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What if 'SNL' mocked Michelle Obama?

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24 okt. 2008 08:30:522008-10-24
Perhaps the only institution in America whose approval rating is beneath
that of Congress is the media.

Both have won their reputations the hard way. They earned them.

Consider the fawning indulgence shown insider Joe Biden with the dripping
contempt visited on outsider Sarah Palin.

Twice last weekend, Biden grimly warned at closed-door meetings that a great
crisis is coming early in the term of President Obama:

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack
Obama like they did John Kennedy. ... Remember I said it standing here if
you don't remember anything else I said . we're gonna have an international
crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

A "generated crisis"? By whom? Moscow? Beijing? Tehran?

This is an astonishing statement from a chairman of the Foreign Relations
Committee who has access to the same intelligence as George Bush. Joe was
warning of a crisis like the Berlin Wall of July 1961, where JFK called for
a tripling of the draft and ordered a call-up of reserves, or the missile
crisis where U.S. pilots like John McCain were minutes away from bombing
nuclear missile sites in Cuba and killing the Russians manning them.

Is Russia about to move on the Crimea? Is Israel about to launch air strikes
on Iran's nuclear sites? What is Joe talking about?

If one assumes Joe is a serious man, we have a right to know.

Instead, what we got was Obama's airy dismissal of Joe's words as a
"rhetorical flourish" and a media - rather than demanding that Joe hold a
press conference - acting as Obama surrogates parroting the talking points
that Joe was just saying that new presidents always face tests.

Had John McCain made that hair-raising statement, he would have been accused
of fear mongering about a new 9/11. The media would have run with the story
rather than have smothered it.

Contrasting McCain with his hero, Joe declared a few weeks back, "When the
stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and ...
said, 'Look, here's what happened.'"

Nice historical reference. Except when the market crashed in 1929, Hoover
was president, and there was no television.

Can one imagine what the press would have done to Sarah Palin had she
exhibited such ignorance of history. Or Dan Quayle?

Joe gets a pass because everybody likes Joe.

Fine. But Joe also has a record of 36 years in the Senate.

Has anyone ever asked Joe about his own and his party's role in cutting off
aid to South Vietnam, leading to the greatest strategic defeat in U.S.
history and the Cambodian holocaust? Has anyone ever asked Joe about the
role he and his party played in working to block Reagan's deployment of
Pershing missiles in Europe, and SDI, which Gorbachev concedes broke the
Soviets and won the Cold War?

In the most crucial vote he ever cast - to give Bush a blank check for war
in Iraq - Joe concedes he got it wrong.

Is Joe's record of having been wrong on Vietnam, wrong in the Cold War,
wrong on the Iraq war, less important than whether Sarah Palin tried to get
fired a rogue-cop brother-in-law who Tasered her 10-year-old nephew to
"teach him a lesson"?

"I've forgotten more about foreign policy than most of my colleagues know,"
says Joe humbly. Given his record, it is understandable Joe has forgotten so
much of it.

Saturday, the New York Times did a takeout on Cindy McCain that delved back
into her problem with prescription pills. Yet when Hillary's campaign
manager, Mark Penn, brought up Obama's cocaine use on "Hardball," he was
savaged by folks for whom the Times is the gold standard.

The people apparently had a "right to know" of Bush's old DUI arrest a week
before the 2000 election, but no right to know about how and when Obama was
engaged in the criminal use of cocaine.

The media cannot get enough of the "Saturday Night Live" impersonations of
Palin as a bubblehead. News shows pick up the Tina Fey clips and run them
and run them to the merriment of all.

Can one imagine "Saturday Night Live" doing weekly send-ups of Michelle
Obama and her "I've never been proud" of my country, this "just downright
mean" America, using a black comedienne to mimic and mock her voice and

"Saturday Night Live" would be facing hate-crime charges.

How do we know? When the New Yorker ran a cartoon of Michelle in an
Angela-Davis afro with an AK-47 slung over her shoulder, New Yorker editors
had to go on national television to swear they were not mocking Michelle,
but the conservatives who have so caricatured Michelle and the Messiah.

Is there a media double standard? You betcha.

| Pat Buchanan was twice a candidate for the Republican presidential
nomination and the Reform Party's

| candidate in 2000. He is also a founder and editor of The American
Conservative. Now a political analyst

| for MSNBC and a syndicated columnist, he served three presidents in the
White House, was a founding

| panelist of three national TV shows, and is the author of seven books.


24 okt. 2008 08:39:072008-10-24

I always thought Michelle Obama reminded me of LaWanda Page, "(aunt)
Esther Anderson" on tv's 'Sanford & Son'.

Michelle Obama & LaWanda Page:

Not that she's not attractive. She's just quite distinct looking.

For the record: I am an Obama supporter (even here in Canada as a


24 okt. 2008 08:45:512008-10-24

Some excellent points made here. It's this kind of hypocrisy that
drives me right up the wall.

Of course the rabid myopics will dismiss this and pick apart every
point and play semantics until no one remembers what the heck was
being discussed.


24 okt. 2008 08:51:372008-10-24

Great Q! I suspect Al Sharpton would lead a rally of ENRAGED blacks
and even more ENRAGED Loons in front of NBC studios.


24 okt. 2008 10:34:192008-10-24
On Oct 24, 7:30 am, "Ubiquitous" <> wrote:

Good, irrefutable column by Pat Buchanan. That being said, I think
the Palin SNL parodies actually helped her become more endearing.
Lorne knew it would be a ratings boon, so he didnt relaly care whether
it helped her or hurt her...

BTW, anybody think Tina was looking old and a little bedraggled on


24 okt. 2008 11:03:132008-10-24
> Letetrman?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Palin is a natural beauty and can get away with hairdos like
she chooses to wears, however notice Palin's impersonator looks ugly
the same do ect. I should say the impersonator is plain looking.

Tina has to have that just right angle, lots of the right make up,
surgery, to look presentable.

Palin is a real knock out beauty any way she chooses to look,
btw she also has executive presidential experience to boot.


24 okt. 2008 12:20:592008-10-24
repo wrote:
> Palin is a real knock out beauty any way she chooses to look,
> btw she also has executive presidential experience to boot.

You are a loon AND have bad taste in women.


24 okt. 2008 12:32:372008-10-24

Not that this should be important, but you don;t think she's, at
least, attractive?


24 okt. 2008 12:54:082008-10-24

I think she's totally freaking HOT!!! But she shouldn't be allowed
anywhere NEAR the White House, even on the public tour.


24 okt. 2008 15:25:212008-10-24

And the corporate media goes out of it's way to apologize for Sarah
Palin- pretending she is capable.

Your problem is spoiled brat conservatives who have it too good with
this media see one or two parodies and they fly off the handle.


PS- They parody Hillary, too (ooops).

Buckaroo Banzai

25 okt. 2008 01:08:522008-10-25

> > Joe gets a pass because everybody likes Joe.

Joe gets a pass because the media needs Obama to win like a crack whore
needs her next fix. Look at how the media flipped their freakin' minds out
in 2000 and 2004. However this turns out, I think rational people from both
parties ought to purchase and take possession of a firearm by Oct. 4th.
Because come the 5th, either a lot of liberals are going to riot for losing
for the third time, especially when the so *obviously* backed Obama. Or some
conservatives are going be looking for revenge for the media "stealing" the
election from McCain...


25 okt. 2008 02:37:292008-10-25

Shit....just what this country needs. More "rational" thought like that.
Just a suggestion. Use that firearm to air out that foul brain of yours.
We'll all be forever indebted to your memory. Thanks.

Antonio E. Gonzalez

25 okt. 2008 03:07:442008-10-25
On Fri, 24 Oct 2008 08:30:52 -0400, "Ubiquitous" <>

Never mind the two were unrelated, Vietnam benefited immensely, as
did the US eventually. The 1990s saw the US and Vietnam not only
patch things up, but become trade partners!

Has anyone ever asked Joe about the
>role he and his party played in working to block Reagan's deployment of
>Pershing missiles in Europe, and SDI, which Gorbachev concedes broke the
>Soviets and won the Cold War?

Amazing how the non-existant SDI somehow broke a nation . . .

>In the most crucial vote he ever cast - to give Bush a blank check for war
>in Iraq - Joe concedes he got it wrong.
>Is Joe's record of having been wrong on Vietnam,

Uhhh, no . . .

wrong in the Cold War,
>wrong on the Iraq war, less important than whether Sarah Palin tried to get
>fired a rogue-cop brother-in-law who Tasered her 10-year-old nephew to
>"teach him a lesson"?
>"I've forgotten more about foreign policy than most of my colleagues know,"
>says Joe humbly. Given his record, it is understandable Joe has forgotten so
>much of it.
>Saturday, the New York Times did a takeout on Cindy McCain that delved back
>into her problem with prescription pills. Yet when Hillary's campaign
>manager, Mark Penn, brought up Obama's cocaine use on "Hardball," he was
>savaged by folks for whom the Times is the gold standard.
>The people apparently had a "right to know" of Bush's old DUI arrest a week
>before the 2000 election, but no right to know about how and when Obama was
>engaged in the criminal use of cocaine.
>The media cannot get enough of the "Saturday Night Live" impersonations of
>Palin as a bubblehead. News shows pick up the Tina Fey clips and run them
>and run them to the merriment of all.
>Can one imagine "Saturday Night Live" doing weekly send-ups of Michelle
>Obama and her "I've never been proud" of my country, this "just downright
>mean" America, using a black comedienne to mimic and mock her voice and

It's amazing how Michelle not only said she's proud of America, but
*really* proud, yet that somehow got twisted . . .

>"Saturday Night Live" would be facing hate-crime charges.
>How do we know? When the New Yorker ran a cartoon of Michelle in an
>Angela-Davis afro with an AK-47 slung over her shoulder, New Yorker editors
>had to go on national television to swear they were not mocking Michelle,
>but the conservatives who have so caricatured Michelle and the Messiah.
>Is there a media double standard? You betcha.

. . . and it's corporate; money, money, money!

>| Pat Buchanan was twice a candidate for the Republican presidential
>nomination and the Reform Party's
>| candidate in 2000. He is also a founder and editor of The American
>Conservative. Now a political analyst
>| for MSNBC and a syndicated columnist, he served three presidents in the
>White House, was a founding
>| panelist of three national TV shows, and is the author of seven books.

Sounds like a stern talking-to from Rachel Maddow is in order . . .


- ReFlex76

- "Let's beat the terrorists with our most powerful weapon . . . hot girl-on-girl action!"

- "The difference between young and old is the difference between looking forward to your next birthday, and dreading it!"

- Jesus Christ - The original hippie!



Katana > Chain Saw > Baseball Bat > Hammer

jerry warner

27 okt. 2008 01:33:352008-10-27

Thanks. And we are all STRONG supporters of you.

Buckaroo Banzai

27 okt. 2008 10:20:132008-10-27

"Dano" <> wrote in message

Spoken like a true liberal- Completely tolerant and respectful people... as
long as you think like they do. For people who preach tolerance, you guys
maybe ought to practice it once in a while.

Antonio E. Gonzalez

27 okt. 2008 20:00:122008-10-27
On Sat, 25 Oct 2008 02:37:29 -0400, "Dano" <>

Hey, they wanna take part in another Branch Davidian-style Redneck
Roast, that's their problem. Yes, wanting to become human charcoal
sound couterintuitive, but some poeple are just not meant to pass on
their genes; ol' Darwin wrote something about that . . .


27 okt. 2008 21:35:322008-10-27

"Ubiquitous" <> wrote in message

> Perhaps the only institution in America whose approval rating is beneath
> that of Congress is the media.
Amen. Liberals used to call Reagan the "Teflon President" Obama is the
"Teflon Candidate" The media fawns over him and ignores any controversy.
If McCain had gone to a church for 20 years and called the pastor his friend
and mentor and spiritual advisor and it was discovered that he made
anti-black and anti-American sermons, McCain's political career would have
ended because the media would have crucified him. But Obama simply says he
never heard any of those comments and this is readily accepted by the media.
No media inquest about his connections to William Ayers, no concern about
his limited political experience or dismal voting record. Raise any
questions about him and you are labeled a racist; you can't possibly have
any legitimate concerns about his record or qualifications. You aren't for
him? You're obviously a racist.
Vote for whoever the hell you want, but don't do it because it's "time" for
a black president. It's not "time" for a black president or a woman
president or another white president. It's time for the people to actually
learn something about the candidates beyond the hype and make an informed

Buckaroo Banzai

29 okt. 2008 02:42:072008-10-29

"Dano" <> wrote in message

Weird reply considering your post to

"Dano" <> wrote in message
>I fucking HATE Jews.

I guess you thought I was a Jew?

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