late comer - any point in submitting a video instead of code

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Bob Schmidt

24 Mar 2008, 11:24:00 am24/3/08
to Android Challenge,
I am a designer - coding is painful for me.

Did not hear about the challenge until the NPR story.

Got ideas. Any point in submitting a short video instead of code to
try and make the first cut? (eg

Dexter's Brain

24 Mar 2008, 3:25:26 pm24/3/08
to Android Challenge
Well...thats a good idea....But I think the submission forms only
accept *.apk while submitting, just rename the extension
to apk and let the google people bang their heads trying to run your
50MB app.

I am trying to submit a photo.apk file.....Its approx size is 100kb.
Thats acceptable i guess...


Dan U.

24 Mar 2008, 4:18:59 pm24/3/08
to Android Challenge
I'm not sure if they will accept it. I would guess they might, but
your chances of winning would decrease a lot without at least a
somewhat working prototype.

24 Mar 2008, 9:46:50 pm24/3/08
to Android Challenge

Here are some ideas... as requested:)

1. Yes, coding can be painful, but if you look at the body of work
Google and others have put out there... It's a lot.
They are not just throwing money in the air in some gin joint.
There is A LOT of invested virtual hand holding in what they have put
online. The prize money is just one part. Maybe... 3%, depending on
how you count.
What that means is that: even if you don't win the prize money, 97% of
the value is still there.
2. Depending on your application, you may not be that late. Some
developers are waiting until the last minute for the most mature SDK.
3. You are not alone - I just obtained a PC that would run the
emulator last weekend, March 22. With every tutorial I discover that
those folks are one step ahead of me. I don't know if every
application is going to be a skin on their tutorials and demos (and
blog), but to some extent, how could they not be? Yes, you called it.
We are going to stick our name on the "Hello, Android" tutorial and
submit that! (Not really, but... well sort of :-)

Anyway, if the concept is worth doing, use every deadline and
incentive folks set to advance and mature it.


On Mar 24, 10:24 am, Bob Schmidt <>
> I am a designer - coding is painful for me.


24 Mar 2008, 11:25:05 pm24/3/08
to Android Challenge
I'd be pretty upset if they granted you a prize just for the video.
Heck, I have a lot of ideas for a lot of applications but they require
a lot of work too. Your video however seems to be for getting funding
for a new venture or to act as a sells pitch for your application, if
you actually build one. No, I guess they will not accept this if this
is the only thing you submit.

On Mar 24, 11:24 am, Bob Schmidt <>

Bob Schmidt

25 Mar 2008, 9:13:15 am25/3/08
to Android Challenge
Yeah, I would understand ... I am concerned about how the community
will feel shorted. And, I am sure you are right that those who submit
code will better demonstrate commitment, ability and possibility.

If I venture less and expect less, that should be good with the
universe. And if, for whatever reason, the committee decides I make
the first cut then I will need a developer - probably somebody from
this group.

Right now I would like to join you all in making the pie as big and
delicious as we can. Android is to Windows as a windshield is to a
glass block.

Bob Schmidt

25 Mar 2008, 9:25:50 am25/3/08
to Android Challenge
I would like to venture an idea, without the benefit of a prototype,
and see what happens. None of us have to win a prize to push ahead.
This seems like a good way to start the process of finding partners
and fleshing out an idea.

I would like to have somebody write a very simple app that did nothing
but point the browser to a youtube video and play it. I would pay
cash or a share as they preferred.

Anybody want to work with me on this?

Bob Schmidt

25 Mar 2008, 9:50:01 am25/3/08
to Android Challenge
From the Terms and Conditions:

To qualify for a Grant, an "Entry" to the Challenge consists of an
application that is written in the Java programming language using the
Android Software Development Kit ("SDK") (available at

To enter anything less, would be to throw myself on the mercy of the
community and the judges. Still, I might like to get my ideas out

On Mar 24, 10:24 am, Bob Schmidt <>

25 Mar 2008, 9:52:46 am25/3/08
to Android Challenge
Your idea is great! If it's just a youtube link, I can make it for


25 Mar 2008, 12:09:30 pm25/3/08
to Android Challenge
You can always request an extension of the deadline. They did that
before when one of the reasons cited was similar to yours. I doubt it
however that google will grant the extension this time, unless one or
more of their favorites to win need more time to finish their app.


25 Mar 2008, 4:36:30 pm25/3/08
to Android Challenge
Only probably is Android doesn't support Flash right now. So that
wouldn't work very well. :(
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