I
ALWAYS promote the success of our people, and yes, I always take the
chance to plug the news service whilst at it. Mad if I didn't.


Wilfred Brimley

2007. gada 13. janv. 08:31:0613.01.07
And the award for the most boring thread in any newsgroup on any
subject anywhere in the world EVER goes to...

You all suck except that guy who kept laughing. Good on you mate.

KeithA at ZFM Net Radio ( and

2007. gada 13. janv. 16:35:3013.01.07

Watch out for this one posting here with a nic of Wilfred Brimley .
This one mutates before your eyes and as a copy cat clone adopts the
traits of the complainant.
He is listed on the Spammers,abusers,grafitiasts, and non contrbuting whingers Hotlist for his remaks abour dogs and a
well known
radio executive.
This Thread about someone leaping up the ladder is great.Something
Wilfred Brimley will will never and has not done.


2007. gada 14. janv. 00:20:2814.01.07
I think congratulations are in order Soapbox. You have provided what
appears to be the most ill-informed and ignorant post of the week. You
just successfully proved my point about people on here jumping to their
pre-programmed conclusions without even bothering to think. Hoorah for
you! Slaps on the back all round! Let's have a look at your

> Simple fact is that the item was part of a BIGGER story Radioinfo ran on
> 4VL. As the website implies, it carries RADIO INFORMATION.

Ah, not it wasn't. You fucking idiot. How about you look at the
story. It doesn't even mention 4VL. The story you are talking about
appeared on Radioinfo days after the original news story. Whoops and
that. But then, it's not as much fun to mouth off if you have to read
and stuff before you do it, isn't that right?

> Likewise for Artie. Here's a guy with BUCKETLOADS of commercial experience
> in a variety of areas who is prepared to gamble much of his hard-earned
> retirement fund (either that or beer money!) to set up a cost-effective,
> CREDIBLE news service for community stations seeking an alternative to NRN.
> And on top of that, he's also giving new talent and aspiring journos that
> much needed 'mic time' to hone their skills and get heard!

But the point is, the announcers aren't being paid, and therefore he
should be helping them get jobs (which to his credit he seems to be
doing). This really has been done to death. It's not a fucking
charity, it's a business.

> So. Put up time! Who here's game enough to put their balls on the line and
> challenge 4VL and Artie for offering much needed, ever decreasing, REAL
> opportunities to newcomers and aspiring radio / news people?

Hello? Oh, you're being serious? There are plenty of regional
stations besides 4VL. There's Caralis, MacBank, Rural Press, all of
them have hired plenty of people without any commercial radio

> 4VL, what can we say? You are one of the FEW stations who CONSISTENTLY
> provide the necessary 'debut' opportunities for our upcoming talent. The
> very talent that will, thanks to you, be our future cap-city 'stars'. Keep
> it up and thank you.

Yes, well we'll beg to differ on that little point won't we? Care to
name any people who've gone onto big things from 4VL over the past,
say, 5 years or so?

Next time, how about you at least bother to do a tiny bit of research,
and thinking before you post such a stupidly ill-informed and ignorant

Wilfred Brimley

2007. gada 14. janv. 01:25:1014.01.07

> This Thread about someone leaping up the ladder is great.Something
> Wilfred Brimley will will never and has not done.

Oh you're wrong about me Keith. So very wrong.

By the way, was the comment you were referring to the one about James
Yelland from 2SM fucking dogs? Because he does. Also young Asian boys,
or "Gaysians" as I like to call them.

2007. gada 14. janv. 03:08:5414.01.07

>But the point is, the announcers aren't being paid, and therefore he
> should be helping them get jobs (which to his credit he seems to be
> doing). This really has been done to death. It's not a fucking
> charity, it's a business.

Whoa!! Hold on a minute! It's not up to Artie to find anyone a job!
He's giving people an opportunity, and people are taking advantage of
that opportunity. I don;t think Artie is forcing people at gunpoint to
join his news service, thus, he should help find them a job...what a
pathetic statement to make. People are working at AIR news because they
want to, and if they wish to further their careers, they will...and i'm
sure Artie would offer any assistance that is possible. But to say that
the annoucners arent being paid, and therefore he should be helping
them get jobs is not what it's about!

Oh, you're being serious? There are plenty of regional
> stations besides 4VL. There's Caralis, MacBank, Rural Press, all of
> them have hired plenty of people without any commercial radio
> experience.

Yes, he is being serious....ZZZ in Lismore are advertising for a years full times experience needed. 4VL are one of a kind in
training new announcers.

2007. gada 14. janv. 03:10:3914.01.07

> By the way, was the comment you were referring to the one about James
> Yelland from 2SM fucking dogs? Because he does. Also young Asian boys,
> or "Gaysians" as I like to call them.

You seem to know a fair bit on this area....What, are you jealous
because u arent getting anything in this area


2007. gada 14. janv. 07:47:4614.01.07
> Yes, he is being serious....ZZZ in Lismore are advertising for a
> years full times experience needed. 4VL are one of a kind in
> training new announcers.

Whoops... my bad. One job advertisement asking for one years
experience obviously means that 4VL are "one of a kind in training new
announcers". It never happens anywhere else.

Well, except if you don't include most of the other Caralis stations
like Dubbo, Parkes, Tamworth, Inverell and such where people get hired
all the time without any experience. Then there's the Cameron Network
with stations like Power in Nowra, Ballarat, Murray Bridge and such who
hire people with no experience. Oh, and then there's MacBank, who's
smaller stations hire those people too. Let's not forget all the
people who've got their start driving promo cars for cap city stations
and gone on to other things. Even community radio provides a start for
some. Aside from all those, 4VL are one of a kind.

But then you found that job advert, which took, what, all of 30
seconds? That proves it all. No further thought necessary. You must
be right. Good for you.

2007. gada 14. janv. 19:14:1514.01.07

>Let's not forget all the
> people who've got their start driving promo cars for cap city stations
> and gone on to other things. Even community radio provides a start for
> some.

Yes...most, if not all start in community radio, or doing promotions..I
guess this is the point you should have clarified earlier on.
I hardly think anyone without some sort of radio expeience could walk
into 2ST, POWER FM, 2DU or 2MG and get a gig without some sort of

I even wonder why Im replying and wonder what the hell started this!
We're going around in circles!!

Ah yes, the post from Soapbox!

Big deal...he was giving a pat on the back to Artie & 4VL...good for
him, he was just giving an opinion and some kudos to two media outlets
he thought was due.... He didnt really say that 4VL were the only ones
giving unexperienced people a go, did he? he was merley stating one

Yeah, I'm sure there are plenty of others, and even the cap city
stations who hire comedians, BB contestants and so on!!!!

> But then you found that job advert, which took, what, all of 30
> seconds? That proves it all. No further thought necessary. You must
> be right. Good for you.

10 seconds actually.....Ok..Ok...that was just an example off the top
of my head. Most ads for radio gigs state that some sort of experience
is needed. Am I wrong? Maybe....but just try and apply for a gig
without any sort of experience, and see how far you go.

Oh, by the way Pete, congratulations on the gig at NOW FM!

Rock in Stereo

2007. gada 14. janv. 20:41:0914.01.07
I liked that. Keep the comedy coming.


Phew !!! Just Clearing all the Spam from Pasge 1 KeithA

2007. gada 24. janv. 02:07:3724.01.07

On Jan 8, 7:34 pm, "VistaUser" <> wrote:
> > Mattdridge wrote:
> > > I congratulate Peter, this is a guy who has passion and intelligence
> > > and I am sure is going to do great things at Now FM. It's tough when
> > > you are trying to get a break in commercial radio and this guy has
> > > worked hard to get there. Good on ya Peter, ignore the other hacks
> > > here, there are a few of us who can spot real talent and commitment..go
> > > get em.Congrats to Pete. Hope he does well.
> How exactly did this make the Radioinfo front page though? Stories
> about most capital city moves rarely attract more than a mention in the
> movements section, like the recent one on Jason Walkerdon leaving
> 2DayFM, yet someone going to Moree is a full blown news article,
> complete with utterly irrelevant quotes from Artie Stevens? Please.
> It's Moree. A place where people begin their careers. If that's the
> type of pap they're passing off as news these days then there's


2007. gada 7. febr. 17:18:1307.02.07

Breakfast Announcer

We are looking for an enthusiastic Breakfast Announcer to fill a soon
to become vacant position with our team at NOWfm in Moree.

The person we are seeking must be an experienced commercial radio
jock, and love the early mornings. If you have a passion for radio and
love promotions as well it would be an advantage.

The position is permanent,with award wages.

If you love the country life and are looking for some to showcase your
talent, please phone Pat on (02) 6752 1155 or email

CrowdedHouse (Been awhile... anyone like to talk real radio issues?)


2007. gada 7. febr. 19:20:4407.02.07
Good to see you taking control there m'boy!



Arthur Stevens
Australian Independent Radio News

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