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The Stress Effect

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Apr 8, 2009, 10:28:49 AM4/8/09
I strongly believe we have chronic psoriasis because of a higher then normal
stress enviroment.

Even when I was a kid, every day of my life was stress.. I was born and
raised with a lot of emotional / mental stress in my childhood...and that
continued through my teens.. until my body was completely overwhelmed by the
time I was 20.... now 14 years later I continue to have psoriatic arthritis.

Even though my life has been so much less stressed the last 5 years or doesnt matter since my immune system has already been programmed
during the first 20 years of my life. Like as if its always in automatic
stress matter how relaxed I am now.

So our cure would be if we could find a way to reboot our immune systems. I
hear stem cell treatment is targetting that method. And I saw a report in
China or Japan about this recently, and it put them in complete remission.

thoughts ?


Apr 8, 2009, 2:27:44 PM4/8/09
john wrote:
> I strongly believe we have chronic psoriasis because of a higher then
> normal stress enviroment.
> Even when I was a kid, every day of my life was stress.. I was born and
> raised with a lot of emotional / mental stress in my childhood...and
> that continued through my teens.. until my body was completely
> overwhelmed by the time I was 20.... now 14 years later I continue to
> have psoriatic arthritis.
I too was raised in a very stressful environment. I was adopted at age 4
1/2 from a very poor family into a family of 2 alcoholic parents. Back
then they didn't screen people like they do today. However, I did not
break out with psoriasis from head to toe until I was in my very late
40's. I had had scaly elbows most of my life, but that was it. As for
psoriatic arthritis, I have yet to be diagnosed with it, although every
morning getting out of bed is harder and harder. If I sit for long I'm
so stiff when I get up, things just won't move well and I have to stand
for a bit before going. I've had tests and more tests, but no one seems
to know what's wrong. I guess it's all in my head!! I live in a very
rural area and we are limited with facilities here and lack the
specialists needed sometimes. I've just decided to keep on....keeping
on, as they say :)

> Even though my life has been so much less stressed the last 5 years or
> doesnt matter since my immune system has already been programmed
> during the first 20 years of my life. Like as if its always in
> automatic stress matter how relaxed I am now.
> So our cure would be if we could find a way to reboot our immune
> systems. I hear stem cell treatment is targetting that method. And I
> saw a report in China or Japan about this recently, and it put them in
> complete remission.
> thoughts ?

My life is much less stressful since I quit work but I still have the P
on my leg and in my ears. Just can not seem to improve. I'd like to
think that some day they will find a way to reboot our immune system and
the sooner the better for us all! I have not seen the report from China
and Japan. If that works, wouldn't it work for just about every disease?
While I'm not sure this world has room for us all to live forever, it
sure would be nice if we didn't die before our time, as so many seem to
sometimes. In the past 4 years I've lot two very good friends, one age
56 the other age 52. Way too young to be taken from us all. I have had
mixed emotions about the stem cell research. Worries me that there will
become a black market for it. However, if I had a child who was injured
playing football and was a paraplegic, I would want whatever it took to
get him out of that wheelchair. I guess life gives us tough choices all
the time doesn't it?
Gee, I'm rattling on here, sorry. :)

***************SarahB ****************
A penny saved is a government oversight.


Apr 8, 2009, 5:11:13 PM4/8/09
On Apr 8, 2:27 pm, SarahB <> wrote:
>I have yet to be diagnosed with it, although every
>morning getting out of bed is harder and harder. If I sit for long I'm
>so stiff when I get up, things just won't move well and I have to stand
>for a bit before going. I've had tests and more tests, but no one seems
>to know what's wrong. I guess it's all in my head!!

Sarah, thats what the doctors want us to think. That were all just
crazy so they can dope us up with meds.

I kind of felt the same way right before I was diagnosed with PA. I
had the pain and psoriasis, but nobody believed me about the pain
part... I was kinda going crazy inside at that time I still remember..
then when the doc gave me the official diagnosis, I was almost like
cheering.. the Doctor had such a confused look on his I
guess just getting that diagnosis at that time was to me a 'relief'
that it wasnt all in my head.

but yeah, this really sucks overall and nothing to be proud of.

And dont ever let the illness / or Doctors make you feel like that.
Its the confusing aspect of the disease and the long duration (years)
that we have to deal with it...that at times makes us feel like its
"all in our head". But it most definately is not. Normal people
that have no diseases or illnesses, tend to make us feel that way as
well.. as when they see us, they dont see blood dripping or they dont understand why we think we're sick.


Apr 9, 2009, 11:58:39 AM4/9/09
NJPA33 wrote:
> Sarah, thats what the doctors want us to think. That were all just
> crazy so they can dope us up with meds.
> I kind of felt the same way right before I was diagnosed with PA. I
> had the pain and psoriasis, but nobody believed me about the pain
> part... I was kinda going crazy inside at that time I still remember..
> then when the doc gave me the official diagnosis, I was almost like
> cheering.. the Doctor had such a confused look on his I
> guess just getting that diagnosis at that time was to me a 'relief'
> that it wasnt all in my head.
But how did he diagnose it?

> but yeah, this really sucks overall and nothing to be proud of.

I understand what you are saying and I totally agree.

> And dont ever let the illness / or Doctors make you feel like that.
> Its the confusing aspect of the disease and the long duration (years)
> that we have to deal with it...that at times makes us feel like its
> "all in our head". But it most definately is not. Normal people
> that have no diseases or illnesses, tend to make us feel that way as
> well.. as when they see us, they dont see blood dripping or
> they dont understand why we think we're sick.

One of my very good friends and I were talking one day about someone we
know who has a disease and how bitter and mean they had become. I said
to this friend. "You know, I have a disease too and I try my best to be
kind and positive as much as possible and having a disease is no reason
to be cruel to others." She looked at me and said "What disease do you
have?" (she knew I have psoriasis) "I said I have Psoriasis, remember?"
Her reply was. " Oh yea, well." That was it, nothing more! It seems
people have no comprehension of Psoriasis. I certainly didn't until I
was diagnosed and had the internet to do research on and of course when
my health insurance company took a rider on me because of it and they
also contribute every pain I have to it. THEN you IS a
disease and one that needs to be reckoned with. On top of psoriasis I
have hypothyroidism, Diabetes Mellitus Type II and hypertension. I tell
ya, if these years get anymore 'Golden' the next disease I'll come down
with is 'The Midas Touch'!!


Apr 10, 2009, 3:48:35 AM4/10/09

The solution to talk for reprogramming the immune system exists and is
called Deniplant.
Please visit


Apr 11, 2009, 12:57:10 PM4/11/09
On Apr 10, 3:48 am, giurgiu <> wrote:
> SarahB,
> The solution to talk for reprogramming the immune system exists and is
> called Deniplant.
> Please

Another spammer, lovely.

Nice way to poo-poo my thread.


Apr 11, 2009, 1:13:11 PM4/11/09
Can't we put them on the 'ignore' list ;-)


Apr 12, 2009, 10:25:00 AM4/12/09
if you think that is a deniplant spam, you should wait to talk to
those who use this product and write on the forum.|en

I guarantee you will sooner or later you will remember this product.


Apr 12, 2009, 4:04:14 PM4/12/09
On Apr 12, 7:25 am, giurgiu <> wrote:
> if you think that is a deniplant spam, you should wait to talk to
> those who use this product and write on the forum.

> I guarantee you will sooner or later you will remember this product.

Dear Mr. Gheorghe Giurgiu,

How do we know your telling us the truth about your herbal tea?

If you insist your product is *proprietary* then go get
a patent and sell it ALL DAY long.

Or are you like Uwe Hayek?

Tell and sell but NO facts? LOL

I'll take a few seconds to close that gaP.

OK, ( hope this is you. <w>

If your formula isn't patentable or proprietary, then, did you maybe
use parts of someone else's herbal tea?

And looking for you on patentsonline turns up nothing:

Yet this says you have something in this arena:|en

Numerous studies and research shows that diseases like psoriasis can
be improved with the help of medicinal plants of the flora of Romania.
În acest sens avem la dispoziţie ceaiul DENIPLANT , o pulbere
obţinută din mai multe plante medicinale, care sa dovedit eficient în
PSORIAZIS. Folosind ceaiul DENIPLANT, ceai brevetat de către dl.
GHEORHE GIURGIU, s-au obţinut ameliorări, din primele luni de
tratament şi dispariţia elementelor de psoriasis după 6-12 luni. In
this respect we provide tea DENIPLANT, a powder obtained from several
medicinal plants, which proved effective in psoriasis. DENIPLANT Using
tea, tea patented by Mr. GHEORHE GIURGIU were obtained improvements in
the first months of treatment and disappearance items psoriasis after
6-12 months. Ceaiul DENIPLANT acţionează la nivelul întregului
organism, influenţează diferitele verigi ale lanţului etiopatogenetic
ce declanşează şi întreţin boala, încetinind evoluţia şi chiar stopând-
o. Tea DENIPLANT acts throughout the body, affect various links of the
chain etiopatogenetic what triggers the disease and maintain, slow
progress and even stopând it. Tratamentul cu DENIPLANT este de lungă
durat ă, este uşor de folosit, este bine tolerat şi nu au fost
semnalate până acum efecte secundare nedorite. DENIPLANT treatment is
long term, it is easy to use, is well tolerated and have not been
reported until now unwanted side effects.

Dl. Mr.. GHEORGHE GIURGIU a fost bolnav de PSORIAZIS, iar după sute de
ore de muncă a reuşit să creeze acest ceai de plante, care ia adus o
nesperată vindecare. Aceasta inventie a obţinut Medalia de aur la
Salonul Internaţional de Noutăţi Tehnice "INVENTA 97" GEORGE GIURGIU
was suffering from psoriasis, and after hundreds of hours of work has
succeeded in creating the tea plant, which brought a nesperată
healing. This invention has obtained the Gold Medal at International
Fair of Technical News "INVENT 97"


[Golf report: Michelson has one guy ahead of him (kenny perry) and
tiger woods
is five guys back....]

Back to you... your twenty five guys behind me now. LOL

Say I look around your country on the web for herbs
and psoriasis treatments that mirror yours, based
on my very short scan of your above personal link?

What comes uP?

HOw about this site regarding Andrei Farago?

Here's another one.

How do I know you didn't BORROW from Mary P Rostoplasc or FARAGO?

Or this ProZ92 stuff?
From Said Moady? Doesn't sound Romanian? LOL

But Mary Rostoplasc or Stefan cel Mare and his medicinal herbs and
blackberries, does.

Rostoplasc psoriasis page:

Skin Conditions: Psoriasis

Persons from all over the world who have psoriasis come to ask for
help. Many people consider psoriasis an incurable disease. It is a
painful condition which is caused by the disruption of proper liver

There are three different appearances of psoriasis:

-the so-called "red psoriasis", with deep red spots, well defined and

-the look of fish scales

-the skin is wrinkled, cracked, and thick and the cracks open in warm
temperatures causing a lot of pain.

All this is accompanied by itching which puts a strain on the nervous
system of the patient. The skin produces and sheds many scabs every

Please read carefully the dietary recommendations for Psoriasis:
"Foods to Avoid; Foods that are Acceptable".

Psoriasis: Foods to Avoid

cold cuts, sausages, smoked meat, pork, as well as, soups made with
them, all kinds of smoked fish, canned food, liver pate, etc., beef,
hamburgers, dark bread as it contains ingredients similar to those,
injected in animals, oranges, berries and juices made from berries,
black berries, green apples, grapes, strawberries, legumes, beans,
lentils, green, red and yellow peppers, hot peppers, eggplant,
pickles, vinegar, wine, tomatoes, tomato juice, paste or sauce,
coffee, alcohol, sugar, chocolate, honey, cocoa, ice cream, whipped
cream, sauces in restaurants, spicy sauces, fast food, soft drinks
containing coloring, mayonnaise, margarine, coloured cheese, cakes
containing sodium bicarbonate, milk, Also, do not cook with canola oil
or vegetable oil and olive oil.

Be careful of tropical fruits as they are acidic. All the above create
acids which the sick liver does not tolerate. Do not eat anything
mentioned above for 6 months.

Psoriasis: Foods that are Acceptable

Goose, turkey, duck or rabbits. Also, freshfish, fish from farm do not
eat only from lake and ocean.

You should eat light vegetables every day with a lot of stewed apples,
plums, quinces and peaches. Look for European stewed fruit and avoid
sugar. Do not drink the juice of stewed fruit, eat only the pulp.

You may eat any type of fresh fruit with seeds; also oranges and
apples with seeds; be sure not to eat seedless fruits of any kind.

Cook with sunflower, corn and soy oil. Use them in turns; do not eat
the same oil consistently. Eat olive oil only with vegetables and

Drink only the tea mentioned hereafter:

Tea Blend for the Liver (good for arthritis)

10 gr. oak bark
30 gr. willow bark
40 gr. club moss
20 gr. fumitory (Fumaria officinalis)
20 gr. walnut shells
30 gr. celandine
50 gr. nettles
30 gr. speedwell
30 gr. marigold
20 gr. milfoil (yarrow)

Mix all herbs as listed above of this premixed herbal tea. Take 1200
ml of water, bring it to a boil, and remove the boiled water from the
stove. Take a pinch of the premixed herbal tea, soak in the boiled
water and let it steep for 2 minutes. Afterward strain the tea, keep
the tea in a thermos, and drink this tea throughout the day sipping it

Juice Treatment

An excellent vegetable juice mixture that is good for everyone's
general good health.

This vegetable juice mixture is helpful for the following illnesses:
kidney problems, liver problems, acne, rosacea, arthritis, arthosis
(degenerative joint inflammation), coxarthritis (hip joint arthritis),
osteoporosis (bone decalcification), spondylarthrosis (arthrosis of
the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae) and general cleansing of the system.

Recommended vegetables are beets, carrots, celery, and black radishes.
Make these vegetables juices together in proportions of:

300 gm beet roots
100 gm carrot root
100 gm celery root
45 gm black radish or 100 gm red radish


Lemons are known to have healthy effects on the body. They are
constituted as follows: 30% juice, made up of 6-8% citric acid, malic
acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium citrate, 100% organic,
carbohydrates: glucose, mineral salts, calcium, iron, silicium,
phosphorus manganese, copper, vitamins: B, B1, B2, B3, A, C, PP, F.

Lemons play an important part in nutrition and mood. A lot of the
above mentioned ingredients are found in lemon rind. I strongly
suggest that you eat a piece of lemon rind every day, as it tones and

Lemons also have bactericidal and antiseptic properties



I know you say you don't NEED a diet. But I like Mary now. LOL

And your sites are to broad:

Good for surgery and psoriasis? LOL


You did say this to me previously:

I am delighted to hear that they do research on psoriasis and other
skin diseases.
However my opinion is that such diseases are a response of the skin
internal disorders. It is known that the maintenance of epithelial
tissue are responsible certain internal organs such as livers,
and organs suprarenale.
I managed to remove these deficiencies and medicinal plants with my
psoriasis has been resolved.

Making your mentors Cayce/pagano/leaky guts backed up
flowing via the hepatic portal vein to the liver? etc...

So Saffron and Mellow yellow, my Fellow. LOL


I suPPose I could spend the rest of easter sunday looking around to
find some one who spilled the beans regarding your formula,
but please believe me, when I say I'm not expecting any resurections
via your TEA. LOL

Though it is just after high noon on EASTER Sunday. <w> <G>

And i'm watching the masters golf tournament besides preparing
delicious FOODs.

Tiger woods is roaring back from his knee set back.

And besides,

Suffice it to say, my sweet whey works just fine, though
I may imbide your tea if it isn't that slippery elm and saffron stuff
you know who.
Of course, if you don't KNOW whO, you do NOW brown COW.
Cayce/Pagano push slippery elm and saffron:

Does you tea plug those leaky guts Giurgiu?

I know your not TELLING anything here. LOL

Just Selling your TEA bags. <g>

I do support those who wish to try.

Recently i've added trials for this next super suPPlement.

With resveratrol and other supplements I can eat nearly
anything and will for easter supper in less then a few hours. :)


You ever wonder why 98% of the population can eat anything
and NOT get psoriasis?

No leaky gut or backed up LIVER problems?

And will never need to sip your tea or take my sweet whey/resveratrol?

It's genetics and if that's what causal for YOUR liver to back up,
then what your saying is what i'm saying in many ways. LOL

Yet you act like you have the magic herb grown from some romanian
forest that unlocks the key to curing psoriasis.

Which we both KNOW isn't true.

Unless it's kallawalla (cotochupa) and thats from a jungle and not
romania. LOL

By your own words from the top link your formula isn't
bullet proof.

IOW's it's not a cure.


Why come to a **support** group and offer a product, that you sell
and won't TELL what's in it?


Your a good capitalist, and GOD bless you.

But the groups are for support and sharing, NOT selling.


Good luck and GO with GOD sPeed

To the web.... and sell your heart out.

An d GOOD luck.


Yet if you wish to send me some off list, I will try it. LOL

randall... get's in his free plug for the day


Apr 12, 2009, 11:14:45 PM4/12/09
Randy, you're the best.


Apr 13, 2009, 9:47:06 AM4/13/09
That is, Randy is the best. He has a lot of information. I have a
product that is best for psoriasis, without diet, without ointments or
other medications


Apr 14, 2009, 10:21:41 AM4/14/09

yeah, but he's still the best.

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